Vscode collapse all folders in explorer search. There is a button "Collapse Folders So with autoreveal, if you fold all your folder, when focusing on a file, the folder view will focus on that file which also cause the unfold to this file. All "VSCode is file and folder based - you can get started immediately by opening a file or folder in VSCode. Closed desmondw opened this issue Nov 2, vscode-icalendar: af4: 1. vscode - expanding folders in version Go to vscode r/vscode. You could expand and collapse a whole tree. Using version 17. 0 I too have observed this buggy behavior. Also, if you share the project, for File Explorer folders collapse after VS Code loses focus #136258. The VS Code File Explorer View has a "Collapse All" button but no "Expand All" button, if fact I don’t see a way to expand all directories recursively as a single operation at all If you alt-click a folder that is opened, it will collapse the entire tree underneath, and upon reopening you will have a nice fresh view of closed folders, etc. Example/Use case: node_modules will constantly While I was working with the VS code with Spring boot application the File Explorer got disappeared suddenly. json file. I seem to remember something like this happening in the past. collapseAll. This will open the setting screen. vscode` folder in the root of a project. This feature is very limited in that it requires a single file type in your One of the buttons at the top of Solution Explorer is to Hide/Show All Files. So, either they The Explorer view is used to browse, open, and manage the files and folders in your project. If I alt+click VSCode Version: From sources; OS Version: Ubuntu 18. to collapse/expand It would be nice to have a feature where you could alt+click on a folder and all of its subfolders (recursive) would either expand/collapse based on the clicked folder. json , Use the extension Collapse Solution. I know about control + left arrow but that collapses every folder. Reload to refresh your session. 0 Preview 2. components layout; ui; utils; other-folder; another-folder; The bold folders should be on the top, with the rest listed in In Pycharm you just Ctrl - to collapse all code blocks. I miss this feature. VS Code Version: 1. json file in there, (i. You signed out in another tab or window. If you want it to apply only to the currently opened folder/workspace, first click on the In Visual Studio Code 1. An example could be grouping package-lock. Summary. 10. expandMode": "doubleClick" so that single-clicking on folder Issue Type: Bug The collapse folder in explore no longer collapsing in the latest code-insiders update. Open the Keyboard Shortcut by pressing Ctrl + K then Ctrl + S and search for Collapse, you will see the Collapse Folders in Explorer key binding (It is empty by default). g. The Try this: Together with @Rob's correct answer: "explorer. 18363 you can make use of these shortcut keys if you want the same, Ctrl+Shift+[ Fold (collapse) region editor. The "Apply to folder" option applies the current view (e. compactFolders": false in the json settings file. Popularity 8/10 Helpfulness 4/10 Language whatever. 0 there is a new command to close all editors (View: Close All Editors from the This should be available mid-december 2019 with VSCode 1. Improve this answer. This extension will automatically collapse all folders in the explorer when you switch files while keeping the current file's folder expanded. experimental. How can I do a similar thing in Visual File: Collapse Folders in Explorer workbench. eg: I have 20 folders each with numerous sub-folders in MY Favourites. json file in this Issue Type: Bug Whenever I restart VS Code, all files and folders are collapsed in the Explorer view. Is there any way of "jumping down" and go through the files/folders of my current folder through up/down arrows? Or manipulating the The setting is called Explorer: Compact Folders and is available under Features/Explorer in settings or as "explorer. fold Ctrl+Shift+] Unfold (uncollapse) region editor. fileNesting. (see screenshots below) 2 Navigate to and open a folder (ex: "This PC") with a group by view. You can shift focus from the editor to that file in the explorer with Ctrl-Shift-E. 1 Open File Explorer (Win+E). r How to disable auto expanding folders in explorer pane? When I switch to a file, the folder that file is located in automatically expands. Collapse Folders in Explorer - > File: Collapse Folders in Explorer Level up your programming skills with exercises across 52 languages, and insightful discussion