Duet heater fault Duet WiFi 1. 5°C/sec Sep 12, 2021 · Duet WiFi 1. And Sometimes it is about 0. g and I have restarted the Duet but unfortunately there was no difference. But if I reboot the Duet Wifi, it will work perfectly. 10:57:47 Error: Heater 1 fault: temperature excursion exceeded Oct 29, 2024 · ; Heaters M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4400 R4700 ; Orignal was 3950, but curve did not match, actual temp was too low. 5°C/sec sometimes 0. Sep 30, 2016 · Then the heater will be off, and a fault will only be registered if the thermistor appears to be disconnected. 02 or later + DueX5 The heater fault detection parameters aren't hard coded (almost nothing is in RepRap firmware). Oct 6, 2017 · Is this possible? It doesn't happen often, but it would be amazing to be able to bring the printer back online and resume printing after the emergency restart… Jan 19, 2024 · Because your set pint is relatively low, you could could set the heater fault tolerance to 50 deg or even 100 deg C. Many things are very polished on the Duet Wifi's firmware but the temperature system has given me the most problems. 0beta4 Nov 6, 2024 · @TomasL said in Error: Heater 1 fault: exceeded allowed, when cold booting: Every time I star my printer, I get this message: "Event Notification" "Heater 1 fault: exceeded allowed temperature excursion: target 220. Cable shielding only works if one end of the shielding is grounded. M307 H0 R1. This is he red LED immediately to the left of the blue VIN LED. M562 resets temperature faults. Mar 24, 2019 · From the day I turned it on with the heater and thermistor installed it has reported Heater 1 as 'fault' with a temperature of 2000. Jan 13, 2021 · Here are the results of the Firmware upgrade: Board: Duet 2 WiFi (2WiFi) Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3. configure sensor 0 as thermistor on pin bedtemp M950 H0 C"bedheat" T0 Q10 ; create bed heater output on bedheat and map it to sensor 0 M307 H0 B0 S1. If you still get heater faults with the heater off, then it must be registering a disconnected thermistor. 902 C267. 00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limit Jan 26, 2024 · @mikep91 said in Duet 2 Wifi - Heater Fault - Sensor Short - 2000c: We are running quite long cables for the PT100's but they are shielded. 233:184. Do you have an M501 at the end of you config. 0 C184. 00 ; disable bang-bang mode for the bed heater and set PWM limit Apr 9, 2020 · FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2. You can send a T0 command immediately before or after setting the hot end temperature in your start gcode instead. g ? config-override. Mar 14, 2021 · @chuser said in Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising much more slowly Then I tried to decreasing the gain, and this work. state == "fault" M118 S"{heat. 10:57:47 Error: Heater 1 fault: temperature excursion exceeded Owns various duet boards and is the main wiki maintainer for the Teamgloomy LPC/STM32 port of RRF. 01 then with power off, use a multimeter to measure the resistance between VSSA on a thermistor pin and GND on an endstop pin. 6°C/sec. (M570 T50) and still be safe. Do not simply reset a heater fault without understanding why it occured. The firmware (3. 233 D1. 05. Check that the screws in the extruder heater terminal block on the Duet are still tight. i thought it was the old heater chartrage or thermsistor. I dont see it coming on at all Troubleshoot 'heater fault' errors during Duet printer setup with Slice Engineering components by adjusting thermistor resistance/temperature values in the firmware. g to say something like. There are a range of reasons why a heater fault could occur however in all these cases the heater is shut down and a heater fault is raised: Case 1 : The heater or temperature sensor becomes detached from the hotend heater block/bed/chamber heater unit. while heat. 00 V24. 3. it happen again. See if there is something what shouldn't be. When I issue a M562 H1 I am able to clear the fault, but it doesn't seem like the web interface turns on the heater once I set the temp back up. 56 S1. heaters[1]. 02 or later + DueX5 RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet 3. Troubleshooting FAQ ¶ General Terminal Emulators ¶ Hardware Connector and spare part numbers How to destroy your Duet 2 What to do if your Duet won't respond ¶ Heaters ¶ How to reset a heater fault without restarting the Duet. Nov 26, 2021 · @alex-cr said in Heater fault on heated bed because it's rising to slow. it didnt seem to want to try to heat the heater after i stopped the print and homed the machine ¶FAQ. Sep 12, 2021 · How do I disable all heater fault failures. Oldest to Newest; Newest to Oldest; Most Votes; "Heater 0 fault: failed to read sensor: sensor open Mar 18, 2021 · @chuser said in Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising much more slowly Then I tried to decreasing the gain, and this work. 53 S1. Heating up to set point until it once again faults. state and then something in daemon. (I have a 12V fan and 24V system. You can use a solid state relay (SSR) to switch the bed heater by connecting the SSR control terminals to the Duet bed heater terminals. It will show it being set to 230, but the temps act like the heater is off. Jul 8, 2021 · @leckietech this would let you know if the heater was in a fault state heat. @dc42 said in Heater Fault: Yes, if your Duet is a revision 1. Note that shielding on it's own may not help. 5 ; Bed heater tuned for 80C with 230v 750w heater Mar 21, 2018 · The gain has gone down from 393 to 336, which is nearly 20%. 