Starsector more skill points. Which gives no bonus or debuff.
Starsector more skill points Also, going more than 6 wings on a ship will crash the game. Overall a 5/10 skill however, not all ships need this range. just edit pt or sp to the amount you want, no need to ever add over 15 pt since thats the maximum The 'Respec' command gives you way more skill points than you should have. : if you got 100 bonus xp, next time you'd get 50xp you'll get 100xp instead, leaving you with 50 bonus xp) A lot of players will rush the skill thinking that free d-mod removal is a no-brainer, but the skill's main selling point is something that can replicated with money instead of skill points. having my xiv onslaught have double the crew cost and technically move 15% slower in combat, which is entirely negated by combat skills and full If not, take the other 2 skills. I think your math is a little off here. In fact, I even double down on the idea of all tac lasers by using the hullmod that decreases range but has beams do hard-flux damage to shields, ion beams, and side-mounted Sabots. They are unlocked by spending Skill Points, which are earned upon leveling up, up to a maximum of 15 for the player and from 5 to 7 for officers. Combat Skills also give fleet-wide buffs at level 3 advantage if the player does not invest in Combat. You should be capped at no fewer than 40% of the points and a max of 60%. Increasjng the ship number limit doesn't change this, it's a different number. some d-mods are even objectively better end-game I'd argue. There's also a thing where some skills benefit early game more, and then fall off later. Page content is under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4. skips with d-mods are cheaper on an upkeep basis, cost less points to deploy and overall kick ass. After max level, it costs twice this, or 10m experience, to get 4 story points, likely spaced at 1 per 2. Availability Notes. Starsector\starsector-core\data\config\settings. Raises max player level to 20, 25, 30, or 40, while maintaining a vanilla-like levelling rate and Story Point gain, even at level cap. 95 with additions from the latest features. Category. Also, if there are 3 tiers per level, then either you get way more skills or there are less tiers and things just don't line up as nicely as far as the number of points/number of skills/max level/etc. 1 but more than the normal share of new features and sweeping changes have found their way into this one, as well! Skill system changed for more flexible builds with more Hardened Shields are theoretically nice, but require 10 points of one of least useful tech skills. The number available is shown on the Character Screen along with skills and Credits and distribution permission. Ships do contribute a bit towards the DP ratio but it is nothing compared to how much the officers give. System expertise For that same reason I want the skill that gives higher range. Point Defense skill being higher than this is mind boggling. The ignore flare behaviour is ship-wide, potentially including things like Devastator Cannon or Paladin PD System; The target leading bonus appears to also be ship wide Wispborne: for the starsector intellij mod template and the github action script. 91 and 0. combat skills, that only affect a single ship. Officer Management: +2 command points. This is what people mean when they say that spending a story point is "free" if it gives 100% bonus exp. Slap some tach lances and some missles on and that bad boy can demolish fleets on its own. that would just lead into the win harder problem, or make those skills even more required to actually personally pilot. That's enough for two story points, so you once again have one more story point than you started with. Also adds new "Extra" altitude with extra skills in in, Improved Hull and Armor, slightly buffs hull and armor, and buffs more when upgraded to Elite, Beam Weaponry Tuning, makes beam on piloted ship deal Hard Flux damage on shields, OP, and makes High Scatter Amp unneeded, (I tried to make it deal hard Flux partially, like 30% of damage went as Hard Starsector > General Discussion > Increasing deployment points? « on: January 19, 2014, 12:07:54 PM » I'd love to field a couple more ships to support my battlecruisers - is there anyway of increasing the number of deployment points we can have? Logged Alex. Had to go test, and apparently the issues with sub-tenth-of-a-second beam durations got fixed at some point. You'll earn the story point back later. Nothing is "mandatory" in Starsector, Point defense is an excellent skill for almost all builds (only skill that buffs fighters currently). I never said buff combat skills. 40 skills are available Skills that affect command points: Coordinated Maneuvers: +50% to command point recovery from deployed frigates, +25% from destroyers. Give it EVEN MORE range to destroy your opponents. Build up your own fleet and guide it through the campaign, taking control of your flagship during the combat. There are 4 skill paths, with 10 skills per path, 40 skills total. Skill Changes, Part The other skills were more just “numbers go up” kinds of skills. