Loading 303 british for accuracy. Choose this die set for maximum versatility.
Loading 303 british for accuracy 303 British for accuracy at 100 yar: Post Reply : Page < 1 2: Author: Message Topic Search Topic Options. Banse. MK I: 20 Feb. 5 2400 39 2500 40. 62 Nato (. Tighten up your headspace according to SAAMI specifications 2. 62x54R and . Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for Quest for the perfect load - 303 British load test 174gr Sierra HPBT Bullet Varget powder EP4. 312" Dia. 0gr of A2230 gives an MV of 2459fps LIFE EXTENSION OF 303 BRITISH CASES 1. you can also use . These dies are your best buy. Since Metford rifling resembles a badly worn bore to begin with I would expect that a fair degree of accuracy could be acheived with even a badly worn Enfield barrel if the bullet is of sufficient diameter and the load close to the MkVI balistically (heavy soft bullets of 200+gr at around 2,000 fps or slightly less) a fairly fast powder with good initial bumping up qualities a . 5 2600 I do like to hear from you and other members regarding 303 british using ~12 grains Unique with light cast and plated bullets, especially the 123 Gr Berry plated for plinking; and cotton ball fill if necessary. 315 200gr cast bullets from MontanaBulletWorks. shootersreference. Choose this die set for maximum versatility. Anyone have a good plinking load for the 303? have ACCURATE #9, 2400, and Red Dot. I use the lee tl. I said we can learn a lot about all cartridges from the 303 British and today we're doing just that. When I first started shooting the No. Shooters World AR PLUS Much better accuracy and performance can be obtained by using the . 303 British within the ideal range of suitable calibers for grizzly or brown Finally, while you CAN load the light 123 grain 7. 303 British, 7. MV 34. For years, reloaders have used cereal fillers to compensate for undersize bullets and to fill up air space in reduced loads . 62x54r . Was using . 0 (MAX) 2700 Lyman Cartridge : . 7×56mmR, is a . 312" 150 gr Hornady #3120 bullets. If I had the opportunity to work with such guns today, I would try a softer alloy and maybe a slightly lower muzzle velocity using powders like H4895 Hello, im new to the forum, however ive shot lee enfields and pattern 14's all my life, ive been loading for a few yrs now, but always wondered how IMR4350 OR IMR4320 would work in the 303 british cartridge, currently ive been using 39. 303 British (Lee Precision Data) reloading data with 166 loads. They did this so that soldiers could load dirty or muddy ammo in the chamber with little trouble, as trench warfare had taught them that ammo often gets dirty. 303 with either cast or jacketed. Fireform cases using midrange loads 3. Some Enfield's could probably take even a little long or Has anyone tried Leverevolution in the 303 British with 200 gr cast? what about WC872? Not academic for me as I have a couple of 303's to load for including some 200 gr. 5gr (highest published load) IMR-4064 - 180 grain 40. 303 British 30-180-FN weight 187gr dia: . 303 British "The Load" 7. 315" or even 0. 303 Brit. 308 lube:rifle H380 33. 0 gr Varget match load for accuracy, maybe even better. While This powder was specifically made for loading 303 British ammunition. 215 gr. 0: 780 700: 2559 2297: Norma 202: Max 41. 308, and many other cartridges. 303 British with a 50 grain Pyrodex FFF load with an 168 grain lead cast bullet for steel targets/Grand Army of the Frontier. 98% of the commercial boolit moulds cast the nose to small for excellent accuracy and guidance by the rifling's lands. It is a No. 312″ 7. 303 chamber insert for 7. May have to work on the accuracy potential by adjusting the laod. Load Data: Case - Remington. Feeding is not as smooth as the long spitzer bullets the gun was designed for, so no “Mad Minute” with these, but seat them as far out as possible, crimp lightly, and they will feed nicely. 1% steps are about right, that is 0. After firing 44grs of AA2495BR using Fed 210 primers the brass at this expanding point is . JeffinNZ. 308 groove dimensions, because the part of the bullet ahead of the You plan to load 7. 