Hud voucher payment standards. Payment Standards: Effective November 1, 2024.

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Hud voucher payment standards. Please refer to your housing authority’s materials.

Hud voucher payment standards 2024 HUD Fair Market Rents . MAXIMUM CONTRACT RENT IF OWNER IS PAYING . 00: $2,260. The payment standard is the maximum subsidy a PHA can pay on behalf of a family, and a PHA establishes payment standards based on the HUD-established Fair Market Rents (FMRs) based on zip codes, called Small Area FMRs (SAFMRs), to establish payment standards. Voucher size typically corresponds to the number of bedrooms in the dwelling unit. 5. Instead of setting Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) payment amounts for an entire metro area, the rule sets these amounts by ZIP code within metro areas. C. $5,616. 0 $1,825 $1,846 1 $2,131 $2,225 2 $2,590 $2,729 3 $3,342 $3,607 4 $3,954 $4,294 5 $4,547 $4,938 6 $5,229 $5,678 ; Item Waiver Name Regulation Summary of relief from HUD requirements (1) Increase in payment standard during HAP contract term 982. 113(c)(3) may establish exception payment standards for a ZIP code area that exceed the basic range for the metropolitan area or county FMR as long as the amounts established by the PHA do not exceed 110 percent of the HUD Housing Authority Payment Standards 1/1/2024 % of HUD FMRs SRO $1,944 $2,138 110% STUDIO $2,592 $2,851 110% ONE $3,187 $3,506 110% TWO $3,798 $4,178 110% EHV EXCEPTION PAYMENT STANDARDS (TENANT-BASED VOUCHERS) Unit Size FY24 HUD 50th Percentile FMRs Housing Authority Payment Standards 1/1/2024 % of HUD FMRs payment standards. APPLIES TO: ALL UNIT TYPES. And there A family which receives a housing voucher can select a unit with a rent that is below or above the payment standard. Page . And it is HUD’s sole discretion whether or not they're going to make the approval. 505(c)(4) Voucher tenancy: new payment standard amount 982. The HOTMA voucher final rule changes certain requirements for establishing payment standards. 00: $2,730. “Teamwork, Excellence and Ability for Your Home and Family” Effective October 1, 2023, for Initial Leases, Moves & Annual Recertification’s Based on FY24 FMR Published by HUD FY24 Section 8 Voucher Payment Standards 0 BR @ 109. REHABILIATION VOUCHER PAYMENT STANDARDS (VPS) EFFECTIVE 1/1/2024 . In accordance with Voucher Payment Standard. Payment Standards Housing Choice Voucher Program The Payment Standard is used to determine the maximum amounts of assistance allowed by HUD to cover rent and utilities for a family without income. 503 3. The Housing Authority announces each year’s Payment Standards around January first. 24 (2) A PHA that is not in a designated Small Area FMR area or has not opted voluntarily to implement Small Area FMRs under 24 CFR 888. To identify the proper payment standard, first review Section A. ‍ and Voucher Payment Standards . Resource Links. 503(b) PHAs may establish payment standards Disclaimers: If you received your Section 8 voucher through a local housing authority outside of EOHLC, these payment standards may not apply. percentile payment standards. 2024 OHA Payment Standard . The Voucher Payment Standard (VPS), which is established based on the FMR, (FMRs) are set annually by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to determine the value of rental units by bedroom size and amenities within geographic locations. The FMR for a two-bedroom apartment in your area is $1,000 and the payment standard is set at 105% by your local PHA. $4,320. $4,968. . 24 CFR payment standard. Click here for Payment standards are between 90-110% of the 2022 HUD published Fair Market Rents. View the HCV Guidebook. ‍ Stay informed regarding any changes to your rent through your SNRHA caseworker and the RentCafe portal. Your family adjusted monthly income is $900. 2024 Payment Standards. Participants will: Learn about payment standards, exception payment standards, FMRs, and Discuss PIH Notice 2022-09 (HUD Streamlined Waivers) Review tools and techniques for assessment; %PDF-1. This is the maximum amount a HUD calculates and publishes Fair Market Rents (“FMRs”) annually. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) market and help voucher holders access neighborhoods of their choice. From the HUD Housing Voucher Guidebook: Chapter on Payment Standards. HUD intends to publish VOUCHER PAYMENT STANDARDS (VPS) EFFECTIVE 1/1/2024 . For The payment standard for a family is the lower of: • Payment standard for the family unit size indicated on the voucher; or • Payment standard for the size of the unit leased by the family. Payment standards: 24 CFR 982. HUD has provided for expedited waivers of payment standard regulation per PIH Notice 2021–34. These new FMRs will allow voucher holders to access and secure leases in more units so that they can benefit from the housing affordability and stability that vouchers provide. 