Kiddush levana molad ANSWER: The Gemara in Sanhedrin (41b) states that Kiddush Levana can be recited until the moon becomes full. Traveling farther west to Cleveland, OH with a moon set of 11:14 pm would seem to allow Kiddush Levana to be said on Thursday night. The ritual may be performed About two months ago (right before Rosh Chodesh IYAR) I wrote about the unique occurrence (once in about 20 years) of Kiddush Levana being able to be said on the night following the first day of the month AND on a Motzoei Shabbos. Chanukah. The service includes a blessing to God for the appearance of the new moon and further readings depending on custom. According to some, it may be performed from three days after the first appearance of the new moon, called the molad; others wait a full seven days. It is customary not to say kiddush levana:. Kiddush Levana (קִדּוּשׁ לְבָנָה), the Sanctification of the Moon, is performed once a month, during the first part of the lunar cycle. Normally those who wait until after 7 days from the Molad say Kiddush Levana the night of the 8 th of the month. –. According to Ashkenazim, one may say the Bracha 3 days after the molad, however according to Sephardim, in general one should wait until 7 days after the molad. En Siván, cuando cae la festividad de Shavuot, se acostumbra a realizar el Birkat Halevaná motzae Shavuot (al terminar Shavuot), para unir la Kiddush Levana - saying certain Pesukim 3 times. Kidush Levana puede ser recitada tres días después del renacimiento de la luna conocido como el molad. The timeframe to say Kiddush Levana is between Wednesday, March 13, and Sunday, March 24. The Rishomin (Machzor Vitri p. Kaddish Derabanan: The Shlah records a tradition to recite Kaddish Derabanan at the conclusion of Kiddush Levana. The Story Behind Kiddush Levana. 6 votes. Una vez que han transcurrido 15 días, la luna comienza a disminuir una vez más su luminosidad es por eso que después de este tiempo no se puede decir más esta bendición. Stone Hertz Russian; Torah According to Ashkenazim, one may say the Bracha up to 3 days after the molad, however according to Sephardic opinion, one should wait until 7 days after the molad. And until your watch says 12:27:25 on Thursday afternoon 2weeks Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said-Part 2-Bedieved & How to calculate. porque las mujeres no recitan el kidush levana? Gracias, año bueno y dulce!! 25/08/2018 a las 16:58 Editor - iojai. halacha; mistakes; zemanim; kiddush-levanah; Gershon Gold. , Rav Ya’akov bar Idi, who holds one can recite the blessing until seven days have passed, understands Rabbi Yoḥanan to be referring to the day when the moon will be like the string of a bow. Latest time to say Kiddush Levana: Friday, March 14, 2025 6:03 AM Members The molad for Tevet will be on Monday at 5:33 PM and 16 chalakim. A lunar month consists of 29 days, 12 hours and 793 Chalakim. Sof Zman Kiddush Levana (the latest time Kiddush Levana can be said) But as long as it is unclear, we are permitted to rely upon the molad memutza and recite Kiddush Levana. It is difficult to understand how Kiddush Levana can be a birchas hamitzvah, though, as Be'er Hataiv 426:10 says that one can say Kiddush Levana as early as 3 days after the Molad. Según la costumbre sefardí y jasídica, basada en trabajos cabalísticos, este período es de siete días después del molad. If Motzei Shabbos is cloudy, Kiddush Levana should be said during the week. ) says that one must stand for Kiddush Levana. 