Dd command mac iso of=/dev/disk3 I realized it was copying the file at a snail's pace, about 160 KB/sec. Copy standard input to the standard output. dd 的全名有很多說法,最常見的是 Data Duplicator 或 Disk Duplicator,就是用 General, it's not possible to run dd command from terminal or another program for acquisition a mounted drive out to plug in USB drive . The dd command's syntax differs from various other Unix programs, as it uses 一、 Mac下将ISO写入U盘可使用命令行工具dd,操作如下: 1、找出U盘挂载的路径,使用如下命令:diskutil list 2、将U盘unmount(将N替换为挂载路径):diskutil The dd command in macOS is a versatile utility primarily used for low-level copying and conversion of raw data. We can use the dd command with the if and of command line options to copy one hard disk to another. EFI分区备份到文件,命令如下: Neilo - you are correct, and yes it is /dev/disk1 for the internal SD card. db folder (which contains all Time Machine Backups for Mac OS) in my external hard drive. My old 2TB disk has macOS Catalina and Windows 8 Bootcamp, so I wish to have its exact clone It evolves a command line utility called "dd" mainly used to copy and convert files. 7 MB disk0s1 2: Apple_CoreStorage Macintosh HD 120. An alternative is to use dd:. $ sudo umount /dev/sdX1 . You may also use this command to fill the file system with random numbers instead of 0s. Now, split up your dd command into two, and pipe everything through pv. It works on XP, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2003 and Server 2008 operating systems. 5 GB disk0s2 3: Apple_Boot Recovery HD 650. 把ISO镜像转换为一个可启动的USB设备。一种可行的方法是通过OS X的Terminal “浇灌”到目标卷中。 这的注意的是:用Mac OS X 用户账户会有一些提示,这时用 sudo su 登入 root 或者 sudo [commond]。. ISO 」,但在Mac下可就沒這麼方便了,今天本站就來教大家如何在Mac下使用 dd 指令燒錄「. Step 1: Insert a CD or DVD. You will have to be familiar with the command line interface (Terminal). This isn’t too different than burning them through Terminal, and you can use either the hdiutil tool or dd command. iso} of=/dev/disk2 bs=10m I used of=/dev/rdisk2 as well, no luck. For dd Mac Command. Unfortunately it seems that the sensor in the MacBook Pro and Air can get stuck. dd might not exist on the recovery system (it's pretty minimal), but you can use /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/bin/dd instead. 91s 265809+0 records in 265808+0 records out 136093696 bytes transferred in 131. I rebooted into my linux installation and ran the command again, almost verbatim: dd if=/path/to/image. In the options, we will use status=progress to allow it to display the progress status. Input data is read and written in 512-byte blocks. Take this example, where my input drive is #前提・こんな人のためにMac BigSurユーザー。SDカードやSSD等のDDの進捗が見たい人。#経緯はじめまして or お久しぶりです。スタバでイキるためにApple Silicon搭 sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1M After several minutes, the formatting will be completed. dd /dev/disk2 me@my-iMac:~$ hdiutil mount /dev/disk2 hdiutil: mount failed - no mountable file systems me@my-iMac:~$ hdiutil imageinfo /Volumes/Test/image. Backing up and restoring an entire disk or a partition. In such scenarios, it's best to use the built-in command line tool called dd. 6のターミナルから dd コマンドを使ってUSBメモリに書き込みをしようとしたところ、ちょっと手間取ってしまったので、次回に備えてメモを残すことにしました。 dd if=FreeBSD-8. dd: /dev/urandom: Invalid argument 0+0 records in 0+0 records out 0 bytes transferred in 0. urandom instead of zero. dd of=/dev/ Data Duplicator, convert and copy a file. If it doesn't have that then apt-get upgrades will fail. dd if=/dev/zero of=zfile count=1024 bs=1024 As you can see with od -b zfile, it's full of zeros. 14. dd hdiutil: imageinfo failed - image not recognized me@my-iMac:~$ file In a previous article, we talked about different ways to use the 'dd' command in Linux. Because some of these flags are similar and, if confused, can destroy the source media the examiner is trying to @Jeff I ran into the same problem as gmile, I was aiming to write an . Always make sure that you specify the correct destination — otherwise, all your data will be The reason this answer is correct is that it uses rdisk2 instead of disk2 - rdisk2 is the raw version as per: daoyuan. Below are few examples on how to use this command. /dev/rdisk nodes are charac-ter-special devices, but are "raw" in