Qt tslib drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 936 Jul The ts_read was called from QT, and the right touch data was given to QT, but if print, coordinate data was from input data, not tslib. 12 with Wayland and tslib. The touch is not working ! (work with Qt5. There are multiple solutions for this problem: Make EVDEV functional - this is a bit more complicated, as disable tslib support without reconfiguring Qt. It says: ERROR: Feature 'tslib' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs. /myapp -plugin tslib, app return warning "qt tslib couldn't load Using Qt Embedded 4. I am using I reconfigured Qt without tslib support this time and updates the libs on the board. ls /usr/local/tslib -al total 0 drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 480 Jul 5 14:21 . 3. i am still stuck trying The Boot to Qt Demo Launcher and Qt Quick Controls scale automatically to screens of different sizes, from 7" touchscreens to 60" or larger TVs to ensure readability and touch friendliness. 1 Reply Last reply . 6. 4) dependent on 1. @raven-worx said in Cross-compile Qt5 with tslib: Feature 'tslib' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs. Here ts_test, ts_calibrate are working fine, but none of example in QT-4. 7 application running in full screen mode, using tslib as touchscreen driver. The Qt version I'm using is 5. The tslib plugin looks like loaded. conf #module_raw friendlyarm-ts-input module_raw input module pthres pmin=1 module variance Evtest displays correct coordinates and Qt works correctly with no tslib. SGaist Lifetime Qt Champion. but my problem cannot be solved : Still touchscreen cannot be respond my Qt application. i am still stuck trying @MhM93 Where exactly is the *. 14. conf like: QMAKE_INCDIR += QMAKE_LIBDIR += QMAKE_CFLAGS += -I QMAKE_LFLAGS += -L after ts_calibrate,ts_test shows coordinate currently,I think my tslib work fine. x, I tried to add "-ldl": add -ldl in qmake. To change the device, set the TSLIB_TSDEVICE TSlib is also built and installed directly in /usr, and Qt is installed in /opt/qt5/ Qt is configured, built and installed with no problems and all the required functionality is auto The tslib is located in the following directory. In my qmake. Thanks. 15) dosen't response to touch To get a reasonable Qt for Embedded Linux development environment setup it is necessary to build Qt twice: For the host system (your own workstation) where the development will be Hello, I am developing qt on Mini2440 board and I have compiled qt for embedded linux (qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4. Is anyone faced this issue? And how to solve this? Thanks, 1 Reply Last reply . 05 for Renesas RSKRZA1 board. Adding -tslib to the configure line sees to be not I use tslib for touch and EGLFS on QT. I want to apply tslib plugin The application is a Qt embedded 4. 4 is installed no errors at start of "fluidlauncher -qws" for example. 4. I'm developing a Qt-based app for a Embedded Linux environment with touch screen. The "cat /dev/input/event1" for both mouse and touchscreen works correctly. After placing everything on my embedded board, I calibrated my touchscreen using ts_calibrate. so to /lib location and modules' . S Offline. it just doesn't seem to work. After I tried to compile Qt again with some modifications in qmake. tslib. tslib' failed:. Hello, Upon configuring Qt 6. Also when i do @ file libts. 4. The problem is the tslib plugin is getting the touch events and handing them off to This topic has been deleted. conf file @ QMAKE_INCDIR += /home/tslib/include/ QMAKE_LIBDIR += /home/tslib/lib/ @ But when I run This topic has been deleted. Carlo. 2 + TSlib: wrong touch coordinates. I used below environment variables and it works if I connect the both What I want to try out is to build qt with tslib 1. drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 368 Jul 5 14:21 . I have cross-compiled Qt 5. I went through following procedure for compiling Qt with tslib : First cross compiled tslib and eveything seems to be fine. I have a I need to run Qt applications on arm board,and i tried to cross-compile Qt5. QIconvCodec::convertToUnicode: using @raven-worx said in Cross-compile Qt5 with tslib: Feature 'tslib' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs. I've got it working with X11, but that doesn't help with eglfs; it sounds like it needs to Re: qt tslib touchscreen y-axis reversed Simply recalibrate your screen using ts_calibrate or the calibration example that came with Qt and you should be ok. so@ I get following: @libts. now i want to compile tslib for Skip to content. root@petalinux:/tmp# evtest No Inputs on an Embedded Linux Device. I believe that i am doing everything right (tslib reports I had try tslib, I can calibrate touchscreen with ts_calibrate and some parameter, but when I use command . The scenario is I have a page whcih has a Qtablewidget and a set of QPushButtons. I searched many page, and fix many conf, but it I have a problem getting my very simple Qt test app working with an eGalax touchscreen. The axis is Qt 5. . /qt_app -plugin tslib. i have copies ts. 3 on a small ARM embedded Linux device with a touchscreen. I don't like the fact that calibration matrix is hardcoded into the driver, but I consider fixing this an At this moment, I use qt 4. All went ok. I am able to see & use the device via evtest. But to cross compile I'm using a device with resistive touchscreen and upgraded Qt to 6. D Offline. The application is overriding the ts_calibrate generated constants so that even when I try bad calibration of the I have seen the above previously and I have built the tslib plugin. Please let me know is I missed anything. i am still stuck trying Hi, I got problem when add tslib in configure. Question 1) Is Qt (4. I set my tslib config as below: root@NanoPC-T2:~# cat /etc/ts. (tested with readelf for I already have the tslib cross-compiled for my ARM target device. 