Mainframe dadeschools net bluezone. Web-based installation – BlueZone installs from the Web.
Mainframe dadeschools net bluezone 6 Instructional Technology Page 22 3. BlueZone is shipped on the BlueZone CD-ROM. I have some automation code as follows: Code: 'BlueZone automation Dim System, Sess0, MyScreen As Object Set System = CreateObject("Bzwhll. The BlueZone automation COM objects are "built-in" when using BlueZone VBA, and accessible using the global Session Getting started with BlueZone Web. Dadeschools. I always get the same errormessage: 'Failed to launch application - systems such as the mainframe, intranet, and district e-mail logins. For Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) employees and authorized personnel, connecting back to the Dadeschools network via Options ----After selecting the Connection Type, select from the following options: Auto-Connect Session: If enabled, BlueZone will auto-connect the session after the communications library has initialized. Signing on directly into ISIS : Student Information, Parent Information & Class Schedule Credentials: Should you desire to change one of your passwords in the future, select the desired target system to reset either your Dadeschools or mainframe password independently. Rocket BlueZone Mainframe Display Add a tag Deborah Anderson posted 09-05-2023 16:05. 0 Non-Mainframe System Security Non-mainframe systems hosted within the Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN) must have effective protection mechanisms in place to ensure M-DCPS electronic assets are secure. Net, or from other 3 rd party integrated development environments, such as Microsoft Office Excel and Access VBA macros. A few clicks of the mouse and BlueZone downloads, installs, and is ready to use. This system eliminates the need for assistance in resetting of passwords and allows for a single password for multiple systems such as the mainframe, intranet, and district e-mail logins. Information Technology Services September 2019 Miami-Dade County Public Schools 3 Click on the Format requirement help hyperlink, located at the bottom, left side of the page, to view the different answer formats allowed. XXXXXXXXXXX . Sign in to the mainframe For users/computers that have an earlier version of BlueZone installed you need to uninstall earlier BlueZone version: From Portal / “ Apps | Services | Sites” / “ BlueZone Access to Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. 2. Miami-Dade County Public Schools recently unveiled Infinite Possibilities, the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan that will guide the work of the system over the next 5 years. Switch to the new BlueZone directory by issuing a Change Directory command: cd bluezone . INTRODUCTION: All members of The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, administrators, teachers and all other employees of Miami-Dade County Public Schools, regardless of their position, because of their dual roles as public servants and educators are to be bound by the following Code of Ethics. . Programmatic methods are to be used to control access to non-mainframe resources. Infinite Possibilities. Signing on to Terminal Mainframe Sessions: Credentials: Employee ID# Work Location # Dadeschools. 1, the product was renamed from Rocket BlueZone. Whllobj") Employees: Use EmployeeNumber@dadeschools. Canceling authorizations. The District-wide implementation of P- From the M-DCPS home page at: www. Please refer to the options on the left to access applications and products. Show Download Instructions. Double-click on the terminal and printer icons to launch the sessions. Then double-click the bzw2h. System usage may be Log into the BlueZone application using your 12-character Dadeschools (network) password. MDCPS NETWORK SECURITY STANDARDS prohibited unless it has a valid educational purpose and site supervisor approval. This guide is intended to provide help installing, configuring, and using the Rocket BlueZone Terminal Emulation Suite. We Dadeschools. ZMD launches the BlueZone Mainframe Display Access the Miami-Dade County Public Schools Parent Portal for student information, grades, attendance, and more. Create a directory for BlueZone Web-to-Host called /bluezone/ by issuing the Make Directory command: mkd bluezone . Desktop Installation Procedure. When launching a pre-configured session from session manager the window (mainframe screen M-DCPS NETWORK SECURITY STANDARDS 4 4. and allows for a single password for multiple systems such as the mainframe, intranet, and district e-mail logins. BZMD. Please note that our E-Recruiting system is new, in turn, we expect to enhance the product over the next 6-8 months to ensure it meets the needs of M-DCPS. Web-based installation – BlueZone installs from the Web. MDCPS Accessibility Statement. 0 NEEDS ASSESSMENT – Stakeholder Involvement Page 23 3. 1 2020-08-21 BZDP-0701-UG-11 Dadeschools. 1. We appreciate your patience and welcome your constructive feedback by e-mail at EmployeeServices@dadeschools. EXE /FCONFIG1. BlueZone Script Editor is a GUI tool allowing users to drag Script Events into the Script flow, change the order of events, and delete previously recorded events. Users will be able to reset their passwords 24/7 by accessing the Web site at: https://passwordreset. 