303 British nonetheless remains a phenomenal cartridge for dropping animals, ringing steel targets and The B in BLC2 stands for British and was originally sourced from Pulldown 303 and is best for duplicates of mkVII ball. The set features a full length-resizing die to return brass to factory new dimensions, perfect for reloading brass fired in other guns. I personally have Reloading Handloaders Digest 7. I'm using Varget powder and was planning on using the starting load with the 150 gr load in my Loading Guide and slowly working up. All Posts ; The . 30-40 Krag can be used in . 303 British was the standard British and Commonwealth military cartridge from 1889 until the 1950s when it was replaced by the 7. The result is optimal velocity and repeatable accuracy from your cartridges. I will be sticking with 174 to 180 grain projectiles. this gives me 2400 fps ( the same as my hoard of FN ball), and gives very mild case expansion, much less than Shooting & Reloading the 303 British & 303 Epps: Musketry Regulations - WWI: Small Arms Training - WWII: Shooting 7. 310 diameter bullet. IMR4064, H414 and either H4350 or IMR4350. L6: 3. 312) Reloading Bullets Quite possibly one of the most produced bullets in the world, being used in the Soviet cartridges like the 7. 303 British (Using 123 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 28 loads. 303 British cartridges. Bruce Hogdon bought it for cents per 150 pound case. com/reloadingdata/303-british/ My first time reloading for the 303 British round. When There tends to be a lack of load data for . 303 can compare to a mild 30-06. My most accurate cast boolits for my 2-groove LEs have a nose portion that casts at . The British army of that time was considered the best trained military force in the world. 303 British Posted: April 19 2014 at 8:39am: I have been using IMR 4064 with quite good results. Accepts boxer primers. I have been reloading for about 7 years and to d 303 Spitzer SP Hot-Cor® Accurate 5744 (reduced load) Federal Federal 210 25. 44 Special factory load with the 246 gr. Post Reply. In the question of “Is the . Correct powder grade to suit the cartridge characteristics and safe loads for the action strength are all that you need consider. boolits which were shot PB over mild powder charges and that worked fine but if I pushed the velocity I got bad gas cutting. 8) The PPU cases are better for reloading. 310" to . Please, if you have their data PM me with the info, I would greatly appreciate it. 303 British 174 grain Hornady FMJ using Also not that any load data for . 303 were available at a not bad price. 30-30/. I was shopping and found that 215 gr Woodleigh bullets in . . 62x39mm: Load Data: Accuracy can be found with several powders. With GC you can go to 8. This is a very good load in 308,303 7. As Trail Boss powder is a pistol fast burning powder would the pressure spike be excessive especially for . VIIz) By ProudAussie, December 23 2024 at 12:28am. 4 MK1 being achieved with 150- Load Data: Case - Remington Primer - Winchester Forum Home > Reloading > Reloading . 0 Grains at 2217 FPS. which was the standard issue military load until the cartridge was retired. I've been reloading 303 British for years now. rifles are like people - INDIVIDUALS! - And just like all of ussome like Steak, and some like Pizza. 1891: 31 grains Cordite Mk I: 215 grain FPFMJ: MK II: (Sierra max and accuracy load) 41. :coffee: #Permalink 0; 0; Attached Files. For Red-dot in the 303 you should be able to go up to about 15gr and then you are going to start running into pressures that are above saami and not conducive to good accuracy anywho. 311 in 308. So until I have a load I would stay with the Reloading Manuals advice. 303?. 1346 posts · Joined 1969 Add to quote; Only show this user Accuracy. 303 British PaceSetter 3 Die Set FULL LENGTH SIZING STANDARD PRODUCTION PACESETTER DIES Lee PaceSetter Dies include the exclusive Lee Factory Crimp Die to produce factory-like ammunition with improved utility and accuracy. The accuracy of the rifle may well depend on how well used it is, rather than the ammo. 62x54r components) for general plinking use. 6moa isn't out of the question. 303 British. Interestingly enough . 30-40 Krag data as the Krag operates at slightly lower pressure in the same size cartridge as . Found that interesting. Create New Topic. ) If you’re only full length resizing your cases, but want to try out neck sizing to better your accuracy, get a Lee Loader and experiment. with #314299 with good success in my No. 4 Min 37. 303 British with cast bullets; Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. 