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Which gives no bonus or debuff. This new release should be save-compatible. At max level (15), the player will also Leadership / fleet logistics: If there's an S+ tier skill, it's this one. Is there a recommended beginner skill build for latest patch? Which of the two blue skills is generally Stand alone together. However: total DPs in a fight are capped at 300 (I think), and then it breaks down to who of the combatants has proportionally more DP in their fleet (so they get more and the other a bit less). Alternate "Fast" version does the same, but There is a slider in game that lets you increase the total battle size, up to 500. Endorsements. Administrator; Alpha core can take the engineering skill for +15 CR, along with the green skill (forget its name) you can comfortably sit at 50-60% CR on a radiant. The player gains story points with XP, with four points gained over the course of reaching the next level. Missile Specialization is a solid buff. 0. 35s would do exactly as much damage as a beam with a duration of 0. A thorough overhaul of every skill, based on hundreds of hours of gameplay in 0. Starsector It takes a total of 10 skill points to complete a single skill tree. The player gains story points with experience (XP), with 4 points gained over the course of reaching the next level. If you can at all pilot - as in manage to raise a shield and point at the enemy, with all weapons except missiles on autofire - then take a good number of combat skills. starsector community : for many resources in regard to modding and spriting. It does work. Story points are a player-exclusive quasi-resource used for various purposes in the game. That would involve having 2 skill trees. I know the mod description mentions only "fighter bay and DP-related thresholds", so is it possible that you could give a hint on where in the files one would edit It was mentioned that using skill points for situational reasons will basically refund them-selves by granting you bonus experience so you level up faster and are award with more points, thereby turning one point into 4 more. Gunnery Implants - again, must have for a Paragon. Pair it with a couple of apogees and you've got a exploration fleet that can safely comb the edges of the sector for loot and always see the enemy before they see you. The current skill system in Starsector was added quite a while ago. . Logged SonnaBanana. Lastly, if you just want a flexible build, pretty much always take the left option (though don't expect that to be quite as strong as more specialized builds) Increase the point of limit of the automated ships skill so that you can field more ships without a CR penalty The only workaround I found was reducing the supply/ deployment point value of the redacted ships, Open Deployment points are best influenced with more officers and capture points. Example: Paragon with AIFS provides 30 extra Automated Ship Points when deployed. Starsector has a variety of playstyles that suit different people in different ways and Starsector's skill tree affects those styles greatly. Or maybe 2. All that said it's still Specifically I want to increase the points of automated ships in my fleet To be more precise +100% combat readiness (maximum: 100%): offsets built-in 100% penalty Maximum at 120 or less total automated ship points I want to increase the 120 part so I can field more automated ships before reaching the CR penalty This mod increases number of skills from 4 to 25, so you can select any of available officer More Officer Skills Utilities; More Officer Skills Utilities. If I had 3 more points, I would max it out. If you want to play a carrier, take the strike commander (1st tier combat) skill. Get the 2 officer skills on the second tree, recruit all officers you can, and during battle send fast ships to take a couple capture points. This allows Then, the side with more/higher level officers gets a deployment bonus up to 60% of that total. One or two of the quests that give a story point for a reward should give a skill point instead. This skill Starsector > General Discussion Your officers start off at level 1 with 2 skills points and gain an extra skill point at each level-up, which (to me at least) is very annoying. Skills also unlock hull modifications, with higher skill levels unlocking more important modifications. g. HOWEVER, it takes a TON of EXP to do so. : The more DP your entire fleet has, the more you get to deploy. Meet eight unique factions, each with their own philosophy and fleet doctrine. Soyweiser • In "starsector-core\data\config\settings. As you lose or retreat ships you free up their points and can reinforce with new units. After all, main character is the only officer able to get a lot of those skills. Combat Endurance 1 is great for I wanted hull restoration so bad as I was planning my character build but I just had to try the other requires-four-skill-point skills in the other trees, so Industry got the ax 😫 That said, I haven't gotten good with neural link yet, so technology tree really feels like Starsector version 0. json Open that with Notepad or whatever, search for "playerMaxLevel" and change the number to whatever you want. Terms of Coming back to Starsector – now, instead of being a solution in search of a problem, story points solve the design problems we’ve got, and open up a lot of design doors besides. Skills that affect the piloted ship may be upgraded to Elite once unlocked, providing additional benefit at the cost of a story point. (Many versions of Starsector ago, when last I tested this stuff, a beam with a duration of 0. So the experience for level 15 in RC9 is 5m, and you get 4 story points on the journey towards hitting it. I know these are all from different skill trees and might not seem economical to get, but I'll explain why I think they are a "Must get". So, max out your number of officers to 8 (10 if you have the skill unlocked), and have a few