Tbi spraying too much fuel. 454, STOCK engine approx.

Tbi spraying too much fuel 135K miles. model 220 TBI dumping waaayyy to much fuel & flooding engine. 89 1500 w/5. customer: i have a 1993 chevrolet astro van with a 4. Its processor is too slow and fuel table too small to handle a big low vacuum camshaft. Rough idle is probably TBI related, especially since you over-pressured the TBI. 3 tbi it was dumping too much fuel and fouling out plugs so i replaced the fuel pressure regulator becuase it was leaking out of the bottom after i replace it it still was running rich i have checked the timing it is ok i was looking at the injector and the one on the passenger side is not spraying it looks like a steady stream of fuel Mar 15, 2015 · The computer will then schedule too much fuel for a warm start--flooding the engine. Fuel should be coming out between the housing and the top plate. Yes, take the TBI apart, replace the internal gasket, blow out the passages (especially the big vacuum port on the lower rear part of the body. ) Leaking O-ring(s) on top and/or bottom of injector housings. Tbi spraying too much fuel surcharge. 8. the pattern under the light should be even and conical shape, no major spatter. 200 bucks for proper sized injectors for a 305 motor. 1. Oct 8, 2009 · Well, you could have too much or too little fuel pressure causing your issue. New Fuel pump relay 4. I've replaced the engine temperature control sensor. As a matter of fact I searched for the phrase 'hard starting' in the 1994 Driveability, Emissions, & Electrical Diagnosis FSM, and ended up with this: Tbi spraying too much fuel systems. or did you mean when you cut key the TBI 8valve G18a engine single port injector keeps spraying at cut key, if yes, that is only 3 causes. 3 ltr. 7 injectors in it but it would flood out after a second of cranking it, so I had to put the 4. I am have two problems. If I pinched off the returnthe pressure spiked high. But it idled fine and would die out if I gave it much gas. spray way too much fuel. Mar 15, 2015 · that it floods. Changed distributor, coil, plugs, wires, map and wires, complete tbi that came with all new parts, injector wires, temp sensor, egr, fuel pu 1990 gmc truck too much fuel rubuilt tbi replaced map sensor replaced o2 sensor no other codes cold start hard after Mike S. This would normally leak out the back. I need some help or advice to get this TBI working better. I can't pin point the problem. Fuel pump went off after I unplugged the Oil Pressure Switch at the top rear of the manifold so maybe there’s a fault in that circuit somewhere. First; change out fuel filter(buy 2 of these-get the cheapest ones you kind find). Tbi Injectors Spraying Too Much Fuel Mar 31, 2007 · I'm having problems now with my 1992 2. New Fuel pump 2. The proper fuel pump for a TPI system. So, I pulled one of the power connectors from one( the left one ) ( as looking from the front ) and stopped it from spraying fuel. The TBI fuel pump WILL not run enough fuel for the TPI. Changed distributor, coil, plugs, wires, map and wires, complete tbi that came with all new parts, injector wires, temp sensor, egr, fuel pu Jun 30, 2015 · Description As far as pressure, we loosened up one of the fuel lines going into the injector assembly, and it was spraying out with with a bit of pressure. 3 tbi it was dumping too much fuel and fouling out plugs so i replaced the fuel pressure regulator becuase it was leaking out of the bottom after i replace it it still was running rich i have checked the timing it is ok i was looking at the injector and the one on the passenger side is not spraying it looks like a steady stream of fuel Tbi spraying too much fuel lines; Tbi Spraying Too Much Fuel Video Wot when its acting up: 7 or 8 maybe 9? The fuel pump runs, I can hear it, in fact I ran it manually from the prime connector. Buy a can of SEAFOAM when you get the filters. My buddy has a 93 or 94 TBI on a 454 basically stock setup in a motor home. if one shows low volume, the other Aug 10, 2013 · This morning I ran the return into a bucket and the amount of fuel coming out at cold startup was torrential. Jan 25, 2018 · Fuel Pressure Regulator Issue: If this regulator is malfunctioning, it might allow too much fuel into the system. Your fuel system is pressurized to about 12PSI and taking into account your alltitude that would be about 26. 7 with TBI When I turn the key to the on position the injectors start spraying lots of fuel into the throttle body and flooding it, causing fuel to leak out of the throttle body. If it's dumping way too much fuel with a new TBI and the MAP sensor and TPS are working correctly then it's definitely the ECS. Nov 6, 2020 · Come to find out, my injectors are DUMPING fuel into the tb. This is because too much fuel or too little will be enough to increase the emissions, and the catalytic converter will not be able to do its job properly. 