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Golang build windows. ) This is an umbrella issue to track the status of the port.
Golang build windows And I understand that go does intelligence around what files to build, if you set the GO_OS or name a file like xyz_<OS>. Files Excluded by Build Tags: While custom build tags are set using the tags build flag, golang automatically sets a few tags based on environment variables and other factors. To install with an installer, see Download and install. For this, you need to use the go build command: go build hello. The go build also compiles the Introduction. go程序(类似执行一个脚本文件的形式) go run hello. exe"的可执行文件,即我们的Go应用程序。现在,只需要双击该可执行文件,你就可以在 需求场景 公司内部的 IT 似乎不会使用 Linux,所以要交接的一个 golang gin 服务,我就不太敢部署在 Linux 上,想试试能否生成 windows 版本,然后设置成开机自启动,这样就不用操心了。 即,在我的 Windows 10 WSL Ubuntu 开发环境下,编译出可以在 Windows 10 上运行的 Golang 二进制文件。 使用Golang编译生成高效Windows可执行文件(exe)的完整指南 引言 Golang,简称Go,以其简洁的语法、高效的并发处理和强大的标准库,迅速成为开发者们的新宠。对于需要在Windows平台上部署应用程序的开发者来说,将Go代码编译成高效的可执行文件(exe)是不可或 文章浏览阅读2. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. exe文件,而在Linux下,同样设置环境变量后编译得到可执行的main文件。 go build If you do not provide an argument to this command, go build will automatically compile the main. go, which can lead to the unfortunate fact of having 0 files to build with even though there are source files in the pwdHowever, I'm not sure what happened such that removing cached modules fixes this? Golang 支持在一个平台下生成多个平台运行包 编译之后直接可执行,使用起来非常方便 1. The go install To build from Linux to Windows, you need to set the environment variables GOOS to Windows and GOARCH to amd64. go build -o your_app_name main. zip main Than you can build an image with docker build -t yourname/hello . Modified 9 years, 10 months ago. Golang comes with the go tool, which manages Go source code. Add Microsoft Windows File Properties/Version Info and Icon Resource Generator for the Go Language. Walk wraps the Windows API and provides a clean, high-level API for creating Windows apps in Go. 15-alpine3. yaml contains all configuration and path required for the build, like the compilers or default platform. exe hello. go // only builds on windows 64bit platforms Conversely if your file is applicable to more than one platform or architecture, or you need to exclude a specific platform, a build tag should be used. 10, even with all the Package build. 17 beta. 基本的打包和构建 构建可执行文件. 的時候,會讀取讀 GO 的環境變數 GOOS 和 GOARCH 來決定要產生什麼樣平台的執行檔案。 如下圖所示,我執行 go env 來查看環境變數, 可以看到 GOARCH=amd64,GOOS=windows,這表示我執行 go build . / . Top. Getting set up with Go on Windows is straightforward – especially when following this comprehensive, step-by-step guide tailored for beginners. go files in the directory. 在真实项目打包过程中,存在如下需求 清理现场 构建时间戳 编译即go build命令,但是需要一些编译参数,输出可执行文件带时间戳 压缩 下文给出了批处理脚本和最佳实践,鼓励选用。 使用方法 修改main. A nice feature of the Go language is the ability to build binaries for multiple platforms directly from a single source system. go 遇到的问题 由于在项目中用到了sqlite所以在编译的时候报 exec: “gcc”: executable file not found in 关于tags的说明: 构建约束以一行+build开始的注释。在+build之后列出了一些条件,在这些条件成立时,该文件应包含在编译的包中;; 约束可以出现在任何源文件中,不限于go文件; +build必须出现在package语句之前,+build注释之后 I have to admit I do not understand your question. 文章浏览阅读7. Basically you use GCC to build the DLL from golang generated . The walk package is a Go package for building GUI apps. (A running builder is needed to know whether the port is working. ) the windows executable, I signed it on ubuntu with osslsigncode. go build was 11MB, go build with those ldflags was about 7mb, and after upx it's 2. 编译出来后就是一个可执行文件 mypkg_linux. 20. 8w次,点赞296次,收藏463次。本文主要讲解的是在windows上安装Go语言的环境和配置环境变量;Go语言版本:1. exe). go 说明:-o 指定输出的可执行文件名(如果省略,输出名默认为当前目录名)。; 如果没有错误,当前目录会生成一个可执行文件 your_app_name(Windows 系统下是 your_app_name. よく知りません。情報求む。 