fast ships for capturing points on the map. You spent one, then received two. Yeah, someone else said it. What are some good options for fast experience gain so I can start Skills are permanent bonuses or activated abilities acquired by the player and officers. json" look for the "playerMaxLevel":40," value, you can change it to what you want your max level to More Emphasis on the XIV Battlegroup Aesthetic than actual combat The most valuable applications for story points are eliting your skills (you should elite every combat skill you plan on using, which means you should be eliting every combat skill you take, which will be somewhere between 4-7 depending on your build) building hull mods into your ships (1 point per hull mod, can't be recovered, 2 -3 per ship, and you're probably doing it on at least I like Combat Endurance 3, but if I have low enough skill points that if I had to choose between Combat Endurance 3 and Officer Management 3 (or even Officer Management 2), the optimal choice is Officer Management, and if you need to pilot 100% CR, just have one of the two extra officers pilot your flagship until it is time to fight then take over when it is time to Oh, interesting. Officer Training: +2 command points. This is my Mod Pack for Starsector. 1a is now out! This is a . giving access to more Skills (but not quite all). Then it's the bottom yellow row for the added storage, then we get the +2 flux dissipation per ordinance points, then the Emergency burn, then the reduced maintenance and finally the last one that makes d-modded ships cost lest to field. Story points (SP) are a player-exclusive quasi-resource used for various purposes in the game. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets; Upload permission You can 55K subscribers in the starsector community. that said, there are mods that change how the skill works. Adjustable skill thresholds, or whatnot. Deployment points are awarded based on fleet size, with the larger fleet getting more. So raising it to 30, for example, will greatly slow down your story point gain. Restores combat texture that recent patches The player now uses their maximum of 8 skill points on any of the 14 vanilla combat skills. I had to dig around in the Starsector folder last time for the faction names, because the auto-complete mechanic didn't want to pick up on 'Sindrian' or 'Diktat' for some reason. The Leadership tree is the first tree with three tiers of skills and requires more points spent for access Taking the second top-tier skill requires spending 2 more points in lower tiers, plus 1 more for the skill, for 8 points in the aptitude total Pages that were created prior to March 2024 are adapted from the Starsector Fandom wiki. battlecruisers contributing more than frigates) I think there’s a total of like 400 deployment points for every battle, allocated between both fleets. Each skill is Anyway the amount of deployment points you receive is dependant on the amount of officers you have and the level of them. Evasive Maneuvers level 1 makes piloting capitals so much nicer. And that is the reason story points exist. Fair, though synergy, hybrid, compound and universal slots just hold more than 1 type so they aren't really the same, and weapons that have such a combo type generally still count as only 1 of the 3 basic types for the sake of skills and effects. At maximum level (15), the player will also continue gaining story points at the same rate. Story points eliminate the problem of hitting level cap mid-campaign and stopping that progress completely, and the overhauled skill system fixes the common Starsector > Suggestions > Ordnance Points, Soft Limits, and CR « on: September 19, 2013, 01:18:00 PM » So, the +ordnance points skills are - and have been - somewhat problematic, in that they But each 1% more The concept of the Hullmods is simple: it costs 45-60 OP and it can only be installed on Cruiser/Capital grade ships; it will provide Automated Ship Points equal to HALF the Deployment Points on the ship it is installed on when deployed in battle. You get 4 story points per level. Combat Skills: The +15% damage from Ordnance Expertise is too good to pass up. Notably, this mod is not compatible with most other mods that perform changes to vanilla skills or the system. I know from experience(I once unlocked the level cap just to see how it's like) that even only 2-3 more skillpoints basically remove all that choice from the game. Support Doctrine: yeah I honestly can't go back to pristine ships after industry skills. The best way Also note: if you have artificially raised the level cap, you will find that it takes more xp to get story points. You Story point experience is tracked strangely so if you lowered your character's level to get more skillpoints, you might not get any story points for reobtaining My colonies (I have 6) are subject to relentless AI inspections, despite my culling of AI usage, and I need more story points. Each skill also has a synergy with up to two other skills. Starsector is already pretty on the easy side of games, Having story points be more plentiful just lets you pick more interesting dialogue options or get that one extra S-mod. The farthest left column is the ship name, and the columns are labeled. Officer training via leadership allows 6 skills and 2 elite, while cybernetic augmentation allows 2 additional elite skills. So if you are completely out-officered the enemy will get 240 DP, while you will only get 160 DP. Stabilized Shields are very rarely worth it - even on ships where they spare slightly more flux then vents would give, you are still comparing conditional bonus vs permanently active one. It wasn’t the worst thing to have them, but get the permanent benefits, and then take those skill points and spend Late game though you would get much more from skills that affect your entire fleet like +10% ordnance points or having more officers(for 1 skill point you buy 40 but for your other ships) The rest is easy to figure it out. Those are currently: Quality Captains, A New Level of Confidence, Truly Automated Ships & Adjustable Skill Thresholds. You can in 0. 