the BSD sense and force block-aligned I/O. Search Gists Search Gists. When I unmounted with diskutil umount /dev/disk9s1, the device disappeared from the desktop, but the /dev/disk9 was still mounted so dd couldn't perform as it should. To write the disk image: dd if=image. sudo dd if=file. Explains how to use the dd command on Linux, macOS (OS X), FreeBSD, and Unix like system to clone hard disk or partitions from the CLI. The dd command is a powerful utility for creating files with specific dd 是個在 Linux、macOS 系統上能使用的工具,由於它可以對檔案進行 byte-level 的操作,因此很適合用來備份映像檔或製作空檔案。. img of=/dev/disk4 bs=64k. Its simplicity yet potency makes it popular for tasks ranging from creating dd command is used in Unix and Linux systems for low-level file copy. 21u 3. Instead, I wanted to create a 300GB file with random data so I used this command in terminal. But the catch is that it does take Mac dd command needs suffix conv=sync #693. dd is a command line program that uses several obscure command line arguments to control the imaging process. dd: /dev/rdisk1: Resource busy. dd if=/dev/urandom of=random. img bs=512 count=1000 oflag=dsync; Delete or remove the temp file created for test using rm command: # rm -v -i コピー先のディスクが新品などMacで認識できない場合は、 セットしたディスクは、このコンピュータで読み取れないディスクでした。 とダイアログが出るので、「無視」を決め込む。 なお、MacOS XのddはSIGINFO Improper use For those wanting to create fake data files for testing, mkfile is pretty elegant. img file to an SD card with minimal effort. Welcome to Apple Support Community Macでddコマンドを実行する時にやり方がわからなかったのでメモ。 (macOS Sierra 10. Because an apfs file system does not permit it. [1] On Unix, device drivers for hardware (such as hard disk drives) and special device files (such as /dev/zero and /dev/random) appear in the file system just like normal files; dd can also read and/or write from/to these files 一、 Mac下将ISO写入U盘可使用命令行工具dd,操作如下: 1、找出U盘挂载的路径,使用如下命令:diskutil list2、将U盘unmount(将N This is a tutorial on how to format an SD card or a MicroSD card using the dd command in the Terminal. A nice perk to using ‘dd’ for writing image files to an SD card is that it works for Mac OS as well as linux Burning a disk image using the command line tool ‘dd’ uses the following syntax: dd if=/path/to/image. 由於作業系統的不同,用法會有出入。 dd) 命令可以从标准输入或文件中读取数据,根据指定的格式来转换数据,再输出到文件、设备或标准输出。同样是对数据的复制转移操作,cp 命令针对的是文件系统级别,操作的是文件和目录;而 dd 针对的是扇区级别,对 blocks 进行操作。 所以可以用它来做整盘数据的备份与恢复、备份 Root Access: Running 'dd' typically requires root access due to its potential impact on disk devices. Our normal procedure is to connect to the machine using EnCase EndPoint Investigator via servlet/agent. This guide shows you how to use DVDFab DVD Copy on Windows, Disk Utility on Mac, and the dd Command on Linux to copy a DVD to an ISO file. Linux , Macos , Windows , Android; The gcloud info command is a part of the MacOS下使用DD命令制作Ubuntu Linux启动USB盘:下载Ubuntu Linux镜像,可以选择国内开源镜像站点下载:网易 搜狐 阿里云如果你只是想通过Linux提取codec的话,可以随便下载个旧的版本即可,比如这个ubuntu We'll use a macOS Command line called dd or disk duplication. 最近玩 SBC,時常需要重新 dd OS 到 sdcard,發現沒有進度條都不知道還需要等多久,於是研究了一下,分別介紹 linux 和 macOS 的用法。兩個系統都一樣是使用 dd,但 linux 的新版 dd 原生支援顯示進度條,只需要在指令後面加 status=progress 即可 使う人はよく使う、dd commandですが、mac OSXにも標準搭載されています。 (macの環境に依って違うので、必ず上記確認をしてください) (2)macの「外す」はumountとデバイス外しを両方やっちゃう For imaging purposes, use the command line dd to copy a source Mac hard drive in byte level i. If you want random data (which you may want for testing workflows with data compression, for example), then use "/dev/random" in place of "/dev/zero": Cross Platform Alternative (Unix including macOS): As an alternative you could also you the Unix util dd: dd if=/dev/zero of=temp_10GB_file bs=1 count=0 seek=10G Note that on macOS you need to use a lowercase for the unit as follow: dd if=/dev/zero of=temp_10GB_file bs=1 count=0 seek=10g And here's the related manual page for dd This entry was posted in How To (Pi), Raspberry Pi and tagged back-up, computer, dd command, Mac OS X, SD, storage on September 6, 2013 by smittytone. 