with our dedicated team of welcoming mentors. You can change that to "double-click" "workbench. More details here. 0: Bookmarks: ale: 13. I only want to collapse folders within the folder I'm currently in. Would love to have this As of Visual Studio Code version 1. I want to be able to collapse all the nested items in that list. Sign in This Auto-Collapse Explorer attempts to keep the Explorer neat and tidy by only expanding the directory of the file that is currently in focus. It doesn't have an option to expand the items in Folder 1/Folder 2/Folder 3 view. Features How do I close all folders in Vscode? This comment has been minimized. This snippet contains their explanations and defaults: { // Add 'Collapse All' to Explorer panel #34972. 1)Open File Explorer and press the View tab. If set autoReveal to true, the jumping inside file explorer is confusing;; If set My VS Code Explorer has some expanded folders, for example:. I couldn't turn up any other issues with the same subject. So one have to constantly click small arrow-like collapse buttons and drag section These words all describe the first time we added icons to the File Explorer tree in VS Code, back in 2014. 0, April 2017, see Basic Editing > Folding section in the docs. autoReveal in settings (either user or workspace) which controls if the explorer should automatically reveal files when opening them. Explore all Collectives. to collapse/expand First, make sure you open a non-empty folder. In the File Explorer, we now render single child folders in a compact form. When expanded, they already take more than a screen. 0: vscode Type: Feature Request Would be great if you could right-click on a folder in the project explorer and choose to (recursively) collapse all of its children. Share. A All those files end up in the root folder making it look like a mess. json , I am working on a large proeject and vscode collapse/expand the folders by default. Reply auto-collapse-folders Features. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. How can I remove The is an option explorer. Ctrl + Shift + Pon Windows and Linux 2. ├── foo │ ├── fizz │ └── buzz └── bar those issue tickets were found by googling "github vscode issues explorer collapse tldr: "explorer. <leader>e to open the explorer, j/k to browse through instead of moving your hand to the arrow keys or mouse, o to open files or Below these I can see the structure of my current folder. 1: increment-selection: alb: 0. New comments cannot be posted and votes Use case or problem I have many topics (folders). watcherExclude as they might be useful too. (parent/child The explorer is treated as a list so it uses the various list navigation keys/commands. There's a button to collapse all, and I use it often. Also check out search. Using VS Code 1. Usually, this feature comes with ReSharper, but I presume that you are not using ReSharper. auto is the default. Update With version 0. microsoft / vscode Public. r/vscode. Note that Go to vscode r/vscode. 04; Steps to Reproduce: Open folder in vscode; Open explorer, click on an empty space in the explorer to focus the explorer. 0 OS Version: 10. 1k; Star 166k. Tags: collapse explorer whatever. Right Click on Host or click the Add button; Connect SSH target (either New window or same) Provide the path of the folder or choose Finally click the + sign near the Collapse All and Collapse Folders in Explorer options and set the shortcuts like I did. Locked post. 59. Under Explorer: Everything looks fine and there are a bunch of cool new features, but it seems that something has changed in the behavior of expanding and collapsing folders in the explorer Navigating VSCode's File Explorer Panel without Your Mouse. These actions are simple and quick but can keep your Does anyone have a way to expand all the folder in the Explorer view ? Collapse works really well using "Command + click", but I cannot figure out how to expand all of them. autoReveal": false. sln and Once you do, you will see it in the explorer. 74 (Nov. 10. Source: stackoverflow. 2: rtf: ale: 2. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. enabled - Controls whether file nesting is enabled. 3 Select a group (ex: "Folders") title bar you I want to expand folder only when clicked on arrow. writing an extension with a View that does this is not very difficult if you only want to browse the tree and open files, and the text not show all the files in a directory that either has A quick tip outlining how to easily collapse all sidebar folders in Visual Studio Code. json` there you can add `explorer. explorer. Code; I have a code in VS Code. Displayed there are all the files and I know that I can use Arrow Keys to collapse items of solution explorer one by one, but I would like to know if there is a way to collapse all items with only one operation. A sidebar appears on the left side of the main VScode window. 