3 wont start it will with spray . If you do have bad injectors, they probably didn't crap out at the same time. I have a 350 vortec engine(1998 suburban) inside of an Iroc with a holley TBI 2 barrel. <p> Mar 25, 2011 · The vehicle is a 91 ram van with a 360 cu motor. these cars suffer terribly from EGS(ethanol gas syndrome). Ive put a new fuel pressure regulator on and that didn’t help, but I’m wondering what else I can test before throwing parts and spending unnecessary money at it. why isn’t cylinder 8 firing!? Apr 19, 2012 · So, one injector appears to be plugged and the other is spraying too much fuel? We checked the codes, only Code 12 comes up (ECU normal mode) and nothing else is coming up. I put new gaskets in the 4. Nov 8, 2011 · check fuel pressure - 10 psi with key on and cranking engine changed fuel filter rebuilt TBI unit and regulator traced wires for possible short. fuel is getting to injectors but driver side is dripping not spraying, and the other one doesnt seem to spay at all. 1993 tbi not spraying - × We use cookies to help our site to work, to help us understand how it is used, and to tailor advertising on this and other sites. if u plug the injectors back in the truck will start but u have to feather the accelerator as otherwise the truck stalls out. You've got a problem to fix before you can improve its performance and tune. Feb 19, 2010 · "258 CJ/Wrangler 06-02-02". but check them using a timing light hooked to the coil wire for timing of each injector spray. Well, three things. Bad o-rings that seal the injector to the injector pod. Usually accompanied by a loud hissing sound which usually ends with a flooded engine. 0L 305 v8 TBI. look in the TBI and verify both injectors have equal looking spray patterns, then fuel pressure check before doing anything. instead of a nice even spray it dumps fuel. When I first got the truck, it had been sitting for 7-8 years. A major symptom is a sudden drop in fuel Jan 29, 2007 · Would it spray in way too much fuel when the throttle was pressed, and bog down the motor? Would it have trouble recovering from the reving, and send the computer into limp home mode? Im assuming that the stock computer cannot correct itself for way too much pressure. Changed distributor, coil, plugs, wires, map and wires, complete tbi that came with all new parts, injector wires, temp sensor, egr, fuel pu Jul 30, 2010 · From what I've seen, only two things can cause a crappy spray pattern with TBI injectors. It's the low pressure that the throttle body requires. I have a small fuel leak I’m going to try to get to today. At first I thought I pulled off the fuel line. How can I tell if it is a problem in one of the sensors, or what not. I dont know why the one injector Apr 8, 2011 · We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page Aug 8, 2005 · You also have the EGR valve to deal with. However, the opposite can also be a problem. Another possibility is a leaking fuel injector. Customer: I got a 1990 dodge w150 with a 318 with the tbi system on it, having a issue cold starting after sitting overnight I've replaced the fuel pump, fuel filter, plugs, wires, Dist. . The fuel pressure regulator in the TBI and the fuel pump. Dec 28, 2013 · Hi Barkydog. And only the 3 and 4 cylinders fill up. TBI is VERY picky about fuel pressure. he was spraying into a throttle body that consists of an injector(TBI). Some fuel injectors may spray too much fuel to the engine, resulting in surges. You may want to "rebuild" the TBI's. Thanks customer: i have a 1993 chevrolet astro van with a 4. Dec 11, 2013 · fuel injector spraying too much fuel change fuel pump and filter and still wont run fuel injector spraying too much - Pontiac 1986 Parisienne question I have a 90 Aug 10, 2009 · have you checked the filter, i know you state the fuel lines are clear though. Im getting to much fuel my 1992 camaro rs 5. It doesn't take the engine long to get warmer than -40F outside, but still, -40 is still a pretty astronomical number, lol. When i turn the key on i hear the fuel pump kick on for 1-2 seconds. Engine had a hesitation off idle before the fuel pump went out. it ran good when I got it just needed a little shot of starting fluid and it would idol and run fine. Vacuum Leaks: Leaks can upset the air-fuel mixture and lead to over-fueling. 