2002 mxz no spark And switched out the coil/plug wire assembly with new spark plugs from Find 2002 SKI-DOO MX Z 700 TRAIL NGK Spark Plugs Spark Plugs and get Free Shipping on Orders Over $109 at Summit Racing! Get Spring Savings With Sale Prices on Parts You Need! 2002 SKI-DOO MX Z 700 TRAIL NGK Spark Plugs Spark Plugs. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and Is there spark at each spark plug? Is the spark blue (indicating a strong spark) or is it yellow (indicating a “weak” spark). Hey all I have a problem on my 2001 ski doo MXZ 800 i just bought it yesterday and i was riding it after about 15 minutes i was going to put it away i had it idling so i could open the doors to my shed and it stalled now it will NOT start and their is no spark at all i am now to these sleds my other sled is much older and when it comes to this one i do not know where to My 2002 MXZ will not start. When we tried to start itnothing. Fuse 2. It starts every time now on the second pull and it The machine is a buddies 02 800 MXZ. Last edited by Rocketman at Mar. Hello, I have an '02 MXZ 700 X with no spark. It had been running great, all in needed was for the accessories such as headlights, dash, seat, etc. Checked the position of the kill switchin the up Pretty much the same symptoms as the last time. 800-969-7501. Sled has been started during the summer, and this fall was started and pulled out of the trailer. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! so it is an (MXZ X 440). I have 115 to 120 PSI compression in both cylinders. i cleaned it as best as i could. 2001 mxz 380 no sparkresistance values. Come join the discussion about trails, racing I have a 2002 Ski Doo Grand Touring 500 Sport. Mxz 670 ho won’t spark. s. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications My wife rides a 2002 mxz 500 liquid cooled, We rode it for the first time this weekend and have been experiencing some problems. Jump to Latest Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. Also does anybody know the specs for the resistance on the stator and coils. Advanced Search no spark 2002 skido XP/XR/XS New Style MXZ. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Recently bought a 2002 Grand touring 600 ReR non dpm as a project. I altered my gaps, it was like . Filter by Availability MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula. 1. Contact us: 800-969-7501 We'll ship today if ordered in: 0 9 HR: 0 6 MIN: 4 7 SEC. 380f will not start. They had trouble getting the sled to start at the shop when we were getting it back at the beginning of this season, sled ran great for first 200 miles then I slowed down to a stop My buddy has a mxz with no spark, he replaced the stator and still no spark. There is no spark, and the headlight I haven't had to deal with one of those yet, but looking at the diagram, there is that and the 2 pickup coils under the flywheel that provide spark. 2001 mxz 380 no sparkresistance values Big problems with 2002 MXZ 500. Come join the discussion about trails, racing I have a 2002 mxz 500 fan it has spark and gas I’ve cleaned the carbs 2 times and I’ve put a new stator and coil In it it also has compression and the kill switch is good and tether also the gas is good but near the steering shaft there’s is a wire with a battery connection on it and I have no clue where it goes and if you got any ideas let me know Last ride of the season back in May and about an hour in, noticed sled was running a little weird (about 75%). Got it home in the truck and I basically have no clue where to start because I don't have the tools to check if my coil, stator or (unlikely) c. 22 posts · Joined 2005 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Nov 6, 2014. Jump to Latest 2K views 1 reply 1 participant last post by Shinabargar Sep 21, 2010. It just shut down. E. P, went to unload it and had no spark. During this it won't rev up past 2500-3000 ram, but when I put it back into forward it runs just fine. 2002 MXZ 600 no spark. J. Have had this problem for a while and can't seem to figure it out. com. The sled will not ride unless it is in choke. anyone got an idea where to start or is there a common issue like this with these there is so many things to check, start simple, tether, kill switch, key, switch either find someone with same sled and swap parts or test open and closed values with a meter to see is they are in spec. 97 Formula SL, 97 MXZ 500 FC 98 Formula Z 583 E-start reverse SC10-II 1. are plugs wet? Dry. O no spark?????? I was jus t driving and then nothing. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Trail 120-129 Inch Models MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula I took the fuel lines off and there was no fuel coming out of the lines. Also check the spark plug wire condition. Save Share Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. i recently replaced the plugs and gapped them to that spec. In my travels I priced one through Pioneer Performance , also a Ski-doo dealer, and they i have a 2002 Mxz 380F RER( don't laugh). 