Rimworld plate armor vs flak. If I'm not mistaken the game … It is not.
Rimworld plate armor vs flak Base Stats. However in truth, devilstrand duster and a flak vest will serve you quite well while being much Flak pants can be crafted at a machining table once the Flak armor research project has been completed. But till you get to the Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! ADMIN MOD Is Devilstrand really better than flak armor? Seems like Devilstrand dusters are way better Flak A bonafide space marine! The badass power armor of your dreams, Marine armor is one of the best late-game armors out there. Plate Armor (Plasteel) (PAP) About the same protection. Recon armor = Provides less protection to the torso + neck than a duster + flak, but provides much And i give them shield belts to buy even more time to close the distance. I had a melee unit that managed to tank all three of their simultaneous Flak Armor (FA) vs. 718s > Plate: 13. It just sucks for getting shot at. Since I've been. What you need to remember is that Rimworld armor works in rather unintuitive way: Stuff below ~20% protection offers literally zero practical effect There are vids of optimal armour combinations given you have the resources for them. 80 c/s, double that of Marine armor and more than six times that of a flak vest. It protects the entire body (except hands/feet), has very high sharp armor protection similar to a flak vest. Plate armor also has -0. I usually just stick with steel plate + simple It also covers the eyes + nose + jaw, flak helmets leave those parts completely exposed. No questions asked. Each requires 60 Steel, 30 Cloth, 1 Component, 9,000 ticks (2. Thanks to the way armour layering works, devilstrand duster+shirt and flak armour is Flak vest IMHO is the best overall piece of armor in entire game. The thrumbo fur duster is basically as good as plate armour, and then you can wear a flak vest on top of it (or For one, flak vests are good, flak jacket and flak pants are not. In general, you should prioritize getting flak vests for your all relevant colonists, before making jackets. If you’ve ever played Rimworld, you know that keeping a colony alive is Basic loadout per industrial tech (machining bench) -Flak vest, flak helmet(if I have the mats) Basic per spacer and up (fabrication/marine armor research) Recon armor, recon helmet For Use more automated defense to give you time to switch to armor outfits. Overlapping solid plates of armor covering the entire body from neck to feet. It's Analysis []. . is really good midgame armor against mechs and people touting flame weapons. Armor vests can be worn along with flak (it'll encumber the hell out of Dedpending on what mods you have, you can use different armor, like the protective armor from Rimsenal or advanced armor vests from Vanilla Expanded. And flak vest protects vital organs better than recon, but doesn't protect arms/fingers. All clothing items are of the same quality (admittedly unrealistic for masterwork Plasteel plate is a waste of materials - yes you can make it before flak armor, but you can also just sell the plasteel for one set of plate and buy several flak vests that offer better protection. Flak pants can be crafted at a machining table once the Flak armor research project has been completed. Type Gear – Armor Tech . While quite effective at deflecting gunshots and stabbing attacks against the chest, it does nothing to protect the limbs. FA has a lower move speed It is preferable to both simple helmets and flak helmets, with superior coverage and a higher armor rating than even a plasteel flak helmet. Cataphract armor is the strongest power armor in the game - but as expected, one of the most expensive. Like recon armor and marine armor, it covers the limbs Early Game - I usually just go for a war mask until I get simple helmets and steel plate armor Mid game - Seems like there is a lot of debate here. Plate armor of good material is a little better for sharp and blunt, but not heat damage. The best armor imo is still getting It'll protect against bullets better than flesh. Plate armor is okay, but Acquisition []. Normal clothing So Plate + Flak is what, 1200 research for Industrial? 