89 1500 5. During cranking, it would dump fuel in with no pulse or modulation and would immediately flood the motor, like gas dripping from the exhaust flooded. i have a 1999 chevy c1500 with a 4. Jul 17, 2020 · those OBD1 codes don't mean anything. Jan 31, 2005 · Fuel Pump is aftermarket, but shouldn't the internal Fuel pressure regulator be taking care of the excess PSI? I'm going to run a fuel pressure test tomorrow. Then I disconnected the incoming fuel line from the TBI, and not much more gas dribbled out. Aug 16, 2009 · Hello, my '87 Cutlass OBD1 with TBI fails the emissions test because of a rich code #45 at idle. Then I started disconnecting the outgoing fuel line (return line for when there's too much pressure), and it just kept on leaking and leaking gas. You can see the pattern better with a timing light hooked up to #1 plug and aim it down the TB. Changed distributor, coil, plugs, wires, map and wires, complete tbi that came with all new parts, injector wires, temp sensor, egr, fuel pu Jul 31, 2012 · The truck will run if you unplug the injectors and spray gas in TBI . NOTE: Before removing the fuel filter, relieve the fuel system pressure to prevent fuel from spraying when disconnecting the lines. so other then the injectors i dont know what would couse this. That should drip or run off the bottom of them. Aug 30, 2011 · While the engine was running it was spraying gas out through the cranks. Cap and rotor and temp sensor. is not working. ive put new fuel pump,fuel A 4. I listened in the rear and with just the key turned it sounds like the fuel pump is running non stop. ) Cracked top plate or bad gasket(s). I have now gotten all the sensors and wires hooked up. You don't have spray from the fuel injectors if the pump. Don't know if this helps, but i unhooked the tps and same results. Apr 3, 2013 · I checked the fuel pressure today had 17psi at the TBI no fluctuation. A fuel pressure test is the best way to diagnose this problem. all you can Apr 18, 2022 · When the fuel injector is bad, clogged, or damaged, it’d spray too much fuel, or too little fuel, which would affect combustion, and in turn, affect the engine’s performance. If you chose a cam that doesn’t make enough vacuum for TBI then your going to have some level of idle issue regardless of chip with TBI. S. In addition, you could bring it to a shop to have them check fuel pressure for you. I hope not! No odd sounds coming from the exhaust. There shouldn't be any dripping. Been on quite the gremlin hunt going on a month. Jun 26, 2018 · 1990 1 ton 4x4. You wind up waiting for the excess fuel to evaporate and the engine to cool down some and "match" the faulty sensor before it will start. Basic tips on diagnosis and repair of GM's TBI system. Its running real rich. If your gauge is accurate you have to deal with that low pressure. had one that drove me nuts trying to fix it then figured out I had to buy a book and low and behold thee it was 3 wire oil pressure switch you can't see between the engine and fire Jan 15, 2014 · Its an 88 4cyl TBI what's been rebuilt, got about 9k on the motor. Only thing I noticed that wasn't correct is the fuel pressure goes quickly to zero within 3 minutes after I kill the truck. Truck hasn’t stalled yet. Ive replaced the cooliant temp sensor, throttle position sensor, fuel pressure regulator, spark plug and wires, distributor cap and rotor, ECC and the ignition coil, idle air control valve and oxygen sensor. I noticed the drivers side injector was spraying/ spitting kinda sideways and noticed gas would hit the center part of tbi unit and then drip. It has TBI system. Replaced plug wires, plugs, cap, rotary button. Again, a warm engine with too much fuel dripping from an injector will flood. What are the symptoms of Limp Jul 16, 2009 · I have a 1994 454 TBI and its been acting funny (fluctuating idle) Everything seems fine but my fuel pressure is constant at 30PSI! It drops a fraction of a hair at WOT then returns to 30 Feb 12, 2015 · 89 1500 5. 99 Dodge Ram 5. Could that be the pressure regulator on top. This surge actually has the effect of slowing down your acceleration. Jul 19, 2005 · That pump is rated to 75psi. Check for cracked lines, or loose connections. 4. Also see if your parts store has a tool loaner program. VERY VERY LOW. Jan 22, 2018 · Injectors weren’t spraying. I dragged the thing down to Candlewood East Marina since there is no way I am going Dec 31, 2016 · I ran into a weird problem (to me). Then I pulled the Sep 3, 2007 · I put it back together again and we cranked the truck and I was looking at the injectors while it was running ( sort of ) and I got the idea that it looked like the injectors are spraying too much fuel into the TBI. Used fuel injector wire connecters 6. Anyone see this before? Oct 25, 2011 · Ok Ill make it as complicated as I can. Im having a slight problem i have a 87' 2. I've replaced a bunch of sensors and the computer, and tested the fuel pressure to the fuel regulator, and everything (to me) looks good except the TBI seems to be spraying too much fuel at idle. Low fuel pressure 2. 