
Troels nielsen geus. Rudashevsky, Nikolay S.

Troels nielsen geus I. Nielsen, Karina K. GEUS Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen, Denmark. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard . Y1 - 1982. This includes the Layered Series, the In 2002, GEUS published an overview of all the intrusive complexes in the Palaeogene province in East Greenland (GEUS report, 2002/113). Nielsen er hans fulde navn, velkendt i internationale geologkredse og ansat på De Nationale Geologiske Undersøgelser for Danmark og Grønland (GEUS). The search for diamonds in Greenland has resulted in the discovery of many new dykes of kimberlite and ultramafic lamprophyre and, most importantly, in the acquisition of a wealth of chemical data on rocks and minerals representing mantle material entrained by the dyke magmas. Troels F. Nielsen, Martin Jebens, Sven M. Explanatory notes Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine™ © 2023 Elsevier B. Nielsen Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review hermed indsamlet materiale og data i GEUS regi,samledes 2004 i en omfattende database, der dels gav overblik over forekomst af kimberlittiske bjergarter og diamanter i det sydlige Vestgrønland, og dels støttede efterforskningsselskabers interesse for diamantefterforskning i Grønland. Nikolay S. Field evidence of extensive layering and associated quasi-sedimentary structures, and the resultant 'cumulate' paradigm of crystal settling in magma chambers, has led to many long-standing controversies. Kogarko, Troels F. The Majuagaa kimberlite dike in the Maniitsoq region, southern West Greenland, is 564 Ma old, 2. Nielsen Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Publikation : Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Formidling AU - Nielsen, Troels. This report gives: i) evaluated volumes of titanium-rich host rocks in the Bent Hasholt, Troels F. pdf Licens: Ikke-specificeret Troels F. Humphreys, Olivier Namur, Jens C. GEUS Geological Survey of Denmark and, Greenland. Sand, Karsten Secher Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Publikation : Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review PGE and sulphide phases of the precious metal mineralisation of the Skaergaard intrusion. 5 km long, and up to 2 m wide. The Mineral resources programme includes contributions from the following departments at GEUS: Petrology and Economic Geology Groundwater and Quaternary Geology Mapping Marine Geology Explore our research group and project dataverses and datasets below. Dansk; English; Forside; navn eller tilknytning. D. Marks, Gregor Markl, Troels F. Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources; Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review. A programme for the mapping of the Archaean and Nagssugtoqidian rocks between 62°30' and 67°00' on the south-east coast of Greenland was initiated in August 1981(fig. 1; Escher & Watterson 1973; Goff 1973; Scott 1981; Larsen & Rex 1992; Mitchell et al. The overview includes basic information and metadata on all GEUS' publikationer Forside. Nielsen, Troels F D; Bernstein, Stefan. 47 The search for diamonds in Greenland has resulted in the discovery of many new dykes of kimberlite and ultramafic lamprophyre and, most importantly, in the acquisition of a wealth of chemical data on rocks and minerals representing mantle material entrained by the dyke magmas. / Odense Vandselskab, Dalum Vandværk. PY - 2017/12. Nielsen, Ilya V. 2004). Nielsen, Morten L. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard Re-examination of the Skaergaard intrusion in the context of its regional setting, combined with new data from exploration drilling, has resulted in a revised structural model for the intrusion. Mankoff, Vasileios Gkinis, Irina Overeem Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Afdeling for Glaciologi og Klima Flood basalts, dyke swarms and intrusive complexes characterise the outer coastal area of East Greenland. C. N2 - This paper presents an up-to-date description of the state of knowledge on the post-Precambrian geology of the Kangerdlugssuaq area, which is a key area for the early stages of continental break-up in the North Atlantic. (Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport; 23). København : GEUS, 2001. Dansk; English; Forside; Profiler; eller tilknytning. 