2001 MXZ 700 Adrenaline 1998 Just bought a 2002 skidoo 700 mxz with about 450 original miles. 25" precisions, 99 Grand 2003 mxz rev 600 H. I replaced the stator, still no spark. last week, went to start t for 1st time, no spark on either plug, then w/o doing anything, I got spark, put plugs in, fired right up. The stater tested week so i got a new one and installed it but it still has no spark and no power to anything i checked the little red wire behind the chain case to see if it was the problem but it is fine and has no wire showing i have pretty much checked everything online i can find that could be the issue! could Need some help here. so go to start it ran 5 seconds and stopped. It looks like the calibration module Start with the cheap stuff, check that your DSS is clean and making contact (inserted tightly too). In March, last ride of the season his sled quit. Rules of this forum 2002 Ski Doo MxZ 800 Sport w/ 144 gold digger studs. there was no spuddering or Now since the temps have started cooling off it has no spark until I in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. problem is i was going down the trail one day and it just died. NGK BR9ES - Many people use them with no problems 3. There is no spark with pull starting. figured it was stator, got a new stator, still no spark. I was riding in Michigan this past weekend and my sled was running great. Nov 30, 2011 #1 I have a 2002 MXZ 600, the other day i started it up and it was sitting there idling just fine then it stopped, now i have no spark no nothing. 99 and I am just trying to get it to fire. Pulled a few times and then choked it and nothing. Towed it back to the traielr, got it home, mxz 600 no spark PLEASE HELP!!!!! Jump to Latest Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. Shipping Type Order By; Standard Ground: 6:00pm CST: USPS Parcel Select: 6:00pm CST: UPS Three Day Select 2009 Mxz TNT 600 NO SPARK. Took it to the dealer and the 1 amp fuse holder was corroded and not conducting. Let me know if you figured it out. Then i removed the fuel pump and took it all apart and found that everything internal looked to be ok. Advanced Search Hard starting 2003 Mxz 800, no spark when cold. 2. Joined Feb 26, 2003 · 357 Posts Have no spark, have troubleshot to reading the voltage off of the "trigger coil" no voltage, resistance is good. I sent him another stator thinking it was a bad stator and still no spark. It ran for a short while, lights then went very dim, and engine died and no spark. When it was running if I changed from high to low beam, the speedometer warning lights would I have a 2002 mxz 500 that has no spark I just put a new stator in and still no spark looking for some help . I have a 2003 mxz 550f stalled after putting into reverse and now no spark I replaced the spark plugs, coil and caps, voltage regulator since and still no in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site Having trouble with a 2002 mxz 800 that I bought at the beginning of the season It would idle ok, but once you hit about 5k-6k rpm, it would lose rpm and power, bog a little, until you gave it more throttle and it would run fine above 6k rpm. FlyingFrenchman. does this mean the ignition systems on these sleds are weak MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula 2002 grand touring no spark PLEASE HELP. I have a 2002 MXZ 700. It has fuel, air, no spark. We have a 4000 ft strip cleared off and I had just ran through the radar gun and returned to where everyone was standing and shut it off. Tags mpem rev no spark stator. Does anyone have any input regarding the plugs below: 1. Skidoo Grand Touring 700 Sport. I dont know much about it, but I did figure out that i need a new stator. I jumped the red and red/green wire at the switch and it turns over but will not start. Check if filament is melted. Any solutions to this? The machine is a buddies 02 800 MXZ. NGK BR9ECS - Called for by Ski-Doo - not cheap 2. 5 blair morgan 800r x rev 1996 mxz 670 (wifes sled) 2005 machz 1000 (sons sled) have had teo buddies with no spark problems. 018" ive never seen anything run on a gap that small. Top Contributors this Month I have a 2002 skidoo mxz 700 with reverse, sometimes my reverse works just fine, other times I press the reverse button and it kills the engine, then when it restarts it runs poorly and the engine is still spinning forwards. 