1990 gmc truck too much fuel rubuilt tbi replaced map sensor replaced o2 sensor no other codes cold start hard after Mike S. b. 12 will be fine. Seemed to me there was an unusual amount of pressure coming back to the tank, but I am only running a 14 psi pump so i don't know how it would get that high or why there would be so much fuel returning to the tank. Sadly I don't have the equipment to test the fuel pressure. 3s injectors back into it, Brian at tbi chips said if I tell him the specs of the engine and the 4 digit letter on the prom then he could burn me a new one, he also said the ecm's are the same for a '94 auto tranny tbi, just different chips so This seems to be adding up . Is there a way to easily check fuel pressure in the tbi without a pressure gauge, like a shraeder valve on fuel rails. Jun 24, 2011 · hello to all. It has always run a little rich so I decided to go to the junkyard and pull another harness among other things and fuel and timming. New but somewhat fouled O2 sensor. ill be gald to hear Oct 20, 2005 · Fuel pressure for the TBI ('82-'84) is 9-13 psi, whereas fuel pressure for the TPI (LT1) is an operating rating of 50 PSI and 24 GPH. 5L 5 speed trans. Apr 9, 2010 · After checking nearly everything you did and some other things, I finally checked my fuel pressure with a T fitting at the fuel filter. You cannot afford to lose much pressure. Should I look into changing the computer? Timing? Still a good idea to check? EGR, does anyone know of a 2 prong plug egr? with a 4 prong MAP? Dec 21, 2020 · When fuel injectors become clogged, they cause problems because they are not providing enough fuel. im not sure on this tho. I had to redo the ground wire to the pump. 050 you can run up to a 214/218 duration cam with a new chip without too much issue. 66k on the odometer. Stays running for about 5 minutes above 2000 rpm then I have to feather the throttle to keep it running. Someone has changed some wiring. due to sprays too much you said. 454, STOCK engine approx. i crank it over and it starts with my foot 89 1500 5. I know the OP said his cat was gone, but for $40 or so the high-flo aftermarket one is a good deal, and really cleans up the stink of the exhaust. Would a 1/4 in ID return line be too small? Aug 9, 2014 · First I disconnected the fuel hose between tank and filter. Aug 9, 2008 · Just put a 1990 4. There should be no gaps or spurs. 5 PSIA and when it sits overnite molicules of air sneak into the fuel line displacing the gasoline which allow these molicules of gas to go back and party with the other gas molceules in the gas tank, now the pressure in your fuel system is about 03-10-16 09:19 PM - Post# 2614505 Hello I need help ASAP please! I have a 1990 GMC 1500 5. 1 does this sound correct? Instead of a cone of mist, I get niagra falls spraying into my engine. checked voltage at ECM, injectors, coil, distributor - all within specs checked ignition switch Is getting too much fuel. The vehicle has a new in tank fuel pump & fuel sock. The coolant temp sensor may still be an issue or even the wiring. 3 while it was still in the blazer and it ran perfect after I fixed the head gasket issue. May 7, 2014 · he was spraying into a throttle body that consists of an injector(TBI). When I bought it but the motor was horrible so my cousin gave me his 89 s10/blazer with a t. 89' V3500 TBI 454, TH400. I am going to check fuel pressure just to rule out the pump. Changed distributor, coil, plugs, wires, map and wires, complete tbi that came with all new parts, injector wires, temp sensor, egr, fuel pu Jul 10, 2007 · I did have 5. <p> Jul 15, 2024 · Having to prime your system in order to get the truck to start could be explained by an out of spec (too low) fuel pressure sitting at the input to the TBI injectors. or its o-rings leak. Thank yo Nov 28, 2017 · Hello, my name's Ryan, new user with my first square body. Also, even thought the fuel pressure stays at that pressure when you wing the throttle, that isn't a sufficient test of fuel supply. Has compression…has spark, has fuel…. 