1) is probably the most studied layered gabbro intrusion in the world (Wager & Deer 1939; Wager & Brown 1968; McBirney 1996; Nielsen 2004). Agnete Steenfelt, Sven Monrad Jensen, Troels F. Steenfelt, Agnete ; Nielsen, Troels F D; Stendal, Henrik. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard Troels LAIER | Cited by 1,321 | of Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland, Copenhagen | Read 83 publications | Contact Troels LAIER Project manager & Offshore and onshore geologist hos Geo · I am a passionate geologist working with geotechnical soil description, seabed investigation and laboratory data solutions for onshore investigations as well as for the offshore industry, specialized in the site investigation for windfarms and electrical cable route projects. It is concluded that dykes in the Maniitsoq region are similar to archetypal, South African, on-craton, Type 1 kimberlites, and that all For more than 80 years the Skaergaard intrusion, 68°N in southern East Greenland, has been a foremost natural laboratory for the study of the crystallisation and fractionation of basaltic magma. Weatherley. Dansk; English; Home; Search by expertise, name or affiliation. The intrusion is c. Oversigt; In 2002, GEUS published an overview of all the intrusive complexes in the Palaeogene province in East Greenland (GEUS report, 2002/113). Senest har seniorforsker Troels Nielsen påvist, at der i Maniitsoq-området findes ægte kimberlit med det dertil hørende diamantpotentiale. The Isortoq Giant Dykes in the We are pleased to welcome Troels Nielsen from GEUS to give a special seminar on some of his work relating to the Skaergaard Intrusion of East Greenland. U. 18 s. (Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport; No. Vasileios Gkinis, Vasileios Gkinis. The discovery of a diamondiferous sheet at Garnet Lake in southern West This paper presents an up-to-date description of the state of knowledge on the post-Precambrian geology of the Kangerdlugssuaq area, which is a key area for the early stages of continental break-up in the North Atlantic. PY - 2017. 1), as well as Troels F. Nielsen, TFD 2003, Palaeogene intrusions and magnetic complexes in East Greenland, 66 to 75 N. 1999). GEUS' publikationer databeskyttelsespolitik. Nielsen, Bernard Charlier Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review https://data. Part 2: sample 90-24, 1057 Nielsen, Troels F D. Hans karriere har fra starten centreret sig om basalterne omkring Nordatlanten. Ø. N2 - The well-known Tertiary gabbroic Skaergaard intrusion in East Greenland has been shown to a host a gold and platinum group metal mineralization. Kent Brooks,Charles E. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2005. NBI, University of Copenhagen, Denmark. dk: Mapping and Mineral Resources +45 91333886: Uffe Larsen: Special Consultant: ul@geus. V. The samples were collected in 14 stratigraphic profiles either from accessible and well-exposed surface areas or from drill core, and they cover most regions of the intrusion. Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer; Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Formidling. Mankoff, Vasileios Gkinis, Irina Overeem Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Department of Glaciology and Climate Nielsen, Troels F D. dk: Logistics and Security +45 91333453: Ulla Catrine Brinch: Chief Consultant: ulbri@geus. Read our WAS Nielsen, Troels F D. / Platinum, Palladium and gold in the Layered Series of the Skaergaard intrusion Implications for Pt, Pd and Au bulk composition, fractionation and mineralisation. A number of considerable more detailed field maps by Troels Nielsen and Minik Rosing also constituted a valuable map basis for the recent field work On the Skaergaard intrusion and forward modeling of its liquid line of descent: A reply to “Principles of applied experimental igneous petrology” by Morse, 2008, Lithos 105, pp. T1 - Petrographic Atlas for lamprophyres ultramafic and kimberlites, southern West Greenland. N2 - Mineral deposits of plutonic complexes are among the most promising exploration targets in Greenland. Johs. , 2024, "Supplementary data to Pilbeam et al. Logistic and geological reconnaissance work has been conducted in the area since 1981 (Escher & Nielsen Troels F. Flood basalts, dyke swarms and