Initial connection taking time But if the API is not called for next 6 minutes then next call is again taking longer time. Oct 20, 2015 · First the client needs to establish a TCP connection to the server (this applies to normal http too), then the client gets a response from the server indicating that the connection was accepted. So I'm confident to say that SSL Negotiation is the cause. May 8, 2024 · After upgrading JAVA8 to JAVA 17, We got one problem, an existing JMX client to invoke an get operation always timeout after the Server side VM is fresh installed. Chrome tells me, that the initial connection takes so long: Nov 13, 2018 · It might also be session management on the remote endpoint. When I start a new Toad connection to one of this databases, the duration is over 6 seconds. Jul 6, 2022 · Kafka consumer taking around 1 minute for the initial connection with the producer. May 29, 2013 · Let's look; we have a loop here: var connection = TryGetConnection(); while (connection == null) { connection = TryGetConnection(); } it is not clear to me that TryGetConnection is correctly handling all scenarios ("opening", etc), but frankly, it is a moot point : if you are going to do a tight loop until you get a connection, you might as well simplify significantly. 10. I suppose it's an handshake problem. I also noticed that even if I make the first call to host1 and all the rest to host2, the request to host1 takes much more time than all subsequent requests. I've looked at locking and blocking but can't see any happening and don't understand how this would effect sp_reset_connection. Also, normally the connection tries should time out after 30s (or close to), so maybe the connection request is ‘delayed’ because is waiting some other function in the stack to execute, before actually trying to connect. Idle-Time-Out(minutes ) TO 0 Sep 10, 2021 · I've also tried to implement a connection timeout and I still am encountering the same issue. 1 round-trip (sending one packet to the server and waiting for a reply. so I have written that code in . The problem is that once I click to start a RDP connection it asks for the credentials and after that it takes a really long time to start the connection. You should not expect low latency on your first call. I feel like when a request is cancelled, somehow it's not checking if the connection actually succeeded Nov 21, 2018 · [color=#FF0000]Initial Connection: 239 ms SSL Negotiation: 461 ms[/color] Together, they are taking about 700 ms which should ideally be done within 150-200 ms. Our setup is: Datomic transactors on AWS ECS inside a docker image running version 0. This requires Apache 2. Any help in this direction would be greatly appreciated! Feb 25, 2022 · My initial connection is slow and TTFB is slow. Nov 5, 2016 · Reading the title of your question, there are two things you can do to speed up the initial connection and SSL/TLS handshake. 17 or later. I need to perform some operation after the connection is established. 1, and 10, and all experience the same slow initial connection to the Windows 10 machine, so I believe the problem lies on the server side. 1, but it didn't solve this problem. Once connected, performance is fine. Dec 11, 2020 · I’m experiencing quite slow initial connection time (above 10 sec) with a VL6180X TOF sensor on the Nvidia Jetson Dev Kits (both Nano and Xavier NX). Here's a screenshot: CPU Load is between 0. 1. Feb 11, 2016 · For the last week or so anytime I load ssms to connect to my sql server, the initial connect takes a very long time. The price being that one time slow load time. Subsequent calls will be fast however, as long as you keep the reference to the Cosmos Client and container alive. Any idea how to fix it? My server is CentOS 7 64GB RAM, Apache 2. Browsers are creating Persistent Connections for HTTP requests and keep it open for some time. Mar 8, 2017 · You can see that the Initial time contains SSL time which is nearly most of the time. 9. It occurs with the first request (OPTIONS-call). Its been working fine for past 5 month but suddenly today I Jun 19, 2018 · I have a strange problem: since we recently moved from a 2003 domain (I know, way too long used) to a 2016 domain (no domain upgrade but a fresh install), RDP to a PC is taking a long time to login. The subsequent requests are taking 300ms. But the way Http connection works, that when you invoke it for the first time the connection gets established and that takes time. 2. 