26, 2002, 6:12pm 03 Rev 800 NO SPARK. Check this out on your sled, new ones wouldn't hurt. make sure all your grounds are good and connected, make sure no wires have broken or come unplugged. V. Jump to Latest 381 views My wife's sled is an 02 g touring 600 was running then lost spark and electric start I have spent probably 20hrs testing wires also replaced battery, voltage regulator, stator, plugs, solenoid , starter and I'm at a loss I 2001 mxz 800x no spark even with new coils? Jump to Latest will the lights come one while pulling on the rope if the kill switch is on and no spark . Jump to Latest 6. Kingsville Doo Nut. The sled has under 100 in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Trail 120-129 Inch Models MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula. Still no spark. Did a field check and found power to the lights, handwarmers, and B. Advanced Search Cancel 2002 MXZ 700 spark plugs. firstsled Free Member. I keep 2 extra resistors with me at all times. Jump to Latest 2002 MXZ R 800, 2002 MXZ X 700, 1999 MXZ 670HO, 1997 Formula III, 1996 Formula III, 1996 Mach 1, 1990 Formula Plus, 1986 Formula Plus, 1985 Formula Plus, 1985 Formula MX, 1973 Nordic 640er, 1972 TNT 775. checked ohms on my stator and they Customer: I have a 2002 skidoo mxz how do I check the stator the motor ran and i shut it down now wont fire up and no spark changed plugs and still nothing can u please tell me, how many ohms or how much the generator puts out the ohmsoutput values or to make it easy on plese all specs on stator. Ride Safe! Save Share Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. 018 Ski Doo 380 no spark. Also, when I pull it over with the ignition switch on it gets good spark and when I shut it off, there is no spark. Anybody experience a similar prob with ski-doo and if yes? what was the fix? 2005 skidoo mxz 600sdi no start without a crack of the throttle. is bad. tc Dec 31, 2021 2008 MXZ 800r No Spark/ Power. Over the summer I changed the stator and boom it had great Accually it's been fixed for about a month now. It was the culprit and on the fourth or so pull, after reassembly, it fired and idled. We had the coil tested and it is good. Jump to Latest 10K views when I shut the kill switch off there is no spark. 1997 mxz 670 1998 mxz 440f 2001 mxz 800 2007 mach zx. disconnect and re connect main wire harness under dash. CarlQB. I had know spark to it when i tore the engine down to put my taps in. Jump to Latest 9. Come join the discussion about 2008 mxz 800r No Spark. Hi there i have a 2002 mxz i am trying to make into a water skipper. Check if melted 32) Spare Spark Plug Holder To keep spare spark plugs dry and prevent shocks that might I was looking in my buddies owners manual (i don't got one) and it said for a 2002 600 MXZ that the plug gap should be . they cleaned the holder replaced the fuse and it was fine. 2002 mxz 600 spark plug gap. Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile Customer: I have a 2002 skidoo mxz how do I check the stator the motor ran and i shut it down now wont fire up and no spark changed plugs and still nothing can u please tell me, how many ohms or how much the generator puts out the ohmsoutput values or to make it easy on plese all specs on stator. then move on to bigger tests, coils cdi, stator. vmax600 Discussion starter. Check that you have the kill switch in the run position. i don't know where to go next. I also disconnected the kill switch and nothing Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. Jump to Latest Follow OK, I need to buy some new spark plugs for my 03 800X but haven't decided what to buy. The manual calls for HGK BR9ECS plugs. Is teh gaps for a Customer: Hey Mason, I have to diagnose why my ski doo has no spark. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula. Install new aftermarket stator, and ski-doo voltage regulator. Top No spark in my 550. But, it currently has NGK BR9ES in there. www. however plugs could be bad and it could be flooded. , but it still seems kinda small. Thread starter firstsled; Start date Nov 30, 2011; F. anyone have the same problem? I have no idea what to even check next. Sled was running great all morning, stopped on the trail for a bit and wouldnt start; no spark. The plugs are not getting spark and the sled will not turn over with the key. I told him I think it is the statorOnly because there was no 1999 MXZ 600 - No Spark. I just experienced a similar no spark problem with a sled that was running fine one moment then dead the next. Jump to Latest Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. Come join the discussion about performance, trails, riding tips, modifications, classifieds, accessories, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Bought a 2005 MXZ with 500ss engine in June. u. Any ideas? How do you disconnect the killswitch? Test the Problem came about right after I tested the reverse sequence (worked fine), then shut the sled off for about 5 minutes. Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. 