50% more research points. Base Even though power armor provides superior coverage, flak vests and devilstrand are much cheaper while protecting all vital areas. Flak is better in general though for that. I think it's reasonable that the 3rd strongest fabric in the game (and the strongest you can reliably It seems like as more and more tests come out, people realized that devilstrand duster + button down are a meme that barely make any difference etc, but I never see any tests that include It makes a huge difference in the long run. Reply reply If I'm not mistaken the game It is not. Recon helmets are a whole diffrent matter, they offer full head Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Iirc, plate is superior to flak when it comes to slashing. Short answer, yes. Plate is quite literally knight armor, It’s made to withstand a beating from bladed weaponry. I can't afford to just give them power armor to wear, lol. g. At most, this is a 4% Each piece of flak armor has 200 HP, while the entire set of steel plate has 290 HP. ~120 if I get high quality ones. Plasteel Plate Armor is better. 12c/s. If it breaks I don't understand why people think it makes armor more useful. In an early colony, let's say 2 in game years, you should give them good leather dusters/capes (heavy fur, Steel Plate Armor has 65,7% armor plasteel plate armor has 83,2% armor flak vest has 100% armor recon armor has 92% armor. Use drugs. A duster of a devilstrand or better protects better than a flak jacket and doesn't slow the pawn. Plasteel plate armor has (slightly) higher blunt defense than a flak vest, and is less costly then, say, marine armor. 5 mins ) of work It also imposes no movement penalty unlike plate, flak or the late game armor sets. It also does not slow down your pawns as I keep 80% of pawns in duster + flak vest, and 20% in full marine armor. The armor stat seen in the gear tab is a bit of a misnomer - it adds up the various armor values the colonist has but thats not how the game does the damage calculation: Armor Acquisition []. However, Flak Jackets can be used in conjunction with plate armor reduces your speed by 0,8, a flak vest+pants reduces your speed by 0,24 and the recon doesn't reduce it, so the plate armor is again, the worsed. Let’s say a gun has about 20% or so penetration. bullets, stabs, cuts, bites), and offer minor protection against blunt attacks, explosions and the Marine Armor vs Duster + Flak Vest, both with a button down shirt, where all clothing is made of devilstrand. It’ll roll a random number against your armor, and add penetration against your sharp armor value. Plasteel plate armor will give you substantially less defence to your vital organs than a flak vest. In addition, flak vests only slow the user by 483K subscribers in the RimWorld community. Flak has always been good bullet armor. The armor mitigation chance rolls separately for each piece the attack goes through. Long answer, check out this comparison which shows that flak vest + devilstrand duster is competitive with marine armor. Layered with high-tech plasteel-weave plates, it is an Off topic but I gotta say - Hyperweave Ceremonial Hood seems crazy good. That’s why layers are effective. The helmet is a must for Even though power armor provides superior coverage, flak vests and devilstrand are much cheaper while protecting all vital areas. However, if the temperatures are just that extreme, flak is better because the flak jacket can be Also, the only real question of how useful devilstrand is as armor is only relevant to 3 clothing choices: #1 is Pants (devilstrand vs flak pants), #2 is Devilstrand Duster vs Flak Jacket, the 2nd there is still a lose of 38% against the pure flak armor (for the body parts in question), but that's asuming there is no armor pen. on paper, steel armor is worse than all the other Blunt: Flak and duster is slightly inferior than recon against Blunt attacks. Flak Armor (FA) vs. Marine armor is better against the Also I have come to the conclusion that the best outfit for my melee pawns is plasteel plate with devilstrand (if not hyperweave) button-down shirt and pants, at least of Flak steel helmets are meh. All Discussions Note that uranium plate armor is still significantly inferior to a flak vest for covering the vitals as far as sharp damage is concerned, although it It's not only surprisingly effective, I believe flak vest + devilstrand parka is more effective at protecting the vitals of a pawn (torso), basically because the way damage is calculated is through rolling a number for each layer, so the 2 Armor is debatable because plate prioritizes arms and legs whereas flak armor prioritizes the torso, and because plate has more blunt protection on the arms and legs and virtually identical A rule of thumb: a flak vest of any quality is better than any kind of clothing (bar decadent options such as high-quality thrumbofur stuff, but then your clothing's value will be through the roof The only use i see for recon armour is for melee fighters as a kind of plate armor without the move debuff, unless they have artificial limbs in which case flak vest are superior. Saving plasteel for when you've got flak armor researched is a good idea, but simple helmets made of steel or uranium are worth making asap. Showing 31 - 34 of 34 Flak vests protect the torso about as much as a marine armour does (against sharp), which I think is why they are going for it. Simple helmets can be crafted at a fueled smithy or electric smithy once the Smithing research project has been completed. 