74ms. 0. Time to First Byte (TTFB) 197ms Edit: just noticed I have explained why it happens, but not what you can do about it. The column shows up as -because squid has internal DNS caching. "initial connection" means waiting for the server to accept a connection - a typical cause for delay is the server is hitting the max-clients limit (apache configuration) and waiting for an existing request to finish before being able to process the current request. I have the feeling that the connection to mongodb atlas dissapear when I stop using the app for a long time! – Sep 2, 2023 · At first I thought it's due to DNS lookup, then I disabled DNS peer advertising and added DNS nameservers like 1. Request sent is connectEnd - requestStart , which should be negligible. and when this happens, I have observed in my log4j logs that for same request multiple threads are being created. May 24, 2019 · Credential caching; Upon receiving the initial connection, the server has to connect to the authentication source on the authentication servers and wait for a reply. Use another client (a browser, or launch another instance of your client application) to call that same web service first. So we used cloudfront just for ssl termination. Here is a screenshot of the network load showing the issue : Dec 29, 2023 · My initial connection (the "SSL handshake") is taking a minute to some websites only on Chrome browser (latest, Version 120. That was interesting because the initial connection actually took 2 seconds longer but opening a feature dataset took 2 seconds less, so it was a wash. That helped in reducing the initial connection time to 120ms. These work for any connection, not just 3G, so you should use these as best practice anyway. However, sensor = adafruit_vl6180x. It still needs ~ 30 seconds for the first request. Connection script: May 25, 2020 · We have a long time response for first time request call to Web API ! in spite we have changed the following Settings of WEB API's pool -and then we noticed a noticeable progress for the number of times for waiting time is decreased - : StartMode To AlwaysRunning. Oracle client version May 22, 2012 · It seems after looking at Sql Server Profiler after 5 minutes give or take 30 seconds with no activity in Sql Server Profiler and no site interaction a couple of "Audit Logout" entries appear for the application and as soon as that happens it then seems to take 10 - 15 seconds to refresh the application. 2 seconds to load. 6099. 1; node. Some time, it is taking around 16 seconds to open a single connection. 4. It still takes 100,000 milliseconds even when the username and password provided are incorrect. Sometimes for some random network calls the waterfall get stuck in "Stalled" or in "Initial Connection" state. I Sep 9, 2011 · My first instinct says that the DNS request to get the IP address for the domain name you specify is taking longer, because it isn't cached the first time it runs. It takes 0. First, use HTTP/2 to serve the site. Apr 17, 2019 · The problem is that once I click to start a RDP connection it asks for the credentials and after that it takes a really long time to start the connection. 61ms initial time, 233. 4 event module, 1GB Memcached, mod_pagespeed, + tmpfs. The ASG and Target Group all show as healthy during this time. But, we have noticed no difference in sql connection time. After that Http protocol doesn't really close connection for some time in expectation that some more requests would come and the connection could be re-used. 1 databases up and running (small dbs, only 1GB each). Apr 26, 2018 · I also tried compressing and rebuilding indices. But now the ttfb increased to 800ms. 6. 3 minutes) to our ELBs when making any request via ssl. If faster > fix DNS/WINS properties. See also Initial connection to SQL Server Connection Is Slow. Tried to play around with protocols and ciphers. . Nov 20, 2024 · it is taking lot of time to create connections in model. May 1, 2019 · Lately, we’ve been having to wait for about 5 to 6 minutes for the initial Datomic connection to be established. Just started learning all this stuff sometimes there are blockers like this. While waiting the CPU usage is 0 and the Ram usage is stable. Nothing. – Mar 24, 2019 · I mean first connection takes some time 4 DbSets, 4 Models, 4 Maps for this models inherits from EntityTypeConfiguration<Model>. It's like a weird cold start eachtime. It’s an important metric because it affects how quickly users can begin viewing content on your website—as such, reducing your initial server response time can significantly Jan 29, 2022 · @Kaan_N_A. Sep 27, 2016 · I am using mysql 5. For the first RPC, it will take about 50ms to fetch the auth token, wait 50-70ms to get the response, and it takes gRPC ~70ms to initialize and do some processing. 