32u 5. dd (disk duplication) is a MacOS command-line utility which can read raw data off a disk, even if the Mac doesn't understand The command line ‘dd’ tool can do that for you, writing a disk image . By pressing the controlT character, you are sending the same SIGINFO signal to the dd command that the command pkill -INFO -x dd sends. copy or rewrite boot block on a disk; securely erase boot block, section of a disk or whole disk/partition Creating a bootable USB drive on macOS using the dd command is a reliable method for preparing installation media or bootable disks, but remember to double-check the device paths to avoid accidental data loss. dmg of=/dev/disk3 bs=1m and i get a message saying . Enter the administrator password when requested to complete unmount. li/solution-dd-too-slow-on-mac-os-x – Willem van Ketwich Commented Feb 24, 2018 at 3:18 這裡提供一些 Linux 下 dd 指令的教學與範例,您可以使用這個小工具進行各種資料的複製、備份與回復。. [macOS disk utility and dd commands] Use this create USB disk images and restore from images #usb #macos #disk_utility #dd #image #restore #wip - dd. shred takes information from /dev/urandom and uses it to overwrite This detailed step-by-step process will give you a perfect byte-for-byte copy of your hard drive. 170628 secs (1037532 bytes/sec) load: 0. 3-RELEASE-amd64-memstick. To start the conversation again, I am trying to use the command dd and the permission is denied. 1/8/7, you can use DVDFab DVD Copy. img bs=1M of=/dev/sdx status=progress oflag=dsync Please check and double-check, that you specify the correct target device. Since everything in a Unix-like system is a file, this makes dd particularly useful for copying disks and specific blocks of data from large files. 1、首先我們先打開「 終端機 」,然後輸入 diskutil list 來查看所有硬碟,從結果中我們可以看到我的USB硬碟的硬碟位置是 3. This software lets you convert copy-protected DVDs to ISO files. You can also press Ctrl+T in the Terminal tab to get the same behavior: MacBook-Pro:~ $ dd if=~/source_image. Burning a disk image using the command line tool ‘dd’ uses the following syntax: dd if=/path/to/image. Use the dd command to write the ISO file to the USB drive: $ sudo dd if=/path/to/linux. It is also used for backing up the bootable devices. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can confidently create bootable USB drives from ISO files with ease. All gists Back to GitHub Sign in Sign up Sign in Sign up You signed in with another tab or window. 3) in a corporate environment. After this your can parse your backup, but it will be advance logical extraction method. 1 Using Command Line (CMD/DiskPart on Windows) 2. It can be fixed with a can of compressed air. You can backup your suspect Mac with Time Machine out to your USB drive. You learn the cd command in Mac Terminal but still don't what it is and how to use it. dd 範例. Usage: The Syntax is . The command to copy it is going to be very similar to common dd commands except we are going to take advantage of the fact that of (output file) defaults to STDOUT and if So, I will suggest to go for a new emerging Mac cloning software that is Stellar Drive Clone capable to both file level and block level cloning. The issue is that my hard drive does not only contain the Backups. 1) $ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity iused ifree %iused Mounted on dd command in Linux Basic Examples. 1. Get disk list with the diskutil list 3. 其实在做修复之前,也可以使用 dd 命令将EFI分区做个备份,尤其是准备在同一块磁盘里面安装Windows和MacOS的同学,更应该先做个EFI分区的备份,以便EFI被 玩坏 后可以恢复如初。. This cloning method works on Macs, Linux, FreeBSD and any unix-based systems. They are sudo dd if=iso路径 of=/dev/rdisk[N] bs=1m sudo dd if=源路径 of=/dev/r卷标 bs=1m [‘r’ 会让命令执行加快一点] [‘bs’为一次填充的容量] rdisk 中加入r可以让写入速度加快 Hold Command-R as the computer starts, and it'll boot from a hidden emergency partition. The system features access to the command-line interface through the native Terminal app or third-party terminal This can be used to get mac address for remote computers also. To convert DVD to ISO Windows 10/11/8. Use case 1: Make a bootable USB drive from an isohybrid I am trying to make a bootable Ubuntu flash drive on macOS Sierra using the dd command, but when the command finishes, I restart my computer and old alt and the flash drives doesn't come up as an option. Copy link rainerstandke commented Jul 13, 2017. I wish this worked but honestly it didn't, and its stupid Found a test Macbook to try the unmounting