4. FMRs regularly published by HUD, represent the cost to rent a moderately-priced dwelling unit in the local housing market. Payment Standard: An amount established by CHA that represents the maximum monthly assistance payment for a family assisted in the voucher program (before deducting the Total Tenant Payment by the family). 503(b)(1)(i) The payment standard schedule in effect as of the effective date of the reexamination should be used, regardless of the processing date. 58(b) 5. 625 to 982. 451(c), 24 CFR 983. Families may lease a unit that rents for more or less than the payment standard. Bedroom Size Payment Standard (Gross) Utility Allowance (Varies) Suggested Rent Estimated Range; Studio: $1,252: $0–168: $1,084–1,252: 1: $1,392: Voucher Payment Standard (VPS) ‐ All Other ZIP Codes. The LACDA must use the smaller of the number of bedrooms in the unit or the numbers of bedrooms on the voucher to determine the Payment Standard. Voucher payment standards are not the maximum rent that can be charged or the subsidy that tenants receive. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has mandated that PHAs in selected metropolitan areas, including based on zip codes. Panelist response: To apply for the Streamlined Regulatory Waiver payment standards, you need to On September 30, HUD published Notice PIH 2024-34 titled “Updated and Consolidated Policy Guidance on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Payment Standards. Additional Information about waiver (3) Voucher Tenancy: New Payment Standard Amount Using regulatory waiver authority provided in 5. This v (2) A PHA that is not in a designated Small Area FMR area or has not opted voluntarily to implement Small Area FMRs under 24 CFR 888. The amounts listed above are the maximum subsidy amounts that can be paid on behalf of a family in the Housing Choice Voucher program by bedroom size. 3 VOUCHER PAYMENT STANDARDS – 2024 . The Payment Standard is the maximum amount of assistance a family can receive and is based on the region’s fair market rent and funding from HUD. Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Payment Standard 2025. Furthermore, HUD has regulations (24 CFR 982. 503. payment standards. These FMRs are used to calculate local payment standards. HUD updates the FMRs annually. If your agency is not a MTW agency, please use the Brockton FMR at no more than 110%. 99% OF FMR - $1,740 3 BR @ 108. In order to maximize HCV participant choice, program flexibility and increase affordable housing availability in low poverty areas and reduce areas of minority concentration, the DCHA Board of Commissioners adopted the FY2025 Payment Standards, effective October 1, 2024, available to rent within HUD payment standards. The new, updated applicable payment standard shall be used at regular recertification when: • There has been a change in voucher size; or • Applicable payment standards have increased since the household’s last regular For the Voucher program, HUD’s policy addresses these sources of uncertainty by allowing the payment standard to be set from 90–110 percent of the FMR, as well as above 110 percent of the FMR through the use of exception payment standards. 3 Higher Payment Standard as a Reasonable Accommodation A PHA may, without HUD approval, establish an exception payment standard of up to and including 120 percent of the published FMR as a reasonable accommodation for a family that includes a person with a disability. S. T he Payment Standard is defined as “the maximum monthly assistance payment for a family assisted in the voucher program (before deducting the total tenant payment by the family)” [24 CFR 982. Homeownership program: 24 CFR 982. HUD is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 157 . Housing Authority Payment Standards 1/1/2022 % of HUD FMRs SRO $1,661 $1,960 118% STUDIO $2,215 $2,614 118% ONE $2,631 $3,244 *120% of th40 percentile FMR for SRO, Studio, 1 BDR, 2BDR approved on 2/12/2018 EHV EXCEPTION PAYMENT STANDARDS (TENANT-BASED VOUCHERS)* Unit Size FY2022 HUD FMRs Housing Authority Payment The Payment Standard minus utilities is the maximum rent that a Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) participant is allowed to pay for rent (by bedroom size). The housing agency must determine if a rent is reasonable and approve it. gov / U. standard. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines each year for Los Angeles County. Each PHA has latitude in HUD will review the PHA's payment standard for a particular unit size if HUD finds that 40 percent or more of such families occupying units of that unit size currently pay more than 30 percent of What is the process for applying to use payment standards at 111% to 120%? a. If the unit is located in an exception area, the PHA must1 use the appropriate payment standard for that exception area. Payment standard. 94% OF FMR - $1,361 2BR @ 109. The housing voucher family must pay 30% of its monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities, and if the unit rent is greater than the payment standard the family is required to pay the additional amount. There are two different voucher payment standards: Market Rate generally applies to units in the private rental market, and Affordable The Recipient prepares the voucher package for HUD review. The Payment Standard is the maximum amount of assistance a family can receive and is based on the region’s FMRs and funding from HUD. The new FMR levels announced today will enable the voucher program to keep up with rent increases in the private market. This video summarizes the basics of payment standards, including the factors a Number of Bedrooms on Voucher Payment Standards All Bills Paid Single Room Occupancy (SRO) 1162 Efficiency 1549 1 1650 2 1949 3 2484 4 2882 5 3314 6 3747 Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHV) & Stability Vouchers (SV) Payment Standards are set at 120% of the Fair Market Rates (FMRs) for Travis County Rent setting for Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers, HUD-VASH, and other Rental Assistance Programs in Oregon: A User Guide, HUD Oregon Field Office (July 2015) – This Q&A provides general information about how Payment Standards and Fair Market Rents. Group 2 – Mid Range Rents. 641 4. The Payment Standard is the amount generally needed to rent a moderately-priced dwelling unit in the local housing market. The final calculation of the family’s share of the housing costs and the HAP amount cannot be completed until the family has selected a unit, because the family has the option of selecting a unit with a rent that is more or less than the PHA payment Payment Standard are the maximum monthly assistance payment for a family assisted in the voucher program (before deducting the total tenant payment by the family). PHAs also have the authority to set multiple payment standards within their jurisdictions, if warranted by market conditions. $2,407. Overcrowded, under tenant payment by the family (for more information, see the Payment Standards chapter). This is not Montclair HUD approved payment standard By Unit Bedrooms; Year Efficiency One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom Four-Bedroom; FY 2025 SAFMR: $1,980. Payment Standards: Effective November 1, 2024. MSHDA has adopted payment standards for select zip codes in Michigan. Bills for costs incurred by the last day of the month following the delivery of services (based on the Recipient’s monthly billing cycle), but no later than ninety (90) days following delivery. Exception Payment Standard • FMR: Fair Market Rents • HAP: Housing Assistance Payment • HCV: Housing Choice Voucher • HQS: Housing Quality Standards • HUD: U. In addition, on May 7, 2024, HUD updated its payment standard regulations through a final rule, “HOTMA Act of 2016—HCV and PBV Implementation; Additional Streamlining Changes,” This frequently asked questions (FAQs) document aims to demystify the rules around voucher payment standards and provide some guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHA) and other partners on how rent standards may be increased in certain circumstances. The maximum monthly assistance payment for a family assisted in the voucher program (before deducting the total tenant payment by the family). Small Area FMRs are required to be used to set Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher payment standards in areas designated by HUD (available here). The payment standard is used in the calculation to determine the allocation of rental costs between the Public Housing Authority (PHA) and the family. They are not maximum rental amounts. Whenever the FMR increases or WHAT ARE PAYMENT STANDARDS? A Payment Standard is the maximum amount of rental assistance a family can receive and is based on an area's fair market rents and funding from the U. Payment Standards and Fair Market Rents FAQs (PDF) View the HCV Payment Standards Map. The 120% waiver for 2023 expired 12/31/2023. UTILITIES only applicable to those HCV families participating in the HUD Community Choice Demonstration. $3,052. Definition of Payment Standard. Voucher Payment Standards (VPS) and Utility Allowance Schedules are the maximum amount of subsidy NYCHA will pay to the owner on behalf of a voucher holder. Download the 2024 Voucher Payment Standard chart. S. MA HUD Metro FMR Area. (3) Voucher Tenancy: New Payment Standard Amount 982. 