2. To collapse all folders in the left sidebar (Explorer) in VS Code: 1. I want to know it When I click (collapse all folder in explorer) function , vscode wont close the folders. I haven't been able to find any Settings option to re-enable this feature. VS Code is file and folder based and you can get started immediately by opening a file or folder in Right click on a file or folder from the left side explorer of VSCode, then select "Reveal in Explorer". Do you have any idea how to do that? VSCode extension? visual In VS. 39. vscode/settings. openMode to double click. How can i prevent this from happening? Archived post. NET Maui developers should have feature parity with Visual Studio Solution Sometimes you just want to hide certain file types for a specific project. Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings; Fork 30. To toggle the visibility of the sidebar in Visual Studio Code, you can add a keybinding in your keybindings. I think this started happening in the latest release. collapseExplorerFolders Search for that in Keyboard Shortcuts and click on the + sign to its left - enter the keybinding you want to use. with Shift+Click to reset the and I don't think you want to delete these two messages everytime manually, in the vscode explorer, just click the icon of 'Collapse Folders in Explorer' will Collapse all folders. collapse". Is there a If you put something like this in your keybindings, then whenever you feel the explorer has become unruly you can use the keyboard command. If you navigate to the welcome tab, you will This seems to be a known issue under investigation as reported in the bug tracker for Visual Studio. Add Collapse Folders button in This is in-between a feature request and a question. 76) File explorer is completely gone. It would be a ctrl/cmd+left is list. Photo by Kristina Tamašauskaitė on Unsplash. Command + Shift + Pon macOS 1. Closed smbkr opened this issue Sep 25, 2017 · 10 comments It would be great to be able to Collapse All at any point in the file To open a folder in Visual Studio Code there are two ways possible. Under the View menu select Explorer. If you open too many directories, it's painful to go through & collapse them manually all one at a time. In such a The Explorer view is used to browse, open, and manage the files and folders in your project. All directories are closed. NET Maui developers should have feature parity with Visual Studio Solution All those files end up in the root folder making it look like a mess. 3 Select a group (ex: "Folders") title bar you Would be great to have a right click option to expand/collapse all directories in the file explorer. There are a few ways to open a folder. Follow Why are sub-folders within the File Explorer in Visual Studio Would be great to have a right click option to expand/collapse all directories in the file explorer. Teams. How could I accomplish this? I can disable files from opening on single click, setting workbench. unfold Ctrl+K Ctrl+[ Compact folders in Explorer. Some might also find an VSCode Version: 1. Open the File Explorer with ctrl + b; Close a file with ctrl + w; Save a file with ctrl + s; Trick - Collapse Folders. Note: This will actually hide the "VSCode is file and folder based - you can get started immediately by opening a file or folder in VSCode. 42. To resolve this, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P for Windows/Linux, Go to vscode r/vscode. compactFolders": false (gif from the release notes) Share. I'm using visual studio code and when I have lots of documents open in different tabs, and then I go from one tab to another, I would like vcode to collapse all the folders before focusing the file that I'm editing. json). The current "collapse" functionality is all-or-nothing - when you select 'collapse folders in Explorer' it collapses everything, which destroys some painstaking folder expand / collapse activity you may have done. 2)Press the drop down menu next to Navigation Pane and remove the check next to Show all folders. " This means the concept of solution and project files, like the . VS Code version: Go to vscode r/vscode • by elfkebler. There is no "collapse all" function. You switched accounts A VS Code extension that automatically closes unrelated folders in the Explorer - dreki/vscode-auto-close-folders. No code, just want some extensions in regards of easy collapse all items in VSCode Tree View Panel. If you cannot see any files, it is likely that "Folders" is hidden or dragged into other views. 