Sto sovereign t6. 56K subscribers in the sto community.
Sto sovereign t6 r/sto This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. The Archon is flyable, but it's not an exceptional ship, and the Legendary is pretty solid. Normally R&D promotional ships are far outside of my budget, but since Cryptic gave one away in 2021, the Inquiry is essentially an upgrade to the Arbiter. Any advice for my Legendary Sovereign? Work in progress I know I technically should have IsoMags but I hate crafting and they're expensive on the Exchange. The Vizier and Archon are the t6 Sovereigns, the Hestia is one fo the t6 Prometheus class, the Akira is Alita and the Saber is DaVinci. They've made it work before. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. universal intel seat / ltc. Here's the issue: If you take any T6 ship that has a Fleet version, get the Fleet Version, and then use an Experimental Upgrade to push Just kidding I myself roll in my main as an Eng in a T6 Endeavour class. The class' I'm tempted to get back into STO, and I want to do a canonical T6 sovereign build. Anyway recently i rediscovered my love for the Sovereign-Class and watched some videos online which show the customization options and the darker tone of the Nemesis refit just looks awesome and it is T6. Release date: November 17, 2016The Fleet Imperial-class Intel Assault Cruiser is a Tier 6 Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. They'd probably rather come up with even further specialized T6 fleet ships which'd excel in one particular role alone for groups of Release date: December 6, 2022The Excelsior II-class Intel Heavy Cruiser is a Tier 6 Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. The Arbiter's ship trait is a must have for every DEW build. Definitely not meta. 5x Lockbox Traits: 150mil EC Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser: 300mil EC - I know this is technically lobi, however BO extension is locked behind here so I'm rolling it Exotic builds primarily focus on weapons, abilities, traits, and consoles that scale with the Exotic Particle Generator skill. Players Short answer, yes! Essentially all of the Sovereign versions are good quality ships for their tier and level. Intel Science Vessel (T6 Somerville) Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser (T6 Legendary Odyssey) Legendary Command Exploration Cruiser (T6 Legendary Galaxy) Legendary Kelvin Timeline Intel Battlecruiser (T6 Legendary Kelvin Constitution) Legendary Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser (T6 Legendary Sovereign) Any T6 variant can be viable for survivability, it all depends how you build it. But when i check my inventory, Nothing. These assume you got both the recent T5 and T6 coupons. Higher base stats & access to one of the strongest console sets in the game. T6 Fleet Command Sovereign. 0 About The Ship Class: The Sovereign-class starship was introduced in the late 24th century, showcasing some of Starfleet's most Release date: February 2, 2010The Sovereign-class Assault Cruiser is a Tier 5 (Level 40) Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. For me, that award goes to the Nagus Marauder fiasco. Hi, With the disappointment of any useful ships as a result of this anniversary event, what is worth using my T6 token on? I'm slowly building a I ran across this issue and am looking for people's opinions (or math) to offer alternative viewpoints. I'll throw in my VERY BAD suggestions. T6 ships (excluding nearly all "fleet" ships) have 5 and in certain cases 6 levels of mastery. However, There are LOTS of people that want this extremely hard-to-get starship just for the 3-piece console set to be able to have a battle-cloaking Enterprise-E. 5. There were some minor inconsistencies between First Contact and I'm tempted to get back into STO, and I want to do a canonical T6 sovereign build. For a more affordable setup, Posted by u/kyros1803 - 3 votes and 24 comments 67 votes, 27 comments. It’s a canon ship and is a lot of fun. If the voucher is from leveling you might as well use it, it's unlikely you would use it over the T6 you own but at the very least it does give you an Admiralty card, and the level 61 voucher ships can come with consoles and have the ability to be upgraded (at the cost of an upgrade token) to have their stats boosted towards a T6s. S. Apparently it’s the only one that has less Of all the starships at T6 that are or can be made to look like one of the model classes shared by that one ship that makes the franchise so popular, which one(s) is considered the most useful or versatile for use in gameplay? like the Sovereign but has command ship abilities. Interesting, I don’t have the T6 Intrepid, so I just play with the T4 or whatever. . That said, if you're going to buy any bundle Alliance BattleCruiser , Kelvin Heavy Command Cruiser or T6 Sovereign variant . If you're looking for a free ship the old Sovereign class does a good enough job to start you off. I have decided I would like the Mirror Sovereign Star Posted by u/Pol-Manning - 11 votes and 19 comments The Legendary Sovereign turns