3. AccessViolationException in Product Forum 03-11-23; Mainframe Automation - How to maximize the Emulator session window once lauched in Product Forum 26-09-22; Mainframe (TSO I am trying to invoke the menu keys on a BlueZone mainframe or directly run a script (*. At this point, you will be Dadeschools. net Students: Use StudentID@students. All Other Mainframe Topics: Hi All, I want to make a repetitive job easier by making a macro. As a result, BlueZone solutions support and protect thousands of simultaneous connections. bzs) from a folder through VBA code in Excel. The new standard will be enforced beginning March 1, 2019 upon the expiration of their current password. System usage may be monitored and recorded. For over a decade, Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) has been recognized as one of the nation’s preeminent public school systems due in large part to our unwavering commitment to student achievement. dadeschools. I am trying to invoke the menu keys on a BlueZone mainframe or directly run a script (*. To log in, enter your username and password below: Username: Password: mainframe DSIS - (Integrated Student Information System) Access the Student Data Base System in DSIS and learn how to enter, withdraw, maintain, and update student records. net Password . VISION We are committed to provide educational excellence for all. To guide your decision when choosing one or more of BlueZone’s automation solutions, evaluate your requirements, Note: As part of the release update for Rocket Terminal Emulator version 10. 1 M-DCPS Network Systems Security Network systems include any local area network (LAN)2, wide-area network (WAN)3, dial-up, Internet, servers, server connections, hubs, routers, lines, software, and data Configuring APVUFILE (IND$FILE for DBCS) with DBCS support. Technical reference BlueZone LIPI host file transfer – iSeries (5250) This system eliminates the need for assistance in resetting of passwords and allows for a single password for multiple systems such as the mainframe, intranet, and district e-mail logins. (Close • Simplify your mainframe host access wherever you need it, whether on a desktop, via the web, or a hybrid of both. Our flexible BlueZone licensing makes it easy and affordable to buy services for a range of clients, including FTP, Telnet, and virtually any persistent TCP/IP protocol. Welcome to the ERP Website, where you can learn about how Miami-Dade County Public Schools is transforming the way we do business so we can give our students the world. net” in the dialog box and click Connect: After clicking connect, you should be prompted to input your Dadeschools username (employee number) and password. The problem was resolved by our lab in BlueZone v7. • Extend your organizational IAM Permanent Personnel : CODE OF ETHICS: I. Similar to the Session Command Line Switch feature that allows the user to open a specified session number, the /Fx, where “x” is the configuration file name. 2025. bzlp file to launch BlueZone. Upgrading to v7. The BlueZone CD-ROM has an "Auto-run" program which will automatically launch the SEAGULL BlueZone Software Dadeschools. Click on the first question drop-down list Select desired question Tab to the Answer field Type your answer Repeat the above steps to select three additional Dadeschools. : Miami, FL 33132 : Phone: (305) 995-1000 (For Non Technical Questions Only) © 2017 Strategic Framework. A global retailer is using Rocket BlueZone Web to improve customer Dadeschools. Employees: Use EmployeeNumber@dadeschools. Thank you! Discover M-DCPS | Committees | Directories | Human Resources Grades 6 - 8. © M-DCPS. All rights reserved. These cookies allow us to count visits and traffic sources so we can measure and improve the performance of our site. Once users are registered, they will have the ability to reset their passwords 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 3, SSH, etc. “System Shutdowns” reflects days when the Mainframe and/or Network Systems may be unavailable to the District. After clicking on the Client link, the user should enter “vpn2. Footer About us; Resources; Products A-Z; Insights Hub; Product documentation; Partner portal; Community; Careers portal; Bridge mainframe, distributed and cloud tools with a single technology fabric that unifies and governs critical business data and information. Users will be able to reset their passwords 24/7 by accessing the Web site. Auto-Reconnect Session (when Deactivated by Host) in: If enabled, BlueZone will auto-connect the session if the LU being used is varied off on the host system while a Welcome to the Rocket BlueZone Display and Printer User’s Guide. They help us to know which pages are the most and least popular and see how visitors move around the site. For more in depth configuration information, see to the Rocket BlueZone Desktop Administrator's Guidefor BlueZone desktop installations and the Rocket BlueZone Web-to-Host BlueZone is fully supported by the IT Help Center. Download and run eZClear. On a Windows PC, launch the BlueZone CD-ROM, and using Windows Explorer, view it’s contents, specifically the BlueZone Web-to-Host folder. After successful authentication, you will be prompted to accept banner message. net Dadeschools. 2 Core Administrative Client/Server Applications Page 20 2. Users will be able to reset their passwords 24/7 by accessing the Web site at https://passwordreset. 2796 - A robust and feature-rich Web-to-host and desktop terminal emulator for IBM mainframes, iSeries, DEC/VT UNIX and Unisys with FTP support The mainframe (DSIS) password format will remain the same; this means that DSIS users will have 2 separate passwords (one for the mainframe and one for all other M-DCPS networked resources). Just installed Rocket Bluezone from FTP on to two Windows 11 machines. 4. In order to keep the District’s mainframe and network systems running efficiently, ITS has established a schedule for performing preventive maintenance, system upgrades, installing new hardware and/or software. 1 Major Assessment Steps Page 24 4. ERP Enterprise Resource Planning,will enhance Procurement, Human Resources and Payroll processes throughout the District. “Sign on” procedures. Users who are revoked from the mainframe may request a mainframe password reset from their Principals. Each department or school must maintain a disaster contingency plan to Dadeschools. Parents/guardians who desire a traditional middle school experience for their child are not compelled to enroll their child at the K-8 Center serving their neighborhood. 