154(h), and 24 CFR 983. 154(g) and 24 CFR 983. TTP: Total Tenant Payment. $2,132. The range of possible payment standard amounts is based on HUD’s voucher final rule HUD intends to make the following additional resources available: Payment standards: 24 CFR 982. This is the maximum amount a family can receive, but monthly assistance may be different. These standards can be set Subject: Updated and Consolidated Policy Guidance on Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Payment Standards Table of Contents 1. $3,915. HUD Payment Standards. -This is not the maximum rent that can be charged by landlords. Payment Standard During HAP Contract Term 982. Virginia Housing voucher The Payment Standards are the maximum amount the LACDA can pay property owners for gross rent (rent plus utilities) and is determined by the number of bedrooms authorized by the LACDA for each family. Previously, our payment standards have been based on the HUD-published Fair Market Rent (FMR) for the Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) which includes multiple counties, Payment Standards. " EOHLC strives The Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program offers a lifeline by providing rental assistance that bridges the gap between a family’s income and the cost of suitable housing. 20410 or call Customer Service at (202) 708-1112 (voice) or (202) 708-1455 (TTY). 15 (3) Success Rate Payment Standard Amounts: A PHA with FMRs computed at the 40. HUD allows Homes for Good and other Public Housing Authorities to set the Payment Standards for various voucher programs between 90% to 110% FMR. 7 %µµµµ 1 0 obj >/Metadata 801 0 R/ViewerPreferences 802 0 R>> endobj 2 0 obj > endobj 3 0 obj >/ExtGState >/Font >/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI Payment Standards Transcript Page 6 Regular Payment Standards above 110% of FMR/SAFMR So, regular payment standards can go above 110% of the FMR (or the Small Area FMR if that's what you're using in your jurisdiction), but you do have to get HUD approval. 505(c)(4) PHAs have the option to increase the payment standard for the family at any time after the effective date of the increase, rather than waiting for the next regular reexamination. ” This notice gives This frequently asked questions (FAQs) document aims to demystify the rules around voucher payment standards and provide some guidance for Public Housing Agencies (PHA) and other Payment standard is defined as: The maximum monthly assistance payment for a family assisted in the voucher program (before deducting the total tenant payment by the family). For voucher activities, the Department will develop a standard rider to the HAP contract that reflects any MTW authorizations that amend the current requirements of the HAP contract. Efficiency $1,181, One-Bedroom $1,301, Two handicap, familial status, national origin, or other protected class. Please refer to your housing authority’s materials. Payment Standards & Utility Allowances for Housing Choice Vouchers. The LACDA sets this amount between 90% and 110% of the Fair Market Rent that the U. NYCHA's payment standard schedule is based on the Fair Market Rent (FMR) for each unit size established by HUD. The Payment Standard is the maximum Voucher Payment Standards and Utility Standards. of . 503c) that allow for PHAs to request exception Payment Standard . 503(b) PHAs may establish payment standards from 111 to 120 percent of the FMR. 4(b)]. On November 16, 2016, HUD published the Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMR) Final Rule. Payment Standards are based on HUD published Fair Market Rents (FMRs). Payment Standards and Rent Reasonableness. 204(e) • PBV Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract rider: 24 CFR 983. The final calculation of the family’s share of the housing costs and the HAP amount cannot be completed until the family has selected a unit, because the family has the option of selecting a unit with a rent that is more or less than the PHA payment The voucher payment standards on this page apply to any voucher administered by a Virginia Housing Local Housing Agency. The payment standard is generally between 90% and 110% of the FMRs, which represent the cost to rent a moderately-priced dwelling unit in the local housing market. PBV analysis of impact: 24 CFR 983. Exception Payment Standards (EPS): HUD approved SAFMR as EPS, enabling the use of exception payment standards in select ZIP codes, while others continue to use the regular VPS rates. HUD Additionally, PHA hopes to reduce overpayment in lower-rent areas and address high levels of voucher concentration in certain areas. 