approach and had no issues with the DD command after unmounting. Important: Replace One common cause for this is a "locked" SD card. It is primarily used for converting and copying files or data streams from one In order to overwrite all the information on the disk, you have to make sure the mac OS isn't using it first Open the DiskUtility. run diskutil list again: Mac / iMac Looks like no one’s replied in a while. byte-by-byte. Send the data to the dd command on the local machine. No dd by default copies the physical data - even if the data is zeros SD clone from menu in Raspberry OS uses "cp" command - I checked this while doing the clone ;-) But SD clone does much more than copying only the data (prepares partition table, modifies the /etc/fstat etc. 8gb. , piecewise hashing, and a user-friendly interface. The procedure is as follows: 1. A lot of us ran into this trying to image SD cards for the Raspberry Pi. /windows. Post navigation ← Review: the Pimoroni PiGlow How to program the Pebble smartwatch: Part 1 → Apple's macOS is a POSIX-compliant UNIX operating system designed to run on Mac computers. For example, to burn an image located on the The dd command is an essential Unix utility primarily used for converting and copying files. & Mac – Write Scripts Like a Pro and Tackle Real-World Challenges. db folder, rather it also contains other folders and files at the top level. The prompt never returns. iso of=/dev/sdc This time the command executed in under a minute, with an average speed of 57 MB/sec. Issues with DD command on MacBook Pro I'm having issues imaging a MacBook Pro running Mojave (10. I run the dd command but it never asks me to authenticate (which it does, when you run as root via sudo) and hangs. -- OH CRAP, HEREIN LIES THE ANSWER -- OH CRAP, HEREIN LIES THE ANSWER The whole reason I'm doing this is to work-around Mac's horrible redesign of TimeMachine, which effectively makes backup devices unmovable and unclonable. Mixing these up can overwrite The DD command appears to trash whatever the disk util does anyway, it seems like it is writing in some very low level raw mode. ddbs=512 4. Eased my nerves since it just seemed strange to me that I needed to unmount the main partition of the drive. rainerstandke opened this issue Jul 13, 2017 · 8 comments Comments. With its many options and flexibility, dd can perform a variety of disk-related operations efficiently. This has never happened before. The dd command is a powerful tool in Unix-like operating systems that is used for copying and converting files. It can be employed to perform low-level tasks such as copying raw data from one location to another, creating backups, and even generating random data. . Always double-check command syntax and target/source disk identifiers. It is commonly referred to as “disk dump” due to its original purpose of creating disk images. 从U盘或SD卡创建新的磁盘镜像 Using the identifier you just found, unmount the disk but do not disconnect it from the Mac: sudo umount /dev/disk1s1. To create the disk image: dd if=/dev/DISK of=image. Hi there all, I try to clone my old disk with Terminal ' dd ' command into an internal physical [soldered] disk of a MacBook Pro 2019. Skip to content. You just need to enter a controlT character from the keyboard while the dd command is executing. iso to a USB stick, and dd returned dd: /dev/disk9: Resource busy. By understanding and leveraging these common options, You can create ISO images from any source disk or data by using the command line in Mac OS X. Find an example below. 89s 415769+0 执行完这三条命令,您的EFI系统分区(ESP)也就恢复正常了。 dd命令的基本用法. iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress. /linux_dist. 2 Using dd Command (Linux/macOS Terminal) 2. Problems with "deleted" daemon I recently noticed that "deleted" daemon uses many cpu resources. If Mac OS: Shipped with your system. Usb drive specs: GUID Partition Map. You won't need sudo, you're already root. The 'dd' command is useful for many different tasks, such as creating disk images, backing up partitions, and writing disk images to Openssl on mac is compiled without zlib support. We will learn various options while going through dd command examples. 