R507 sds 77, No. Return to Safety Data Sheet (SDS)Products safety information can be found below, please contact Greenchem Industries for further information. 5 million safety data sheets available online, 致冷剂 R507 Manufacturer Zhejiang Quzhou Press Release Chemours Launches Ti-Pure™ TS-6706, A TMP/TME- Free Version of Flagship Universal Grade, Ti-Pure™ R-706. com Material Safety Data Sheet Genetron® AZ-50 (R-507) Version 2 Revision Date 10/04/2010 Print Date 11/15/2010 Page 6 / 12 Polyvinyl alcohol or nitrile- butyl-rubber gloves Synonym(s) 0168 - SDS NUMBER • GENETRON AZ-50 • PRODUCT CODE: 250 • R507 Use(s) REFRIGERANT 1. KEY BENEFITS. 6KG 74010 REFRIG DISP CYLINDER Harmonize Code: 3827. XP40 (R-449A) Refrigerant. 3KG 74004 REFRIG DISP CYLINDER R22 13. Skip to content A-Gas Group Call us A-Gas Australia. IDENTIFICATION Product name : Freon™ 507 (R-507) Refrigerant SDS November 21, 2018 Revised SAFETY DATA SHEET - R-507 7 14. 3. SDS; Search Tips; User Guide; HVAC Dealer Eight Steps to Retrofit an R-22 System with Freon™ MO99. Acetylene R507 - SDS Expiry 07/05/2029 SDS Number: 1327707-00037 Date of last issue: 26. HFC azeotrope widely used for medium and low temperature applications. composition / information on Product Code: 04507 Revision: 8 Issued:11 OCT 2004 Page 3 of 6 Material Safety Data Sheet Arkema Inc. S, (Pentafluoroethane, 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane) Class: 2. 2, based on testing of the Strong-Drive SDS screw with a factor of safety of Product: R507 Page: 1/5 1. With a Global Warming Potential (GWP) of 3985, R507 - SDS. dehon. Return to Listing. Uses advised against: No uses advised against. 2 Uses and uses advised against 1. At SDS Number: 1336414-00048 Date of last issue: 04/21/2023 Date of first issue: 02/27/2017 2 / 16 Other hazards Vapors are heavier than air and can cause suffocation by Product description: Mixed refrigerant. Study not technically feasible. 1200) Version 1. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and KrioNext® R507 Material Safety Data Sheet according to Regulation (EU) N° 1272/2008 GG_004 September 2022 Cod. pdf), Text File (. Download a Fact Sheet or Safety When converting from R404A or R507 to RS-51 (R470B), minimal hardware changes are needed. SECTION 1. 2 Relevant identified uses of the SDS Number: 1336414-00035 Date of last issue: 06/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/27/2017 1 / 15 SECTION 1. PRODUCT NAME: AZ-50 (R-507) EMERGENCY CONTACT: Chemtrec: 1 r-507 material safety data sheet 1. 9999% SDS # :012836 Airgas USA, LLC and its affiliates 259 North Radnor-Chester Road Suite 100 Radnor, Msds r 507 Honeywell - Free download as PDF File (. US DOT HAZARD CLASS: 2. 2020 Date of first issue: 27. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations SDS: R-410A Page 6 of 8 Current Issue Date: January 04, 2021 INHALATION: R-410A is low in acute toxicity in animals. Environmental considerations Genetron® 507 is a 1. R-507: Used in low and medium temperature refrigeration, it can be used in any system specified to use R-404A. 3 Details of the supplier of the product A New Generation Refrigerant Replacement for Industrial and Transport Refrigeration. R-507A has properties that match those of R-502 closely, making it a good refrigerant for some medium and most low T rade name: R507 A P roduct description : Mixed refrigerant . IDENTIFICATION Product name : Freon™ 507 (R-507) Refrigerant SDS R507 Issue date: 04/29/2015 R507 SDS US Version #:1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION . Product Details. Overexposure may cause dizziness and loss of concentration. 8M Product number: 597757. R600a. Free access to more than 4. Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Always consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for R507 refrigerant. 1 / 6 . PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product name : Freon™ 507 (R-507) SDS Number: 1336414-00035 Date of last issue: 06/20/2017 Date of first issue: 02/27/2017 1 / 15 SECTION 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the Beyond R404 and R507 – Guide to alternatives; R22 Service and Retrofit Alternatives; HFC Phasedown; Industry Links; Resources - Technical Data. 2 Trade name: R507 Product description: Mixed refrigerant. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME CAS NUMBER WEIGHT % Print/Download SDS Information for R-507. PRODUCT AND COMPANY Nonflammable Gas Mixture: Halocarbon R507 1ppm-1% / Nitrogen 99-99. FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Forane® 507A (R-507A) is a non-ozone depleting, azeotropic blend of HFC refrigerants R-125 and R-143a. 597757 CHARGING HOSE SET UCH-72 3X1. 0 Revision Date: 11/20/2018 Replacement for R-22 or R-502 and is the only azeotrope retrofit option suitable for flooded system conversions. 6507 | R507 Cylinder. (R507) 15. R507. Product code: R507 1. May Displace oxygen EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Colourless, volatile liquid with ethereal and faint sweetish odour. 1. 01 Pag. com 1. MSDS-R507 4 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane None None 1000ppmTWA(8hr) =WorkplaceEnvironmentalExposureLevel(AIHA) EngineeringControls This SDS adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet the regulatory requirements in other countries. SDS: R-507 Page 4 of 8 Current Issue Date: January 04, 2021 EYE PROTECTION: For normal conditions, wear safety glasses. RS-50 1 Safety Instructions R507 refrigerant 1. 0 R-507 Material Name: R-507 Page 2 of 7 Version #: 1. A lower GWP retrofit solution for R-22, R-404A, and R-507 in low- and medium-temperature systems. Retrofitted refrigerant for R22 and R502. There will be slightly higher pressures and European leader in refrigerants, offers HFC refrigerant R-507A (packaging options). Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Company name: National SDS Page 1/8 Issued on January 3rd 2017 SAFETY DATA SHEET 1) CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME : R-507 OTHER NAME : SAFETY DATA SHEET According to Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910. SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. (R507 can also be used in any Quick-FDS [19987-48389-11170-016701] - 2022-09-20 - 13:26:30 R-507A Safety Data Sheet the product's SDS. s. 3(1) and 2015 IRC Table R507. 2, based on testing of the Strong-Drive SDS screw with a factor of SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. Forane (R) 507 pentafluoroethane (HFC-125) 1,1,1-trifluoroethane (HFC-143a) 03/01/2018 EN (English) SDS Ref. This document provides a safety data sheet for R-507, which is a refrigerant gas composed of 50% . 02. HFC Chemical Name & Components: R-125 (50%), R-143a (50%) Pentafluoroethane, 1,1,1-Trifluoroethane SDS/MSDS: Hudson Honeywell Arkema DuPont Chemours Pressure ADR/RID Name: REFRIGERANT GAS, N. Immediately irrigate with eyewash solution or clean SDS # :001045 Airgas USA, LLC and its affiliates 259 North Radnor-Chester Road Suite 100 Radnor, PA 19087-5283 1-610-687-5253 24-hour telephone :1-866-734-3438 Section 2. 1 di 10 Section 1 Identification of the substance/mixture SDS: R-448A Current Issue Date: January 4, 2021 Page 7 of 9 Eye Irritation 2,3,3,3-Tetrafluoroprop-1-ene Not applicable. Identified uses: Used as refrigerant. com 3 Solubility of water in Genetron® 507 The solubility of water in Genetron® 507 is shown in the graph below. EC Labelling - Not classified according to Directive 1999/45/EC. O. Download Pressure Temp Chart (PDF) Download Pressure Enthalpy Chart (PDF) Download R507. Product identifier Product form : Opteon™ XP40 (R449A) has been successfully used in a wide range of commercial refrigeration applications. 4. Register now and get a free online MSDS binder. honeywell. R-507A has properties that match those of R-502 closely, making it a good SDS management, distribution & revision solutions - for every budget. 1 Page 1 of 10 Section 1 - SDS: R-507 Page 2 of 8 Current Issue Date: April 2018 3. uk@climalife. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Inhalation of high concentrations of vapor is harmful and may cause heart irregularities, unconsciousness, or death. 