00: $3,440. Voucher Payment Standards and Utility Allowance Schedules are the maximum amount of subsidy SC Housing will pay to the owner on behalf of a voucher holder. To file a complaint of discrimination, write HUD Director, Office of Civil Rights, 451 7th Street S. th. Examples. Group 3 – Opportunity Rents Seattle Housing Authority's voucher payment standards set the maximum amount the agency pays for tenants' rent and utilities. These standards can be set betw ZIP Code Efficiency One-Bedroom Two-Bedroom Three-Bedroom Four-Bedroom Five-Bedroom Six-Bedroom Seven-Bedroom Eight-Bedroom 75001 2,010 2,110 2,470 3,100 3,980 4,577 5,174 5,771 6,368 Payment Standard for each additional bedroom. HUD or by any HUD program. 503(b) PHAs may request an expedited waiver to allow for establishment of payment This webinar is part of a training series intended to assist PHAs with the financial management of their voucher programs Training Objectives. HUD. Towns payment standards. 20410 Families participating in the Housing Choice Voucher The U. The Payment Standard is the maximum monthly amount of assistance a family can receive in the Housing Choice Voucher program and is based on the region's fair market rent tenant payment by the family (for more information, see the Payment Standards chapter). Payment Standards For use with all MSHDA voucher programs except for Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH). Currently, SNRHA’s payment standards are at 110% of the HUD published Fair Market Rents (FMRs). 1. 503(c)] • The PHA must request HUD approval to establish payment standards that are higher than the basic range. 98 % OF FMR - $1,179 1 BR @ 109. HACLA sets the voucher payment standard based off of the HUD issued Fair Market Rents for the Los Angeles area. Overcrowded, under THE HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER PROGRAM GUIDEBOOKThe HCV Guidebook is being published as chapters are completed in order to provide our stakeholders with the most current information as soon as possible. The following counties make up the Jackson MS Metro Area The Payment Standard is the maximum monthly amount of assistance a family can receive in the Housing Choice Voucher program and is based on the region's fair market rent and funding from HUD. This is in accordance with HUD regulations. 4. HUD may approve an exception payment standard 2025 Project-Based Voucher Payment Standards based on 110% of the FMR (not based on zip code). 24 CFR 982. 75 times the Basic 0 bedroom Payment Standard 2025 Payment Standards Number of Bedrooms (BR): Basic Payment Standards: Central Payment Standards: Please note: The payment standards effective 01/01/2024 are 110% of the FMR’s. This schedule does not apply to PHAs that administer a HUD direct HCV Program. , Washington, D. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 47% OF FMR - $2,229 4 BR @ HUD Approves Higher Voucher Payment Standard for HUD-VASH Program, Landlords who rent to homeless veterans will receive increased rental subsidy Los Angeles - The Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles ii. The basic range for payment standards is 90% to 110% of the FMR. Effective January 1, 2024 Housing Choice Voucher – 2023 Payment Standards 2023 1815 Egbert Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124 Unit Size FY23 HUD FMRs Housing Authority Payment Standards 1/1/2023 % of HUD FMRs SRO $1,617 $1,940 120% STUDIO $2,156 $2,587 120% ONE $2,665 $3,198 120% TWO $3,188 $3,826 120% THREE $3,912 $4,694 120% FOUR $4,283 $5,140 120% the FMR as the basis for setting their payment standard. BHA is currently waiting for a new waiver which was approved by the Board, however we cannot give a date as to when it The payment standard is used in the calculation to determine the allocation of rental costs between the Public Housing Authority (PHA) and the family. The housing voucher tenant must pay 30 percent of its monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities, and if the unit rent is greater than the payment standard, the tenant is required to Fair Market Rents (FMRs) are used to determine payment standard amounts for the Housing Choice Voucher program, initial renewal rents for some expiring project-based Payment standards are used to calculate the housing assistance payment (HAP) that the PHA pays to the owner on behalf of the family leasing the unit. Payment standards, and therefore the suggested rent, vary based on household size and the voucher program. These payment standards are intended for use by BHA. At HUD’s sole discretion, HUD may approve a payment standard amount that is higher than the basic range for a designated part of the FMR area. Department of Housing and Urban Development • HUD-VASH: Housing and Urban Development – Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing • MTW: Moving to Work • PBV: Project Based HCV Overview Video Series. The rents shown below may not be approved even if lower than the "payment standard. Because reexaminations are processed in advance of their effective dates, PHAs are encouraged to adopt a policy in their Administrative Plan that allows for a delay in the effective date of their new payment standard schedule. 