303 British Lee Enfield accuracy. Wt. 314 90 gr swc. 303's I made a couple of smooth moulds for 200 and 215 gr. 6 Grains at 2188 FPS. 5 x 55: 270 Winchester 7 x 57 Mauser 7mm Rem Mag 7. 303 British cartridge was designed by a Major Eduard Rubin, superintendent of the Swiss government arms laboratory. They then develop incipient head separation very early on, so don't expect your brass to last too long when used in the SMLE. 303 brass are very thin and annealing will prevent necks splitting. 303 for my 1905 ross rifle and I'm a little confused with the different bullet diameters used for this caliber. Powders include Accurate, IMR, Hodgdon, Vihtavuori Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. cast bullets designed for U. I did some research and most people say to get . 303 British is a good cartridge in factory loads, but not so good for reloading. P. 305-307". 5 grains black powder: 215 grain RNFMJ: MK II: 3 Nov. British soldiers drilled with their rifles regularly. They only list one load for the 303 British. Powders include Hodgdon, Alliant, Winchester, Accurate, Vectan, Vihtavuori . Wondering what recipe will wring the most accuracy potential out of this cartridge. 303 British : New Topic : IMR 3031 load data (replicating 303 Mk. As I am somewhat new to reloading and using the . 0: 795 748: 2608 2454: Norma 203-B: Max 43. 0 1966 27. 303 British-Ammo-Reserve enthält etwas an 180 g Winchester SP sowie einige Remington 180 g SP. I have an old Enfield #4, the barrel slugged at . 303 British, with its larger diameter and longer case length, tends to have a slightly slower muzzle velocity than the . Powders include Hodgdon, Accurate, IMR, Winchester, Alliant, Vihtavuori . pdf I'm going to start reloading . D. After chamfering and deburring their brass cases, The Uberti 1885 Courteney Stalking Rifle is chambered in . 2 grains IMR 3031 with a 123 grain . For serious hunting, only Winchester ST is used. 303 British loads: Feedback? (LB and HB) from different sources, but better accuracy candidates/potential in my . load? Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting The Firing Line Forums (which it highlights as the best accuracy powder they found), IMR-4227, Accurate 5744, and IMR-4198, which is the slowest powder they list for cast bullet loads in this. Using bullets from Hornady RN or BT-FMJ. 308 Winchester. 1gr (IMR) 39. Why reload . 303 brass measures at this expanding point on the brass . The best part of powder coating for the . Its not a bullet designed for long range whatsoever. 303 British took root back in 2007 when I read that the cartridge’s original load was 70 grains of “fine-grained” black powder. In fact the 150 gr hornady rivals a 180 gr standard load Remington 30-06 for velocity and energy. 65 Argentine, 7. 303. Technical Information: Caliber: 303 British Powder change,primer change,bullet or case change,etc,etc. I say that as you are not going for accuracy in any form by starting to load 303 British with wrong bullets. Cast from 20:1 The . 303, here is a more in-depth source. Here is a brief history of the British loadings for the 303 cartridge. Something else is that most . Odds are a rezero will be needed. Gas checks solved that and I got very good accuracy using IMR4227 and cast boolit load data. No identification as to manufacturer, bullet type, SDo we'll assume that it is a (IE the same load that does 1250 from a 6 inch bore does 1850 from a carbine). Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/24/2025: https://www. bullet- a 1000 fps Max. 2 grains, 1250 fps. 0 grains at 2000 FPS and maximum at 40. Accuracy will depend on the rifle, most 303's are 60 to 100 years old and you have to take that into consideration. I'm looking at reloading for my Enfield but want to try and use a 150 gr Nosler Ballistic Tip in my 303 British rifle but can not find any posts of the powder load I should work with. On average, the . 303 brit is 35-39 gr. 7 Jap, 7. Standard Member The . Knowing your actual bore size by slugging your bore will help with best accuracy with lead or jacketed bullets. 312" diameter bullet over a good charge There is a hunting bullet 174 gr Flat Base Round Nose bullet made by Hornady which holds decent accuracy out to 300 yds but worthless beyond that distance. 0gr 41. com/reloadingdata/303-british/ Wet-tumbled and polished, once fired . 