追記 There is a project on github which shows how to create a DLL, based on, and thanks to user7155193's answer. The easiest way to build for a specific OS/Architecture is to append that information to the end of your filename, some examples include: main_windows. DWARF sections in #golang ELF binaries are now compressed, so at tip binaries are now smaller than Go 1. The go build command compiles Go source code into a binary executable. go 编译64位 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build main. When we output the env we can see what they are set. Open comment sort options. We read service change requests from receive-only channel r and act accordingly. exe on a Windows machine near you. . Ask Question Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. Before Go 1. Use git bash if you have it installed οn your machine and execute the below command. Linux 下编译 Mac 和 Windows 平台 ちなみに、このスクリプトは build をするための shell の関数を作ってくれるのですが、 zsh となんか相性が悪いので使ってません。環境変数だけなんで、適当に自分で shell を書く程度で間に合いそうです。 Windows. Some versions of Windows provide this control panel through the "Advanced System Settings" option inside the "System" control panel. 本文主要围绕 go build 的缓存hash计算与获取缓存文件来编写。. exe即可. 在執行 go build . eg, 在学习 Go 语言之前,首先需要确保开发环境已正确安装和配置。本部分将详细介绍如何在不同平台(Windows、macOS 和 Linux)上安装 Go 语言,以及如何进行环境变量配置和工作空间的设置。 ,说明开发环境已成功配置。在项目目录 guark-build. As an alternative to this, you may compile Walk using an optional C implementation of the main message loop, by passing the walk_use_cgo build tag: go build -tags walk_use_cgo 文章浏览阅读1. /build/windows/hellomake -version hellomake 1. Old. Now try to run this . Before you use Gox, you must build the cross I tried various ways of creating a Go program that only displays either a MessageBox or a standalone GUI window. This implies you can also use the DLL in plain C or C++ Visual Studio or GCC project. Note that the first time you run the command above it will silently rebuild most of standard library, and for this reason will be quite slow. Golang执行流程分析 For example, files with build constraints like //go:build windows will be ignored when building for non-Windows platforms. One of Go’s most powerful features is the ability to cross-build executables for any Go-supported foreign platform. How can I build for linux 32-bit with go1. Best. cmd/coordinator: add rsc changed the title build: run a Windows Server 2003 builder x/build: run a Windows Server 2003 builder Apr 14, 2015. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 7 months ago. Subsequent builds will be faster due to Go command build caching. Why Go? Released publicly in 2012, Go (or Golang) 1. 2. It has several commands Hello, World! The go run command compiles and runs the Go package from a list of . go Code language: Shell Session (shell) On Windows, this results in an executable file called hello. This question needs Try using go build or go install which will produce an executable binary (a. exe文件. Viewed 1k times 1 . 5mb. go This command specifies the target OS (windows) and the As an example, even from a development Windows 7 32-bit machine, you can build binaries for both 64 bit Linux and Windows 2012 Servers. Gox is a simple, no-frills tool for Go cross compilation that behaves a lot like standard go build. go 在powershell上,环境变量的设置方式与cmd命令行做出了修改,所以导致目前大部分博客中写的golang的交叉编译命令失效,所以使用windows10 + powershell的用户将设置环境变量的方式修改成上文对应 windows. Should also be able to port this to bsd/linux/macOS. , a . Since the build tag for the include file is: // +build !windows The code for the files are: // main. /main. File Naming. The C/C++ compilers are not using the PATH environment and need an absolute path to them, on linux it will use the default The builder stopped running, and no new running builder has been added yet, tracked in x/build: add LUCI windows-arm builder #67308. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . Constraints may appear in any kind of source file (not just Go), but they must appear near the top of the file, preceded only by blank lines and other line comments. We set GOARCH = amd64 set GOOS = linux go build. When you run "go build", Go will embed the version information and an optional icon and an optional manifest in the executable. Please follow the guide on the website and after having completed the setup, open the MSYS2 MSYS shell from Windows menu, which will spawn a terminal with a Bash shell. 5. go program in your current directory. 的時候會產生 windows 64位元 作業系統的執行檔案。 In this post, we are learn how to build a Golang application. golang 交叉编译windows,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答!- Golang知识库 GOARCH=amd64指定了目标架构为64位,CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc指定了使用MinGW-w64工具链进行编译,go build -o output If you don't want to type the long build instructions every time during debugging but still want the console window to disappear, you can add this code at the start of your main function: Written by Paul Bradley. Ask questions and post articles about the Go programming language and related tools, events etc. 3 (Windows 7 64 bit) "go build" execution time has increased from around 4 to over 45 seconds. /build/windows/hellomake Hello World! GNU make - Phony Targets Build Golang projects properly with Makefiles A Makefile for your Go project Golang: Don’t afraid of makefiles GitHub: cloudflare/hellogopher Golang:无惧makefile win下 golang 跨平台 ZeroMq Golang binding cannot build on Windows. Under Windows, you may set environment variables through the "Environment Variables" button on the "Advanced" tab of the "System" control panel. # copy the project itself COPY . Wails walk. exe)。 $ . 7. 12 as builder RUN mkdir /go/src/hello WORKDIR /go/src/hello #install nano, zip and git RUN apk add nano zip git COPY . /build/ . Gox will also build the cross-compilation toolchain for you. Share Sort by: Best. 运行编译生成的hello文件. go contents Go语言中使用 go build 命令主要用于编译代码。在包的编译过程中,若有必要,会同时编译与之相关联的包。 go build 有很多种编译方法,如无参数编译、文件列表编译、指定包编译等,使用这些方法都可以输出可执行文件。 go build 无参数编译 上面的文章,我们已经搭建了Go语言环境,可以戳这里:手把手带你进行Golang环境配置,还实现了第一个Go程序,本次我们来安排一下如何实现跨平台编译。 CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build. As an example, even from a development Windows 7 32-bit machine, you can build binaries for both 64 bit Linux and Windows 2012 Servers. 5, you needed a Build and run a Go program. go . Mac Mac下编译Linux, Windows平台的64位可执行程序: CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build test. This document explains how to check out the sources, build 文章浏览阅读1. The Windows service was developed using Go and this article outlines some of golang官方并没有提供Windows gui库,但是今天还是要跟大家分享一下使用golang开发Windows桌面程序,当然又是面向github编程了。 知乎上有一个问答: golang为什么没有官方的gui包? 文章浏览阅读2. exe that you can run directly. Controversial. Writing and installing a Windows Service using the Golang programming language. go // only builds on linux systems mypkg_windows_amd64. On Bash or ZSH: If your package requires CGO then How to Cross-Compile Go Programs for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Build Constraints. There were no other changes except the go version update. It installs all necessary dependencies. To compliment my lab receipting application, I also had to build a Windows Service that would monitor the lab results and send them back to the central architecture. Go to golang r/golang. If you are on windows/amd64 and want to build for windows/386, then this will build everything you need to compile for windows/386: How to build binary in package in Golang? 7. go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build main. 1k次,点赞15次,收藏20次。打造vscode golang顶级开发环境(windows),为什么不用Goland?因为没有元子啊_windows vscode golang 引言 Golang(又称Go语言)因其简洁、高效和并发性能而广受欢迎。然而,在开发过程中,如何方便地将Golang程序编译为不同平台的可执行文件,一直是开发者们关心的问题。本文将详细讲解如何轻松掌握Golang的跨平台编译,一键生成Windows和Linux版本的程序,让您无需再为平台兼容性问题而烦恼。 This solved my problem. Go Build Not Windows. compile gopacket on windows 64bit. Go is an open source project, distributed under a BSD-style license. 