0°C Resume state saved Have no idea what has caused this so any advice would be appreciated. 9°C/sec: Error: Heater 0 fault: temperature rising much more slowly than the expected 0. . Loading More Posts. What's the simplest way to clear a Heater Fault (don't want to reset the board)? You can reset a heater that is in the fault state using the command M562 P# where # is the heater number. 16 It will hold temperature during a print very well, then it will just drop out as if it loses power to the heater. There are a range of reasons why a heater fault could occur however in all these cases the heater is shut down and a heater fault is raised: Case 1 : The heater or temperature sensor becomes detached from the hotend heater block/bed/chamber heater unit. Jan 13, 2021 · The article, "Spurious heater faults and how to avoid them", refers to errors like "temperature excursion too large" or "temperature excursion exceeded 10. 4 D3. Thanks Oct 29, 2024 · ; Heaters M308 S0 P"bedtemp" Y"thermistor" T100000 B4400 R4700 ; Orignal was 3950, but curve did not match, actual temp was too low. Using v1. if Apr 27, 2020 · so this has poped up a few times. I have attached to this post the conig-override. 1 B0 Sep 19, 2016 · I was actually just coming here to post on this. This way you can connect a higher power heated bed, and/or use a separate PSU for the bed heater. You can view the message in the Console page of DuetWebControl or PanelDue. 0 or 1. 0°C. i. I dont see it coming on at all May 26, 2019 · I have removed the M301 command from config. I plan to do the hot end heater tuning with the fan both off and on at some point. Jan 10, 2018 · I'm debugging a heater fault issue on my Duet Wifi. Command the heater on and immediately watch the E0 LED on the Duet. It should light up for a few seconds when you command heating, then go off again when the heater fault is reported. 0C", but my error has no such clues as to the cause that I can see. 00 V12. 55. g: M307 H0 B0 R0. In recent firmware version you can send M562 with no parameters to reset all heaters that are in the fault state. Jan 17, 2018 · 1. When a heater goes into the fault state, an error message is generated giving the reason. current}" L1 that may need tweaking (especially around the M118 message). e. Restart the Duet, to clear any existing heater fault. 2. 4 with a failing bed heater. Sep 21, 2021 · As soon as my extruder stepper drives, both heaters shoot to 2000 for a split second, duet throws fault for both of them, and a second later the 2000 drops back to the assigned heater temp however the "fault" doesn't disappear - hence I can't control the heaters anymore. Sep 12, 2021 · Hypercube-Evolution-Hybrid, Piezo Orion, Orbiter Duet WiFi 1. 0beta3) reports from time to time that the temp rises to fast or to slow. : @Exerqtor I have to ask the simple question because I didn’t see an answer for it yet. so i replace the 30w heater with a new 40w and a new heat block, thermsistor, nozzle and heat break. 0beta4 (2021-09-27 11:30:36) @hestiahuang said in Heater fault on heated bed because Yes the heater is turned off when a heater fault occurs so you will need to send a command that turns it on again after resetting it with M562 P1. 1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1. M303 reports: M303 H1 S240 There are a range of reasons why a heater fault could occur however in all these cases the heater is shut down and a heater fault is raised: Case 1 : The heater or temperature sensor becomes detached from the hotend heater block/bed/chamber heater unit. g. g file. 0beta4 (2021-09-27 11:30:36) Nov 26, 2024 · Duet Hardware and wiring. 01 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2020-02-09b1. 4. Duet3D Tags; Documentation; Order; Duet WiFi 1. Send M562 P# where # is the heater number. 0°C actual 53. 4. I can usually do a print without a temperature fault on heater 1, even with my massively oversized fan blowing at full speed on my heater block. Or if the set point was 30, then the chamber would need to rise above 80. 1 B0 Sep 9, 2019 · 09/09/2019, 08:11:57: : Error: Heating fault on heater 1, temperature excursion exceeded 15. To adjust them, use M570. That implies either that your heater has lost power, or that cooling of the hot end has increased. Still received the Heating fault on heater 1 temperature rising much more slowly than the expected 3. keep getting a random heater fault. e, if the set point was 50, then the chamber would have to reach 100 deg C before a heater fault was raised. 0°C" Do you mean when you start a print, or when the printer powers up? Owns various duet boards and is the main wiki maintainer for the Teamgloomy LPC/STM32 port of RRF. 2 (2021-01-05) Duet WiFi Server I have a Voron v2. I can clear the fault and reapply a temp set point, but it will fault again, because the temp will not budge. Jan 19, 2024 · Because your set pint is relatively low, you could could set the heater fault tolerance to 50 deg or even 100 deg C.
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