141k; asked Feb 22, 2015 at 14:07. Yaakov Rakaĥ writes in Shulĥan Leĥem Ha-panim that this seems to be the opinion of R. The full moon visible from the Inbal hotel sukkah. e. The Rambam - Hilchos Brachos 10:17 rules that one may say Kiddush Levana immediately after the Molad. Being that Rosh Chodesh was Tuesday (and the Molad Sunday Night) it is quite probable that one will have not yet said (2) הזה THIS [STAGE OF RENEWAL] — Moses was in perplexity regarding the Molad of (the exact moment when begins) the new moon — how much of it must be visible before it is proper to consecrate it as new moon: He therefore pointed it out to him in the sky with the finger and said to him, “Behold it like this, and consecrate it” (i. According to the Mechaber (based on the ARI za”l), [] The Molad or “new lunation” is the calculation of when the new moon, on average, will appear in Jerusalem, Israel. The monthly recitation of Kiddush Levana is as much mystical as it is ritual. It’s proper to wait until Motzei Shabbos to say it. 6. The Rema says it can be said until the halfway point of the lunar cycle Kiddush levana History Timing Ritual Women See also References External links Kiddush Levanah ( Hebrew : קידוש לבנה , qidduš ləḇānā , Sanctification of the Moon ), also known as Birkat ha-levanah ( Hebrew : ברכת הלבנה , birkath haləḇānā , blessing of the moon ) [1] is a Jewish ritual to bless God upon the appearance As is well known, the time to begin saying Kiddush Levana depends on the time of the Molad. On the chavivus and importance of the Mitzva of Kiddush Levana and the shemira it offers, as well as the various versions of the famous story cited by Gedolei HaDoros that performance of this Mitzva stopped a Jew’s murder, see Alpha Baysa Tinyasa D’Shmuel La Santificazione della Luna si fa di notte3, quando la luna è crescente e è abbastanza luminosa da poter noi beneficiare della sua luce. The early halakhic commentators reach various conclusions about the earliest time to recite kiddush levana: The return of the moon's light after the Molad is a sign that the dynasty of the Malchus of Beis David will return to its former glory. Share on Facebook. Amram Gaon, Behag, Rif, Rambam, Rosh, Birkat HaLevana (Kiddush Levana) 1. The molad can be found by looking at a local hebrew calendar. (NOTE: This is according to those who say Kiddush Levana after 3 days from [] Kiddush Levana can be recited as early as the 3rd day of the Hebrew month. 5. Rabbi Yosef Karo Another five minutes for Kiddush Levana? I really want to break my fast!” But the Ramah does write (Siman 602), “We do not recite Kiddush Levana before Motzei Yom Kippur” – and this is the Regarding women saying Kiddush Levana, much has been written about this and I will try to summarize. For example, the 72 hour point in San Francisco for Tamuz was 5:34 PM PDT Friday (which was the second of Tamuz before Shkiah). You should express your question in that way. Shabbat Page Numbers. According to the Rama, Kiddush Levana cannot be recited after 14 days, 18 hours, and 22 minutes have elapsed from the beginning of the molad. Rabbi Ari Enkin - 11 Tevet 5783 – January 4, 2023. We only say kiddush levana at night. Should a person observe Rosh Hodesh & say "Kiddush Ha'Aretz" if he lives permanently on the moon? Before this point the moon is too small to really appreciate. 666 seconds to the molad (half the Although technically Kiddush Levana may be recited upon the first sighting of the new moon,[1] common custom is never to do so. v’lo) writes that one may follow the Shulchan Aruch and recite Kiddush Levana with a bracha until 15 full days have passed from the time of the molad. So, in practice, according to the custom of Ashkenaz and Morocco, we recite Kiddush Levana on the Saturday night after three full days from the time of the Molad (new moon). The ritual may be performed from three days after the molad; others wait a full seven days from the molad. א"ר אחא בר חנינא א"ר אסי א"ר יוחנן From 11:00 pm on Monday night, even those who do not recite Kiddush Levana until 7 days after the molad can say it (moonset is at 1:20 am). Said Kiddush Levana prior to three days after Molad - Does he say it again? 3. However, the Rama (based on Teshuvas Maharil 19) writes that the cutoff point is The Earliest Day to Recite Kiddush Levana The molad that is used as a reference point (and is announced in synagogues) is the molad of Jerusalem. Shalom Aleichem of Kiddush Levanah to a Kattan. Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said? One is to beware to recite Kiddush Levana prior to 14 days 18 hours and 396. Wearing a Tallis for Kiddush Levana. By. So, kiddush levana should be a zechus, benefit to us such that this The first step of the calculation is finding out the Molad of that month. , fourteen days, eighteen hours and twenty-two minutes (some authorities extend this limit to fifteen full days) after the molad. Are women to recite Kiddush Levana? 0; 2918; From the Rav’s Desk: Doing Kiddush Levana on Motzei Shavuos Zayin Shelimim-May Kiddush Levana be said before seven full days from the Molad. Announcing the Molad. The Magen Avraham in the beginning of Siman 420 says in the name of the Shelah that women do not say Kiddush Levana because it is a “time-bound Mitzva” (mitzvas asei shehazman grama). However Admur in the Siddur records to recite Kaddish Yasom and so is the Chabad custom. The Shulchan Aruch says one can say Kiddush Levana until but not including 16 days from the Molad (the new moon, the start of the lunar cycle). ES uno de los preceptos rabinicos que tiene un horario fijo o momento fijo para cumplirlo y las mujeres estan exentas El Kiddush Levaná se recita de pie, puesto que se considera un acto de bienvenida a la presencia Divina y se procura utilizar para ésta ocasión ropas selectas y es necesario estar de buen ánimo. Texts Kiddush Levanahalakhic related to this ArticleBabylonian Talmud: Sinedio 41bà ¢ 42amishneh Torah: Laws of Blessings 10: 16th, 17shulchan Aruch: Orach Chaim 426 Qiddush Halevanah (in Hebrew: Ã- Ã- - This is the trans. [ However, there are opinions who allow it to be said until 15 Aleinu Lishabeiach: The custom is to recite Aleinu Lishabeiach after Kiddush Levana. Practically, one may be lenient in this matter. I wonder Based on when the Molad is, we wait a certain number of days before we may begin saying Kiddush Levana. However, you should do so if you do not expect to see the moon on any other night (due to weather or other factors), rather than Morashá Institute of Culture: Discover the Morashá Magazine and the Memory Center. The common custom is to wait until the first Motzei Shabbos that falls more than 72 hours after the molad. Suppose 2 days after the Molad one made Kiddush Levana, and then realized he did it too early. 0; 1246; When to recite Kiddush Levana in months that Motzei Shabbos is past the 10th. Each month, shortly after the appearance of the new moon, a special blessing and series of prayers are recited in praise of the moon’s renewal. A lunar month consists of 29 days, 12 hours and 793 Chalakim. However after 6:05 pm and 14 Chalakim (on Shabbos) it will be 7 full days What Is Kiddush Levana? Kiddush Levana (קִדּוּשׁ לְבָנָה), the Sanctification of the Moon, is performed once a month, during the first part of the lunar cycle. +2h 21m). Shulchan Aruch (426:3) understands this to mean that one may recite Calculating Tchilas Zman Kiddush Levana (the earliest time Kiddush Levana can be said) is done by adding 3 days or 7 days to the molad time. 392 s. This especially applies in cloudy areas and particularly in the winter. The proof to this is that the halacha requires one to stand when reciting any birchas hamitzvah, and the Gemara (ibid. Candle lighting time begins 10 minutes after sunset. This year, the molad is on Friday so the next Saturday night is a good time for Kiddush Levanah for Ashkenazim, Sephardim and Chassidim. 45. Question: If the molad is Wednesday 10:59PM in Jerusalem, and I’m in Boston which is 7 hours earlier, then if I want to wait 72 hours from the molad, can I say kiddush Levana right after Shabbos ends, say 8:30 PM Saturday night? Or is 72 hours 10:59PM Boston time (so wait until 10:59PM Boston [] The full moon occurs at the halfway point of the lunar cycle (which according to halacha is on average 29 days, 12 hours and 793 chalakim, see here). (The Molad is the New Moon based on Halachic calculations. Non-chasidic Ashkenazic Jews, on the other hand, recite Kiddush Levana after three days from the molad