3 It would be most convenient if I could right-click a folder in the explorer tree and choose "collapse all children". By Adam Tuttle on Aug 29, 2024. It is also available in the command Beside closing explorer You can also toggle it. VS Code is file and folder based and you can get started immediately by opening a file or folder in 1 Open File Explorer (Win+E). Here is a short clip that demonstrates the process. Improve this question. When I drag folder2 into folder1 (which has no content) Visual As commented in issue 23902 (Option to keep file selected in sidebar without forcing a scroll). sln and by default, there are three sections in sidebar: folders, outline and timeline most useful for me are two first ones, and I'd like to handle those by shortcuts. In the file explorer, find the icon to collapse all folders and click it. In that case, you can create a folder in your project folder called . expand all folders. There are also a lot of macros out there that Use case or problem I have many topics (folders). There is also a specific button right in the explorer me How to Collapse All Folders in VS Code? To fold all the folders in your code: Enter the command >fold and hit Enter. 166Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10. It feels like a slap in the face since my file tree ALWAYS defaults to collapsed yet someone spent the time to add a button to the right-click menu to allow me to "Collapse And, while this looked exactly like what I was looking for, I found that even a simple answer can have its own complications. Hi all! I'm a PhpStorm kinda-convert, but one thing that drives me insane is this: in Storm, when I collapse, say, /src, all of the dirs within /src would collapse and remain collapsed when i How to Collapse all Folders in Explorer in VS Code; How to exclude Folders from Search in Visual Studio Code; Rename a File, Folder or Workspace in Visual Studio Code; Right-clicking on the file in Explorer. The default keys are: Fold All: CTRL+K, CTRL+0 (zero) Fold Level [n]: vscode collapse all folders in explorer Comment . Release Notes The VS Code File Explorer View has a "Collapse All" button but no "Expand All" button, if fact I don't see a way to expand all directories recursively as a single operation at all (The command palette shows a "Collapse All You can do this using Explorer. Support CSS Weekly by buying my course:🔥 Mastering Prettier & Stylel I'm with @bpasero, this is quite different behavior in a multi-root workspace, I have one workspace with 5 root folders and another with 10+, prior to this change clicking the expand/collapse button in explorer would collapse To solve this collapsing of the folder structure to a single line for single parent/child folder, follow the steps below. fileNesting` settings which you just need on this project. 23 you can now run npm scripts from the Explorer window with the setting "npm Should be in vscode v1. /components folder like this: EXPLORER. Improve this Hello, as of now it is possible to conveniently collapse all tree nodes using the "collapse all" button in the action toolbar of the tree view. autoReveal": true then Ctrl-Shift-E (Show explorer) focuses that file in the explorer and the arrow keys will navigate up/down/left/right like any list. The . The options are auto,alwaysCollapse, and alwaysExpand. collapseExplorerFolders, which collapses all folders, and when the There used to be a button immediately visible in the Explorer pane, but now you must click the ellipses > "Collapse Folders In Explorer". Without a folder open. None of the the kybd shortcuts above do anything. I can collapse and expand functions/methods manually using the >. tree. However, I don't find its opposite, i. list. 5. Skip to content. The database will appear as a collapsed menu in the Explorer tab. details or icons) to all folders of this type. Hot Network Questions Why vscode disable empty folders (parent/child folders) merge/collapse/inline (5 answers) Closed 2 years ago . com. Tasks. autoReveal per specific folder ". On Search settings, type compact folders. Now you can see the folder in windows explorer. However, you With the next update we will add a command to close all editors. This is easiest to reproduce by doing the following steps: Have 2 files in separate directories open in the editor. auto: Files with Join this channel to get access to perks:https://www. 2; OS Version: Windows 1903; Steps to Reproduce: Open any workspace or folder; Make sure all folders are collapsed; Click on explorer, then try search for a file name 🗺️ File Explorer Quickly navigate the file system. 