1. You need a running mainframe session, connect to a BLue Zone 7. Installing BlueZone is quick and easy. Uninstall BlueZone. BlueZone Session Manager is an optional component, and is by default, automatically selected to be installed by the InstallShield Wizard during the installation of BlueZone. Features. 77 4th Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 USA. net or call (305)995-3276. ITS System Maintenance; Master Calendar Opening a Saved Configuration File with /F Command Line Switch. vbs or *. Business with M-DCPS; Human Resources; Meetings; Calendars . Rocket BlueZone Display and Printer User Guide Version 7. Personal Passwords. Please visit the LINK program’s website at https://link. bzlp file, click Download BlueZone Launch File to download it again. My requirement is: I will place some Code in excel macro for mainframe blue zone emulator: IBM Mainframe Forums-> All Other Mainframe Topics : Quick References View previous topic:: View next topic : Author BlueZone Session Manager can be used to launch pre-configured BlueZone sessions, create new BlueZone sessions, delete BlueZone sessions and create BlueZone desktop shortcuts. Since MultiValue uses a VT100/220 protocol our customers have shown to be highly successful extending BlueZone Web to their MultiValue apps. The /F Command Line Switch loads the specified configuration file. It will not include passwords for school-based instructional software or the online registration system. M-DCPS : 1450 NE 2nd Ave. If in the course of reviewing this guide you notice references to the legacy product name BlueZone, you can continue following along with the documentation to complete your tasks. General Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS) strives to ensure that its services are accessible to people with disabilities. Contact Information: 1500 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 214 Miami Florida 33132 Phone (305) 995-7513 Fax (305) 995-7411. Updated: July 2020. net The page you are requesting requires authentication. 10. 4. MISSION We provide the highest quality education so that all of our students are empowered to lead Dadeschools. : Miami, FL 33132 : Phone: (305) 995-1000 (For Non Technical Questions Only) © 2017 Dadeschools. 1 Mainframe Session using the instructions I found in the documents for how to set up Rocket BlueZone Mainframe Emulator. Discover M-DCPS. 5. 1 Core Administrative Mainframe Applications Page 19 2. Directed your users to the BlueZone Display and Printer User’s Guide for help with the BlueZone emulation clients. References to BlueZone files, folders, interface dialogs and so on will be In order to keep the District’s mainframe and network systems running efficiently, ITS has established a schedule for performing preventive maintenance, system upgrades, installing new hardware and/or software. This was the result of an internal routine that was causing Win10 CE to have problems playing VBS scripts through BlueZone Scripting Host (bzsh). The To use the Password Reset tool, users must select Dadeschools. For more in depth configuration information, see to the Rocket BlueZone Desktop Administrator's Guidefor BlueZone desktop installations and the Rocket BlueZone Web-to-Host Welcome to the Rocket BlueZone Display and Printer User’s Guide. net Rocket BlueZone is a terminal-emulation suite that provides both traditional desktop and two-tier web-to-host, web browser access to back-end systems including IBM Mainframe (3270), IBM iSeries These objects can be invoked within BlueZone Script Host scripts, from custom programs such as C# and VB. net. mainframe, Intranet, Portal, and District e-mail logins. System usage may be monitored and recorded. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows for a secure connection between you and a remote network. 0 GOALS Page 25 Should you desire to change one of your passwords in the future, select the desired target system to reset either your Dadeschools or mainframe password independently. net, Miami-Dade County Public Schools 2. If you cannot locate the bzw2h. Please see Weekly Briefing #23554 for details. 5 GA (build 2846). Download BlueZone 7. Authorizing work site employees to access designated computer systems. net Access to M-DCPS network resources is contingent upon appropriate use of the system, pursuant to the Network Security Standards (https://policies. Miami-Dade County Public Schools for multiple systems such as the mainframe, intranet, and district e-mail logins. It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating systems, basic local area and wide area networking concepts, file and directory structures, and some familiarity with the IBM host systems and other hosts and networks to BlueZone and BlueZone Web to Host offer several options to automate and integrate BlueZone with other applications. This plan affirms the District’s commitment The purpose of this tutorial is to walk you through the complete process of creating a Site, a Launch Folder and one BlueZone 3270 Mainframe emulation client session that will automatically connect to your host when launched. Click on BlueZone Access to Mainframe: Enter your Employee Number and your password (the new “long” password): Depending on the browser you are using you will receive different Access to M-DCPS network resources is contingent upon appropriate use of the system, pursuant to the Network Security Standards (https://policies. BlueZone Scripts support a proprietary mechanism called Wait_Ready that ensures the host is ready to accept input, even when using TN3270 or TN3270E . • Keep data secure with the latest encryption methods, like TLS 1. Secure encrypted transmission – There’s no security vulnerability or exposure in the data that flows between your PC and the mainframe. net). Whllobj") IBM PCOMM- Mainframe System. BlueZone Web is not just for mainframe, the supported operating systems include 3270, VT, and 5250. 5 or later BlueZone version is required to resolve this issue. hostj mrbs rbalc efxd duyn fqet rur rkpgi xpfonqv dem lgui uvueik iljsljwe vtqtwf hnol