have passed (Aruch HaShulchan 426:13). Tweet on Twitter However, in a case that the Molad fell out prior to the first day of Rosh Chodesh, in a way that the 10th of the month is the 4th night left to say Kiddush Levana [see previous Halacha for end time of Kiddush Levana], then one is not to delay saying Kiddush Levana until Motzei Shabbos if Motzei Shabbos is the 10th of the month. Barukh She’amar argues that we cannot recite Kiddush Levana, the blessing on the new moon, until the moon reaches a “sweet” level of brightness seven days after Kiddush levana, also known as Birkat halevana, [a] is a Jewish ritual and prayer service, generally observed on the first or second Saturday night of each Hebrew month. Shulchan Aruch (426:3) understands this to mean that one may recite Kiddush Levana up until 15 days (360 hours) have elapsed after the molad. Tweet on Twitter [24] See Beit Yosef and sa 426:4, Baĥ and mb ad loc. However, with the moon this close to the horizon, it would be almost Por ser um mandamento positivo, as mulheres são isentas de seu cumprimento. “This [kiddush levana] is how Torah Jews keep themselves aware of the beauty that is found in the natural environment” Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said? Kiddush Levana may only be recited within the first half of the month. e. KIDDUSH LEVANA The Blessing for the Moon (Birkas HaLevana) mandated by the Talmud for recitation once per month. Kiddush Levana. How long to wait is a machlokes haPoskim. The latest time for Kiddush Levanah is mid-month, i. Kiddush levana words. " 44. Author: Rabbi Shay Tahan . The 72 hour point after the molad can be earlier than the third day of the month. Explore articles on Judaism, History, Israel, Jewish World and Personalities. On the chavivus and importance of the Mitzva of Kiddush Levana and the shemira it offers, as well as the various versions of the famous story cited by Gedolei HaDoros that performance of this Mitzva stopped a Jew’s murder, see Alpha Baysa Tinyasa D’Shmuel However, in a case that the Molad fell out prior to the first day of the month, in a way that the 10th of the month is the 4th night left to say Kiddush Levana [see previous Halacha for end time of Kiddush Levana], then one is not to delay saying Kiddush Levana until Motzei Shabbos if Motzei Shabbos is the 10th of the month. Sof Zman Kiddush Levana-Until what day of the month may Kiddush Levana be said? The opinions: Kiddush Levana may only be recited within the first half of the month. ) The custom is to not say Kiddush Levana on Shabbat unless there's no other time to say it. Actually, the molad can fall before Rosh Chodesh or after, and one can say Kiddush Levana from the moment of the molad. 0; 1776 Journal, Volume 22 (2007), On the Terms “Kiddush Hodesh,” “Birkat Levana” and “Kiddush Levana. 1 It’s proper to wait until Motzei Shabbat to say Birkat HaLevana. Many Rishonim maintain that the berakha should be recited immediately upon the moon’s reappearance at the beginning of the month. 1; 1193; From which day of the month may one begin to say Kiddush Levana? 2; 4427; How to say Kiddush Levana Instead, they would recite Kiddush Levanah the first night possible after three full days. The Gemara4 does not define the earliest time to recite kiddush levana. (Molad). Segundo o costume sefaradita e chassídico, baseado em obras cabalísticas, este período é de sete dias após o molad. La cerimonia quindi può essere svolta solo tra il giorno 3 e il giorno 15 del mese ebraico4. [2] Is it a kabbalah topic or based upon percentage of illumination of the moon?The molad we call Why And When Do We Recite Kiddush Levana? By. ; Many people also have the custom not to say kiddush levana during the first 10 days of Tishrei. In any event, the molad as announced is not the actual molad, “Yerushalayim time” or not. Based on when the Molad is, we wait a certain number of days before we may begin saying Kiddush Levana. La Kabalá nos dice que es mejor esperar una semana completa. The Birkei Yosef (8:2) counts Kiddush Levana among the brachos recited upon performing a mitzvah. Kiddush Levanah (Hebrew: קידוש לבנה ; trans. So for example, for Sivan 5770, the molad is on May 13th, at 4:39pm and 15 Chalakim, The custom of Ashkenaz is to recite the blessing after three days. Hot Network Questions What does this cyan skull icon above someone's head mean? A child who has reached the age of Chinuch is to be educated to recite Kiddush Levana. Kiddush levana halachipedia. 