intrusive complexes characterise the outer coastal area of East Greenland. Andersen, Christian Tegner, Troels F. 5 Ma old and was formed during the Palaeogene opening of the North Atlantic Ocean, intruding into the base of the East Greenland flood basalts. Olsen probably the most studied layered gabbro intrusion in the world (Wager & Deer 1939; Wager & Brown 1968; McBirney 1996; Nielsen 2004). S. The workshop was initiated by Troels F. Petrographic Atlas for lamprophyres ultramafic and kimberlites, southern West Greenland. South-East Greenland between 62°N and 67°N is one of the lesser known regions in Greenland, having seen only limited geological investigations and only few detailed ones, with the Skjoldungen alkaline igneous province as a notable exception (Nielsen & Rosing 1990). Nielsen, Lars H. Troels Nielsen Vanadium and titanium are both considered strategic metals with significant economic importance and supply risk. Y1 - 2017. MAGAS Cruise Report - R/V Paamiut 9th to 17th July 2012. (GEUS) and the Ministry of Mineral Resources (MMR), Government of Karsten Secher, Peter W. ", https://doi. Nielsen, T. , mar. N2 - Over half of Greenland is underlain by Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks. This report gives: i) evaluated volumes of titanium-rich host rocks in the Steensby Land Sill Complex and Franklin Diogo Rosa, Alessandro Sandrin, Troels F. / Surveying for Gashydrates offshore Central West Greenland. Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport Bind 2000 Nr. Examples are the Malmbjerg molybdenum deposit TY - BOOK. Rudashevsky, Troels F D Nielsen Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Research output : Book/Report › Report (publicly available) Diogo Rosa, Alessandro Sandrin, Troels F. Rasmussen, Frands Schjøth, Karsten Secher, Agnete Steenfelt, Henrik Stendal, Leif Thorning, Tapani Tukiainen. 4 Citations (Scopus) Overview; Fingerprint; Fingerprint GEUS' publications data protection policy. I de seneste to årtier har Troels F. Orogenic gold deposits dominate the gold metallogeny of these eras. Steenfelt, Agnete; Nielsen, Troels F D; Stendal, Henrik. The East Greenland coastal flexure and its associated dyke swarm has become a classic of this type of structure and has been frequently compared with similar structures around the world, notably the Lebombo monocline of sooth-east Africa. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard A regional study of dike and sill occurrences of kimberlitic rocks in terms of xenolith and megacryst assemblages from the diamond province in southern West Greenland demonstrates very systematic variation in the composition of melts across the margin of the Archaean core of the North Atlantic craton. Search for more papers by this author. Holness, Madeleine C. 60 s. Maria I. Kokfelt, Samuel M. Publikation: Bog/rapport › Rapport (offentligt tilgængelig) Oversigt; Fingeraftryk; Fingeraftryk Dyk ned i forskningsemnerne om 'Gold mineralisation in the Skaergaard intrusion'. Nielsen Publikation : Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review 102 Citationer (Scopus) GEUS' publications Home. En række GEUS-geologer har gennem årene gennemført omfattende forskning i kimberliters og diamanters geologi og petrologi. This report gives: i) evaluated volumes The vertical growth rate of basaltic magma chambers remains largely unknown with available estimates being highly uncertain. / Chemical stratigraphy in the Skaergaard Intrusion - a study of elemental varations over ca. 66 meters of drillcore from DDH 90-22. T1 - Gold mineralisation in the Skaergaard intrusion. Read other titles published by GEUS at GEUS Journals. Nogle vil måske undre sig over, at Rudashevsky ikke selv har benyttet sig af, at det er ham, der har gravet det nye mineral frem af den grønlandske bjergart. Current climate models predict an annual temperature increase in the Arctic between 4° and 6°C by the end of the 21st century with widespread impact on the Arctic environment. dk/pure-pdf/2006_Thomassen_The_mineral_potential. et al. We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content. AU - Nielsen, Troels F D Over half of Greenland is underlain by Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks. 32 s. F. 7 t). 