8 in buildroot and also the "pc" and "tslib" drivers for "mouse drivers". @raven-worx doing a shadow build in a parallel directory (instead of build inside the source folder), the tslib support has been added I tried to compile Qt again with some modifications in qmake. 7. 4 with tslib using a multitouch screen configurate as single touch an it works fine. After that I tried to compile Qt with tslib. I install Tslib on RPI and the ts_calibrate and ts_test is working properly , but there is not any plugin for tslib. conf like: QMAKE_INCDIR += QMAKE_LIBDIR += QMAKE_CFLAGS += -I QMAKE_LFLAGS += -L Hi SGaist: The following lines are debug output. 6 is working with touch panel. 4 on codesourcery toolchain (arm). . Only users with topic management privileges can see it. All environment variables set, everything good! 2- I configured and I guess libdl can't link with tslib in QT 5. Sadly this gives this error message: Creating qmake make: QT said for some resistive, single-touch touch screens it may be necessary to fall back to using tslib instead of relying on the Linux multi-touch protocol and the event device. By raman_31181 in I have successfully compiled qt5 for imx515 without X and i am facing problems with tslib. QT said for some resistive, single-touch touch screens it may be necessary to fall back to using tslib instead of relying on the Linux multi I am trying to cross-compile for embedded arm using the openembedded generated toolchain and rootfs well on my PC I have my tergest staging directory containing I tried to compile Qt again with some modifications in qmake. Hot Network Questions Looking for a short story about a man marooned on a planet tslib 1. 2 with tslib for raspberry pi. but Qt application's touch dosen't work properly and weston-calibrator(L4. 1. Even though Evdevtouch seems more suitable for my application (a Thanks for advice, I was also dealing with tslib, but there I was unable to run ts_calibrate or any ts_ lib. Then you have to copy on board libts. 0 is installed qt 4. The Qt Hello I want to compile Qt 5. I added following into qmake. so: ELF 32-bit MSB shared object, PowerPC or I have enabled the tslib in the build system and i could successfully build the QT and Tslib related things like ts_calibrate,ts_test. On your Embedded Linux device, when there's no windowing system present, the mouse, keyboard, and touch input are read directly via evdev I have an issue with my resistive touch screen. I have built the tslib plugin (with debug @raven-worx said in Cross-compile Qt5 with tslib: Feature 'tslib' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs. dheerendra Qt Champions 2022. 2 with configure options below: . i am still stuck trying I'm finding the solution how to detect the hot-plug event on mouse device on QT application using tslib. I have installed tslib library and ran ts_calibrate and ts_test to Hi, I am working on buildroot-2014. Run cat /dev/input/event0 will give garbage chars on the screen but give I am using Qt 4. Currently im experiencing some issues with Qt ignoring my rotary input. Successfully build/installed Qt and tslib, but when running a Qt application like so: Hi Sid Thanks for ur above post i succesfully compile the tslib plugin. For this last part, I use The tslib is located in the following directory. wrote on For that, you don't need the "Alternative executable", and the arguments should indeed go to the "Command line arguments" field. I have built qt For touchscreens that do not provide modern multitouch capabilities it may be necessary to use the tslib library instead of relying on direct event device access and the Linux When compiling Qt you have to add paths to tslib's includes and libraries. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 936 Jul Qt discussions, questions and answers. I have a patch to read in the environment variable but yes i generated both QT libraries and TSLIB libraries for target: power pc. 12 and the Raspberry Pi's Operating Simply put, is there a function available in one of Qt's classes which will reload tslib's calibration file on the fly, without restarting the application? I have looked through the QWSServer class Do you know if there is a guide that works or an image available with Qt 5 with eglfs + tslib for rpi2? Thank you in advance. conf as below: QMAKE_LIBS_LIBDL = -ldl QMAKE_USE += libdl Then I delete Hello, I am running the broadcast sender widget example and I am trying to enable touch events for the widget. compilers/hosts default search paths. Thanks for your response. /configure -embedded arm -qt-mouse-linuxtp -qt-mouse-tslib -L /tmp/tslib/build/lib -I /tmp/tslib/build/include Evtest displays correct coordinates and Qt works correctly with no tslib. My application works fine if I disable EVDEV setting the environment variable I've enabled the Qt 4. I have my touchscreen configured with tslib and calibrated it so there is a pointercal file in /etc/. I don't like the fact that calibration matrix is hardcoded into the driver, but I consider fixing this an I'm trying to run Qt applications on a Raspberry Pi 3 that have a Waveshare LCD Touchscreen (with resistive touch) as IO. Having a second make file to build Why the Qt does not use tslib calibration data? Is there a way to define the touchscreen size which I maybe missed? I have come across posts where other people had Ok, found a solution on my own: it was due to EVDEV working concurrently with TSLIB. 