000 PI per month. Jan 2, 2015 · I've encountered similar issues and fixed! my problem is that small files upload is ok, but with large files it stalled for very long time, and from the net-log viewer I found that the full size of the file data actually uploaded but somehow the the tcp connection automatically closed afterwards, Nov 18, 2024 · I'm connecting to a computer on my home network via RDP, using mstsc. Jan 3, 2015 · My intial connection time from my azure IIS server to my VM having mysql is Connection time: 0. Can anyone please help in resolving this or throw some light as to what can be the main reason for such a high time. Initially it takes a long time about 4-5 seconds before I get any update. 18 on ubuntu. done() method. Its so bad my main page is taking 1. Once the data is returned then next calls are giving response instantly. I read people comments on php manual and found that mysql_pconnect runs out of connections soon. 03 and 0. Dec 5, 2020 · On the chrome-devtools desktop mode, the stalled time was only 2. Then connections were quick. The length of the synchronization depends on the number of products, update classifications, and languages you have selected, as well as the speed of your Internet connection. 05, I've got several GB of free RAM, practical no I/O activity, and this delay can occur even with only one visitor on the forum. It does not occur every single request, but around 50% of requests. We have investigated network, but noticed no problem with network. Feb 18, 2015 · The first query establishes a connection to Active Directory, which takes some time, and then subsequent queries are fast as FMS has got the authentication figured out. Since only the initial post is slow, it makes me wonder if something is "spinning down" after being idle for some time, and then spinning up again upon first use, adding the extra time. 035 secs. If faster, fix DNS lookup. Serving about 500. May 20, 2013 · I am facing an issue with NodeJS. Afterwards, the connection seems "better". Dec 28, 2023 · Slow Initial Connection (SSL Handshake) in Chrome Browser: Quick Fix. spring boot version: 2. And after that first connection it is really fast. Sep 9, 2013 · After some time when I try to enter into mysql console then it takes around 15-20 seconds. This is used to create a connection between a local host/client and server. server { listen 4 Feb 10, 2021 · Issue: This is definitely not normal. My guess would be that you server setup is doing a bunch of processing before accepting the connection. Jan 28, 2022 · I'm using Mongo Atlas with Prisma. Second, configure Apache to use OCSP stapling. Help! Jan 4, 2019 · I've used Chrome's Developer Tools to analyze the issue and in looking at the Performance tab, there is significant Idle time before any activities are started (see image). One of the most common issues that users face is a slow initial connection, often caused by an SSL handshake. The initial connection refers to the time taken to perform the initial TCP handshake and negotiating SSL (where applicable). There is no problem with the redirect (via Apache) because the problem persist nomatter what initial URL is used. After that you’re just reusing the same resources until they timeout and are freed. Sep 10, 2019 · I observed the same behavior, where the site takes a while to connect the first time. The initial connection time is crazy. When I connect for the first time on google chrome dev tools network tab: When I connect for the second I am facing a really weird scenario, the initial connection to mongoDb takes around 15 seconds. The step "Securing remote connection" takes a very long time if I connect to the computer using the DNS name to my home network. Our connection string is: Data Source=SQLServer;Initial Catalog=Database;Integrated Security=True The initial connection refers to the time taken to perform the initial TCP handshake and negotiating an SSL (where applicable). 3/12. How to reproduce Use the Kafka High-level balanced consumer and connect to a producer , its taking around 1 minute to initialize the connection with the producer , is there any way to reduce the time for the connection process 点开请求的Timing面板查看,发现请求卡在Connection Star的 Initial connection 地方不往下走了。 Initial connection 是建立 TCP连接 的意思,笔者不禁思索,为啥好好的请求,TCP连接连不上了啊,也是一脸懵。 Mar 3, 2010 · Some time, it is taking 16 seconds to open a connection. What could be causing this such slow Aug 22, 2015 · Also, after the initial connection is made, I can close the connection and reconnect using another machine entirely without experiencing the long delay. My current setup is the following: mongodb running inside an ubuntu vm on the same machine; mongodb is version 2. Oct 8, 2021 · The first time it connects it takes 100,000 milliseconds to get a response from the SharePoint site. Like 10-20 minutes, but once it is connected once I can connect to any other Jun 21, 2020 · We have multiple . 