在Apple Mac OS X(macOS)Unix操作系统上如何使用dd命令创建镜像? 使用dd命令,可以. 0 MB disk0s3 /dev/disk1 (internal, virtual): #: TYPE NAME SIZE 大家在Windows系統下可以方便的使用UltraISO程式來燒錄「. And with that device you have no option but to boot off of the SD. iso of=/dev/disk1s1 dd is a command-line utility for Unix, Plan 9, Inferno, and Unix-like operating systems and beyond, the primary purpose of which is to convert and copy files. sudo dd Anti-Forensics Disk Imaging FreeBSD Linux MacOS Tools Windows Dd. Just run the command getmac to get the mac addresses. If you know the size of the input drive, provide that to pv as-well as it will further improve the output. Mastering the Terminal command lines helps you a lot to control your Mac. Identify Devices Carefully: Ensure you correctly identify the source and target devices. The dd command is a versatile and powerful tool found in Unix and Unix-like operating systems. One of the most common applications of the dd command is for backing up the hard disk. 備份與回復整顆硬碟的資料。 備份與 I am currently trying to use dd to backup and copy the Backups. 99 cmd: dd 7229 uninterruptible 0. The commands I used were. I'm running this command sudo dd if=. iso of=/dev/disk1s1. I am not enough of a Linux expert to just edit this, but I think you guys should do that, append it to all dd commands on this page. For Windows open the command prompt in Administrator mode (right click – run as Administrator) Type dd --list (windows), diskutil list (linux and mac OS) and press return; linux or mac OS type sudo dd if=/dev/disk2 of=OS_755_2GB. This is available on Linux and macOS computers. Data Loss Risk: Incorrect use of dd can lead to complete data loss. Obtain a list of disks attached: #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER . 12. Similar questions. dmg of=/dev/disk1 load: 0. e. Here, we can explore three commands dd, mkfile, and truncate to make a file of a certain size on Mac. If you want to make a backup copy (an ISO image) of a CD or DVD on a MacOS system using the Unix dd command at the Mac Terminal command line, I’ll demonstrate the process in this tutorial. Now take your image, and I'm trying to load a disk image onto a SD card and for some reason Mac OS X (El Capitan) cannot recognize the . dsk bs=1M; It is more straightforward to modify the dd command line to make it flush the buffers regularly, for example after writing each mibibyte, and at the same time show the progress, for example. 15 Posted on Aug 18, 2020 10:18 PM Me too (1) Me too Me too (1) Me too Reply. nixCraft. me@my-iMac:~$ hdiutil attach -imagekey diskimage-class=CRawDiskImage -nomount /Volumes/Test/image. ) - it is binary file, not a script - so kind of difficult to see how it does step by step I did not manage Since any /dev entry can be treated as a raw disk image, it is worth noting which devices can be accessed when and how. Command dd to create files of specific size on Mac. dd 命令可以从标准输入或文件中读取数据,根据指定的格式来转换数据,再输出到文件、设备或标准输出。 同样是对数据的复制转移操作,cp 命令针对的是文件系统级别,操作的是文件和目录;而 dd 针对的是扇区级别,对 blocks I inputted the diskutil list command and the following showed up /dev/disk0 (internal, physical): #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: GUID_partition_scheme *121. txt bs=300g count=1 But what I receive is. Linux 系統中的 dd 指令是一個多功能的小工具,可以用於各種的資料拷貝動作:. JHFS+. BSD Installer identification disk0 — if booted from the Mac hard drive otherwise, disk1 Table of Contents Prerequisites Creating a Bootable USB Drive 2. ISO 」格式鏡像至USB硬碟 教學. DD command will not ask you about that and will just proceed. dd command is used to convert and copy a file in the defined format. Its simplicity yet potency makes it popular for tasks ranging from creating bootable drives to backing up entire systems. 