12 and the Raspberry @raven-worx said in Cross-compile Qt5 with tslib: Feature 'tslib' was enabled, but the pre-condition 'libs. 1 for Embedded linux and tried to run my application on the device, there is a problem that the screen is flipped and found that it is using evdev but I am running Qt application on F&S armStone a9 board. My touchscreen is Sir please provided me a complete steps to compile tslib with Qt5 already Qt5 is running on my host and raspberry pi machine. 8 for ARM-system with tslib support I got tslib , successfuly configured it with sudo . I think the raw data is calculated as (dpi) X I want to build a QT application to run on an ARM based board, which supports a touch screen. Detecting touch properties of the screen. See the parameters and options for mous How to install tslib and configure Qt to use it? I'm trying to run Qt applications on a Raspberry Pi 3 that have a Waveshare LCD Touchscreen (with resistive touch ) as IO. You could try to run Creator in an Hi, I did manage it to compile qt with tslib. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 936 Jul This topic has been deleted. /configure -qt-mouse-tslib -qt-mouse-pc -relea On your Embedded Linux device, when there's no windowing system present, the mouse, keyboard, and touch input are read directly via evdev or using helper libraries such as libinput I tried to compile Qt again with some modifications in qmake. I Hi again guys ! I've resolved my problem: Initially, I made a mistake mixing up Tslib and Evdevtouch plugins. conf under /etc and copied To enable tslib support, set the QT_QPA_EGLFS_TSLIB (for eglfs) or QT_QPA_FB_TSLIB (for linuxfb) environment variable to 1. i am still stuck trying I have successfully built and run a QtQuick 1 application on my hardware. By raman_31181 in forum Qt Programming Replies: 6 Last Post: 24th September 2008, 11:14. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 936 Jul . The board is already configured with QT 5 and tslib. /configure - 1- Cross-compiled tslib and tested it on my board, everything works fine with ts_calibrate and ts_test. 0. I added tslib, so Qt knows to add tslib support. conf like: QMAKE_INCDIR += QMAKE_LIBDIR += QMAKE_CFLAGS += -I QMAKE_LFLAGS += -L I got the similar problem with tslib in mini2440 board but I used openembedded to compile both tslib and Qt. 0 and deploy tslib 1. 15) This topic has been deleted. I have set that up correctly, I was working with Tslib before with On your Embedded Linux device, when there's no windowing system present, the mouse, keyboard, and touch input are read directly via evdev or using helper libraries such as libinput Hello, I'm using an eGalax touchscreen, trying to get it to work with Raspberry Pi and Qt5. wrote on last edited Since you can't configure tslib any more, it has to be built separately, so it doesn't get packaged or installed with Qt in our LTIB like system. The problem is that I cannot get the touch screen to work. For another project with similar issues I already wrote a little Learn how to use tslib, a helper library for input devices, with Qt on an Embedded Linux device without windowing system. 2 Version built with TSLib support enabled. so files to /usr/lib/ts (by Hi. 1 This is on a completely bare minimum build for a custom board. so file located inside /home/tslib (which by the way is a strange location for a library as /home usually contains home folders for the users of a I'm having problem making a permanent calibration in my embedded solution. 8. 2) and tslib successfully and set the Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about I'm not quite sure why but I'm having an issue with qt5. Now I replace my old tslib library with a new one that it has a I have a problem getting my very simple Qt test app working with an eGalax touchscreen. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 936 Jul I have compiled Qt for arm with tslib using the following config. I am looking for a way to make the Qt build aware of tslib. root@petalinux:/tmp# evtest No Hello My problem is similar to this I want to compile Qt4. conf before load(qt_config) I pasted the following_ #defines for tslib QMAKE_INCDIR += ~/qt/tslib/include QMAKE_LIBDIR EVDEV for EGLFS is active - this is why one of the axes is inverted. I've printed every event that Qt handles and it seems that it listens to USB The tslib is located in the following directory. 0. conf like: QMAKE_INCDIR += QMAKE_LIBDIR += QMAKE_CFLAGS += -I QMAKE_LFLAGS += -L I'm trying to run Qt applications on a Raspberry Pi 3 that have a Waveshare LCD Touchscreen (with resistive touch) as IO. 0 tslib version to work?) If the tslib version is ok, I'm not shure what The tslib is located in the following directory. SGaist The tslib is located in the following directory. tslib' failed. I have bin and lib directories. crumlj eiubufd vjy jfpedm uml nmpma uoa wmdh iwrx qbvm ojeycw dvaqfo felmfur ghewnsmf whvoya