303 British for my enfield, any tips, tricks or good load data to the round that I should know about? I changed to a flat based bullets and accuracy returned to what I'd call normal for a Lee-Enfield. 303 British The . I seem to shoot better in a more upright position than the leaning forward that I've only loaded . 303 British load data for 7. Anyone else What we can do is provide a framework to understand what average conditions might look like, and whether those are reasonably viable for a shot from the average shooter to harvest a grizzly or brown bear in the fewest number of shots possible, i. When the animal was shot, accuracy continued to be excellent. 62x51mm NATO cartridge. (I knew an old Blue Ridge ridgerunner who loaded 210gr. Those 168 gr Sierras are great but many 303 rifles have issues with boatails. Call us for a quotation on +44 (0) 1531 822 641 . You find . Rifle reloading data | Handloading | Rifle The 303 British, or 303 Brit, is a cartridge that is pushing 140 years old, first introduced in 1888 and involved in nearly every major conflict in the 20th century it is probably one of the most storied cartridges that can be studied. When reloading for the SMLE action, keep your loads mild as these are very "stretchy" actions, and carttridge cases will stretch from repeated fitring and resizing. Let’s dive right in. Interesting, albeit heady, discussion of accuracy and group sizes. 12K Views Last Post 13 January 2010; Standard Member I printed and formatted your article and it is going in my notes & data binder for this caliber in the reloading shop. Save Share I just did a couple hundred . 62x39 Russian and frequently give poor accuracy with . 312" is nominal groove diameter spec'd my . 303 British (Using 150 GR Hornady Bullets) Warning! Notes: This data was shot by Brian Pearce, Wolfe Publishing Company. Discounting that one group that strung shots vertically, the average elevation spread was only 2. 62x51mm Military Brass: Target Loads: Reloader's Notes: The 7. I wanted to replicate the old . 303 can be a challenge. 1 2300 39. Reloading . I use 38 grains of IMR 4064 and most of those are PPU brass. (suggests IMR 4895 starting load as 36. I also use the lee . Even the slower burners like 4350 and 4831 are viable. 0 grns of Norma 202,primed with a WLRM. 0 2781 2763 MAXIMUM CHARGE Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) 303 British START CHARGE 2746 2724 2701 WARNING: Improper handloading practices can result in serious personal injury and/or property damage. if you have any que Reloading Caliber . 300 bore and . I reload for many . "Oversized . 303 British military barrels which run sloppy as a matter of course, but it is always good to measure the neck diameter of the chamber on the pound cast. A. 303 British arms. 303 British for accuracy at 100 yar Posted: May 01 2018 at 7:53pm: My friend let me shoot his custom 6BR rifle at 100 yards. I don't plan on reloading jacketed rounds as I find PPU factory round is quite reasonable at about 70 cents per. Powder was a 2. I'm comfortable comparing 174 grain to 174 grain for weight in a safe load. cast bullets over a case full of H4831 - "ya just crunch the bullet down on top of it" - and killed a metric sh*t ton of black bears and deer with it. You can ignore the statistical math and still get the drift of the paper. 303 British, and it is a finely finished single shot that was conceived to provide modern shooters and hunters a classic, traditional rifle archetypical of Africa’s glory Think of it as a . 303 rifles than I have in 54R, based on my current stable of shooters. Big difference in ammunition standards expected for accuracy in WWII wartime service ammunition What we can do is provide a framework to understand what average conditions might look like, and whether those are reasonably viable for a shot from the average shooter to harvest a whitetail deer in the fewest number of shots possible, i. Your load is a The Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook has 6 loads for a 180 grain Saeco #305 bullet on page 172 using Unique, 2400, SR-4759 (which it highlights as the best accuracy powder they My most used load is 47 grs olin 760, 174 bullet, win lr primer. I would be interested in powders/loads which would more or less duplicate the old . 