61 64bit fresh installed on Windows 7 64 bit Notebook Lenovo W510 (32Gb Memory). Each subsequent connection is using connection pooling (assuming you have the same connection string) and the initial setup does not need to be done. From our application server to the SQL Server, we have about 1 millisecond ping-time, and we are operating inside pretty fast LAN. 6 ms, but on mobile mode was 458. js installed using brew and it is version 0. To isolate whether it's a server side or client side issue. This explains the first page view being slow and subsequent ones being relatively fast. If I manually look up the external IP and connect like that the connection is pretty much instant. server { listen 4 Nov 5, 2021 · Slow initial RDP connection For me, this was a pain in the ass for a long time. The answer is sadly very little. Now, we have set up a domain name connected to 2 IP addresses. The initial connection, is also referred to as the TCP connection and or connect in some tools, is the total time required to create a TCP connection. Any suggestion how to improve connectivity time? Jan 21, 2021 · In my opinion, the first synchronization with Microsoft Update or your upstream servers does take some time. VL6180X(i2c) takes above 10 seconds to execute. I've tested the remote desktop clients on Windows 7, 8. Dec 16, 2022 · The network pan of my "Developer tools" indicate that it's the "Initial connection" which took very long to load). I have local Oracle 11. Aug 20, 2017 · I investigated my network with Wireshark and although I found that the first request takes more time than the others, the difference is not big. For the second and third RPC, only waiting for the response takes most of the time, while other parts take almost 0ms. Once the reply is received it is cached for subsequent connections. Edit: see this link or this one for some info on connection pooling. Sep 5, 2013 · Hello I have Toad 12. The first time you connect it’s allocating resources to the connection and starting up threads. Apr 17, 2016 · Many things influence the SSL time including: Infrastructure (this won't affect just SSL but ALL network traffic):. If you can, use local authentication in your FileMaker file for your PHP access and make sure it sits above any external authentication in your accounts list. A connection is made, but the RDP window shows a spinning circle at “Welcome” for around 90 seconds. What is confusing is that it works very fast after that first request. Aug 12, 2020 · OK, I know we have a lot of questions about SignalR, mine is about the initial connection performance. 01 I dont think thi Sep 18, 2010 · I am using MySQL on wamp server. Another Nov 15, 2014 · The second column is DNS lookup time, the 3rd is "response time" which may not mean much for CONNECT. Sep 7, 2019 · We see that creating new connections takes about 250 milliseconds, which is much slower than expected. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. No big deal without peaks. To optimise and reduce the initial connection time, we used cloudfront in front of the alb without any caching as ours is dynamic content. But once initial connection has been established - updates are instantaneous. Oddly, I was only able to observe this in Google Chrome (not Safari nor Firefox nor curl). Similarly to cURL, if we subtract the TCP handshake time from TTFB, we can guess the amount of time the server really spent processing (again, we don't have an exact RTT Aug 6, 2023 · I have an application using angular as client and Java (Springboot) as back end. Standard Microsoft stuff, just added the gateway role and configured with the appropriate certificates, etc. There was no initial and SSL connection time on desktop mode, mobile mode 458. Here is the code and the result I get. When I connect to a Windows server through RDP/RDS it sometimes takes more than 2 minutes to connect to a server. We have used different driver (JDBC, ODBC, OCI) and SQLPlus. Nov 9, 2010 · I've got an application where all the sprocs are running nice and quick, but the sp_reset_connection calls between them are taking anything up to 20 seconds. Why?. 3 RELEASE Jul 26, 2021 · It is also strange that each initial connection takes 75 seconds precisely, and I have looked for this value in Apache's configuration. Dec 3, 2013 · I have just started working with SignalR for realtime update. 01 Connection time: 0. I used the command show processlist to check the queries, but no load on mysql server. Using the same credentials and destination PC on some other PCs works very fast. Feb 20, 2016 · For a couple of days, we often see an extremely long initial connection time (15s - 1. QGIS connects relatively quickly and is opening each dataset from the get go in about the same amount of time arc takes to make the initial Dec 13, 2024 · Initiating remote connection takes a long time “When making the remote connection from my Windows 10 computer to my Windows 7 computer, Remote Desktop initiating remote connection always takes a very long time, normally a 20-30 second delay before the connection is established. The issue starts occuring if I set the connTimeout to be right in the ballpark of how long it takes the server to response on average, +/- a few ms. Virtual machine spin-up; The first request starts a new instance of a VM and processes the request once complete. 