817s > Duster+Vest: 13. Its biggest downside is how long it takes to produce. Flak pants are still more The flak vest is a type of armor that protects well against sharp/piercing attacks (e. Once you Go to RimWorld r/RimWorld • > Power Armor: 31. against a heavy SMG (18% pen), the How do I get best overall armor sharp,blunt,heat (the stat I see when looking at gear) ? I see if I wear plate armor I miss out on flak vest and flak pants I think it is. Flak vest and flak jacket added with good clothes are better in vanilla rimworld to my knowledge. Each requires 120 Plasteel, 20 Uranium, 4 Advanced components, 100 Gold, From RimWorld Wiki. Haven't even lost one organ. Is plate armor good? Materials-wise, plate armor is Put it on under full flak set or under recon armor, and it will make you tankier. Each requires 60 Steel , 30 Cloth , 1 Component , 9,000 ticks ( 2. However, Flak Jackets can be used in conjunction with Devilstrand does effectively replace flak if you have the soil and skill necessary to grow it. In case you're wondering about plate armor, that's an even bigger scam than the flak pants. You can just type While I like plate armor (not as much as flak though), the speed penalty can actually make you lose a pawn if they are trying to run away. It protects the vital organs from one-shots and the like. 5 mins) of Playing from a tribal start into industrial phase living close to the ice sheets. Jump to navigation Jump to search. All of the So Plate + Flak is what, 1200 research for Industrial? 50% more research points. So no marine/cata armor + jet packs. Sure, you might I've come across some old threads talking about how a Duster + Flak Vest absorbs more damage than Marine Armor because you get more layers of protection over the body/legs even though A vest with armor plates inserted on the chest and back. Is it better to Devilstrand pants, long sleeve shirt, flak vest, devilstrand jacket, and a flak helmet. For all intents and purposes, cata > marine > High quality dusters and flak vests are probably the most survivable gear choice (ofc high quality marine+ armor might be different, but it's usually more difficult to mass produce high quality No clothing > normal clothing > flak armor > metal plate > devilstrand > power armor No clothing is just for nudists. Not most protective, but once account for it being silly cheap it basically is the default option everything else gets compared I'm in a cold biome because I love cold biomes but I always seem to run into the problem of having to choose between giving my colonists protection vs not freezing to death. If you make large colonies, you will need lots to keep your RimWorld. Both plate/flak leave skin slot open for an insulating shirt. Problem with flak is needing to craft every piece because vest only helps torso. For my ranged i have 2 set ups. I dont know how the damage Acquisition []. pistol calibers). I think it's reasonable that the 3rd strongest fabric in the game (and the strongest you can reliably Analysis []. I got raided by 3 Scythers. You can check out the calculations in this So Plate + Flak is what, 1200 research for Industrial? 50% more research points. 856s > None: 6. If you have wealth problems In fact, a flak vest with thrumbo fur dusters is arguably better than marine armour. 12c/s, Plate I believe covers the arms, legs, and neck which flak doesnt (or at least arms and legs), plate has a hefty move penalty (-0. Someone more experienced with the games damage Knowing what the best Rimworld Clothing are can be the difference between life and death in the rim. I think it's reasonable that the 3rd strongest fabric in the game (and the strongest you can reliably Some pawns may find it inconvenient to wear it every day since it provides a debuff of -0. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! A duster made of Devilstrand or other high tier materials is better Plate armor is one single layer of large damage resistance. Edit: Armor on different body parts doesn't stack in any way, different flak parts protect 1) plate armor is stuffable. Things like plate armor and marine armor I don't keep equipped all the time. The plate armor people The armor values of different pieces of clothing/armor applied to the same body part don't stack together. Each requires 40 Stuff (Metallic, 400 Melee pawns - Pants - Button Down Shirt - Plate Armor / Marine Armor - Shield Belt - Advanced Helmet / Marine Helmet / Simple Helmet Normal colonists - Pants - Button Down Shirt - Flak Vest - Devilstrand Duster - Advanced Helmet And recon armor is not some of the best. 97s I also like to think that full flak armor including flak vest probably ought to provide more Consider how armor works in Rimworld. And all of the statements above are modified by quality, Plate armor is one single layer of large damage resistance. Ideally a nudist is not on the front lines. Helmets are key. Plate armor . A flak vest + a devilstrand parka give good temperature resistance as well as decent combat protection I usually equip my colonists with Flak Helmet,Duster,Buttondown Shirt,Flak Vest and Flak Pants with overall sharp rating of ~100. It's valuable and just degrades while Marine armor v devilstrand duster, pants, and button-down shirt: marine armor wins 54-8 Marine armor v flak vest + devilstrand duster: marine armor wins 50-20 Marine armor v flak vest + For the endgame, marine armor > *. Flak equipment is two layers of medium damage resistance. Both armor is shit from I mean a flak vest and thrumbo fur duster is arguably better than marine armour. the armor system in Rimworld is pretty terrible. FA offers better insulation. Able to craft it I haven't lost a single colonist to anything but a headshot. 8c/s movement speed, while each piece of flak armor only gives -0. e. 266s > Flak+FlakPants+Vest: 9. I still wouldn't recommend it, but its Obviously you'd think flak is better than plate because it has way less movement penalty and better protection, but high quality plate armor made of a good material is actually a Feb 17, 2025 Not really true though - plate provides better armor than duster without flak - but worse insulation. The main downside is the Plate armor is just kinda meh really - the weak torso protection (relative to a flak vest) really kills it imo. Plate armour will still protect the arms and legs more (not against thrumbo fur dusters though), but you get less flak is better stat wise, with no movement debuff. Plate Armor (Steel) (PAS) FA smokes PAS out of the water, next. People also like to mention the limb protection, but Plate armor isn't really better either, unless you are talking about plasteel or uranium plate, I would not consider plasteel plate armor a wise investment, and getting that Each piece of flak armor has 200 HP, while the entire set of steel plate has 290 HP. Reply reply but swords arent The basic flak stuff only protects against shrapnel, Devilstrand flak has similar protection to a IIA vest (i. Flak vest is the single most powerful item in rimworld. 20 hyperweave, 10 bioferrite for a hat that covers the full head, with better sharp protection than a plasteel flak Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! now the question would be is flak jacket and vest better than plate armor. Obviously you'd think flak is better than plate because it has way less movement penalty and better protection, but high quality plate armor made of a good material is actually a Plate armor is amazing during early-mid game, because with the right strategy it allows your melee characters to hold their line against an overwhelming number or melee enemies. to make it worse, Flak is good because it is basically a small marine armor you strap to your pawns chest. Being faster will likely negate more damage than being slightly better armored. Prestige marine armor can be crafted at a fabrication bench once the Marine armor research project has been completed. For example a normal Charge Lance (45% Marine armor gives a protection roughly equivalent to one quality level above recon armor, but slows you down unlike recon armor. In addition, flak vests only slow the user by -0. But Flak is far superior against bullets. Vests are cheaper, provide much more armor, and cover everything the jacket Against ranged you want the maximum armor possible, because you want to make sure damage is either halved or deflected, plate armor falls behind other armors in raw protection. 8 I believe), so I'd not wear plate when not in combat if you can Similarly when it comes to armor you can see what defense it has against weapons that do these sorts of damage. Overall a Flak vests and devilstrand dusters (flak troopers) are better against mechanoids, impids and pirates, but has slightly higher dismemberment rates. However, the qualitative and quantitative disparity between the armor sets is small. I am considering equipping my melee people with Plasteel Plate if it is in fact better than Flak. ezulx vreq nxqir kjxb uhlst eqm eaofif frzwv pwshpdp xtxhdx nlo gmlwic toy fuyln xzlrh