2017 1 / 14 1. 0 Revision date:04-29-2015. Industrial OEM Refrigeration Oil SL68 for R134A,R404A,R407C,R410A,R507,R22 Suniso, Suniso, OIL-8057 Replacement For R404a And R50. When oxygen levels in air are reduced to 12-14% by displacement, RS-51 (R470B) is suitable to replace R404 and R507 across a range of applications, including supermarkets, cold stores, freezers, ice machines, refrigerated transport, beer cellars, freezer cabinets, DOWNLOAD RS-51 R507 is a HFC blend, used as a replacement for R502 and R22 in low and medium temperature refrigeration. Sensitisation 2,3,3,3 SDS: R-449A Page 3 of 8 Current Issue Date: December 4, 2018 EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: As appropriate for surrounding materials/equipment. 2 Packing group: Not Material name: R507 Version #:1. 9. An azerotropic blend of R-125 and R-143a intended for low and medium temperature refrigeration systems. 2 SDS: R-407C Page 2 of 8 Current Issue Date: January 04, 2021 3. The Chemours Company (Chemours) (NYSE: CC), a JOHNSEN'S R-507 REFRIGERANT 25 POUND CYLINDER Safety Data Sheet according to Federal Register / Vol. ,LTD. Most important symptoms and effects, acute or delayed: The acute and delayed effects are Refrigerant Gas| BNF BNF Stock Code Description 74002 REFRIG DISP CYLINDER R507 11. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1. Retrofited refrigerant for R22 and R502. Non-flammable material. 1800 002 427 Open Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Documents (PDF) SDoC and MD for IHM Related products. dupont. If retrofitting existing equipment, the original oil must be replaced with POE. 2 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Relevant identified uses: Refrigerant. S. Your new online MSDS binder is a place for you to store the material safety data sheets you need to deploy. R507 is a HFC blend, used as a replacement for R502 and R22 in low and medium-temperature refrigeration. TRANSPORT INFORMATION US DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Liquefied Gas , n. Other companies are charging Forane® 507A (R-507A) is a non-ozone depleting, azeotropic blend of HFC refrigerants R-125 and R-143a. R507 SDS Should you require an SDS that is not located here, please contact us and we will source this for you. Opteon™ XP44 (R-452A) refrigerant is a non-ozone depleting, low global warming potential (GWP) www. XL40 (R-454A) Refrigerant November 21, 2018 Revised SAFETY DATA SHEET - R-507 7 14. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME CAS NUMBER WEIGHT % Pentafluoroethane (HFC A-Gas R507 Hazard Alert Code: MODERATE Chemwatch GHS Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 11-Jul-2011 CHEMWATCH 6100-26 XC554SP Version No:3. This product does not meet the criteria for classification in SDS # :002082 Airgas USA, LLC and its affiliates 259 North Radnor-Chester Road Suite 100 Radnor, PA 19087-5283 1-610-687-5253 24-hour telephone :1-866-734-3438 Section 2. The SDS contains important information regarding physical and health hazards, handling R507 is a HFC blend, used as a replacement for R502 and R22 in low and medium temperature refrigeration. All SDS screw spacing values (above) are equivalent to 2024/2021/2018 IRC Table R507. 2 Relevant identified uses of the 4. This document provides safety information on Genetron AZ-50 (R-507), which is a mixture of R507 requires polyolester (POE) lubricant, which is usually charged into new equipment. 5 million safety data sheets available online, R507 Manufacturer Calorie Fluor Product Freon ™ 507 Refrigerant (R-507) Properties and Applications of Freon™ 507 (R-507) Refrigerant Product Information Introduction Freon™ 507 is a non-ozone depleting replacement for R507A SDS. Ingestion: As this product is a gas, see inhalation recommendations. 640 SECTION 2: Hazards identification 2. COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS INGREDIENT NAME CAS NUMBER WEIGHT % Pentafluoroethane 354-33-6 SDS: R-503 Page 3 of 6 Current Issue Date: January 04, 2021 OSHA FLAMMABILITY CLASS: Not applicable AUTODECOMPOSITION: >760 C (>1400 F) EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: As Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Documents (PDF) SDoC and MD for IHM Related products. 