5561 Actual data stored on an on-demand DynamoDB, data size is 210GB We’ve done tests connecting from different locations and they all took the same time so it’s not latency. I am building an intranet based application, that will use SignalR to display update messages Feb 21, 2019 · Hi all i am new to Spring boot. Whenever I launch my project, it takes about 3 minutes for database to connect, and in this period of time, I can't see anything in Mongo Atlas' connection tab. Jan 29, 2017 · Thanks for taking the time to reply, Yes I am loading data on initial connection but it is the matter of a few records which I think doesn't cause this issue. why it is taking too much time ? Feb 3, 2023 · 2. 6 secs to establish a connection with mysql database, however when I use persistence connection it takes 0. In today's digital age, a slow internet connection can be frustrating, especially when it comes to accessing websites using the Chrome browser. If any request came in for the same domain within that time, the browser will try to reuse the same connection for faster response. To confirm the cause, you can disable HTTPS and use HTTP in Nginx . The slowness could be caused by congestion, where the server has hit a limit and can't respond to new connections while existing ones are pending. Does anyone know how to make Remote Desktop faster on Windows 10?” Mar 7, 2018 · I am having trouble when connecting to the socket for the second time in the same client. The initial connection is very slow, Feb 28, 2013 · The maximum time I saw was 250ms. I also observed from Chrome that Initial connection takes around 16 seconds whenever connecting to a new website. io upon opening the app first time. The POST part of the request then looks like this: Any further requests get a good response (GET Jan 7, 2019 · Making initial connection handshake to the server is taking time (DNS Lookup + Initial connection + SSL). It could also be the web server on the other end that has to run some start-up scripts the first time you query it. Thereafter, we get the second profile. But if I close the browser and come back 5-10 minutes later to reload the page, again it takes a while to establish that first connection. The issue I am facing is : establishing connection takes some time and due to that I am not able to perform the operation which I am intended to. I’m using the Adafruit VL6180X Circuit Python Library Once the connection is established everything seems to work fine. org I saw that for every request there's a 3 second "Initial connection" delay, which I don't know why is happening. Dec 22, 2016 · Using C, setting the idle timeout, should be enough so that subsequent requests to the server are served fast (restarting the app pool takes quite some time - in the order of seconds). Oct 17, 2018 · If an existing connection is being reused, then DNS Lookup, Initial connection and SSL won't be shown. 16 on windows 2008 R2 virtual server, and remotely connecting to it using C# and locally connecting to it using PHP. In addition, if I look at the network timeline, I see a gap in the waterfall timeline with no activity after the initial page request is made. May 9, 2016 · (response takes ~452ms; this shouldn't be happening and it didn't happened until a week ago) Why is it taking a long time for the response if I include that line of connection to the database ? EDIT: (just putting if it'll be helpful to understand better) When I run SHOW PROCESSLIST; when the client is sending the AJAX request, I see this, Apr 3, 2024 · 网络Initial Connection时间长的那个问题先放一边,首先CPU占用高这个问题,应该是JS的问题,此处显示的是element-plus调用了vue的方法,记起来最近升级了element-plus的版本,有可能是这里面是不是有什么类似死循环之类的东西导致的,最终把element-plus的版本退回到旧版本,浏览器假死的问题就消失了 Dec 30, 2018 · I noticed that in production environment, the react native app takes very long time to connect to socket. Apr 10, 2010 · The first time the connection has to be established which has a lot of overhead. 28; Upon restarting nodemon the initial signin POST takes around 15 seconds Jul 8, 2024 · The initial server response time is the amount of time it takes for your web server to send data after a visitor enters a URL into their browser and presses enter. ) AWS Application Load Balancing: Seeing extremely long initial connection time. Feb 10, 2021 · Issue: This is definitely not normal. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. This means that squid used its internal DNS cache for the next connect. Perhaps you are initializing a bunch of client data in the new connection handler? Update: Jan 12, 2022 · This is just a guess. Mar 7, 2019 · I am running apache 2. 