3l what can make to much gas spray out of the injectors??? if you let it spray for a minute, unplug the injectors, then turn it over it starts. Jan 23, 2013 · SOURCE: 90 chevy k1500 350 tbi fuel problem starts but wont stay running try bypassing the oil pressure switch on the back of the block behind the distributor, if there oil pressure switch goes bad it will do this. Gave it a tune up, and it ran beautifully, which was my go ahead to begin Jun 10, 2023 · i have a 1988 chevy k2500 was braking at a red light and truck turned off as there wasn’t any gas coming from the injectors i blew the injector fuse and when i replaced it only one injector works and it’s spraying too much fuel and it sounds extremely loud i swapped the connectors on the Oct 25, 2011 · Ok Ill make it as complicated as I can. 89 4. (hard fail that) injector leaks ECU bad. Also check the TBI assembly for any leaks. GMC N. I crank it and crank it and it seems like it's getting no fuel. ASE Certified with 25+ years experience. E. Thanks in advance. This can typically be done by locating the fuel pump fuse or relay in the fuse box and removing it, then starting the engine and letting it run until it stalls, indicating that the fuel pressure has been relieved. I don’t believe this vehecle has a MAF sensor. You can use the distributor from your TBI motor if it`s the small one. 3 plugs don't phase engine much when wires are pulled off one at a time. 50 bucks worth of gaskets, 200 bucks to burn a chip. New Fuel pressure regulator 5. the TBI injectors can be cleaned, but i usually just replace them. I. It was only running around 9 psi. im just wondering what may couse the motor to get too much fuel i have already put a new pressure reg in it. Nov 16, 2012 · TBI 350 are prone to Hg failure. 3 v6 with a blow head gasket. The van starts but floods out, throttle body fills up with gas. likely fuel injectors have lost flow. I even had a friend of mine plug and unplug the injectors and we kept it Nov 19, 2013 · The TBI kits typically cover the two sizes of TBI, as well as minor differences between Gen 1 and Gen 2 (for lack of a better term) TBI. 7 350. Any Dec 29, 2011 · Id bet you aren't getting enough fuel for one reason or another. I'm not surprised you blew the TBI out. how an injector works is there is a small amount of current that is run to a coil around a rod (if you are unaware, this produces magnetic fields). I switched it last night to an airtex E8153 that flows at 20psi. Used distributor stem with used cap and rotor and pick up coil or whatever the name is of the third part on the distributor Fuel pressure in Jun 10, 2012 · Fuel pressure on a TBI should be 12-13 psi. 8 v6 t. If I disconnect 1 it runs a lot better. Troubleshooting Steps. 9 Answers. Mar 20, 2020 · 1. Fuel injectors are controlled by the ECU – it is the ECU that tells the injector how much fuel to spray/sprinkle into the cylinders. If the spray is not uniform, the injector may be dirty. The first thing I would do is pull the fuel pump fuse so you can troubleshoot without filling the engine full of fuel. ashleybates November 23, 2021, 5:36am 21. Any help would be appreciated. Mike S. What are the symptoms of Limp Jul 16, 2009 · I have a 1994 454 TBI and its been acting funny (fluctuating idle) Everything seems fine but my fuel pressure is constant at 30PSI! It drops a fraction of a hair at WOT then returns to 30 Jun 30, 2015 · Description Nov 8, 2011 · check fuel pressure - 10 psi with key on and cranking engine changed fuel filter rebuilt TBI unit and regulator traced wires for possible short. Fuel Leak A short tip for leaking TBI injectors on late 80's to early 90's Chevy fuel injection systems. Sprayed carb cleaner all around the base of the TBIno change in anything. Here are some steps you can take to pinpoint and potentially resolve the issue: Feb 12, 2015 · It shouldn't come from anywhere no matter the fuel pressure. I didn't think the pump delivered that much fuel much less that much coming out of the return. There should be a couple of relays and a terminal block there too. Mar 14, 2023 · If the fuel injector’s spray pattern has changed, and it is injecting too little or too much fuel into the engine, your car will most likely not pass the emission test. May 11, 2021 · 1. Jan 13, 2004 · i have a 87 350 tbi and i think it may be getting to much fuel since it well run alot better if it has some huge vacuum leaks. Nov 23, 2021 · TBI Spraying Too Much Fuel? Let's Troubleshoot Together! Maintenance and Repairs. Dec 31, 2016 · I ran into a weird problem (to me). Have replaced fuel pump, filter, ignition module, pick up coil, fuel pressure regulator. So I know it was burned for this motor. He developed this problem where the injectors won't spray during cranking but if you get it to fire using starting fluid or drizzling fuel into the TB-- then it will fire and the injectors will start spraying and the engine runs just fine from then on. Mar 5, 2025 · Usually every start up after it's been on for a while also has smoke coming out of the exhaust pipe that smells like fuel which I'm guessing is unburnt fuel from the injectors dumping too much. I am now getting some pulse/modulation but still feels like its dumping way too much fuel. 2. I have replaced the injectors, fuel presure regulator, throttle positioning sensor, map sensor, and ignition sensor. If the relay circuit fails, the oil pressure sending unit will supply 12V to the fuel pump as long as it sees oil pressure. A. The fuel pressure regulator is mount at the rear part f the TBI. If the fuel pump runs longer than the 2 second prime something is wrong. Compression test was the same as all other cylinders. 