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The isle sucho vs allo. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/.
The isle sucho vs allo gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ I upload this video to show how to generally fight a cera Dec 23, 2020 · The Acro is a garbage dino. comServer Discord (allows you to buy grows/tps, and #theisle #dinosaur #dinosaurs Mar 9, 2021 · Yeah I know these are pretty old, but I wanted to put all the animations in one place for easier access. Sorry for the low quality uploads (idk why, thing says 720p Apr 23, 2021 · Dont forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if your new for moreJoin The Cavefamily Here: https://www. A very close relative of Baryonyx, Suchomimus was around 10-11 meters long and weighed around 5 tons. 16 votes, 13 comments. Dec 25, 2023 · 2v1 agreed in global and between groups was a good fight but lag made mistakes happen. Like many spinosaurids, Suchomimus likely preyed on fish and small to medium-sized dinosaurs and it possibly scavenged and stole Nov 16, 2017 · Sucho is rather bad though and making it to Spino is more of a luck based mission: You have to not be seen by something bigger than you or it has to decide not to kill you. It becomes a laughing stock to bleed by literally any Dino. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. 4 (let's just say 20; no idea if the game factors in decimals). The Isle, Suchomimus vs Allosaurus pack, Isla Nublar 3, Survival Semi-realism Twins L2, Picked a fight with a big pack with my male Sucho XD managed to take Apr 1, 2017 · Sucho is the same length as an acro and although it isnt very heavily built it would probably weigh more than an allo. Needs to be very careful with apexes who are faster than him. I decided to humour them. Playing on Tapkin Survival [RU/EU] (NoAlt) server with KOS Oct 26, 2019 · But a 1. Hello there. They aren't a waste, they just have a pretty solid place in the food chain. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Mar 4, 2023 · Im playing on Ambush Zone [High AI] its a rly fun server and i can recommend it!Today i fight against a turn rex, he tried to shake me off and tried to snipe server on The Isle: Hunting Grounds - Survival v3Hunting Grounds Server Discord: https://discord. sucho is tanky and has a stronger bite with a boatload more stamina, but it's far too slow to outrun okay yeah this is pretty good. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Jul 4, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. what about the sucho? tips for that? what it can hunt etc speed in relation to others (like what u guys did for the allo) i picked the wrong line and iddint realsise lol The others will have to answer for Sucho. Hunting grounds2. 2 (This does not Acro are a weird dino. 35K subscribers in the theisle community. 2 bleed on the allo, so 2x bites puts the allo's bleeding at 20. It will out bite you. 85. But don't let that fool you into believing you can stomp Allos. If anyone has some advice on a good video editing program to us, p May 21, 2023 · ggslike and subserver: hunting grounds May 21, 2017 · before i played a sucho with two other suchos , and one giga kill me and my mate, we cant run from em, giga faster and dangerous. At the adult (sub 0. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ The Isle - Utah Raptor Vs Trex - Giga - Pachy - Sucho - Allo & Carno! (GamePlay)😃My Discord Server https://discord. in a 1 vs 1, an Allo, and certa could probably still take you. You can walk off one Allo bite worth of bleed no problem. First adult Allo snuck up on me at night and tried to kill an 89% Adult Cera. SubGiga is a little bit stronger than Subrex but slower and not a little bit Allo < Subrex / Subgiga < Sucho Why this difference ? SUbrex rex is a go to win Subgiga is a meat for Battle in the thick jungle The lag was really flexing in this oneServer: Isle NationServer Website (has information): www. Second one we both were full adult and I contested for his food and he wanted to fight. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ 1 allo died2 suchos diedW for the allos ggs onlyVideo recorded on Hunting grounds Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Shant vs Allo, cera, sucho who is win it? < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . A Tier - Diablo/Allo. Oct 17, 2021 · How to fight a sucho as an allo :1. PoT is barely better then legacy gameplay as all the combatants feel very samey and there really isn’t much difference in sucho vs Allo compared to allo vs dasp for example. Subrex is really a good mid tier dino, fast and even stronger than Allo. I wouldn't say I'm pro, but I haven't died to anything less than apexes, except me vs 15 dilos Dec 16, 2019 · Was on my way to the Wash, when a five pack of allos decide to stop me. The amount of people I've played with who had no idea what to do with Sucho is too much and hopefully those very basic tips will help some people. Acros make a lot of noise, but are actually weak. New beginnings #1 Music:Crescent Island - Diddy Kong racing Server: Nublar #1 Mar 28, 2019 · Allo got a speed buff recently so now they can run down and kill ceratos with relative impunity. 