Technion excellence program Yair took advanced courses in Quantum Field Theory, Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics. Personalized academic study program designed to תכנית אמ"ת בפקולטה הינה תכנית המיועדת למצטיינים, בדגש מחקרי. Today (2012): After completing 3 years of research in stem cells and development at Prof. technion. Michael included advanced courses from different departments in his curriculum. il; Facebook Link; Get Direction; תכנית הטכניון למצוינים, כל הזכויות שמורות First degree in Information Systems Engineering at the Technion. She published a paper in the WI conference, took advanced courses and did Technion Excellence Program, Haifa, Israel. Sekem Calculator Technion Excellence Program, Haifa, Israel. Shay Gueron from the Faculty of Mathematics in the Haifa University, The new International Ph. The Technion Excellence Program offers its students a personalized academic study program designed to exploit their curiosity and creativity and enable them to focus intensively on Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”. Mechanical Engineering; Industrial Engineering and Management; Chemistry; Materials Science And Engineering; Computer Science; Mathematics; Architecture and Town Planning First degree in Information Systems Engineering at the Technion. The Technion offers this unique opportunity to enable students to become first Omer Eyal / Technion Excellence Program. Nitzan finished the degree first in his class. il; Undergraduate Studies Coordinator: 04-8295608; Home » Pi – Math Excellence Program. (2005) and Ph. The Technion offers this unique opportunity to enable students to become first ‘Rimonin’ is a student excellence program in the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering. § Freud Excellence Award for PhD students at the EE Department, Technion, 2015 § Texas Instruments The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a range of knowledge areas. About Myself: I was born in 2003 in Jerusalem. ” Did you carry out some research? “I am involved (still) in several researches of the faculty. il ; Graduate studies coordinator: Looking for an unforgettable summer research experience? The Technion – Israel Institute of Technology invites outstanding undergraduate students to apply for our Summer Research Program in Science and Engineering (July 1-31, 2025). Later, I Technion Excellence Program, Haifa, Israel. Personalized academic study program designed to I spent three months travelling in India and South East Asia before returning to start the Technion Excellence program, which i hope will expose me to multiple academic fields. When I was three years old, my family moved to Seattle, where we lived for five years. ) (with a Technion Excellence Program; Medical Science; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Computer Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Molecular Biochemistry; Chemical Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Biotechnology and Food Engineering; Data and Decision Sciences; Electrical Engineering; More from students. Recommendation to Program participants: “do not hesitate to learn things, even if they are not on the ‘suggested The Technion Excellence Program was established 19 years ago, thanks to the donation made by the Chais Family Foundation. Established in 2008, the LAPIDIM program introduces promising undergraduate CS students to the high-tech industry, providing them with deep knowledge, experience and practical tools designed to ‘jumpstart’ their careers. Sekem Calculator First degree in Electrical Engineering and Physics at the Technion. ad@technion. Under the supervision of Prof. Brakim – Advanced design; Reamim – Research and Development Technion International Ph. Oshri was also a member in a bio-physics research Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1993 – June 1997. Program graduates are superbly equipped and ready to assume dynamic positions in the post-academic world. The program prepares its participants for graduate studies as well as to key positions in industry. Sc ושני M. Included courses for higher degrees in his curriculum in addition to multi-disciplinary studies. The Technion offers this unique opportunity to enable students to become first The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to Technion International Ph. Mark Peterson from Mount Holyoke College, MA, USA. M. By Faculties. The Technion offers this unique opportunity to enable students to become first Orr won the Krill Prize (along with yet another graduate of the excellence program – Nathan Keller) in 2014. Personalized academic study program designed to The Technion Excellence Program offers its students a personalized academic study program designed to exploit their curiosity and creativity and enable them to focus intensively on different knowledge areas. Sc degrees in Computer Science at the Technion. (2002) and M. ‘Rimonin’ is a student excellence program in the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering. The only rule is that there areֶ no rules! Technion International Ph. He also did research on “ Modeling Turbulence ” under the direction of Prof. If possible, try to participate in a research project in your field of interest. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 1997 – 2000. Hobbies and other activities: I enjoy travelling, tennis, music, and reading. תלמידי התכנית פטורים מתשלום שכר לימוד, זכאים The Technion Excellence Program offers its students a personalized academic study program designed to exploit their curiosity and creativity and enable them to focus intensively on The Technion Excellence Program offers its participants a personalized academic study program designed to exploit their curiosity and creativity and enable them to focus intensively on The Technion encourages excellence and offers excellent, curious, and talented students the Technion Program for Excellence – a personalized academic study program designed to exploit its participants’ curiosity and creativity and enable Technion Excellence Program. He began research during that time with Prof. In 2021, I graduated from the Hebrew University Secondary School (Leyada), majoring in Physics, Chemistry, and History. The Program objective is to identify people with exceptional abilities and to introduce them to academic research fields in the Technion by building a personalized and flexible study program, designed to enable them to fully realize their academic potential. He finished his degree in 5 semesters. Tel: 04-829-5593; Email: פטורים מבחינות הסיווג לבעלי בגרות זרה ; Exemptions from placement tests; Type of Test: Physics Placement Test: Chemistry Placement Test This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. ) (with a The faculty’s prestigious honors program is designed for outstanding students in the three degree subjects offered at the faculty: Industrial Engineering and Management, Data Science and Engineering and Information Systems Engineering. Dan came to the Technion after a long service in the army. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 1995-1999. Orr was accepted into the program at the age of 17. He expanded the project he undertook during his undergraduate studies into a thesis for his MSc: “Multiround Coding and Coding-Reservation for Multislot Messages in Multichannel ALOHA with Deadlines”, under the Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2006 – April 2009. I graduated from Ort Oranit High School, majoring in Physics and Engineering Science, with a final project focused on machine learning. About Myself: I was born in 2002 in Rosh Ha’Ayin and grew up in Oranit. During her studies in the program Maria took advanced courses in mathematics. When did you start the program: Winter 2014. Sc. 073-3785599. He started his second degree while he was still doing his first degree, and today he is studying for his third degree in computer science. Technion Excellence Program | 520 followers on LinkedIn. Placement Tests. In the framework of the Program Mark took advanced courses in computer science as well as courses given by other Technion faculties. Contact us. MSc in Computer Science at the Technion. D Excellence Program; Academic supervisor of the program: Assoc. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: Winter 2011 – Winter 2017. Recommendation to Program participants: “I recommend to study as many courses in basic sciences as possible, beyond the demands of the program. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1995 – February 1997. Technion Excellence Program | 510 seguidores en LinkedIn. in Math and Computer Science. He graduated in Electrical Engineering with a number of credit points almost sufficient for a double Yuval Pardo / Technion Excellence Program. Our goal is to expand their knowledge and understanding of mathematics, while also inspiring a passion for research and further exploration of the field. Gain hands-on experience in state-of-the-art labs, work alongside leading faculty, and boost your academic career. מטרת התכנית היא לאפשר לסטודנטים/יות לממש את הפוטנציאל שלהם, על ידי הרחבת החשיפה לתחומים ההנדסיים והמדעיים הנלמדים בפקולטה Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1998 – July 2001. Sc, כולל עבודת מחקר (תזה) בפקולטה להנדסת מכונות. התוכנית כוללת הכשרה אקדמית וצבאית, אשר הותאמה במיוחד לעיסוק בנושא מחקר ופיתוח, שהם ליבת B. He started taking advance courses in the second semester of his studies. (2007) in Computer Sciences at the Technion. התוכנית מציעה מסלול ייחודי ומאתגר לתואר ראשון B. Her Masters Degree, “ Solubility of respiratory gases in aqueous solutions “, is under the supervision of Prof. After completing my MSc degree at the Computer Science Department at the Technion, I moved in 2006 to California to do a Ph. The only rule is that there areֶ no rules! PhD in Electrical-Engineering at the Technion, 2018. Their Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1997 – September 1999. Personalized academic study program designed to Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2006- July 2008. During my time there, I was an active participant in the school's Model BA and M. in Electrical Technion Excellence Program, Haifa, Israel. About myself: I was born in Kiryat Shmona in 1980. Alex included advanced courses from Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1994 – June 1997. Yael Yaniv: yaely@bm. During my time there, I was an active participant in the school’s Model This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. (2002) in Electrical Engineering at the Technion. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1998 - January 2002. Personalized academic study program designed to The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a range of knowledge areas. Technion Excellence Program | 498 seguidores en LinkedIn. The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a Technion International Ph. The expansion of this research was published as a scientific article in the professional . He did the research for his second degree under the direction of Our faculty acts as a center of excellence in applied and basic research, advancing knowledge in electrical and computer engineering throughout the world. Participants should enjoy the benefits offered by the Excellence Program, such as interesting lectures, help in getting into courses and especially fun things like the trips”. Yaniv included interdisciplinary studies in his curriculum and joined a team of doctoral students working with Prof. About the Program: “The multi-disciplinary Program is what assisted me to develop a wide perspective as well as my ability to understand and analyze The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a range of knowledge areas. During his last undergraduate year he started his second degree in physics. Markov Decision Processes with generalized discounting. The Elinor and Norman Belfer Fellows Program Excellence scholarship of the dual degree in Biomedical Engineering The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a range of knowledge areas. For his masters degree he did research on Statistical processing of natural languages. ) in three years and a master's degree (M. Participation in the program is contingent upon demonstrating academic excellence (at least 20 credits per semester with a cumulative average of at least 90). rishum@technion. Alumah took elaborated courses that interested her (courses that weren’t part of her curriculum). came to an end he took some advance courses and did a project in Geometry Manifolds under the supervision of Prof Alongside the scholarship programs, the program to make higher education accessible and innovative programs for youth at risk, the Foundation has also promoted academic excellence through support of innovative research, returning scientists and the establishment of research centers at universities and colleges. Brakim provides academic and military training especially adapted to research and development, Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 2001 – 2005. He did research on the following topics: 1. Personalized academic study program designed to Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2002 – February 2005. Dean’s Office/Faculty Secretariat: 04-8293068; bfe. This led to joining a research group at the end of the second semester of his First degree in Industrial Eengineering and Management at the Technion. During the course of her second degree she did research on “ Systems of Disjoint Representatives for Families of Hypergraphs “, under the guidance of Prof. D. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2001 – July 2002. The Technion offers this unique opportunity to enable students to become first The Technion Excellence Program offers its students a personalized academic study program designed to exploit their curiosity and creativity and enable them to focus intensively on different knowledge areas. Irina included advanced courses in her curriculum. A. dean. Technion Excellence Program | 499 followers on LinkedIn. Eran learned advanced courses from the curriculum for a higher degree. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 1994 – 1996. The personalized and unique study program, offered to each student, enables תכנית הטכניון למצוינים מיועדת לסטודנטים המסוגלים והמעוניינים ללמוד “אחרת”, על פי תכנית לימודים אישית וייחודית, המאפשרת העמקה והרחבה במגוון תחומי ידע. Moshe Sheintuch and Prof. il. Dror included numerous graduate courses in his undergraduate curriculum. The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a range of knowledge areas. The program offers a unique and challenging track for BSc and MSc degrees, including a thesis, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to Technion International Ph. Kira started her studies at the Technion at the age of 15, and has stayed ever since, other than her 3 years-service in the army as a programmer. Adi graduated her BSc in EE summa cum laude, and continued to the direct track to PhD, focusing on particle accelerators. In high school, in addition to majoring in physics, I chose to join a new and special major at my school, where I learned various skills across multiple disciplines. Fishman Shmuel from the Faculty of Physics. Technion Excellence Program | 498 follower su LinkedIn. How did you benefit from the academic benefits? “I enjoyed the freedom of choice, regardless the level of the courses, their subjects and even registration deadlines. Technion Excellence Program | 483 followers on LinkedIn. Prof. MBA at the Technion. Applications can only be submitted during one period each year—from the end of January through to the The LAPIDIM Excellence Program is an exclusive program for first-rate computer science students with the potential for leadership or entrepreneurial pursuits. Technion Excellence Program | 515 followers on LinkedIn. Scholarships. 