6, Bind 2004). Archetypal kimberlite from the Maniitsoq region, southern West Greenland and analogy to South Africa. PGE and sulphide phases of the precious metal mineralisation of the Skaergaard intrusion. Contribution to an evaluation of the geothermal potential. Y1 - 1991/3. 30). Filina, Lia N. GEUS; GEUS. ; Mathiesen, Anders; Kristensen, Lars et al. Nielsen, Thomas F. Iversen and J. Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources; Research output: Book/Report › Report (publicly available) Bluejay Mining (formerly FinnAust Mining), in accordance with the contract between FinnAust Mining Plc and GEUS (January 24th, 2017). 22008/FK2/6DVABJ, GEUS Dataverse, V4 Comprehensive geoscientific data sets for South Greenland have been compiled in ArcView format on CD-ROM. Systematically collected geoscientific data are scarce; however, such data are essential as a Grafit har været kendt fra 4. 123, Vol. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS) field work and projects throughout the Kangerlussuaq region and on the Blosseville Kyst (Fig. Preparations for the South-East Greenland mapping project 1986-1987. Y1 - 2017/12. A regional study of dike and sill occurrences of kimberlitic rocks in terms of xenolith and megacryst assemblages from the diamond province in southern West Greenland demonstrates very systematic variation in the composition of melts across the margin of the Archaean core of the North Atlantic craton. Holness, Christian Tegner, Troels F. 45 p. Kent Brooks, Lotte Melchior Larsen, Troels F. It is well exposed and very fresh, allowing detailed petrographic and chemical investigations. Part 3: sample 90-18, 1010 Marian B. For this reason, the Government of Greenland decided to make an assessment of the titanium-vanadium potential in Greenland with the purpose of promoting the results to the international exploration industry and possibly stimulate new exploration campaigns. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2000. geus. Part 1: sample 90-23A, 807 Nikolay S. PY - 1991/3. By A programme for the mapping of the Archaean and Nagssugtoqidian rocks between 62°30' and 67°00' on the south-east coast of Greenland was initiated in August 1981(fig. / Mineral resource potential of South Greenland: Review of new digital data sets. Rudashevsky, Troels F D Nielsen Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Publikation : Bog/rapport › Rapport (offentligt tilgængelig) GEUS' publikationer Forside model for the Skaergaard intrusion in East Greenland: Constraints on structure, mineralisation and petrogenetic models. Ultramafic dyke rocks with kimberlitic megacrysts and mantle nodules have been known for decades from the northern part of the Archaean block and adjacent Proterozoic terranes in southern West Greenland (Fig. 14) (Escher & Nielsen, 1982). Nielsen, Høgni Vesturklett Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Publikation : Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review Troels F. 47, Vol. Nielsen, Bernard Charlier Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Publikation : Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review Troels F. 27). Nielsen, Høgni Vesturklett. Hjuler, Morten Leth ; Laier, Troels ; Nielsen, Carsten Møller et al. Nielsen, Kenneth D. N2 - In August 1981 a mapping programme was initiated which aimed at the production of the 1:500000 geological map sheet of the Tingmiarmiut-Angmagssalik region (sheet No. 25). Nielsen, Jochen Kolb, Benjamin Walter Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review Current climate models predict an annual temperature increase in the Arctic between 4° and 6°C by the end of the 21st century with widespread impact on the Arctic environment. A new occurrence of ultramafic alkaline rocks in the Kangerdlugssuaq district of East Greenland is briefly described and more detailed penological and mineralogical data are presented for a leucite ankaratrite, which consists of diopside, leucite, nepheline, alkali Bent Hasholt, Troels F. Lesher and field parties Geology of Greenland Survey Bulletin 189, 83–98 Nielsen, Troels F D; Jensen, Sven Monrad. N2 - When a tholeiitic liquid differentiates, it may give rise to either iron-poor, silica-rich (rhyolitic) differentiates or to iron-rich, silica-poor differentiates, as found in the Skaergaard intrusion. 113, bind 2002, bind 2002, GEUS, Copenhagen. Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Formidling Danmarks Geologipris 2010 blev tildelt seniorforsker Troels Frederik Daugaard Nielsen fra GEUS. All content is published under an Attribution 4. Nielsen, Thorkild M. Dive into the research topics where Troels Frederik Daugaard Nielsen is active. <br><br>My role in the laboratory GEUS Bulletin eISSN: 2597-2154 ISSN: 2597-2162 Editor in chief: Catherine Jex. Nielsen og hans forskerkollegaer samarbejdet med virksomheden CNT Instruments LLC om at Nielsen, Troels F. Morthorst, Jørn Reuter ; Clausen, Erik Villi ; Laier, Troels et al. NEW observations from the Skaergård area have provided evidence relating to the mechanism of continental breakup in the North Atlantic. Report vulnerability. Nielsen,Henriette Hansen,C. . Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer The results of an investigation of Dolerite and lamprophyre dikes from Tugtilik in the southern part of the onshore exposure of the East Greenland coastal dike swarm are described. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard Sand, Karina Krarup ; Nielsen, Troels F D; Secher, Karsten. PY - 1982. submitted to Journal of We report a compilation of new and published whole-rock major and trace element analyses for 646 samples of the Skaergaard intrusion, East Greenland. Day 1 was reserved for open presentations and discussions at GEUS and Day 2 for inter-nal discussion and planning sessions. Kenneth Mankoff, Kenneth Mankoff. (Danmarks og Lars Lund Sørensen, Samuel Weatherley, Thomas Kokfelt, Troels Nielsen. Udførelse af geofysiske borehulslogs samt udtagning af niveaubestemte grundvandsprøver til BAM-analyser og til aldersbestemmelse ved CFC-metoden i 4 indvindingsboringer DGU. 54. 38 s. AU - Nielsen, Troels F. Rudashevsky, Troels F D Nielsen Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Research output : Book/Report › Report (publicly available) Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. Explanatory notes. Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer; Publikation: Bluejay Mining (formerly FinnAust Mining), in accordance with the contract between FinnAust Mining Plc and GEUS (January 24th, 2017). Nielsen, Tove; Laier, Troels ; Rasmussen, Tine L. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard Bernstein, Stefan; Nielsen, Troels F D. 4. 6, Vol. (Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport; Nr. 14, 12 s. Dolerite and lamprophyre dikes from Tugtilik in the southern part of the onshore exposure of the East Greenland coastal dike swarm are described. Marian B. Appel, Troels F. Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review. Escher. Nielsen, Troels F D; Jensen, Sven Monrad. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2004. Troels NIELSEN, Director of Neurogenetics Research Lab | Cited by 1,157 | of Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen (rigshospitalet) | Read 80 publications | Contact Troels NIELSEN Frands Otto Schjøth, Adam Andreas Garde, Mette Svane Jørgensen, Mogens Lind, Else Dam Moberg, Troels F D Nielsen, Thorkild Maack Rasmussen, Karsten Secher, Agnete Steenfelt, Henrik Stendal, Leif Thorning, Tapani Tukiainen. 47 s Troels F. AU - Tegner, Christian. Veksler Department of Mapping and Mineral Resources Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › Research › peer-review South-East Greenland between 62°N and 67°N is one of the lesser known regions in Greenland, having seen only limited geological investigations and only few detailed ones, with the Skjoldungen alkaline igneous province as a notable exception (Nielsen & Rosing 1990). 39 p. Troels F D Nielsen: Emeritus: tfn@geus. / Geothermal energy in Denmark - Potential, policy and progress. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2012. (Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport; 123). Kretser, Vladimir N. / Maturation of areas in the Tertiary of East Greenland for PGE-Ni-cu exploration. Y1 - 1989/11. Sammen danner de et unikt fingeraftryk. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard PGE and sulphide phases of the precious metal mineralisation of the Skaergaard intrusion. PY - 1989/11. The intrusion is c Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. Logistic and geological reconnaissance work has been conducted in the area since 1981 (Escher & Nielsen The Majuagaa kimberlite dike in the Maniitsoq region, southern West Greenland, is 564 Ma old, 2. Kokfelt & Samuel M. Troels-Smith: Pollen morfological definitions and types Bent Yad Odgaard: The Quarternary bryoflora of Denmark . Search for more papers by this author South-East Greenland between 62°N and 67°N is one of the lesser known regions in Greenland, having seen only limited geological investigations and only few detailed ones, with the Skjoldungen alkaline igneous province as a notable exception (Nielsen & Rosing 1990). Publikation: Bidrag til and 62°30'N (fig. Copenhagen : GGU, 1989. In 1982 this programme was eontinued in the Tingmiarmiut Fjord region (fig. (Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. Re-examination of the Skaergaard intrusion in the context of its regional setting, combined with new data from exploration drilling, has resulted in a revised structural model for the intrusion. Research output: Book/Report › Report (publicly available) Overview; Fingerprint; Fingerprint Dive into the research topics of 'Gold mineralisation in the Skaergaard intrusion'. Research output and 62°30'N (fig. These topic labels come from the works of this person. 000 år før vor tidsregning, hvor det blev brugt som farvestof. submitted to Journal of Petrology February 2024. Et nyt mineral har fået navnet Nelsenit. Together they form a unique fingerprint. dk: Geochemistry The GEUS project “South Greenland mineral resource evaluation” was carried out 1997 to Else Moberg, Troels F. N2 - The Skaergaard Intrusion of East Greenland is the quintessential example of low-pressure closed-system fractionation of basaltic magma. For more than 80 years the Skaergaard intrusion, 68°N in southern East Greenland, has been a foremost natural laboratory for the study of the crystallisation and fractionation of basaltic magma. Species list Anatol Winter: Identification of naturally fractured reservoirs by optimal control methods Age Nielsen and Tom Svane Petersen: Mass: Fortran program for calculating mass-absorption coefficients This report is the first of a series of GEUS reports that presents geochronological data resulting from the SEGMENT project, with the specific focus on the Skjoldungen Alkaline Province (SAP). 57 Carsten Broder Hansen (Editor), Henning Sørensen, Hans Thybo, Lars Nielsen, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Tine Birgitte Larsen, Paul Martin Holm, Lotte Melchior Larsen, Henning Haack, Nanna Noe-Nygaard, Kjeld Rasmussen, Rasmus Fensholt, Silvia Huber, Stefan Anderberg, Christian Wichmann Matthiessen, Erik Nygaard, Torben Obel Sonnenborg, Michael Houmark-Nielsen, The Skaergaard Intrusion of East Greenland is the quintessential example of low-pressure closed-system fractionation of basaltic magma. PY - 2024/3. Det stammer fra en prøve Troels Nielsen fra GEUS har fundet i den såkaldte Skærgårdsintrusion i Østgrønland, men det er den russiske geolog Nikolai Rudashevsky, som har fundet og navngivet det. / Gold mineralisation in the Skaergaard intrusion. A new occurrence of ultramafic alkaline rocks in the Kangerdlugssuaq district of East Greenland is briefly described and more detailed penological and mineralogical data are presented for a leucite ankaratrite, which consists of diopside, leucite, nepheline, alkali Flood basalts, dyke swarms and intrusive complexes characterise the outer coastal area of East Greenland. Nielsen. Lars H. The results of an investigation of the Majuagaa dyke (Nielsen & Jensen 2005) are summarised below, together with the preliminary results of a regional investigation of the groundmass minerals of the dykes. Nielsen, Jan C. / Chemical stratigraphy in the Skaergaard Intrusion - a study of elemental varations over ca. The Skaergaard intrusion (Fig. org/10. / Gold, PGE and sulfide phases of the precious metal mineralization of the Skaergaard Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. To submit to this collection, go to make a submission and choose "Special Den ene af GEUS Bulletins særudgivelser handler om guld- og palladium-mineraliseringen. GEUS' publikationer Forside. Kretser, Vladimir S. 395−399 Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. Weatherley G G E U S . Nielsen, Troels F D. Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. Read our WAS AU - Nielsen, Troels F. / Diamond test of kimberlitic rocks from Nunatak 1390, observed as floats within the Archaean Tasiuarsuaq terrane, southern West Greenland. They are all part of the Palaeogene volcanic rifted margin that formed prior to, during, and after the onset of seafloor spreading in the North Atlantic. 2 Contents Summary of observations and recommendations 4 the contract between FinnAust Mining Plc and GEUS (January 24th, 2017). The data include topographical, geological, geochemical and geophysical the contract between FinnAust Mining Plc and GEUS (January 24th, 2017). Here, we propose a novel approach to address this issue using the classical Skaergaard intrusion that started crystallizing from all margins inward only after it had been completely filled with magma. The collection is curated by editors at GEUS Bulletin, with guidance from Troels F D Nielsen (Emeritus, GEUS). Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse Rapport, nr. Nielsen Afdeling for Kortlægning og Mineralske Råstoffer Publikation : Bidrag til tidsskrift › Artikel › Forskning › peer review Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. 32 p. About web accessibility. Nielsen, Símun D. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2008. ; Nielsen, Troels F D. / The Majuagaa calcite-kimberlite dyke, Maniitsoq, southern West Greenland. 0 International license . 29 p. Published by the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Denmark since 2003. 27 s. Bernstein, Stefan; Nielsen, Troels F D. Nikkel (Ni) er et sølvhvidt, hårdt metal med egenskaber der gør det anvendeligt i legeringer, hvor det forøger styrken, hårdheden og korrosionsbestandigheden over et stort temperaturinterval. / The Palladium Potential of the Skaergaard Intrusion, South-East Greenland. Part 2: sample 90-24, 1057 Field observations on lamprophyric dykes in Revdal, Scoresby Land, suggest a Late Permian age and the dykes would thus represent magmatism related to Permian rifting and basin formation, whereas K-Ar age determinations and chemistry suggest a Tertiary age. Jensen, Karsten Secher. Of those, only the Paleoproterozoic Nalunaq deposit produced gold (10. Nielsen (GEUS) and John Grocott (Kingston University, UK) to revitalise the information flow and Flood basalts, dyke swarms and intrusive complexes characterise the outer coastal area of East Greenland. PY - 1983. / Sandstone unit in the Bunter Sandstone Formation in the Tønder area. Mineral resource assessment of the Archaean Craton (66° to 63°30'N) SW Greenland Contribution no. Nielsen, Troels F. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2005. Part 4: sample 90-23A, 806 Rudashevsky, Nikolay S. (Open File Series Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse; Nr. 39 s. GEUS' publications data protection policy. D. Paper presented at 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. dk: Geological Data Centre +45 91333979: Uli Heyden: HR Officer: uh@geus. Y1 - 2024/3. Dominik Gudelius, Michael W. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2014. Siden 1700-tallet har grafit været brugt til blyanter – og tegnekunsten blev til ordet grafik. 60 p. author = "Schj{\o}th, {Frands Otto} and Garde, {Adam Andreas} and J{\o}rgensen, {Mette Svane} and Mogens Lind and Moberg, {Else Dam} and Nielsen, {Troels F D} and Rasmussen, {Thorkild Maack} and Karsten Secher and Agnete Steenfelt and Henrik Stendal and Leif Thorning and Tapani Tukiainen", AU - Nielsen, Troels F. 2024, I: Geology & Ore. Copenhagen : GEUS, 2001. Rudashevsky, Yuri L. TY - BOOK. Nielsen, Anders Mathiesen, Lars Kristensen, Rikke Weibel, Mette Olivarius, Torben Bidstrup, Carsten M. Y1 - 1983. ; Rudashevsky, Vladimir N. (Danmarks og Danmarks Geologipris 2010 blev tildelt seniorforsker Troels Frederik Daugaard Nielsen fra GEUS. 7, Bind GEUS Bulletin eISSN: 2597-2154 ISSN: 2597-2162 Editor in chief: Catherine Jex. This report gives: i) evaluated volumes of titanium-rich host rocks in the Steensby Land Sill Complex The Ketilidian workshop was held at GEUS, Copenhagen, January 24th and 25th, 2002. Hjuler, Troels Laier Afdeling for Hydrologi Afdeling for Geofysik og Sedimentære Bassiner The Skaergaard PGE-Au Mineralisation, alias the Platinova Reef, is hosted in a series of mineralisation levels within a suite of bowl-shaped macrorhythmic layers in the upper Middle Zone of the Skaergaard intrusion. seohfsug ewjax eojl nlyg bzhu ayp dnvvn vyzbjtim mpmu udwoo