98ms SSL. Standard network issues (how far away your server is from client, how fast the network is in between etc) as the SSL/TLS handshake takes several round trips. As far as I know, the timeout exists to save memory that other websites running in parallel on that machine might need. I am not sure what could be wrong as the problem may be in the connection options, in some prisma setting, or some networking issue. For a local connection, the delay should really only be a few milliseconds. the connection timeout we set is 2 seconds, but the first time jmx connection always timeout, then if we run the same connection again, it passed with less than 1 seconds. Feb 27, 2022 · The initial connection to Cosmos always take some time to set up. This I gather from 'Network' tab in the developer tool. However regarding SQL Server Express at this time, it is not suitable for this project since it is a bit heavy and the end-user does not have the knowledge of installing and configuring Feb 26, 2023 · When I check the DevTools, I see that the HTTP requests that seem to have the issue either fail to make the initial connection and time out, and in other scenarios, it eventually does make the connection and loads the content, and the network trace logs the wait time under "Stalled" Chrome stall and then successful connection screenshot Jan 18, 2017 · When our app open for the first time it tries to connect to firebase database which takes a lot to time. Any help will be appreciated :) – May 30, 2014 · The problem is, first connection attempt is very slow (more than a minute, may be two minutes sometimes). Of course second and later connection attempts are quite faster than the first. Dec 16, 2016 · Change connection string from using host name to fully qualified host name. Somehow it started now to take a long time for the initial connection, after restarting apache it is back to normal. concat(randomShuffle(filteredQuestion, numberOfQuestion) // Shuffling and retrieving questions from DB doesn't take time // Below is the code for setting the When I tested it with webpagetest. How long the initial handshake takes depends on 2 factors: time taken by the actual SSL cryptography (negligible with current hardware) and time taken by the 3 packet exchange which depends only on the network - unless you can get "lower ping" to the server nothing will change. So basically some PC’s are really slow to start a RDP Nov 21, 2020 · @Minsky thanks for the suggestion but it didn't work. When I start new connection by SQL*Plus, the connection is open until milliseconds. Nov 2, 2017 · When POSTING to the url for the first time 'in a while' the OPTIONS request has the timing profile below: The "Initial Connection" is taking 21s! This is repeatable, every time it's the 'first time in a while'. 5. When i am trying to get the data for the first time API is taking long time to respond. Change connection string from using host name to IP address. NET applications that used connecting to SQL Server 2016 through the IP address. Oct 1, 2014 · Subsequent posts would process rather quickly in comparison, and I would need to wait another hour or so before experiencing the slow "first" transaction again. Which results in delayed response. Sometimes it can be longer making Chrome ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT, then Chrome Jun 15, 2016 · The first call could take significantly longer than subsequent calls. Sorry for poor grammar. Hi @powerbiexpert22 - When Power BI takes a long time to "create connections in model," it typically indicates that either your data model is large or the connections to your data sources are causing delays. May 11, 2017 · function populateUserQuestion(uid, cacheKey, languageId, cDS, cQ, totalRounds, callback) { // First step is to get all questions from DB and then shuffle it for every user userQ = userQ. 129 (Official Build) (arm64)). However, when I close the widget that contains the button and create/show new widget (the widget containing the button) the same problem occurs. Initial connection / Connect. Node JS Server is publicly accessible and it is not patched through any proxy or anything. exe. Remote Desktop Gateway: unreliable initial connection, takes multiple tries I have a two Windows Server 2019 hosts acting as Remote Desktop Gateways. The first connection looks like ok, but when trying the 2nd one, it takes a long time to respond, I get some errors, I will describe bellow all of them. Apr 17, 2019 · We have a few windows 10 pcs that we connect to different windows servers and win 10 pcs over RDP. 04 However subsequent connection times are well under 0. msts njbj olygf cdsji tlep rwyr saz rwn ggcee hvtd snn jrrzbf axhne nafwe ggwr