452 likes · 1 talking about this · 2 were here. During her studies, Oshri took part in the project “Autonomous UAV Tracking – A Multy Unit System for Vision Based Control” which won the prize of outstanding project at the CRML lab. PhD Degree in Finance at Stanford University, USA (2003). He conducted a brief summer research project under the guidance of Prof. Nitzan won the first prize in the IMC (the international mathematical competition for students) three times. Tel: 04-829-5593; Email: excellen@technion. His research dealt with: “The The new GVAHIM (“Heights”) program offers studies in direct track for a master’s degree. Through a variety of enriching activities such as seminars, Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”. The program prepares its graduates as future leaders in academia [] The Technion encourages excellence and offers excellent, curious, and talented students the Technion Program for Excellence – a personalized academic study program designed to exploit its participants’ curiosity and creativity and enable The RTICC Rappaport Cancer Research Center is hosting a special event exclusively for the students of the Technion Excellence Program. Dmitry began studying for his second degree while still an undergraduate. - The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a range of knowledge areas. He began his research in the framework of the Program on: “The accuracy of semiclassical quantization“, under the direction of Prof. in Linguistics, Stanford University Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1995 – February 1998. Ph. The program The Faculty of Aerospace Engineering’s Silon program is an excellence program that offers the opportunity to obtain both BSc and MSc degrees (with a research thesis) in ten semesters. About Myself: I was born in 2002 in Herut, a small village in central Israel. Excellence Program at The Andrew and Erna Viterbi Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The Henry and Marilyn Taub Faculty of Computer Science and the Faculty of Data and Decision Sciences. Program Overview: Our program is designed to provide exceptional students with an unparalleled mathematics education. The program was established for outstanding undergraduate students who wish to be integrated into research and undergraduate studies. Roy took advanced and graduate courses without the need for the perquisite courses in several areas including stochastic processes and theoretical computer science. Personalized academic study program designed to exploit The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, which enables them to deepen and broaden their knowledge in a Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 2004 – 2008. Eli Aljadeff from the Mathematics faculty. Every year the program’s academic The program’s meticulous and uncompromising selection process aims to pick the most suitable students; ones who demonstrate high intelligence, profound learning abilities and outstanding interpersonal skills (leadership, communication and more). Adam Shwartz, as part of the course “Honors Personal Subject”. Students will have the opportunity to hear first hand The faculty’s prestigious honors program is designed for outstanding students in the three degree subjects offered at the faculty: Industrial Engineering and Management, Data Science and Engineering and Information Systems Engineering. In addition to advanced courses his curriculum included courses given by different faculties. My technical blog. The personalized and unique study program, offered to each student, enables them to deepen and broaden their competence in a range of knowledge areas. Ron Aharoni from the Mathematics Faculty. Technion Excellence Program | 508 Follower:innen auf LinkedIn. Shira Salton / Technion Excellence Program. He always loved math and computers so he did his B. Technion International Ph. During high school, I participated in the “Young Shelakh Instructors” program and later served as a guide in the Technion Excellence Program Admission For more info . He also published an article at combinatorica. It aims to B. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2011 – June 2013. Thomas Schultheiss’s research lab, Brit has Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1995 – June 1997. The program targets the next generation of outstanding leaders who will take up key positions in the hi-tech industry. The Technion Excellence Program candidates must be capable of and have a keen interest in learning “differently”, following a personalized and unique study program, Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1994 – February 1998. Erez expanded his curriculum to include courses from other faculties and higher degrees. Sc courses in his curriculum. As his B. Since the Technion’s language of instruction is Hebrew (except for courses given under the auspices of Technion International), applications can only be submitted in Hebrew. Estimated Sekem Threshold. Continuing education in the program by students who do not meet these requirements will be discussed by the Undergraduate Studies Committee, which may decide to terminate a student’s enrollment in the program. See here facts, figures, and how others rank us. il . Omer Eyal / Technion Excellence Program. Since childhood, I have been curious about a wide range of topics, both humane and scientific. The program targets the Applications to the Excellence Program can only be submitted through the Program website. Our activities constitute an important facet of the technological and scientific infrastructure of Israel. Amir completed both his first and second degrees during the four year period of studies in the program. Are you interested in learning the profession of the future? Address: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa Dean's Office: +972-73-378-2079; me. The only rule is that there areֶ no rules! Our faculty acts as a center of excellence in applied and basic research, advancing knowledge in electrical and computer engineering throughout the world. The The faculty’s prestigious honors program is designed for outstanding students in the three degree subjects offered at the faculty: Industrial Engineering and Management, Data Science and The LAPIDIM Excellence Program is an exclusive program for first-rate computer science students with the potential for leadership or entrepreneurial pursuits. The Program offers students professional tools and broad opportunities to advance and develop their personal תוכנית ברקים הינה מסלול למצטיינים במסגרת העתודה האקדמית במקצוע הנדסת מכונות. il; Undergraduate Studies Coordinator: 04-8295608; The Lavie Excellence Program The goal of the Lavie Excellence Program is to encourage excellence, creativity, curiosity and independent thinking, and providing its participants a basic approach to research. The LAPIDIM selection process includes: Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 1998 – July 2002. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 1995 – 1998. Dov Dori from the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management. During the five-year program the students will complete a bachelor's degree (B. This event will provide an in-depth look at the cutting-edge research conducted at the center, highlighting its groundbreaking work in cancer diagnostics, treatment, and prevention. Yachin Cohen from the faculty of Chemical Engineering at the Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2007- 2012. “The Chais Family Foundation supported the Technion Brakim is a track in mechanical engineering for students in the military academic reserve program (Atuda) who have demonstrated excellence. She started her reserach towards Msc during her graduate school studies. 454 likes · 2 were here. ac. Technion Excellence Program | 495 followers on LinkedIn. Pre-University Technion International Youth Programs (Hebrew) School of Continuing Studies Student Exchange Program Excellence The Technion is Israel's leading academic institution for science and engineering studies. 447 likes · 2 were here. Contact Us *3508. Alon Granek. Technion Excellence Program. il; Facebook Link; Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: October 2003 – October 2006. MSc degree in Economics at Stanford University, USA (2000). (2005) in Electrical Engineering at the Technion. Yael combined advanced courses with multi-disciplinary studies (IEM, OR, Econ). ” Technion Excellence Program; Medical Science; Civil and Environmental Engineering; Computer Engineering; Biomedical Engineering; Molecular Biochemistry; Chemical Engineering; Aerospace Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering; דוא"ל: excellen@technion. The only rule is that there areֶ no rules! Technion Excellence Program First degree in Mathematics with Computer Science at the Technion. Adim Zaid. Excellence Program is designed to attract the best and the brightest candidates with research experience to study and research at the Technion. 452 likes · 2 were here. Excellence Program; תכנית המצוינות International Ph. Today (2012): Director of algorithms at Sarin Technologies. The Silon program was built in cooperation with the Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: Winter 2014 – 2016. Brakim – Advanced design; Reamim – Research and Development; Share with friends. Department of Biotechnology and Food Engineering Technion – Israel Institute of Technology Haifa, 3200003 Map and directions. Ofek took advanced M. Participated in the Technion Excellence Program: 1998 – 2002. Our graduates testify that they have acquired essential tools for excellence, Technion International Ph. In 2001, shortly after my army service, I started to study at the Technion and joined the program. The fellows of the program will have the opportunity to conduct research under the supervision of renowned researchers.
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