1 to 1. sum . Microsoft Windows File Properties/Version Info and Icon Resource Generator for the Go Language. go CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=windows FROM golang:1. That should work, using Go 1. 3 (2017-10-17T21:15:25+0800) $ . 6Windows版本:win11(win10通用)_go环境变量配置 windows 最近重新开始接触Go语言,写了个exe可执行程序,但是每次执行的时候会出现这样的一个console窗口,而且还没有任何内容。这当然就很不优雅了。 我们可以通过在go build的时候,设定编译参数来解决这个问题, go build-ldflags "-s -w -H=windowsgui" -s 省略符号表和调试信息 -w Omit the DWARF symbol table 省略DWARF Go allows you to conditionally build source code based on attributes like the Operating System, Architecture, and even just plaintext tags, below is a breakdown of how they work. Regarding camget: camget is such a package main package and it contains a main() function an it is built into an The usual default message loop includes calls to win32 API functions, which incurs a decent amount of runtime overhead coming from Go. The walk package takes an event-driven approach On windows I have an executable I'm building to run as a service so startup time differences measured in the ms are negligible. COPY go. The command will include all your *. This binary is then executed, after which it gets thrown away. Go programs can be easily cross-compiled for various operating If you have been working on the Go language, then you might probably know about the go build <filename> command which builds an executable file for the given filename's main function. 最终的目标是要生成windows程序,所以Cgo引用的库文件也必须是windows版本的。 以ffmpeg库为例:参考截图,在ffmpeg文件夹之下,新建一个文件夹,名为libwin, 用于保存windows版本的库文件(dll文件)。 pkgconfig 也需要做相应调整。 Introduction. go When you do this, the application is compiled as a so-called "GUI binary" instead of as a "console binary". You switched accounts on another tab or window. 9w次,点赞5次,收藏18次。本文介绍了如何使用Go语言创建一个两层目录结构,创建并写入文件,然后在Windows和Linux环境下编译代码为可执行文件。在Windows下,通过设置环境变量并使用`go build`命令生成. 引言. go source files from the new hello directory you created and the path you imported. go You can now run hello. This topic describes how to build and run Go from source code. / hello 注:windows下是直接运行hello. 阅读时可根据提供的源代码一起看。 笔者是Windows系统用户,在七牛实训营开发的GO+ build在Windows下慢的问题中发现 go build或go list -export在一 Execute function will be called by the package code at the start of the service, and the service will exit once the Execute completes. With it a lot of existing (and performant) code can be integrated and used. That’s First step is to build host version of go: Next you need to build the rest of go compilers and linkers. Package creates a syso file which contains Microsoft Windows Version Information and an optional icon. If I were to write this in C / C++ I would just define a WinMain, leave out the main and I would be good to go. Cgo. You may change the name of the result binary like this: go build -o "myapp" Note that in Linux to compile the app for Windows amd64, a single command is enough (in the folder of the main package): GOOS = windows GOARCH = amd64 go build. Viewed 6k times 15 . This topic introduces two additional commands for building code: The go build command compiles the packages, along with their dependencies, but it doesn't install the results. 6. Golang comes with the go command, used to build, test, and install Go packages and modules. r/golang. go 이렇게 되는 경우 window에 amd64를 명확하게 보여주자는 것입니다. 단순히 글을 읽을 때는 안이상했는데 과연 naming만 go build hello. Reload to refresh your session. 그러니까 예를 들어서 source_windows_amd64. This means that when you start the app, it will run but it will not show up in the Windows taskbar. Its documentation do mention:. 通过go run命令可以直接运行hello. g. The GOOS and GOARCH define the OS and architecture for current program. Unfortunately, i'm not able to build the zmq library neither Gozmq software and get the following errors: *** Since this library must not contain 假设你的工程里面有多个 main 函数,需要生成多个可执行程序,那么使用 go build -o 输出名称 go文件的路径或位置。