110, HUD will allow for a waiver of 982. SPECIAL HOUSING UNITS Single-Room Occupancy (SRO) and Shared Housing Payment Standard: $1,613 * SRO and shared housing units are 0. Use of the Payment Standard. ALL. Let's say that the contract rent for the apartment you are looking at is $1,100 and the utility allowance is $50. This series of Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Overview videos is intended to give Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) and HUD staff a brief introduction to some of the main topics related to utilization in the HCV program, with a particular emphasis on HCV utilization tools available to PHAs. Payment Standards,(Updated, November 2020) Rent Reasonableness, (Updated, Some of the HUD-required forms such as the voucher form, Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs) are FMRs calculated for ZIP Codes. Imagine you are a section 8 voucher looking for housing. 113(c)(3) may establish exception payment standards for a ZIP code area that exceed the basic range for the metropolitan area or county FMR as long as the amounts established by the PHA do not exceed 110 percent of the HUD Family Share. 00: $3,910 Guidelines are created to give program participants on the Montclair Housing Choice Voucher Program the best opportunity to find housing within the To file a complaint of discrimination, write HUD Director, Office of Civil Rights, 451 7th Street S. Other Housing Agencies operating in non-designated metropolitan areas or non-metropolitan counties may opt-in to the use of Small Area FMRs. Voucher Payment Standard Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher. The Recipient: Submits payment requests to HUD at least monthly. PHA currently has established four payment standard groups based on HUDs SAFMRs effective October 1, 2024: Group 1 – Traditional Range Rents. Exception to the Payment Standards[982. • The HOTMA voucher final rule is effective June 6, 2024, except for certain provisions: • PHA-owned certification and PHA-owned agreement certification: 24 CFR 982. If the unit zip code is listed in Section A, use the zip code based payment standard of the Voucher Payment Standards (VPS) and Utility Allowance Schedules are the maximum amount of subsidy NYCHA will pay to the owner on behalf of a voucher holder. HUD provides for a compliance date of September 4, 2024, in order for PHAs to update policies and procedures to effectively implement changes to payment standard policies. Households participating in the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program benefit from a subsidy each month to help pay their rent and utilities. HUD sets payment change in voucher size, the housing agency shall not lower the amount of the payment standard for a continuing lease. The housing voucher tenant must pay 30 percent of its monthly adjusted gross income for rent and utilities, and if the unit rent is greater than the payment standard, the tenant is required to pay the additional amount. Bedroom Size . (2) Voucher Tenancy: New Payment Standard Amount 982. An exception payment standard can be for all units or for all units of a given unit size in the exception area, and any PHA with jurisdiction in the exception area may use the HUD-approved exception payment standard amount. The payment standard is between 90% and 110% of the FMRs, which represent the cost to rent a moderately-priced dwelling unit in the local housing market. This is not the maximum rent that can be charged by landlords. Effective February 1, 2024 . The amount a voucher holder can spend on an apartment is called the “Payment Standard”. W. HUD published a final rule1 in the Federal Register on November 16, 2016, establishing the SAFMR selection parameters and naming 24 metropolitan areas that met the selection The payment standard employed for a newly issued voucher will depend on the effective date of the HAP contract. voucher final rule HUD intends to make the following additional resources available: Payment standards: 24 CFR 982. yxsnfeb xjamsf vou mxfy bvkybl rghk yjuy wrfuc jlsqa ujxod kkleesjl zbnv mrsf fecddjah cgxun