4) Magen Avrohom (OC 296:11) - Has difficulty understanding (and ultimately disagrees with) the Rama that women cannot make their own havdalah, but should rather hear their husbands'. , when you see the moon in a stage of renewal Blessing of The Moon), or Kiddush Levana (Hebrew: קידוש To calculate the Molad of Rosh Chodesh Tishrei 5773, first let us calculate the number of months which passed from creation and then add the appropriate time for each month. From the Rav’s Desk: Zayin Shelimim-May Kiddush Levana be said before seven full days from the Molad. 5 chalakim past the Molad. 2) Maharam Shik (Shu"t, OC #90) - When to say kiddush levana is based upon figuring out the calendar, and this was a skill performed only by men. For mystical reasons, women do not recite this prayer. Since Elul is less cloudy, it seems that Ashkenazim should recite Kiddush Levanah the first Saturday night possible. Should he say Kiddush Levana again with a Bracha? (sources) Determining the time to stop kiddush levana was easy. Sanctification Moon) is a Jewish ritual in which observant Jews recite a series of prayers shortly after Rosh Chodesh, though it may be done until the moon is full. For more discussion, see commentaries to Tur and The custom in many communities is to recite Kiddush Levana (bless the New Moon) on the first possible Saturday night. Over the centuries, a number of Biblical verses and Rabbinic sayings and prayers have been appended to it, so that the Kiddush Levana service takes up 3 to 4 pages in a typical prayer book (siddur). Said In the previously published Zmanim For Kiddush Levana Before Shavuos 5778 article, we demonstrated how location plays a key role in the Molad of Adar was on Monday evening, the 30th of Shevat, at 12:00 AM [Jerusalem time]: First opinion of [14 days and 18:22 hours]: Kiddush Levana may be said until One should not say Kiddush Levana until seven days have passed from the Molad. , Kaf Ha-ĥayim 426:61, Sefer Kiddush Levana 3:1-2. The Rebbe writes as follows: If one is not stringent one can say Kiddush Levana on Motzei Shabbos that falls after the 3 rd day past the Molad, even though it is before the seventh. Nonetheless, the non The Gemara comments: And they both hold in accordance with the opinion of Rabbi Yoḥanan that one can recite the blessing until the flaw of the moon is filled. One important thing to note is that the molad is usually quoted in Jerusalem solar time (which is Universal Time + 2h 20m 56s, or approx. Most people wait at least 3 days, 72 full hours, after the appearance of the new moon before reciting Kiddush Levana. Initially one is to be very careful to recite Kiddush Levana prior to 14 days 18 hours and 396. In most communities, ritual elements include the shalom aleikhem greeting and jumping Most poskim maintain that Kiddush Levana may be recited beginning 72 hours after the molad. (La data precisa dipende da quando la luna “rinasce”, e cambia a seconda del mese. 2 2. 22 minutes] past the Molad. 1; 1226; From the Rav’s Desk: What to say first, Havdalah or Kiddush Levana? 2; 1339; From the Rav’s Desk: Doing Kiddush Levana on Motzei Shavuos. For this halacha, days are counted by 24 hour periods. 5 chalakim. Saul Jay Singer - 23 Sivan 5781 – June 2, 2021. However, if one suspects that the moon will not be visible after the seventh, then if Motzei Although the traditional time to say kiddush levana is after Shabbat, you may say kiddush levana from the third day (three periods of 24 hours) after the molad until 14 days and 18 hours after Sof Zman Kiddush Levana (the latest time Kiddush Levana can be said) is either the time between molad and molad calculated by adding 14 days, 18 hours, 22 minutes and 1. Kiddush levana calendar 2021. 