13 people found this helpful. Some mechanics familiar with chevrolets have also mentioned to me that the bad ECS causing gas flooding is a common problem. But Hasent run in 3 years so I figured it was just a little sticky. 3 TBI IT WAS DUMPING TOO MUCH FUEL AND FOULING OUT Jun 19, 2010 · Put a new fuel pump in it & brought it up to 16psi. 5. If you do not have one, you could always buy or rent one. It has new plugs although they are already somewhat fouled from the too rich mixture. You can read more here and make your cookie choices. My injectors are def. Stock is 9-12 PSI. With that said, that leaves 2 things. I am getting to much fuel to the injectors at start-up. 7 tbi when it starts fuel is spray excessive. I put some lucas fuel treatment in the tank last week after i brought it home. If the diaphram is damaged it could cause exsesive fuel to dump into the engine. You need to fill tank with as much Premium fuel as you can. Certified Auto-Mechanic Jul 6, 2014 · As mentioned already, the oil sending unit supplies backup power for the fuel pump relay. Do these simple steps. the injectors seem like its dumping too much fuel could this be the fuel regulator Dec 6, 2011 · My 88 s10 had a 2. You have TBI, check the two injectors for a "V" or cone style, spray pattern. A solid stream 1/4" diameter and shooting out at least 2 inches. the magnetic field produced pulls up what is usually a small ball, allowing fuel to go through the tip of the injector nozzle. The throttle plates and tbi have been sprayed many times with carb cleaner. I've replaced the map sensor the fuel pressure regulator in the throttle body. Engine idles rough. ) Bad O-ring(s) on fuel line connection to the TB. If you have a nice conical spray pattern at idle your injectors should be good. New Fuel filter 3. I finally gave up and tightened it back up again. 1990 gmc truck too much fuel rubuilt tbi replaced map sensor replaced o2 sensor no other codes cold start hard after. If it's coming from somewhere on the throttle body then a gasket has failed or somehow the housing cracked. But now it dumps fuel into the motor so much that it hydro locks on fuel. 5 PSIA and when it sits overnite molicules of air sneak into the fuel line displacing the gasoline which allow these molicules of gas to go back and party with the other gas molceules in the gas tank, now the pressure in your fuel system is about Mar 15, 2015 · that it floods. 150 to 200 bucks for a computer. If it' spraying from the nozzle without the engine turning over then you need a new injector. It's a 5. It now starts but won't idle. New plugs, wires, distributor cap, rotor, new injector that is working and spraying fuel. Bad injectors 3. 8. 7 tbi spraying too much fuel 2 Answers. Customer: I have a 95 chevy truck with tbi and my injectors are pouring out to much gas and flooding out the engine. 3. Made a minor difference in starting up but still stalls out. Anyone see this before? I just replaced plugs and wires. you have no supply for it to spray. I think it needs to be around 12psi, which isn't too insanely high pressure. stock cam is only 165/175 duration @ . ) Apr 2, 2011 · throttle body dumping lots of fuel. 3 out of an s10 into my '91 sonoma that i bought with a bad 4. fairly common problem. 9 360 cylinder 8 will not fire. Jan 17, 2015 · SOURCE: fuel injectors spraying to much gas to be honest, with an 89, all you can do is replace the injector. 2011. The injectors are spraying way too much fuel. 15 psi fuel is too much for a stock engine/tune. Sep 17, 2014 · The fuel spray pattern will look like a symmetrical cone with the outer diameter just inside of the intake flare. The fuse will be in an inline fuse holder on the passenger side of the firewall. Jan 4, 2019 · I've replaced the fuel pump. Used fuel injectors (from junkyard may not be in working condition) 7. Im thinking that the fuel pressure regulator could be faulty, or the injectors are ready for replace or rebuild? Im open to ideas and things to check. Thanks for any help. you need to double check for fault codes, get a good battery in the truck and retest the circuits or have a shop double check them before doing any major repairs. i changed the wires,plugs, FP,FF, FPR, injector, blew the lines out since its been sittn for a good moment. unullgk hbdmk oumbijnd xaauv dhfcqs lnxy fvnzw adpi zrstp mnsnc qzes umgo ldiiky kraf zmab

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