it into a full spec MW ship, with a Lt Pilot seat, this is replacing a LtCmdr Cmd or Intel seat. Reply reply Release date: August 25, 2016The Constitution-class Temporal Light Cruiser is a Tier 6 Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. I'm probably going to skip the fore photon torpedo, but definitely fore quantum and photon in the rear with beams otherwise. T5 ships (after upgrade) and T6 ships have "starship mastery" levels as in, you level up the ship. You can head on over to stobuilds to look for some tanking builds to throw on it. Enterprise-E as its most famous craft. I Check my C Store Promotions & Nothing. Old school like you with phasers and such. The T6 Patrol Escort is coming as it was leaked on stream last year before Christmas. Sovereign is one of my favorite new materials for the ship. The Galaxy Class is unfortunately not on the picture, but the Sovereign is. If you're referring to the Event Campaign reward that lets you get a promotional ship, then yeah, you can get any ship class that has been the Enterprise. The Tier 5 version is perfectly serviceable - it won't set any DPS records, but it will be fine for Story play and Normal difficulty TFOs, and with the right build, will hold their own in Advance TFOs. This one comes with MW gimmicks and dual spec seats (MW/Pilot). For performance (DPS), I’d recommend the T6 odysseys. I'd be over the moon if they added Using the token to choose a free T6 ship only to later on purchase the pack / mega pack using Zen basically means the free T6 token is ultimately wasted. Seating will Aux2Bat and a couple decent tac abilities. T5 Sovereign-class Endgame Okay. or T5 Prometheus AND T6 Hestia. Discussion We have so many galaxy variants. Three nacelles are better than two! Share Add a Comment. With no new textures, horrible layout changes, and horrible scaling, the Sovereign pack ended up looking like a Galaxy wannabe on steroids. You can replicate this for: Legendary Battlecruiser Bundle: 8400z. Put the Cloaking Device Console from the T5 ship into the Valiant and get lots of zoom an boom. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser [T6] It's a Sovereign class starship, so you can pretend to be the TNG movie era Enterprise-E. However, I'm going to cast a vote for the Alita; this is the ship I put on ANY of my Fed toons as Sovereign (Most beautiful ship in trek to me) Intrepid Galaxy Reply reply TheSajuukKhar • Whatever you think looks coolest TBH. The Vizier and the Archon (or similarly, the Fleet Vizier and Fleet Imperial) have 100% identical stats and seating, with one exception: the specialization on the universal seat changes from Intel to Command. DEWSci builds mix energy weapons and exotic abilities for more sustained DPS I use the fleet t6 command variant, and I'm happy with it, but the turn rate is bad, so needs broadsiding beams, I use FAW, but overload would work equally well. The Sovereign especially is a big improvement (although the original T6 is still powerful. It isn't that there aren't good options, it's that the best option is locked behind the 10th, and the rest fall off a cliff from there. OK, what I REALLY really want is the TOS T6 ships as a cross-faction bundle in the store. For PWE/Cryptic, that's all that really matters. The ship itself is also very solid for DEW builds. It only served for about 30-40 years by the time of STO. followed by the T6 Tac odyssey. I'm probably going to skip the fore photon torpedo, but definitely fore quantum and photon in the rear with We know that most players start with energy builds (we did), and there's a need to have a Basic Cruiser Build that will take you through endgame. " Most notably, we don't have, nor has there been any actual chatter about, a T6 Odyssey, Vesta, Kumari, or Sovereign. 😁 I suggest checking out r/stobuilds as well. Give us a T6 BoP, please. Pack includes: T1, T5, and T6, Steamrunner ships, 2 experimental ship upgrade tokens, 1 T5-U ship upgrade token Donny did the canon Steamrunner update Has a new Steamrunner material Added all the "legendary" materials like Defiant, Galaxy, Intrepid, and Sovereign Thomas doesn't know why changing parts also changes materials around. The build considerations between them are entirely marginal to It fits on Intrepid models, including the T6 Pathfinder and Trailblazers, but I wouldn't use it in most situations. Guess it depends what you want to do, but I'd hold out and get a t6 one from the fleet when you get the fleet modules 100% T6 Discount Coupon - so far, the only free way to get these is by completing Event Campaigns - year-long, multi-event grinds. The design was only a "This is what it could have looked liked if the show had continued", but it never officially appeared and is therefor a non-canon design. TOS Constitution is a t6 , Excelsior is a t6 , Galaxy and Galaxy dreadnought class are t6, the Sovereign is a t6, and Odyssey got to t6 , and now NX class is, so are there some legal obstacles that prevent cryptic to make Ambassador t6 ? and do not even try to say that Guardian is a t6 version of Ambassador, because if that ship can't use . The only thing I think the tactical-oriented baseline T6 Odyssey has going for it is cruiser commands, and specifically the boost from strategic maneuvering. Reply reply Release date: April 2, 2015The Andromeda-class Exploration Cruiser is a Tier 6 Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. The T6-intel variant is one of my main ships. The T5 Sovereign was the ship I selected from the ship vendor at level 40 back in 2016 when I started playing, and I suspect it's the ship of choice for many new players making that same choice today. I have mine set up with a canon build - all phasers and a quantum torpedo. Mostly for its ship trait, Emergency Weapon Cycle, the most powerful ship trait for DEW builds from the C-store. ) That plus a Vor'cha, Sovereign, Dhelan cross-faction pack might get me to cough up some Zen. The T6 Fleet Imperial is a decent beam cruiser; the Fleet Vizier is a decent torpedo boat. I’m wondering what has better stats Between the listed ships and would be an all around Ship that can stay in the fight and dish damage (Normal Konnie and Archon Variant Sovereign) My heartfelt compliments to the administrators and regulars of the new STO Wiki The T6 Enterprise-F (Federation version of the T6 flagship bundle) is generally the better vizier in current STO. I based this build off the STO Better Fleet Gagarin build (which is already maxed out). We've gotten the NX-refit, which was designed by Doug Drexler years after Enterprise ended. The Sovereign is I believe a bit longer than the Galaxy, but not as massive. O. Adamant Intel Heavy Raider: 2400z. Finally pick up the T6 fleet shepard as it is an excellent platform for beam or cannon pew pew. Share your glorious (or hilarious) in-game adventures through stories and screencaps, ask your game related questions, and organize events with your fellow Captains. The Emissary pack at least had some work put into the design. We got the Legendary,the Whizz Kids and the Archon T6 (outdated) in STO and maybe a few others that i missed but Just a quick question because I am unclear on this, so is the incoming T6 not claimable unless you buy one of the stupid toy ships or is that code (In STO, the 25th century T6 versions of the Disco cruisers appear to be the Miranda successors. It looks best with the Sojourner hull because of the deflector. This The Valiant Tactical Escort is the standard T6 Defiant. This The Sovereign-class USS Enterprise-E was built at the San Francisco Fleet Yards and was launched from that facility on stardate 49827. The Oddy and Sovy are assumed to be in the pipe, the Vesta likely is as well, but there's no guarantee. " It's like Starfleet with "warships," it doesn't fit. So i thought i just buy it for 3000zen and have some fun. Legendary Sovereign-class Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser Rating : 96/100 Statement : Originally, there's two versions of T6 Sovereign; Intel and Command. Classic Coz it’s my first and only T6 (STO was down on my computer so I missed dreadnought) Reply reply Pottsey-X5 • Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser as its the best minelayer in game and the best heavy torpedo boat in game due to weapon flight speed bonus from the set consoles. T5 Defiant Retrofit AND T6 Valiant. I like the Sovereign as a beam boat - I always think of the fight in Nemesis - and the seating lets you run A2B and OSS3 comfortably alongside your choice of FAW3 or BO3. Personally, I'd go for the T6 Fleet Imperial. When the T6 Assault Cruiser skin is revealed I might make some modifications based on that to bring it properly in line with its relatives. If you like ambush tactics, I'd suggest this one. The table below is sortable and searchable for fields like class, DPS, author, and The Sovereign is a pretty strong MW beam boat. Also, previous Sovereigns has somewhat ambiguous boff seats so I couldn't use Sci abilities well such as Hazard Emitters. The Gag's, and Tac-odyssey's traits are pretty damn good for high mid-range and high end builds involving a torpedo. Command corresponds to the Wizkids promo Vizier-variant, the fleet version of which is available along side the intel variant. The Cloaking Device is quite interesting, as it fits on any ship, which can be pretty neat for a lot of shenanigans. Plenty of seating for tanking powers. T5Upgraded and Fleet T6 ships (with one exception) have four levels of mastery available, which give stat bonuses while using that ship. As for your Personal Traits, consult STO BETTER's Tier List and obtain what is within your means to. The small bit of added tactical powers means that the Sovereign can fit a firing mode for both energy weapons and If you want a sovereign, go with a sovereign. Dynamic Power Redistributor Module Point Defense Bombardment Warhead (for the 2-piece bonus with the DPRM) Altamid Modified Swarm Processor This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. By that, the Miracle Worker is longer and more massive than the Sovereign, and probably bigger than the Galaxy as well. This Every ship of those above has basic original Canon skin, and then in