比如你可能会看到别人开源的 cli 工具,在 cmd 目录下有好多个子程序,使用了非常复杂的构建脚本来生成多个可执行程序,下次就知道了,通过一个 go build 无法完成的,使用 shell 或者 Photo by Adam Grabek on Unsplash. go Note the use of set in Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt to set environment variables. 1k次。1、加上// build windows注释是兼容 windows 和 linux 系统的程序,比如设置终端中输出的内容的文字和背景色是windows,那么它需要调用 DLL,而在 linux下它却会报错,提示不存在这个程序,所以此时需要golang 语言层面的支持来解决这种问题。1、如果编译的是 windows 系统下的文件,则 As an experienced programmer and teacher with over 15 years of industry experience, I highly recommend Go for building robust and scalable backend applications. The go run command ran the code for your “Hello, World!” program, but you may That’s alright during development, but once your program is finished, you want to create a runnable binary (e. In this article we show how to build executables with go build tool in Golang. go 注:windows下编译之后生成的是hello. Compile for Windows from Linux/MacOS: GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build -o hello. Windows FROM golang:1. go and before run it's being compiled inside . And the main function is compulsory. Current way of making a DLL: Golang 支持交叉编译,在一个平台上生成另一个平台的可执行程序,最近使用了一下,非常好用,这里备忘一下。Mac 下编译 Linux 和 Windows 64位可执行程序CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build main. 환경 변수는 go env로 명령어로 확인 가능합니다. Any package which is declared package main must have a main() function and the go tool will build such a package into an executable and the main() function will be called when you run the executable. 3. go 6. The Go programming language comes with a rich toolchain that makes obtaining packages and building executables incredibly easy. GOOS and GOARCH. Gox will parallelize builds for multiple platforms. You signed out in another tab or window. After building (GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 go build . 5, you needed a compiler for the target architecture, GoLang: Cross Golang windows下 交叉编译 GOARCH="amd64" // 开始编译 go build . This is also confirmed in blog post: Dave Cheney: Cross PS i already know how to compile golang source into a Windows GUI executable using go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui, but doing so only ensures the program itself doesn't bring up a command line window, Exec will show those windows anyway I'm testing simple Go program on Windows 8 with SublimeText3 (GoSublime plugin) go run -v example. Step 2 — Building an Executable. # 查看之前的golang编译环境 # 设置成linux对应的 set GOARCH=amd64 go env -w GOARCH=amd64 set GOOS=linux go env -w GOOS=linux go build -o [目标可执行程序] [源程序] # 例子 go build -tags dev -o D:\Maste Project to show people how to create MS Windows golang DLL, then load it into lazarus program, or a plain fpc command line program or another golang exe. In this artilce we’ll explore the go build command in detail. I need to compile a Go-program for that platform. Compile for Linux from Windows: set GOOS=linux set GOARCH=amd64 go build -o hello hello. go GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build. It will also build all of the supporting code needed to be able to execute the binary on any computer with the same system architecture, regardless of whether The winstrap tool is used by the Go project to turn a fresh Windows VM image into a Windows builder. This makes testing and package distribution much easier, because you don’t need to have access 예를 들어 windows 64bit 아키텍쳐는 GOARCH에 amd64로 설정해야 합니다. 编译成windows环境exe可执行文件过程,打开文件所在目录,在资源路径框中输入cmd,打开cmd命令框,通过“go env”查看当期环境变量,以windows10环境为例,默认为windows环境。 // 配置环境变量 SET CGO_ENABLED = 1 SET GOOS = windows SET GOARCH = amd64 // 编译命令 go build main. exe on Windows). $ set GOOS=windows $ set GOARCH=386 $ go build -o hello. Compile for MacOS from 跨平台编译详解:如何使用Golang实现Windows、Linux和macOS一键构建 引言 在当今多元化的操作系统环境中,软件开发者常常面临一个挑战:如何让同一款软件在不同的平台上都能高效运行。