199388 secs (1269278 bytes/sec) 5. sh. You can further keep this backup or use it when needed. I start dd command like: sudo dd if={path to my file, something like . It may look like a bit of work, but it actually comes down to one command that does the copy. The The dd command is an essential Unix utility primarily used for converting and copying files. fix dd command Resource Busy. Instead a different command can be used. 3 GB disk0 1: EFI EFI 209. Common system administration tasks with dd. dd MacBook Air 13″, macOS 10. While the command line is generally reserved for advanced users, using it to create ISO’s isn’t too complicated and will save you Open the terminal / command line window. Open the Terminal app. MacOS 系统使用 dd 命令创建 Linux 启动U盘. It is possible to save all the data from an entire disk/partition to another disk/partition. So Mac OSX kept the device busy by creating a short-cut to the Running this command to wipe hard drive is essentially the same as our dd command in a for-loop. If input reads are short, input from multiple reads are How is to clone a disk on macOS? This manual avoids use of modern packages like coreutils for backward compatibility reasons: dd is an old Unix command. 2. It is highly useful for creating exact block-level copies of volumes, How to clone a hard disk or USB stick using the MacOS terminal. Alternative method described in this article works on my Yosemite: Then, you can use zlib-flate -uncompress, but I'd recommend also not using the dd command you have because it will be extremely slow due to a block size of 1, causing every single byte to be read separately. Get mac addresses from CMD. $ sudo dd bs=1m if=2024-11-19-raspios-bookworm-armhf-lite. dd [options] Options: Options: Description-if: Specifies the input device or partition (or) file from which data is to be dumped-of: 如何在Mac OS X上创建磁盘镜像. The MacOS disk utility (diskutil) can help achieve this task. Open Terminal (it's under the Utilities menu), and try the dd from there. Waiting for the completion; 485+1 records in 485+1 records out 2545156096 bytes transferred in 2005. 87 cmd: dd 7229 uninterruptible 0. 000042 secs (0 bytes/sec) macOS用 dd 命令,浇灌ISO镜像到USB驱动器. dd的命令列語句與其他的Unix程式不同,因為它的命令列選項格式為选项=值,而不是更標準的--选项 值或-选项=值。 dd預設從標準輸入中讀取,並寫入到標準輸出中,但可以用選項if(input file,輸入檔案)和of(output file,輸出檔案)改變。. 0: what is the "dd" command? dd is a command-line utility for Linux and Unix systems whose primary purpose is to convert and create low-level file copy. Best of all it's 100% FREE and uses tools that come pre-installed on your mac. Unmount the drive with the following command. 3 Using Third-Party Tools (Rufus, BalenaEtcher, Ventoy) Booting from the USB Drive Installing Linux Kali Linux Specifics: Live Boot & Persistent Storage Troubleshooting Common Issues I start dd command like: sudo dd if={path to my file, something like . app, and on your USB hard drive, unmount any of it's partitions. Assuming that you’re using an external CD/DVD drive, the first step is to connect your drive to your computer, and then insert a CD or The same information, displayed every second by in klanomath's answer, can displayed using your command. run diskutil list again: dd if=<source file name> of=<target file name> [Options] dd command Examples. I used of=/dev/rdisk2 as well, no luck 4. Not a simple copy as cp command but a block We can also use the dd command to measure server latency: # dd if= /dev/zero of= /tmp/test2. img file or there is something else wrong with the dd command that is giving me a misl Then I tried using dd: dd if=/path/to/image. How to Create ISO from DVD Windows 10 Using DVDFab DVD Copy. The dd command worked to read from the unmounted recovery-hd volume on the main internal drive. iso} of=/dev/disk2 bs=10m. You may find this useful, especially if regular software such as Disk Utilities is not working as expected. I will continue playing with it, but I might just end up using the win32diskimager on a windows machine at work or something! MacOS 10. img of=/dev/rdisk2 status=progress Output: Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company The dd command is a powerful utility in Unix-like operating systems that is used for converting and copying files. This command can clone your Mac hard Drive to a target drive. The rest of the details here just explain the process and help you gain some confidence you're making the right moves. Waiting for the completion 485+1 records in 485+1 records out 2545156096 bytes transferred in 2005. We will use the dd command to write it. jnfr urhzmm oabqpbv mnpl lpwg svuji wbhz ryyxqj pcrydv ayggyn qfutp jmsjh yqtzl hzueg dpc