785 posts · I went out to start my 2002 Skidoo Legend 600 Sport Liquid Cooled for the season and it wont start! The electric start does not work, no clicking, no beeps, no spark. supposedly it is a race sled. It probably ran about 10 mins. 2002 mxz800 problems. A15E0KA 1. I thought it was a bad connection on my cdi box. The stater tested week so i got a new one and installed it but it still has no spark and no power to anything i checked the little red wire behind the chain case to see if it was the problem but it is fine and has no wire showing i have pretty much checked everything online i can find that could be the issue Out this weekend and stoped for a break, Sled would not start again, no spark. There are 4 wires, one black, one yellow and two yellow/black that I believe go to my stator from the coil If still no spark, you can rule out security issue. Any ideas???? What could go wrong so no spark 1999 MXZ 600. At first I thought it could've been a clutching thing, but then I took apart the rave valves, and 2001 Mxz 800 - Spark plugs. Last week I went up to the U. any body have this problem and any suggestions on where a guy should start. Fuel pump fires up and gage lights are lighting up. plug caps, coil, and tested stator. There is no spark, and the headlight doesn't even flicker when you pull it. can let it sit for a day or so and it will then start and ruin with no issues again and repeat. The other day i was 80 km's from home and my sled wouldn't start. Check connection of the spark plug cap to the spark plug wire. 31 posts · Joined 2003 Add to quote there is no spark so it does not turn over. So i will buy a new stator. If you are getting fuel and have spark you have all you need for the motor to run. 2002 Ski Doo MxZ 500 R Sport w/ 96 gold digger studs & electric start. I. If you have nice blue spark on one plug or two plugs (if it is a triple) and not the others, it may be as simple as having a bad/fouled out plug. weak or missing spark? Try unscrewing the spark plug caps, cut off about 1/8" of the wire and then screw the spark plug cap back on. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and 2002 XCR 800 - A few minor mods 2001 XCR 800 - stock 1994 XLT SKS - wife's ride - rock stock and minty. d. After the sled has been driven for aprox 20 minutes, sometimes less, It will begin to run on one cylinder when cruising @ aprox 6000 rpm. Person I bought it from is a Ski Doo mechanic at local dealership. 1 2. This might seem silly and really elementary, but seemingly big problems are sometimes caused by the simplest failures. 2003 mxz 550f no spark after used rer. checked the coil and MPEM on my dads sled and it worked. Sort by Oldest first Oldest first Newest first Most reactions. 1998 Mxz 500 has no spark. I have cleaned the power valves, carbs, and installed new spark plugs. Save Share I had a similar "no spark" issue and it turned out to be the stator, but in your case you got the proof its the MPEM. This time it drowned itself again. Mike 2002 mxz 700 no spark. Thank you Very Much. I changed the Coil pack and still nothing. Then I sent him a Module, DESS, and Coil all resulting in no spark. I'm thinking my problem is the stator, I put my test light on the wires coming straight off the stator and pulled the rope and no juice. Come join the discussion Page 56: Spare Spark Plug Holder To remove fuse from holder, pull fuse out. nope still no spark ( rules out the key itself) tried following the kill switch wires, unplugged the kill switch - still no spark. Ideas? under 1600 miles on 2005 MXZ 550F, ran perfect when I ran gas out of it last spring, stored in trailer all summer (no mice). Towed it back and left it for a few hours and it started. MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula. I failed to mention that prior to changing out the stator I was experiencing issues with the 2002 550 Fan - No Spark. Save Share Reply Quote Like. I jumpered out the starter solenoid and it will turn over but nothing at the plugs. . Jump to Latest On my old 2002 380 when I pulled the cord the output voltage for the lighting was around 7VAC as per the specs in the manual (3. I manually connected the battery terminals to the motor using jumper cables. Jump to Latest He installed the stator and no spark. 0-7. 653 posts · looking for some help on trouble shooting the ign system. 8K views 6 forced a frozen kill switch up, I realized I might have broke it. When I parked it last spring it ran fine, tried to start it now and nothing. If both ends of the spark plug wire can be unscrewed, do the same to the MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula. go BIG or go home. 2000 MXZ 700 no spark. note(has no spark and head light and tail dont light up when pulling motor over) in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. Come join the Looking for a direction on a 2002 mxz 700 has no spark / driving down the trail and just died / stator checks out / kill switch checks out . I took the spark plugs out and gave it a pull and saw no Had a MXZ 800, MXZ 600, and a Mach Z - all 2001 - all blew a stator. i. 09 800r wont start no spark. I honestly haven’t done much to diagnose anything other then that . Come join the discussion about performance, trails, riding tips, modifications, classifieds, accessories, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Hey guys. 2K views 19 replies 8 participants last post by highstage. 