Golang(Go语言)以其简洁的语法和强大的跨平台编译能力,成为了众多开发者 Go 交叉编译Golang 支持交叉编译,在一个平台上生成另一个平台的可执行程序 一 Mac 下编译 Linux 和 Windows 64位可执行程序 CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build main. directory. Modified 9 years, 7 months ago. rsc modified the milestones: Unreleased, The MSYS2 project aims to provide an isolated POSIX-like environment and a versatile package manager for easy software configuration and building on Windows. New. Integrating C code in a Go application is really useful and powerful. It seems to me that as soon as I define a main function a console window is created automatically. mod . 6k次。在powershell上,环境变量的设置方式与cmd命令行做出了修改,所以导致目前大部分博客中写的golang的交叉编译命令失效,所以使用windows10 + powershell的用户将设置环境变量的方式修改成上文对应的即可。在windows10之前的系统版本上使用cmd命令行可以使用上述命令编译。 Next, I thought it would be nice to get a native arm64 version of Go (Golang) on Windows running. . h files. go CGO_ENABLED= Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. env GOOS=linux go build -o filename You could set the execution operating system for the whole command session through: Setting environment variables under Windows. exe file, and you will see the result printed immediately. But, you can also use go build to make an executable file that can save you some time. go定义全局变量_VERSION_并在main方法中日志输出版本号 12345678910package mainimport ( "log" After upgrading from Go 1. go. The go command is the primary tool for managing your Go source code. AppData\Local\Temp. Here is a list of the available tags golang is slow in Windows [closed] Ask Question Asked 9 years, 7 months ago. Compile for Windows (Windows용으로 컴파일)@REM Windows 64bit binary compileSET GOOS=windows& SET GOARCH=amd64& go build -o bin/app-wind. 15 # create a build dir RUN mkdir /build WORKDIR /build ENV CGO_ENABLED=0 # copy module dependencies COPY go. CC @golang/windows, @golang/release. 使用Go语言将Golang项目打包成Windows可执行exe文件的详细指南 引言 Go语言(Golang)以其简洁、高效和并发特性在现代软件开发中赢得了广泛赞誉。无论是开发Web服务、命令行工具还是桌面应用,Go都展现出了强大的能力。然而,对于Windows用户来说,如何将Go项目打包成一个独立的可执行exe文件,常常是 I do not want/need to compile Go itself for ARM/ARM64. Introduction. ) This is an umbrella issue to track the status of the port. Since the official download page does not provide any pre-compiled installers for Windows arm64 bradfitz added a commit to golang/build that referenced this issue Mar 31, 2015. 打开运行设置 新建一个go build 新增一个设置,命名为“build windows”,赋值如图其中最重要的是Environment 选择正确的配置,开始编译(运行) 会直接生成exe 双击可以直接运行 如果是想编译为linux可用的,配置如 This command specifies the target OS (windows) and the architecture (amd64), generating a Windows executable from hello. a and . golang编译windows,中国Golong语言开发者必备的知识库,涵盖一切关于Golang的编码、教程、技术、知识提供无限次数的免费专业级在线解答! go build 这将会生成一个名为"main. My antivirus program Golang - change build working path on Windows. go Golang编译生成带图标的Windows可执行文件(exe)教程 引言 Golang(Go语言)以其简洁、高效和强大的并发处理能力,逐渐成为开发者们的新宠。在开发Windows应用程序时,生成一个带图标的可执行文件(exe)不仅能提升用户体验,还能让你的应用显得更加专业。本文将详细介绍如何使用Golang编译生成带 To compile a Windows GUI app in Go, you need to specify an extra flag during when running go build: go build -ldflags-H=windowsgui filename. Each time you use go run, your source code is compiled into a binary. 你可以通过 go build 命令将你的应用打包成一个可执行文件:. cross compiler. 4. A build constraint is a line comment beginning with the directive +build that lists the conditions under which a file should be included in the package. I'm trying to get Go ZMQ4 binding to work on windows. I have small program to do that: for cmd in a c g l; do. It’s sometimes out of date, though, as it’s only updated when we need to update the Windows base image for the Go continuous build. / #build main RUN GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o main #zip main RUN zip main. What is go build?. The traditional method of providing web interfaces to Go programs is via a built-in web server. 2. Modified 2 years, 11 months ago. Switching Golang에서 build를 os별로 하기 위해서는? (+ release phase별로 빌드하기) 2 minute read On this page. MSYS2 uses Golang 在 Windows 上同时编译64位和32位可执行程序 需要在windows上同时编译需要64位的系统,32位只能编译32位的可执行程序。 编译32位 GOOS=windows GOARCH=386 go build main. go tool dist install -v cmd/$arch$cmd. Q&A. Closed. idrrpftkywydhaqagbvndfacxhhsyjmrbkreyblgceibrsxuhbunhvrogajhwkswuzkxcmepvgq