0; 1772 Kiddush Levana - Sanctification of the Moon is a Jewish ritual in which observant Jews recite a series of prayers shortly after Rosh Chodesh, though it may be done until the moon is full. R. This Shabbos is 5 Tammuz. Now, I know that in general we are careful to wait until the 7 th to recite Kiddush Levana, although my question is whether one is to wait until a complete seven days have passed or if it suffices to wait until one has entered Good point. Halachically it must be three days (5776), as well as last year, Shavuos falls on Sunday and Monday. However, in the event that one already missed the time of the first/earliest opinion, one is to contact a Rav for direction as whether he may rely on one of the Blessing of The Moon), or Kiddush Levana (Hebrew: קידוש To calculate the Molad of Rosh Chodesh Tishrei 5773, first let us calculate the number of months which passed from creation and then add the appropriate While most people have already said Kiddush Levana for this month (Iyar) there are those who, for various reasons, were unable to do so and are wondering if it is still possible to do so. You listened to the molad and added 14 days, 18 hours and 396. Others however rule that based on Kabala one is to wait for a full seven days to pass from the Molad before saying Kiddush Levana. This month [in Jerusalem] the Halachic full moon will be 10 minutes after KIDDUSH LEVANA The Blessing for the Moon (Birkas HaLevana) mandated by the Talmud for recitation once per month. The molad for Kislev will be on Sunday at 4:49 AM and 15 chalakim. Otherwise, the minhag is three days post-molad, although I’ve heard the Gra says from the molad is good. We only say Kiddush Levana at night. Sof Zman Kiddush Levana (the latest time Kiddush Levana can be said) is either the time between molad and molad calculated by adding 14 days, 18 hours, 22 minutes and 1. In the previously published Zmanim For Kiddush Levana Before Shavuos 5778 article, we demonstrated how location plays a key role in the earliest time one can recite Kiddush Levana / Citation preview. But in practice, we recite Kiddush Levana on Saturday night in order to say it with smart clothes. The timeframe in which to say kiddush levana is between Tuesday, December 3, at 9:28 PM, and Sunday, December 15, at 9:28 PM. Question: Can one still do birkat halevana and if he can what if the moon is not visible? Answer: Up to 15 days after the molad. Stone Hertz Russian; Torah: 516: 373: II-484: Maftir: 484: Question: [Motzei Shabbos 7 th Elul 5781] This Motzei Shabbos is already six days past the Molad, but has yet to reach seven days past the Molad. 666 QUESTION: What is the earliest time one may recite Kiddush Levana? ANSWER: Shulchan Aruch (OC 426:1,4) writes that it is best to recite Kiddush Levana on a Motzei Shabbos. Thus, it may only be said up to 14 days 18 hours and 396. Click here to receive Eruv Status update emails. 0. 173; Kolbo, chapter 37; Abudraham, Seder Rosh Chodesh; and others) mention the custom of reciting Birkas Hachodesh on the Shabbos before Rosh Chodesh. 286 views. 1 answer. 1; 1225; From the Rav’s Desk: What to say first, Havdalah or Kiddush Levana? 2; 1338; From the Rav’s Desk: Doing Kiddush Levana on Motzei Shavuos. Nachum 07/06/2010 12:44 PM in reply to Sammy Finkelman Molad of אדר: Thursday, February 27, 2025 at: 7:02 PM and 0 Chalakim (Yerushalayim Local Standard Time). The Beiur Halachah (426 s. v’garsinan) of this maamar Chazal. Calculating Tchilas Zman Kiddush Levana (the earliest time Kiddush Levana can be said) is done by adding 3 days or 7 days to the molad time. Due to an early molad this month (two days before Rosh Chodesh Av), the latest One can say Kiddush Levana (the blessing on a waxing moon) until the Full Moon; defined as half way between 2 Molads. Reciting Al Tira: In certain Chabad Siddurim the verses of La berachá debe recitarse al menos tres días -y como máximo catorce días- después del molad -luna nueva-. Kiddush levana last time. This is explained in the meforshim that the time is 15 According to the Rama, Kiddush Levana cannot be recited after 14 days, 18 hours, and 22 minutes have elapsed from the beginning of the molad. Although the minhag of many is to make sure to say kiddush levana not standing under anything other than the sky, according Kiddush Levana. Kiddush Levana 21 Articles. 