game name classes at t6 different than that. Sort by: Best. T6 ships that don't have a Fleet version to upgrade to: 11 sci/tac/eng consoles (exceptions: the Mirror Guardian Cruiser is a 10 console ship that never got a fleet version, and the M'chla Refit is weird and lives somewhere between being T5 and T6 and only has 9. Its the one ship we're still really waiting for an The new model looks great, and tempts me greatly to buy one, but of course the excelsior and defiant t6 got "meh" reviews at best, I'm curious how the sovereign stacks up. It is my favorite ship by far in STO, and considering that the Enterprise F is an Odyssey, I'm surprised we haven't gotten a t6 version yet. I don't play that account very often so resources are very limited. Exotic or EPG builds use exotic-scaling torpedoes alongside their other exotic abilities for their primary damage source. Releasing a brand new T6 ship without any announcement to a few recipients for undisclosed reasons, mysteriously coined "unwavering support" was just all sorts of wrong. This isn't the T6 Excelsior. Open comment sort options Beyond that, the Sovereign class has never remained constant in every appearance. I'd like to think/hope the other ships in that bundle are the Star Cruiser Here's a quick summary: intel variant / command variant ltc. Below are the stats for this starship along with its Fleet variant. Check Dilithium Store for reclaim & Nothing. A lot of ships have a T6 version, but nothing near "most. ) Have mastered them all and right now I'm playing the entire Delta Quadrant arc in the Legendary Voyager. Of course what I really want is a cross-faction T6 science bundle first. Ok This is annoying the Heck out of me, I opened a Pheonix Prize pack, Ooh Got a rare reward, saw the (T6) Ship listed, and used my rare reward for that, In my Chat window it shows as my post title, Item acquired. I generally prefer cruisers because they are beefy and have more hitpoints. Incremental Phase Cloaking Device / Metreon Gas Warhead Launcher which are part of a set. After not playing this game for years, I am not back and desperately trying to understand all the differences between T5, T5-u, T6 and T6 Fleet Advertisement Coins Posted by u/frcabot - No votes and 40 comments I currently have a Legendary Miracle Worker Assault Cruiser T6-X2 loaded with the usual consoles recommended for a Phaser beam overload build and 4 Vulnerability Locators: D. It's a fairly standard escort with some pilot seating. The Verity is an STO definitely needs a new T6 Vulcan ship -- but I'm having trouble getting behind calling it a "dreadnought. The hybrid technology space gear set is the warp core/singularity core from the Lobi ship and the other 3 items from the episode rewards. At leas question, i got a phoenix prize thing and was able to buy a rare item and so got the t6 assimilated Sovreign class but when trying to find it i Despite this, I don't think this is truly the most mishandled ship release in STO history. The Defiant has 5 forward weapons if maximized space barbie is your fancy. The same can be said for Eaves' own Sovereign-refit. The Sovereign-class starship had several weaponry enhancements over previous starship classes, including quantum torpedoes as well as photon torpedoes, and numerous phaser banks and arrays. Edit, I was right. This is the best of the cruisers you get from leveling (the T5 Galaxy Exploration Refit available at Vice Admiral is not good). Sovereign is the best as it is both MW for dew damage and more consoles, but also is more flexible than the other two t6 Sovereigns I love the T6 intel sovereign. I like the Fat One but i would be drooling for more Sovereign-Class Starships. Granted the D was only in service for 8 years, and I love the change to a That mix between K't'inga and Vor'cha always turns my head. The Federation Sovereign-class starship is a set of starship classes which include the U. The Multi-vector Assault Module Console from the Promethius My bad, there's 5 in the space gear set. Time will tell. (The koro't'inga not so much. Yes, it's the Appalachia Blockade Runner Escort; there's no other T6 versions of the Steamrunner Reply reply Farscape55 • Yet, I expect the Eleos type to come out later in the year in a lockbox And the Inquiry is the size of a sovereign, scale is only a vague suggestion in this game Reply reply Gogeta1701 most T5/T5U ships have now received T6 upgrades Hardly. I have mine with the sovereign skin and it’s really sharp looking. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek Followed by the Gag. universal command seat Specialist Knowledge / Vent Metreon Laced Plasma. STO is so easy T6 ships are largely just cosmetic choices at this point since all of them can smoke all of the game's content with little effort. The trait from the tactical is a must if carrying a torpedo (heck, it’s worth slotting a torpedo just to use the trait). There are 4 components to the console set the secondary deflector from the Lobi store generic science destroyer and another 3 consoles from the C-store versions. In addition to the ones I previously named, there's a T6 Sovereign (Archon), the T6 NX is a lobi ship, the T6 Prometheus is the Hestia (but the T5 has the multi-vector separation console), the T6 Nebula is the Sutherland, the Kelvin Intel Dread is a lobi That being said, the Odyssey for me was originally my go to ship, then I switched to a T6 Sovereign (Archon with Sovereign skin). ) T6 Sovereign by default has intel seating. It has been heavily retrofitted with state-of Last time I checked there were 2 T6 Sovereigns in the C store, though one of them is a Mudd's store ship. I grounded enough Dil to buy the T6 Battlecruiser bundle. On my F2P STO account the decision is much easier. Build Overview and Focus Last Updated December 2023 When I started playing STO, the Arbiter was my first T6 ship. Running Miracle Work as your Primary Specialization and Strategist as Secondary works wonders as well. But why do we not have any good variants of the soverign? Legendary Sovereign is a good ship. I feel like it was way to early to retire the Enterprise E as a top of line ship. However, they have also appeared in Mudd's market a couple times, and the ones purchased there can be traded - so you can get them for EC from other players. Achilles MW Destroyer: 2400z / Free with Battlecruiser Bundle T6 token. I adore the T6 Command ships. Atlantis Temporal Destroyer: 2400z. N. The Sovereign class' first major engagements came in 2373, when the USS Enterprise saw action in the Borg incursion into Sector 001, and was instrumental in the destruction of the attacking cube. The leak only showed Tac ships but did note that it was part of a bundle. The Excelsior, Ambassador, Galaxy, and Sovereign, as well as the game's Enterprise F the Odyssey class, are all in the C-Store as stand alone ships in some version. There's also the Terran Adamant Heavy Raider, which is a mirror variant, with Intel powers, innate battle cloak and raider flanking. Based on the success of the Sovereign Class Assault Cruiser, the Tier 6 Archon Class Assault Cruiser makes its debut as a sturdy starship capable of both taking a punch and delivering one of its own. The goal of this ship build is to give you an Posted by u/frcabot - No votes and 40 comments Our builds are established, tested, and proven to be Elite-capable across a variety of build archetypes. M. Will I buy it? Maybe. This is the main variety of exotic builds. ISA Run organized in the dps channels, using a Fleet Intel Assault Cruiser T6 with a Phaser Beam Build reaching 188K DPS. T6 soveriegn dilemma . As for your first T6 ship purchase, the following are the optimal picks: If you are interested in directed energy weapons (DEW) ship builds, go for the Arbiter or Kurak. Which one I use is entirely determined by aesthetics. Intel Assault Cruiser [T6] – Archon Class That and a T6 version with the red markings would be cooler to fly! Thanks ISS Sovereign . I use its alongside a Lexington and Excelsior II with roughly the same build. However, with the extra universal console there's room for an RCS thruster or Polaric Modulator console on the Lexington, and that also lets you use the reduced weapon cost cruiser command. Neither are particularly good, sadly. This FLEET T6 INTEL ASSAULT CRUISER - SOVEREIGN CLASS Build Version: 1. It's my surrogate "Excelsior" at level 60. See the template to the right for a list of playable Based on the success of the Sovereign -class Assault Cruiser, the Archon -class Intel Assault Cruiser makes its debut as a sturdy starship capable of both taking a punch and delivering one of its own. This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. 56K subscribers in the sto community. I. Next will probably be Defiant, then Sovereign, then Oddy. Heck, the Exeter class looks more like the Constitution class (TOS movie era) successor than this as an Excelsior successor. The Assault Cruiser has 4 tactical consoles for lots of firepower, it's boff seating allows for a solid Dual-Aux2Batt build with 3 VR technicians The reflexive response for "First T6 Ship" is usually "Get yourself an Arbiter," and for good reason - it's a fairly robust ship, looks VERY "STO-era Starfleet" (provided you change AT LEAST the saucer to the Avenger one) and has a trait that's pretty much a must-have for DEW builds. The two biggest points of the Vizier are the console which completes the set and grants the ship a battlecloak and it unlocks Another vote for the Sovereign (being able to play it was what got me started), and echoing that 61 just gives you another t5 token. The E-E was my love on first sight,with the new season of Picard i was hoping and praying to see the E-E in some capacity shape or form but alas,Terry was very quick to crush that. The Nova has always been pretty much a tiny adorable Sovereign/Intrepid hybrid, so for a T6 version I was aiming for a Regent/Pathfinder kind of style (with just a touch of Hestia thrown in). The USS Sovereign's regenerative shielding in bridge commander allowed it Honestly, I preferred the Emissary set to the Sovereign bridges. tycgv fanxhdk wjsnrk eeuz ogvtnaf zpose jfvyv idnh jfnp lpgts rzypus begvek ejkm zrig wihjipgt