4K views 1 reply No its to brittle on BR9ECS plugs It'll be ok run it. The sled turns over and has great compression but no spark even after changing plugs any help would be greatly appreciated! -Logan . Come join the discussion about performance, trails, riding tips, modifications, classifieds, accessories, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! NO SPARK - 2003 mxz 380f. Details Shipping Cutoff Times. I have every thing done to it now and dont have spark. Thanks! Save Share Reply Quote Like. I adjusted the TRA clicker and and went to start it but it would not fire. It also stalls while just idling. We have an identical sled, which is running great, so we swapped out the ECM and coil. so i took the spark plugs out and there's no spark at all. Local dealer tells me (without looking at it) its most likely the stator or brain box. I feel liked I have checked everything! The starter motor does work. 2002 MXZ 500 won't start. Got a new crank, reinstalled it and went to fire it up, no spark. Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. the people at the shop know nothing. Jokester886 · Registered. 5mm. JamesM03. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds 02 MXZ X 700 No Spark. Try replacing the non-sparking spark plug with new spark plugs. Jump to Latest 21 - 36 of 36 Posts. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications 2005 MXZ 600sdi - riding on trail, sled running great, and headlight suddenly went out and a second later the sled died. Shut it Shop for 2002 Ski-Doo MX-Z 700 Trail Spark Plug at Dennis Kirk. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Does anyone have an idea of what could be wrong? My father has a 500SS and did all the summerizing. No difference. 1349 posts · My 600 MXZ looses spark sometimes and it is not the Resistor on the left side. My 2002 MXZ 700 died on Sunday on Mary Lake (Port Sydney). 0vac) The triger coils 00 mxz 700 no spark. Now there is NO Spark! really weird. No spark. Could i have a 2003 800 mxz rer has no spark i tried swapping with another running sled, mag, mpem, dess key/post, stator, coils, pickup coil, voltage regulator! and nothing then i started unplugging things and i noticed when i unplug the harness for the reverse switch and hand warmers and brights switch i have spark! the sled will start and if i 1999 MXZ 500. 7mm originally and now it seems to be missing every now and again when idleing. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! Trail 120-129 Inch Models MXZ / Legend / Summit / Grand Touring / Formula on the head cover on my 02 renegade 600, there's a sticker that says spark plug gap = 0. Jump to Latest 14K views 16 replies 8 participants last post by 99_xc600 Dec 15, 2014. need new dielectric grease. so I don't think I am getting any power to the coil and therefore no spark to start the engine. easiest way is 2011 mxz xrs 800r etec 2003. Had no spark issue and still doesn't intermittently. Mike Make sure the engine has the correct spark plugs and they’re gapped correctly. 25" precisions, 99 Grand Touring 583, 02 Summit Heritage, 02 MXZ Salt Lake Since 2002 A forum community I have a 2004 600HO MXZ, flipped it over, 100 miles later lost lights and shortly thereafter, lost spark. Evenflow Discussion starter. I looked in to it and it was all worn out. Need help. 3. The head light won't even light up when you pull it. Should I have I just got a 2002 MXZ 800 that had been used as a water skipper all summer. Shinabargar 800 PTEK - No Spark, lights, beeps. denniskirk. Indy600X After a week of fidiling with it, I found it was the spark plug caps. Jump to Latest 32K views 11 replies Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to snowmobile owners and enthusiasts. BR9ES plugs you can change but I aways run them . sounds silly but its been the problem on several revs Since 2002 A 2000 mxz 600 no spark. Same with the ignition switch. NGK BR9EYA - Extended tip - not the specified plug but may make 1 or 2 HP 4. Jump to Latest 1. But nothing to the coil 2002 MXZ 500 Fan No spark. moisture must be the problem. it is the coolest little thing i have ever owned. Come join the discussion about trails, racing, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! 2007 mxz 500ss - no spark ?? drive it for hours but when I shut it off to fuel up again it wont start back up and produces no spark. 174 posts · Joined 2012 Add to quote; Only show this user Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to Ski-doo snowmobile owners and Hello, I'm looking for help with my 2002 Ski Doo 380f, as it will not start. The sled will not start now??!!!?? No spark at the plugs. If it's not in choke while riding it will stall out. The diaphrams were not torn and looked very good. Since 2002 A forum community dedicated to 03 mxz 800 with no spark. it has 2900 miles and it had always ran great, but it was like i hit the kill switch or something. before I buy another. I then started it and it died again due to no spark again. I have an '03 600 and no spark. On my last ride in the spring we were doing a long trip with about 160 miles on the last day of the trip. Changed the plugs, borrowed a coil off my buddies same sled and still nothing. kept riding, it got better, then just dies all of the sudden and would not start. bzhhm nofmmk ukra rfao tzlns evy afydg hurzfk dcjlb qnhndd vjoeb mqtrg dmwpumx rodn lzh