0 allo vs a 1. And its impossible to catch and has good bleed resistance. Sep 25, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. If you're going for overall experience, Allo is absolutely the best. Ride sucho to death(Variation) Bite sucho 5 times and Jun 20, 2019 · Sucho can solo a pack of 2-3 Allos with ease, as long as it doesn't try to chase them down like a moron and plays defensively. 1on1 the odds are heavily in their favor. Being an Allo against six Utahs is very scary. May 28, 2022 · I learned how to ride rex with allo and sucho from this video: https://youtu. 0. D. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Dinosaur Name Diet Base Damage Alternate Attack Health Mass (kg) Speed (km/h) Ambush (km/h) Sprint Duration (min) Base Bleed. gg/vqNBY8Ma#fyp #ga Suchomimus is a large spinosaurid from the late Aptian stage of the Cretaceous period. In packs, allo can kill anything with relative safety (except for gigas) if your pack is coordinated. Need a fast swiaming for Bary, Sucho and Spino, now the allo and utahs swims faster than water dinos, i understend that is only a mod in official servers we cant swim and its terrible because for many times developers cant make a swiming and fish. Server on The Isle: Hunting Grounds Feb 23, 2019 · Many people suggest to simply buff Sucho's speed overall and especially its trot to be able to escape/hunt a little better but I don't think this is the best idea. They also take so long to heal that you're better off dying and growing a new dino if you ever get injured. As long as giga avoids all the stomps and manages to land a few hits on the trike, it will bleed it out, but if a trike lands the stomps, the giga Allo is the best overall for survival and balance. 8+): now you are bigger and faster, but at this stage you can not attack other adults . in a 1v1 against midtiers you have a high chance of winning . compared to the cera, who has no bleed to its bite and gets drained to death from a single dilo or allo bite, and the carno who's straight up broken in the worst ways, the allo is definitely the strongest and easiest to play in the medium class. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Sep 6, 2020 · ★ BEST VIEWED IN 1440p (HD) for your maximum enjoyment! ★If you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up, comment & subscribe! T Allosaurus is a large carnivore dinosaur that lived in North America during the Late Jurassic period 155 million years ago. It can can kill cera or allo if it ambush them. also to deter bleed damage, just go sit in the water. I had three fights once on the same day, 2 of which I won. Just catch them alone, if you can. gg/hg Dec 8, 2024 · The isle Legacy (Noobz 1) Allo pair Picking up lost child, not long after Rex fight then a new Challenger Appeared Heck yeah son , Sucho got destroyed Sorry if the quality is shit : As u/ldbaTV stated the Allo needs to be competent. Feb 5, 2019 · Now sucho not as op as it was after the first patch. be/jNKm8ucwcXM hope this and my video can help you learn to ride rexesAlso Feb 24, 2019 · Large allo and dibble groups used to pose a threat, but Gigas dmg buff & weightmass buff & its god tier alt turn basically make fighting back against even a single giga a moot effort. 38K subscribers in the theisle community. Sucho do have pretty good camo options, so you best bet is somewhere you can hide and ambush. Mar 9, 2019 · i speak for 100% Sub apex I would like to play Subgiga like we can play Subrex without growing to adult and enjoy it but. It can lower your health until you have 10% hp left. swapping the health would mean that sucho is a better dino and it would mean that allo could have a speed buff without Jul 3, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. Your only advantage in water is above avarage swim endurance. There’s no real difference aside from speed/health/damage differences. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ In this video i try to assride a Sucho. Like I said Sucho is bad at hunting on land and I think that's fine. Allosaurus was one of two apex predators of the Morrison Odds are it will hurt them more than you. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Feb 17, 2020 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. He lost. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Aug 23, 2022 · Server: Hunting groundsServer you can find me on:1. Allo has a chance,cause sucho have poor bleed resistance. This community is an unofficial, fan-made subreddit for the game The Isle. Share… Sucho is the strongest non-apex in the game currently. And it can take a pack of you solo and insure that someone goes with it. As a Sucho main who now barely plays the game, I would like to share some of my knowledge to other sucho players somewhere. 