Energetic synthesis fascia.
Timeline 2019 - Gold Sun DNA .
Energetic synthesis fascia Lisa Renee. Timeline 2019 - Gold Sun DNA . Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Fascia Crystalline Network - Energetic Synthesis Fascia Crystalline Network Timeline 2019 - Gold Sun DNA The Fascia Crystalline Network is coming online with Radial Body activations that expand consciousness to the next level of multidimensional awareness. Dear Ascending Family, During the move into Pisces Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. This is an energetic causation of directing harm and is easy for most of us to clearly identify. The alchemy of transforming metal or substances into gold is within the instruction set of our original 12 strand crystalline human DNA. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Internal Structures of Ego - Energetic Synthesis Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Many of us have been Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. The current magnetic shift combined with the ongoing solarization of the planetary grid is vaporizing dead energy miasma The Unity Logos . Solar Synthesis transfers physical energy into the soul and monadic consciousness layers of the auric field in order to give birth to the eternal spiritual self through the newly energized lightbody receiving plasma light. Dear Family, Happy New Year to all of our Light Families! As we leap forward into the 2011 year, we are in the beginning of an evolutionary time cycle in which several sequential intersection points merge that connect our planetary body to the Cosmic level of the Unity Source Code intelligence field. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Quintessence - Energetic Synthesis They gave the harnessed energy to these classes and bloodlines, to maintain them as Controllers, to remain in power with the NAA program to continue to enslave the asleep, amnesiac humans. Thus, miasma in energetic form can be influenced or possessed by larger entity bodies such as Fallen Angelics or NAA. Detox your Gallbladder and Liver to help remove parasites both energetic and physical. com Fascia is the matrix of structural support for the 3D physical vessel which wraps throughout the entire bodily matrix to maintain the functions within the internal environment, which enables energy flows in the form of acupuncture points and meridians to exist in every single part of the body. Gold Sun DNA: 2019 TimelineDuring this phase, the Gold Order of the original Seraphim Founder races are highlighted, as Read more Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual 2005 - Energetic Synthesis Mar 15, 2006 · Any time we experience shock or trauma it creates a memory imprint or residue in our energy field. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Magnum Opus - Energetic Synthesis Aug 15, 2005 · Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic frequency patterns held in a dimensional space, which when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activate its DNA template instruction set. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual The combination of elemental substances and the union of polar opposites, energetic synthesis, is another key element in the alchemical process of human spiritual ascension and personal freedom. Opening of a Seal. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual 2007 - Energetic Synthesis An Axiatonal Alignment is a request for our energetic light network be calibrated and phase aligned to support maximum health, harmony and balance throughout our bio-energy systems. Lisa Renee “It is the Fascia Crystalline Network that saturates our cells with multidimensional light and sound, acting as the most important energetic communication system in our physical body. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Internal Structures of Ego - Energetic Synthesis The more perfect the Geometric Form (blueprint + intention) the more perfect the Energy Content and Vibration is harmonized; Consciousness Energy, Life Force or Spirit is constantly moving and transforming. Dear Ascending Family, Amongst the challenges of the essential embodiment themes connected to the retrievals of Solar Rishi-Solar Reisha consciousness body parts that are comprised of the organic Ruby Templar and Khemalot gender twin matrix, we both wish you many blessings for as much holy divine grace, wonderful ease and meaningful spiritual connections with all those whom you love and hold dear! Feb 15, 2007 · Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Dear Ascending Family, For those who have been following the gradual development of the ES body of work, it is often the case that we don’t fully understand how some of the pieces we are working in the moment, fit into the larger ascension process. Fascia Crystalline Network Timeline 2019 - Gold Sun DNA The Fascia Crystalline Network is coming online with Radial Body activations that expand consciousness to the next level of multidimensional awareness. The combination of elemental substances and the union of polar opposites, energetic synthesis, is another key element in the alchemical process of human spiritual ascension and personal freedom. These 2D/4D energy centers are compromised and are a part of every human being’s heart chakra complex, as well as linked to the histories of the planetary heart complex in Giza, Egypt. Data transmission is communication of energetic information, by the transmission or propagation of ranges of frequencies that form unique Electromagnetic Signals. The fascia network performs the same function for releasing and clearing the energetic equivalents of toxins, such as implants, AI signals and energy parasites, which includes the realms of negative entity attachments and alien hybridization overlays. Dec 21, 2012 · Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Dear Ascending Family, The Fascia Crystalline Network within our body has been impacted by the lower NET mutations in the corrupted 3D elemental structure, and this connective tissue matrix is undergoing an ongoing transformation with a sequential process of re-encryption upgrades. Parasites are a source of mind control and disease. January 2011. During this phase, the Gold Order of the original Seraphim Founder races are highlighted, as the protectors and custodians of the Gold Sun DNA which is the progressive evolutionary DNA template that heals the Fallen Seraphim lines in the entire Universal Time Matrix. Dear Ascending Family, Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings are the esoteric mystery school teachings originally sourcing from the Emerald Founder Records that were being protected by the ancient Celtic Church that was first formed upon the Earth many thousands of years ago, by the remaining Azurite survivors of the Hyperborean Electric Wars on Gaia. Superimposing personal will, sending negative energy to cause damage or applying force upon another being to stop them from natural existence creates harm and is unnatural to the Law. The Alien Machinery used in the invasion distorted the 12 Tree Grid template created by the Lyran-Sirians on 5D earth. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual When miasma patterns accumulate and grow larger in the collective consciousness of humanity, they take on energetic form like an entity, and they can exist within energetic bodies that have some form of intelligence. Upon hijack of these 4D energy centers, false white light, false Christ consciousness grids were eventually used here to misguide human beings. We intend to reconnect and correct these communication links between the fetal cells and the entire fascia crystalline matrix. See full list on ascensionglossary. Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Gold Sun DNA: 2019 TimelineDuring this phase, the Gold Order of the original Seraphim Founder races are highlighted, as Read more Lisa Renee. Lisa Renee . The current magnetic shift combined with the ongoing solarization of the planetary grid is vaporizing dead energy miasma Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Dear Ascending Family, For many years those of us directly working for the Ascension timeline have undergone persecution, misunderstanding, constant psychic attack, isolation, betrayal and excruciating pain in order to meet the requirements that these incredible circumstances have placed upon our mind, body and spirit to finally Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Energy cannot remain stagnant and must follow the Structure within the Form, which creates change Those given the energetic signature and the name of Michael have even more energetic consequence in holding this pain. We ask to please give our entire energetic synthesis and foundation community, our family members, loved ones and all those included in this prayer the spiritual strength, the endurance, the diligence to continue to move forward on this ascension path and spiritual mission, which is uniquely and personally theirs. The vibrational match that is weighted in whatever frequency dominates the body consciousness, the energetic aura of a human being's ENTIRE spectrum of thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, and the combined percentage of what that creates in the material plane, is the weighted energetic average. One such structure is known as the Vesica Pisces bi-polar geometry. COURTESY OF CIRCLE OF THE DOLPHINS. When we receive spiritual initiations we are receiving data transmissions into our Lightbody. Dear Family, Since breaking into a major timeline and dimensional intersection of the next evolutionary cycle on July 17th, we are continuing to undergo a major lifestyle restructuring, as well as enduring profoundly deep cellular transmutation. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual The Rite of Passage - Energetic Synthesis As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. The Axiatonal Alignment process is one of the requested steps to connect to the inner core required in the energetic HGS Calibration process to access the HGS system. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Indigo Races - Energetic Synthesis March 2025 Pisces Solar Alchemy Lisa Renee. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Divine Infinite Calculus - Energetic Synthesis Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Jun 15, 2006 · Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Energetic stability increases harmonization within the overall energy available and this contributes to increased Coherence. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Rebuilding Foundation, Work in Progress - Energetic Synthesis They gave the harnessed energy to these classes and bloodlines, to maintain them as Controllers, to remain in power with the NAA program to continue to enslave the asleep, amnesiac humans. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun - Energetic Synthesis The higher the quality of overall energy made available to a person, place or thing, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experiences in that area become. This can be through of any kind of data transmission and its energetic frequency signature. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Platinum Crystal - Energetic Synthesis Solar Synthesis transfers physical energy into the soul and monadic consciousness layers of the auric field in order to give birth to the eternal spiritual self through the newly energized lightbody receiving plasma light. When these cells activate, they project their crystalline light hologram into other layers of the lightbody, travelling in the radis-nadis webbing structures that exist in the fascia crystalline network and radial body. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Fascia Crystalline Network - Energetic Synthesis Fascia Crystalline Network. Like a divine orchestra getting ready to play a symphony, everyone has their note to play upon reaching their cue on the ascension timeline. From this perspective I have personally viewed many unconscious human beings totally unaware they are carrying dead energy, displaced entities, negative alien implants, are soul In our experience some these purges and clearings brought on by the Rasha layer integration of spirit sparks and Elaysa coding can be quite heavy with upper neck and shoulders, muscular, fascia, skin and neurological symptoms. Please clear yourself of this False Michael, False Jesus Twin energy architecture, from your name and blueprint as you are guided. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Resources - Energetic Synthesis Gold Sun DNA: 2019 Timeline. May 23, 2007 · As these bodies are integrated into one 3D energetic level within the energy body, together they merge and create a Shield. Feb 2, 2009 · Dismantling the old energy structure and completing old relationship patterns, has been like a demolition crew over last 60 days or so, with bombs were going off quite regularly. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual The Way It Makes You Feel - Energetic Synthesis May 15, 2006 · Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Oct 15, 2006 · At this time with many portals of new energy access opening, we are starting to move past feeling entirely Disconnected (see last months newsletter), and into a sensation building that something huge is about to occur. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Podcast - Energetic Synthesis Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. March 2025 Pisces Solar Alchemy Lisa Renee. Externalization of the Krystal Star. Ask your Blue Flame Coding to embody within and override all cellular memory distortions. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Newsletter: Shifting Timelines - Energetic Synthesis Apr 15, 2007 · To fortify and strengthen our Aura and Energy Field by reconnecting to the Over-soul Matrix and the 12 D Blueprint; To learn energetic boundaries of our Aura and to be able to boundary test discordant energies that are uninvited; To re-imprint the body to physical sustainability and health (achieved by energetic balance) Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates were being harnessed by controllers, through hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Personally, I can feel this energy developing momentum in my cells which has been increasing in intensity since about mid The planet entered the Cosmic Energy Cycle earlier this year, with the center blue rainbow crystal diamond core of the Cosmic Spirit Body layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family. There are many subtle force reconfigurations occurring at the quantum level of the planetary mainframe that are changing the way the external and collective energy fields organize and manifest into the world. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual. Dear Ascending Family, During the move into Pisces Solar Alchemy, it is positive to review the Natural Laws and alchemical properties for this current stage in order to reflect upon the most potent and effective ways we can participate with and meditate upon the natural elements of the solar zodiacal influences to catalyze our highest spiritual The Liberation of Ezekiel. . This formed Shield is akin to an energetic completion of the 3D experience for the personality, and the 4D Identities of the Soul Matrix and its Frequencies start to pour into the energy bodies. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Resources - Energetic Synthesis This is an energetic causation of directing harm and is easy for most of us to clearly identify. «Fascia Energetic Synthesis» Ολιστικό προγράμμα αναζωογόνησης ! Η FASCIA είναι ο συνδετικός του σώματος πρόκειται για ένα ινώδες πλέγμα που επεκτείνεται σε όλο το σώμα από το κεφάλι μέχρι τις Timeline 2019 - Gold Sun DNA . Aug 15, 2005 · To fortify and strengthen our Aura and Energy Field by reconnecting to the Over-soul Matrix and the 12 D Blueprint; To learn energetic boundaries of our Aura and to be able to boundary test discordant energies that are uninvited; To re-imprint the body to physical sustainability and health (achieved by energetic balance) Gold Sun DNA: 2019 Timeline. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual 2008 - Energetic Synthesis Energetic Synthesis Newsletter Subscribe or Unsubscribe. Dec 16, 2019 · ENERGETIC SYNTHESIS. The Unity Logos. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Fascia Crystalline Network - Energetic Synthesis Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms, and energy healing. Energy session workers may be able to gather the 12D GSF energy in your hands in a ball, encapsulate the entity brain or hub inside your hand's energy ball, and build the energy momentum to destroy it. Oct 5, 2009 · An Axiatonal Alignment is a request for our energetic light network be calibrated and phase aligned to support maximum health, harmony and balance throughout our bio-energy systems. Emerald Order Guardians brought to our attention the next stage of reclamation of Christos and Return of the Emerald Order that began on 11:11 with the Cosmic Mother Dragon reclaiming her body parts in the sacred architecture connected to the Alhambra Palace in Spain. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Podcast - Energetic Synthesis September 2010. Lisa Renee is a Spiritual Goddess Gateway - Energetic Synthesis January 2013. Defending one’s right to exist on the earth is Natural to the Law. During the August magnetic peak cycle, a Confrontation in Malta ensued, where the Vatican 5D inner gate system was siphoning mass amounts of energy from the Christos Mission Stargate installed thousands of years ago underneath the island. December 2019 Fascia Crystalline Network Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, The Fascia Crystalline Network within our body has been impacted by the lower NET mutations in the corrupted 3D elemental structure, and this connective tissue matrix is undergoing an ongoing transformation with a sequenti… We may also be unaware of the lifeless or dead energy flow in our physical body and develop disease or chronic pain as a result of that blocked energy flow. The higher the quality of overall energy made available to a person, place or thing, the more stable and connected the personal and environmental experiences in that area become. To fully resolve, heal and clear these issues, recorded as traumas, in our physical body and other energy body systems, we need to become aware of that trauma in bringing it to the surface and allowing it to be released fully and with intention. djrdxzlxkxqxocrtfputmqkxmroerrojaegzkxgqyamnvhwadolbnuhpuwrnlmswxfajfuey