9, we will have a skill cap of 50. A place for all Iron gamemodes to share their journey and information with others! Join us at discord. and getting 1 combat skill point, and 1 command skill point each level. Last Modified: 2025-02-07 04:11:05. 95. Typically 5th level with 1 elite skill, though it is EG. Optics hullmod is in the same limbo. Average Starsector transponder off moment This skill is almost an auto-pick on an officer, but more problematically, it changes the balance of the game by letting ships fit too many offense-focused weapons and making things like point-defense less valuable. With that, you'll maximize the number of DP you can get. Overview. Etc. Mods that add skills that Starsector (formerly . Ordinance Expertise is one of my first go-to skills for pilots of heavy firepower ships. This skill is more appropriate for a phase ship that can escape safely even in close proximity with a Lol I cheated and got a mod that lets you level forever after you have every skill it just gives you story points you can chose the file to get the settings you want so the more you fight the more skills you gain and you can chose how fast or slow you level I think of it this way why wouldn't you continue to better yourself if your in a universe where you could get wiped out by a sudden I would like more skill points to come from quests. pp. 95 fit 2 build in hull mods at the cost of SP. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total Asset use permission in Can just add skill points or reset things, Reply reply DoenitzVEVO • Thank you Reply reply More replies. First two blue skills (The one for going dark and the one for transverse), the Green one (4th I think) +15CR for fleet. ) Quickly hopping in to say as a long-time Starsector owner that's only really played i will say that maybe changing the name somewhat to reflect more their actual in-game-mechanics altering effects just so i can pick the other 2nd tier skill' which may lead to a feeling of needing to 'waste' skill points to unlock the other Credits and distribution permission. Power Grid Manipulation - actually a really strong skill for a Paragon. Integrated Point Defense AI is a hullmod that can be installed on any ship. 0 License unless otherwise noted. Alex and Co : for making a great game and community. Neat. I don't recall if ordinance points is labeled OP or "Ordinance Points", but most the entries are self-explanatory. For story points you want to search for "sp=x"The line you want is<stats z="118907" x2="8140000" xp="8286003" bx="35522918" db="29863554" l="15" pt="0" sp="74">l="15" pt="0" sp="74" <--- these 3 are important, l for level, pt for how many xp points you have and sp for story points. Does it still work off the old progression? Logged Aklyon. However you can raise the skill cap in the settings file (Fractal Softworks\Starsector\starsector-core\data\config\settings. Nearly every ship makes good use of missiles (they run out too fast). Two just seems cleanest, especially if we go with "generic vs specialist" in many tiers. Contribute to darloth/ssect-SkillRework development by creating an account on GitHub. Even so, few Combat skills are good for the player. Yeah, I thought about how many choices to put in per tier. You can unlock additional deployment points by capturing objectives on the map. You can't have everything and have to make some hard choices which skills to get. gg/ironscape for more community content including weekly events, bi-weekly skill competitions, and seasonal team competitions. Due to the skill system changes, skill points and story points invested into any elite Maxing out the skill is extremely handy for anybody wanting to explore those juicy [REDACTED] systems before they have an endgame armada assembled. I think that's a really bad idea because the current no-flagship skill balance is almost perfect. Officer level cap is now 29. One lets you increase how many points you can have so you can field more automated ships, one makes I went through phases where I thought particular skills were a lot better than others, but I've eventually settled on the skills being overall pretty well balanced. I'm very impressed by both the story point system and also the new skill system. The Radiant is the best ship in the game that isn't the [SUPER REDACTED]. I like a lot of the fleet wide industrial stuff, but a lot of them are more useful early I can see a point in having more officers, better officers, more free hullmods, but anything before that feels like I'm just discarding points to unlock the useful stuff, hell if I bring along 2 good ships as an elite pilot and neural link I'd probably outweight all of those bonus numbers from the entire tree several times over. The colony skills are all great except for the fact that you can have them on an administrator, so I've found it's better to save the player skill points. I presented my preferred solution of creating a separate tech tree for combat. Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file; Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the The side with more and higher level officers gets more points. Get quick ships out to capture them asap. As others have noted, you can make this even higher by editing the settings file. The game is fundamentally about fighting, and the player combat skills I rarely get any skills that focus on my one ship and tend to focus on the skills that are fleet wide. You will need to seek permission from these authors before you can use their assets; Upload permission You can In some cases, it is more efficient to get Officer Management and level up two more officers than spend your points on skills they can take. The common response is that it's still worth it because money is scarce at the start, but keep in mind that the skill points invested into reaching Hull Restoration could instead be used to make more money. Supports LunaLib ingame configuation. Or it might have been more than 6 fighters/bombers in a wing crashes Starsector/Skill. (mixed fleet) tier list. If you have bonus xp, you will earn twice as much xp from regular sources, until it is used up (e. If you use a story point, you get bonus xp based on the task (recovering a frigate will give you more bonus xp than recovering a cruiser, for example, as it is a weaker ship). 5m experience. Officers can occasionally be found while salvaging ruins, derelicts, and structures. Applies the ship preservation effect of damage control to your ship and all your officer ships (thus allowing you to skip damage control on all officer builds) while also being a colony boost perk while also being a fleet CR buff that helps in every battle while also being a significant supply saver for trading. and adding more skills to the old system would just be adding more stuff to redo later – it’s more efficient to overhaul the system now and the player Each tier you choose between 2 skills, and there are 5 tiers per path, so in total you need 20 skill points. The actual size of the ships you have counts towards this (ie. To reiterate, Starsector has a greater rate of popularity growth than Rimworld, despite the fact that the former is not on Steam. The fact that a game like Starsector can keep up with Rimworld is an incredible accomplishment, and clearly illustrates its potential to become a runaway hit in the near future, if it hasn't become one already. Compatibility As this mod is a rather intrusive change to the system, some minor issues are to be expected. The effect of a skill is based on its level, and the player can spend skill points to increase the level up to the level of the governing aptitude. So the idea was that leadership-skills would provide their full bonus up to 60~120 DP worth of ships to make them more balanced vs combat skills. Firstly, thanks a lot for the mod, it really makes these skills a lot more palatable. The elite skill is amazing on some builds) - Point Defense (Solid skill, the damage boost to missiles and fighters is massive and it WORKS ON BOTH SHIP and fighters, the Elite 100 range increase is It's very simply laid out. Mount and blade worked just Fractal Softworks' Starsector (formerly Starfarer) is an open-world single-player space adventure, seamlessly blending strategic fleet management with intense ship-to-ship combat. I'd rather have more points spent elsewhere and get I am having difficulty enough learning the game without worrying about which skills to choose with what limited skill points I have. Helmsmenship in the combat skills, Navigation in the tech skills And weapon drills in the leadership skills. You can max out at level 15, meaning you can get to the end of 3 paths or max 1 path and get to the end of 1 more. Overall, the mod as of now adds 105 new skills mixed in to those new aptitudes. 3s, while still claiming to do more damage in the codex & weapon tooltip. Not to mention every skill is elite. In . Fractal Softworks' Starsector (formerly Starfarer) is an open-world single-player space adventure, seamlessly blending strategic fleet management with intense ship-to-ship combat. And has its own cute, easy to understand configuration file to change the numbers for all the 'size' skills, including AI one. Deployment points are Skill Rework mod for Starsector. They are unlocked by spending Skill Points, which are earned upon leveling up, up to a maximum of 15 There's also a leadership skill that reduces the deployment point cost of ships without officers. With more range a lot of enemy ships that are faster than yours simply can't engage because they have to The original idea was that, with a big fleet, skills that affect the entire fleet, would inherently be more powerful than e. Those mods dont use ordinance points thus you can potentially save 50+ OP or even higher allowing you to put more mods as a result making your ship much stronger. On my Conquest flagship I use it so I don't have to put any PD weapons in the small slots. Skills are permanent bonuses or activated abilities acquired by the player and officers. This is because xp per level grows exponentially, and story points come at 1/4 the xp for your current level (once you hit level cap). json) to 97 which will give you enough levels to max out a character. But you can still increase your deployment by capturing There are many more changes; the full patch notes, and the comment thread, are here. Flux is ultimately what determines your total firepower output, so more flux=more bullets. hsfgh wjote stkt tgrtftx qtgjjx jotee vyu lddgwl psgtro sjokkf ncrf oezskj octls quelia zrxksw