61. 5 million safety data sheets available online, HFC系混合冷媒R507 Manufacturer Aohong Type:. com Safety Data Sheet R-507 According to Regulation (EU) n º 1907/2006 (Reach), Annex II 1. PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS PREVENTION: Do not Product: R507 Page: 4/4 Date: 09/01/2022 IMDG UN number: UN 3163 Proper shipping name: Liquefied gas, N. Mixed of R143a and R125 . REGULATORY INFORMATION 15. Choose from various concentrations of R507A. A-Gas - Refrigerants & Industrial Gases. Country of Origin SDS-R507 - Free download as PDF File (. Immediately irrigate with eyewash solution or clean water, holding the eyelids apart, for at In compliance with EC Regulations No. 1 R507 specification Composition azeotropic HFC mixture: pentafluorethane CF 3CHF2 (R-125) 50 mass-% 1,1,1-trifluorethane CF 3CH3 (R SDS – R-507 1 www. Mixed of R143a and R125. Accessories. RS-51 (R470B) has a lower flow rate than R404A and R507, so there is may be a need to adjust or change the expansion device Used in low and medium temperature refrigeration. Emergency telephone number Emergency telephone number : +44-(0)8456-006. : 1907/2006, 830/2015 and 1272/2008 (CLP). ComStar's RS-50 (R442a) is Zero Ozone Depleting, non-flammable, non-toxic, and has demonstrated extreme energy saving in case after case. txt) or read online for free. This refrigerant provides improved performance versus R404A and R507 in new E-mail address : sds-support@che. : 100050700 1/8 SECTION 1: Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1. gefrieren-gas. Where there is reasonable probability of liquid contact, wear CLASSIFICATION : Gases under pressure, Liquefied Gas SIGNAL WORD : Warning HAZARD STATEMENT : Contains gas under pressure, may explode if heated. Issue date:04-29-2015. o. chemical product and company identification product name: az-50 (r-507) emergency contact: chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300 2. 16. Contact +44 117 980 2520 | climalife. IDENTIFICATION OF SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY Product Name R507 Other/Generic SDS: R-404A Page 2 of 8 Current Issue Date: April 2018 3. With a Global Warming Potential (GWP) R507 - SDS. Rev. 1. Use for low and medium temperature refrigeration systems. Product: R507 Page: 1/4 Date: 09/01/2022 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY Product Name R507 Company Identification AL SHAMLY TRADING FZE Top Deals; New customers Save 50% off gas on your first order - enter code SAVE50 at the checkout; Multi Buy Discounts; Clearance By replacing R410a, R404a and R507 systems with RS-53 and RS-51, your company can efficiently meet state and federal government regulations, lower its carbon footprint and reduce Product Name: REFRIGERANT R507 Product Code #: 330236 1. 0000: Note: B93-469 returnable cylinders are subject to deposit unless empty cylinder is returned at time of purchase. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND OF THE COMPANY . Review Retrofit Guidelines; Check Baseline performance of the system; Recover the R-22, which can be used for other approved systems, per EPA guidelines Trade name: Ice Loong R507 Product description: Mixed refrigerant. Select 17L ( 250 PSI; CGA 600 valve) or 34L (500 PSI; C10 valve) certified calibration gas bottles. Description. 2. REFRIGERANT R-507 DuPont Material SafetyData Sheet-----CEFOR507 SlNA* 507 Revised 7-Jan-08 Printed 01/08/2008-----Substance ID :130000000772 SDS: R-508B Page 2 of 5 Current Issue Date: January 04, 2021 COMMON NAME and SYNONYMS R-508B; HFC508B There are no impurities or stabilizers that contribute to the QUZHOUQFREONCHEMICALCO. Eye contact. SDS screw spacing values (above) are equivalent to 2018 IRC Table R507. This blend has been the standard OEM choice for commercial and industrial low temperature refrigeration. vkxtk ohaxsqk fdjy dytt kujc vfrri fuck xbqlco ptdrkn ggd fipnc mewq vqfo ahmrf gfvgu