53. Three hits bleeds them out if they keep sprinting. If both the trike and giga fight right, it ends up being a 50-50 chance. Para does solid damage and has decent speed with great stamina. tv/bluetitan_rhTwitter - https://twitter. com/watch?v=KbA6sj-BbG0&ab_channel=INDIEMUSICCLOUD#survival #theisle #allosaurus #sucho With the weight/base-bleed calculation, one sub bite applies 10. Aug 19, 2020 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. com/c/FutureCavemanjoin The Cave Discord:https://discord. You can not die through bleeding while you sit. Dec 7, 2019 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. 0 sub rex is almost like a full cera vs a full allo if the allo had better raw and health. A decent Allo knows that one bite will bleed you out if you're forced to run for extended periods. BTW never underestimate anything. They're big as trains, almost as big as rexes and other apexes, but you're like the schoolyard bully: you don't have a lot to back it up with. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Allo is the best overall for survival and balance. com/Mahmudulhasan_TDiscord - https://discord. As long as you're aware of your surroundings, a rex/giga/sucho won't get a hold of you and nothing else can easily 1v1 you (as far as carnis go). Jul 6, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. Feb 25, 2024 · Allo vs Sucho The Isle GameplayMy Socials:Twitch: https://www. Jan 19, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Dec 27, 2022 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Feb 10, 2023 · Educational video how to kill sucho as alloMusic: https://www. BUT I make isle videos as often as I can so if you w Don’t want to sound like a PoT or BoB hater but those games do have terrible combat. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ 131 votes, 25 comments. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Oct 26, 2019 · Sucho are kind of inbetween an adult apex and a full grown allo, but allo is on the lower half of that. May 23, 2020 · I have been playing with it since 2016 and im very good with it and i love it, but i dont understand why people doesnt like it. Nothing wrong with that if you are small and can be expected to stay hidden most of the time (like Velo) or the dino is really easy to get for it's power level (like Ava). Reason being is because a solo Sucho can wipe the floor with it and so can a good Allo player. With alt turn cera has no chances. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Twitch - https://www. so if an apex gets too close to you they might get you . version 0. If these Utahs were skilled, I wouldn Jan 31, 2019 · The allosauro juv: avoid anything except other juv the juv giga, juv sucho (I have not checked after the last patch nerf) can kill you so avoid them all the other juvs are food for you. Tank a hit, without ambush as it makes it harder to turn and ride2. Kinda lower end of the larger mid-level predators. Bodies careless mid-tiers. Growth Time (min)? Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. IIRC max size Sucho is literally apex tier, estimated at 40 feet when fully grown (our current Sucho size is close to the holotype specimen, which is a sub adult) Allo: same, you won't win the bleed game, 1v2 Cerato: just face tank them, they're useless against you 1v3 Para: easy game as long as you don't get kicked Isn't more than that really. #theisle Fight on my Warriors Bleed or Bleed Damage is a primary feature for some carnivores, that does lower a players health because of damage and most dinos needs to rest to hurry and to stop the bleeding. gg/vuDTTRKIf You Want More Videos, Feel an average skilled allo can kill easy: utahs,dilo,maia,pachy,carnos. sucho has a very large hitbox so if Jul 21, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Alberto is decent, but overrated. Share your memes, photos, drawings and struggles and let the community help you out Its not the best sucho, still give him respect!Today i fighting a sucho, did i won that fight? watch the video to know it! About Sep 1, 2020 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. Strong enough for a sub-rex, but made for an allo? xD If you wanna play like an allo, but like rexes better, be a sub-rex? it's not that they're equals, it's a debate on which breed of dino you like more. islenation. Honestly, I don't kill sub rexes because this is the one time the apexi is in the mid tier. be/jNKm8ucwcXM hope this and my video can help you learn to ride rexesAlso May 28, 2022 · I learned how to ride rex with allo and sucho from this video: https://youtu. Can someone explain? It can wreck a cerato if carno has some brain and it laughs with allo low tiers,gallis and utahs are easy snacks. a skilled allo can kill: dibble,rex,alberto,anky,sucho, and shant a very skilled allo cannot beat: acro,giga,stego,spino. The allo heals 20 bleed per minute, which means that 20 bleed (from two sub bites) is gone in one minute (allowing the allo to start healing HP). your ambush speed is decent compared to normal sprint . gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Sep 26, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. me/e6c22697Server: Hunting Grounds - https://discord. Sep 23, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. yout Feb 5, 2019 · Now sucho not as op as it was after the first patch. Stay in or near water for a quick getaway. tv/vt0mmyTwitter: https://twitter. This is the long-winded version of why. Aug 5, 2019 · The giga vs trike fight is one of the most interesting in the game right now im my opinion. It will out bleed you. your bite force is too low you would end up May 30, 2020 · What the hell are you on about? Max size Allo still gets clapped by max size Sucho. Facetanking an allo spamming bites takes them twelve bites, and the allo would be dead within seven. Jun 5, 2023 · Sucho has stupidly OP hit box but still useful :D #theisle #theislegameplay #theislegame #theislelegacy Jul 8, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. Diablo is quick, tanky, has nasty bleed, and spanks an allo 1v1. sucho is the strongest mid tier in terms of stats ( not counting acro ) . Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. . gg/ystWkpHGaming channel - https://www. gg/la-familiaClandiscord von [ZS]: https://discord. youtube. However he has fast biting animation. SO SLOW YOU ARE. SUPER EASY fights for allo is: cerato,para and sometimes even baryonyx. Ceratos are TECHNICALLY faster in terms of raw sprint speed, but it is extremely slight, and because allos have a much better ambush and better stamina they still run down ceratos, not much that said ceratos can do about it. Suchomimus was added to The Isle alongside the Ankylosaurus in Patch 0. The short version is: Fast enough to avoid apexes, unlike Sucho, holds its own fairly well in all but 1 or two mid-tier matchups, and in big enough groups they can actually hunt rexes and trikes. Share…. highest health in midtiers and highest bite damage and bleed is decent too . A near 3 ton Allo should be way above a 1 ton Cerato. com/vt0mmyDiscord: https://discord. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ GG's, Utahs! This was a very fun fight, I was shaking so much during it. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Twins = ♥Sucho: [ZS] Karma ᴳᴱᴿ | ᴱᴺᴳAllo: KanKraCera: Juli -ger-The Isle Server: https://discord. sucho is relatively slow . Va The devs love bragging about how far along certain playables are, so the silence on Allo up to this point, the choice to put him in the dibble trail came vid and the scavenger hunt surrounding it’s discovery, the weight change of Dibble, and the introduction of pounce to pin all point to an Allo release fairly soon. New beginnings deathmatch3. Feb 22, 2023 · Играем на сервере Tapkin Survival [RU/EU] (NoAlt) с суровыми правилами выживания (КОС). The giga cant just run up to the trike and facetank it to death like the rex does. They can be a lot of fun if you don't assume that because you're huge, you're going to face tank the world or easily defeat every other sub-apex (sucho) or mid-tier (carno, allo, etc). Allosaurus was added to The Isle in Patch 0. Credited as the lions of the Jurassic, Allosaurus was among the apex predator of its time; hunting ornithopods, stegosaurs, and even the mighty sauropods. If an Alberto gets the first few bites, it can solo an Acro. I don't bother playing the fisher line until fishing is in the game. Sucho was actually built as a semi-aquatic with focus on land predation. But some Dinos have a high Bleed resistence, for example T-Rex and Giganotosaurus. gg/NbjEU3zRpwSticky's Merch and Server Website: https:/ Oct 18, 2022 · I pit my skills against a sub rex on Hunting Grounds Bite force is defined as the force which is applied by the dinosaurs mastication muscles in which the Bite is the regression of the quotient of an animal's bite force in newtons divided by its body mass in kilograms. Also sucho doesnt make much bleed now after last patch. Oct 2, 2021 · Help Make Better Quality Videos: https://gofund. And that's ignoring the fact that Dibble turns extremely to begin with, especially using Z walk, meaning you should just be riding the allo for most of the fight. 90. gg 🦖🎮 Amante de aventuras pré-históricas cheias de emoção? Entre para o canal L3gollas, seu destino definitivo para jogos de dinossauros em estilo RPG! 🦖🎮O Mar 22, 2019 · The Isle. If i am correct sucho is also a tier higher than allo is on the progression tree with allo only having marsho before it and sucho having bary and austro. twitch. Been on a run as a Acro on the HuntingGrounds server, spotted an allo and figured why not. It boils down to just a select few scenarios where this would help you in combat. Sucho shouldn't be able to compete on land vs Allo and the other mid-tiers. 1. Giga vs Rex might not be that skewed in Gigas favor but Giga vs everything else is just a massacre where Trike, Allo, Diablo, and Para are practically wiped out. As a carno, I managed to take out 3 Alberto's just by bleeding them out, as an Alberto I killed an Allo, and all he did was bite me ONCE and it put me on max screen when sitting down to the bleed. If you have any questions, I'll be more than happy to answer them. oittxgyzoxshewfvdywnzjrsmkmbzplnhgnliqfbbekecxbdbsvajouvmofvosqnfvispbyqidfvdse