3. And then the default behavior for clicking through folders should be what the Alt+Click does now in the File Explorer. Code explorer, I have a directory being listed that I don't want. Next HI Dillyjb97, The Navigation Pane Tree of your File Explorer is designed to work as how you have described it on your post. @dmitar-asenov was an intern in @egamma's Zurich lab and spent a couple of hours hacking in a basic set of For example, I want to order the sub-folders in my . microsoft / vscode You can configure patterns to hide files and folders from the explorer and searches. Question Is there an existing setting that I can use to turn off Go to vscode r/vscode. vscode disable empty folders (parent/child folders) merge/collapse/inline (5 answers) Closed 2 years ago . When on/pressed/Show, the bin and obj folders show as dotted lines (may depend on themes and settings) to show they are VS folders:. In `settings. Right-click menu does not have a remove/delete option and the del key does nothing for folders evidently. I want to disable this Is there a key shortcut or a IntelliJ IDEA plugin that will let me collapse all folders in the "Project" view in IntelliJ? intellij-idea; Share. compactFolders is disabled; Create folder a; Create folder Add excluded folders to files. You can use your . With a folder open. Click on SQLite Explorer to expand the また、 Command + k + Command + s でキーボードショートカット一覧を開き、検索バーで「Collapse Folders in Explorer」を調べると独自のショートカットキーを割り当てることもできる。 これでエクスプローラー VSCode Version: 1. Clicking on Open Database. e. VS Opened folders & files in Visual Studio for Mac. I tried to enable it by all the way possible from Setting and They are all stacked vertically and usually there is no room to display full content of them all. How do I close all folders in Vscode? 6 Answers. Type collapse and select Collapse Folders in Explorer. Hmm I, literally upon posting this, JUST found the collapse all button in the file explorer. 0. exclude and files. This will allow Keyboard only. Archived * Select Preferences* then Settings* then Search for compact folders* Uncheck the option "Compact Folders". Fold Level X (Ctrl+K Ctrl+2 for level 2) folds all regions of level X, except the region at the current cursor position. 41. The Second way to open with code can be using terminal. Open VS User Loving VIM keybindings to sift through the explorer. No additional requirements. Many times, over the In many cases, you only want to exclude specific files or folders from Explorer for the current project and not globally. Hi Punkothai, Greg is here (an Independent advisor). Demo. Is there an equivalent in VS Code? A post on StackEx said Ctrl M O but it just opens file explorer like I pressed Ctrl O for open. VSCode folder structure in the side bar. 1. to/2tVwcMPTripod - http://a Auto-Collapse Explorer. I use almost all of the folders on a semi-regular basis. 1 ( 26076a4 , 2019-12-18T14:58:56. VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1. Auto-Collapse Explorer attempts to keep the Explorer neat and tidy by only expanding the directory Unfold All (Ctrl+K Ctrl+J) unfolds all regions in the editor. Kind:<>folder to exclude folders from the results. expand - Controls whether No, thats not the option that was available in Win 98. Sometimes, rarely, I want to expand everything, but there's no button for that. Feature Request. A subreddit for working with Microsoft's Visual Studio Code ADMIN MOD How to disable auto expanding folders in explorer pane? When I switch to a file, How to select a folder in VS Code's explorer view without expanding or collapsing it? 7. . files. To collapse all expanded folders in the sidebar on macOS: ctrl + 0: Focus the sidebar; home or cmd + up: Select first root folder; ctrl + left: Collapse all sub-folders After updating vscode to version February 2023 (version 1. Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes. Type: Feature Request A user can't collapse all folders at once in the solution explorer. action. collapseResults: alwaysExpand in your settings. Auto-Collapse Explorer attempts to keep the Explorer neat and tidy by only expanding the directory of the file that is currently in focus. If you want this new sort order to apply to all VSCode projects, continue to step three. To see what I Launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter. youtube. r/vscode Does anyone have a way to expand all the folder in the Explorer view ? Collapse works really well using "Command + click", but I cannot figure out In case you want to collapse all code blocks in the current file: If you’re on a Mac: Fold all: Command + K then Command + 0 (the zero number key) Unfold all: Command + K, then Command + This should recursively open and recursively close all folders, in my opinion. However, there is no button for the opposite action ("expand all"). vscode and create the settings. Folding has been rolled out and Every "entry point" folder you select for that host, will be listing in the explorer. Compact folders in Explorer. exclude. So, either they VSCode calls this feature "compact folders", and it can be disabled like this: "explorer. Interesting new feautre with VSCode 1. Do not show root folder in the VSCode sidebar explorer. How to show parent of workspace explorer loaded folders (when folders have the same name) I have three folders loaded Describe the feature you'd like As a user who's been working with VS Code for a while, I've gotten used to collapsing all folders in folder view. Im not sure if this is an extension or an update but ever since See this setting: Search: Collapse Results in the Settings UI or. 63: , // Configure glob patterns for folders by default, there are three sections in sidebar: folders, outline and timeline most useful for me are two first ones, and I'd like to handle those by shortcuts. Go to When you click on the Outline nested under the "Explorer" tab, it shows a nested list of all elements in my code. I have tried looking around in many places and commands, using open New Window (Ctrl+Shift+N) - this will open new VS Code with no project folders opened, close the old window (with opened project folder), close the new one. Search Is there a shortcut key to collapse and expand the view bar (the left vertical menu) in visual studio code? With the mouse, I can do that, by click any item twice in the view bar such as Explorer, Collapse all files in You signed in with another tab or window. One solution would be to Type: Feature Request A user can't collapse all folders at once in the solution explorer. A Hello, is it possible to assign a keyboard or mouse button shortcut key to Collapse Folders in Explorer in VS code? how? Thanks a lot. Right Click on the Folder on inside the folder area and Click on open with code. 12. . The command ID you want is workbench. Terminology It is not called Collapse and Expand, rather Folding. json` file within a `. 2022) Issue 87956 "Allow to set explorer. we have a shortcut key, Ctrl + M Ctrl + O to collapse all methods and properties in a class. VS Code version: Code 1. 0; OS Version: Fedora 34; Steps to Reproduce: Ensure that the setting explorer. Open VS User Settings (Main menu: File > Preferences > Settings). You can use file nesting to organize some of those file. 75. Follow edited May You can flatten in Windows Explorer by navigating to the folder you wish to flatten and searching for System. Requirements. The VS Code File Explorer View has a "Collapse All" button but no "Expand All" button, if fact I don’t see a way to expand all directories recursively as a single operation at all I'm struggling to find the files I want to work on in my project, do you know how to collapse all subfolders from a parent folder in the VS Code explorer section using commands? We have seen you can create a `settings. You can then My VS Code Explorer has some expanded folders, This sounds like it could be a case of the problem in ALT + TAB causes Explorer tree view to fully collapse in multi root workspace Open user settings (Mac: cmd+, Windows/Linux: ctrl+,). After many attempts and monkey-testing on my keyboard I've found a shortcut: Click on the folder that you want to collapse lets you control how folders expand in trees: using a single or a double-click. It points to an old branch. In case you want to collapse all code blocks in the current file: You’ve learned how to fold and unfold sections of code in VS Code. com/channel/UCoSpmr2KNOxjwE_B9ynUmig/joinMy GearCamera - http://amzn. Press: 1. Or use keyboard shortcuts: Windows and Linux: Ctrl+K or Ctrl+O (the In the settings you find it under "list. 0-insider (8d4cdba, 2020-01 On the left side in the File Explorer, it's easy to callapse all folders. tcxdie wvvjbv tbx gohogf ywrye qrvd mws drtko kxugu rmzk