42 The blessing may not be said after 15 days following the molad 43 – since the moon is already waning, it can hardly be considered "new. The age of Chinuch is from the age that the child understands the meaning of Kiddush Levana. Como se describe en el texto Kiddush Levaná, la Luna tendrá la misma magnitud y brillo que el Sol. The ritual is done at night when the moon is shining. The molad for Adar II will be on Sunday morning at 10:13 and 6 chalakim. The dispute is that this one, i. According to the Mechaber (based on the ARI za”l), one should wait until after 7 days from the Molad, however according to the Rema, one can begin saying Kiddush Levana after 3 days from the Molad. For example, if the Molad is on Sunday, January 1 at 6:55 am [in Yerushalayim], Kiddush Levana may be recited until the second Monday afterward, January 16 at 6:55 am [in Yerushalayim], thus in actuality the final time for Kiddush Levana would be the entire Sunday night, January 15 [in Yerushalayim] and until 11:55 pm on Sunday night in New York. What Is Kiddush Levana?. [ This time is known as Zman Rama. A berachá deve ser recitada no mínimo três dias - e, no máximo, quatorze dias - após o molad - a Lua nova. 46 Kiddush Levana. If you are at services or otherwise unable to light at that time, do so The general minhag based on the Rama (Orach Chaim 426:2) is not to recite Kiddush Levana until after Tisha B’Av. 5 chalakim [i. During the Nine Days before and including Tish'a b' Av;; On Friday night, and; On the evening of a Jewish festival. Accuracy to within one second (or, indeed, to within one minute) should be sufficient to determine the earliest and latest times for Kiddush Levana, but not to determine the next molad, since the time between molads is defined as a number of chalakim. The Gemara in Sanhedrin (41b) states that Kiddush Levana can be recited until the moon becomes full. 0; 1242; When to recite Kiddush Levana in months that Motzei Shabbos is past the 10th. Kiddush levana may not be said on Friday night, or on the night of Yom Tov. The Mishna Brura mentions it (417:1 The molad is like Rosh Chodesh’s distilled essence. Is a blind man to say Kiddush Levana? Some Poskim rule a blind person is obligated to recite Kiddush Levana just like others. The timeframe to say kiddush levana is between Thursday, January 2, and Monday, January 13. v. Said outdoors at night, Kiddush Levana is a meaningful ritual highlighted by a Or, is Kiddush Levana only done regarding Earth's moon? Does it need to be visible to the naked eye, or what if one on Jupiter viewed Earth's moon in a telescope or it just appears as a "star"? As seen through Rambam hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh, the "molad" is calculated is based on the sighting of the new moon, which only exists on Earth It is worthwhile to read the Abudraham’s explanation (pg. ” mon practice) the number of days being discussed here refers to days following the molad, or the absolute birth of the new Moon, as opposed to days of the month. No se recita Kidush Levaná antes de haber pasado tres noches y tres días completos desde el molad B»H. Similarly, it seems preferable to recite Kiddush Levana on a more beautiful moon (provided that it is recited before the latest time permitted by Halacha for Kiddush Levana). Moon It is worthwhile to read the Abudraham’s explanation (pg. [5] C. drwfnf aawr szebqo fnlyolax wrnzjf ybtln dxqzyhjo hrrf qkfgne qmxsyx qcczi siraz unzr ocvsssb ofkev