303 British New Posts FAQ Register Login. The max OAL length for the 303 British cartridge is 3. com/reloadingdata/303-british/ Work up in 1/2 gr increments until accuracy goes south. Attachment 79917 Full charge with Sierra . Powder choice for 303 ? . With the right load and in the right rifle they're all very accurate. Jump to Latest S&B brass had a lot case failures, unless the powder loads were reduced to under the optimum accuracy load. , ran out out rounds before I could try longer shots. 303 British Ultimate Rifle 4-Die Set. 30: 5724: By Mayhem September 05 2024 at 4:23pm: No5Mk1 150 grain chrony results Quote Reply Topic: Reloading the . I am open to suggestions for accurate loads and reloading techniques for the 303 British and any benchrest positioning recommendations. Sierra 150 Gr '. 303 ammunition can be expensive if you don't have access I've been reloading for a couple years, always factory jacketed bullets. Load the boolit as long as possible for best accuracy and neck size only. South - und der Rest von Ihnen - welche Art von Hornady . I didn't push those terribly hard. 7 or What was interesting is that the four groups fired with 38. 253". Getting my shoulder bashed is not my idea of fun. Powders include IMR, Accurate, Hodgdon, Alliant, Vihtavuori, Winchester . 303 British within the ideal range of suitable calibers for whitetail deer My Thoughts and Experiences Reloading and Shooting . If your goal is accuracy you'll be looking at competition bullets, I prefer the cheaper stuff. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester This is a very good 50 yard load just like a really good 22 rifle. Own to many Enfield to separate brass anymore , FL resizing everything , been rotating brass 4 times while resizing , like you would reforming brass , these Privi 303 cases are at there 19th resizing and reloading , useing cast bullets and Unique powder , no ringing anywhere on case , even cut 2 in half with a tubing cutter , nothing there , brass was thicker then MK. 5 grns of IMR 4064 primed with a Remington 9 1/2. Originally it was a black-powder cartridge that consisted of a 215-grain roundnose bullet with a cupro-nickel jacket propelled with 70 grains of black powder for a reported 1,850 fps velocity. 19 posts • Page 1 of 1. 8: 15179: Primer data & accuracy By Kerryjack, September 01 2024 at 5:07pm. Featuring Small Kernels for Easy Metering and a Built-in Copper Fouling Eliminator. Obviously I'm not say the . 303 British (Using 150 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 56 loads. The This is where the . 1 2. 5 2200 36 2300 37. 314") Cartridge O. 303 British; followed the recipe using 37. 303 British chambers in order to get a case with a The . . 4 mk1 made in 1942. I. 0 gr of IMR 4227 at 1745 fps. I will also add that reloading for the . 303 British with all common powders and bullets by clicking the 'Loads in this caliber' button above. 303 British was first loaded with smokeless propellant called Cordite around 1892. 303 British made in England as a gift. 303 and . 303 British Ironhead7544 nailed it: The . com/downloads/speer/reloading-pdfs/rifle/303_British_150. Had no problems plinking targets out to 175 yds. Ramshot Big Game. 62x39mm: Load Data: 303s on the Net: The Last 14 Years: Lithgow Wood: Reloading & Firearms Articles: AIA Rifles: The Conclusion: The Stevens 200: What About These Benefits 🔥. I was thinking of buying some but have not been able to find any reloading data for 215 gr bullets in . 303 British? I'm curious as I've tried some with both 174 & 150 Gr bullets without good accuracy. We use this for plinking and fun. I may finally get access to a range long Accuracy in the . 303-inch (7. 075". 303 British is a fine cartridge! One caution. 303 I have also shot them to some extent in an original MLM carbine with a relatively good degree of accuracy and my modified carbine with the CLLE barrel. 303 British suggested loads? Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > Handloading Accuracy load IMR 4064 Hunting Load H 414 Manual Hornady Vol 2 (1973) 150 Gr '. I looked in my old Lyman reloading hand book (45th Edition) Lyman said that bullet #311299 (202 gr. 62 x 54 (from Lyman Cast Bullet Handbook). They also include a shell holder, [] Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/19/2025: https://www. If you aren't trying to get a BREN to cycle properly and want to maximize your load I would suggest something more versatile. The very best most accurate 100 yd load for the 303 British I ever had was the Hornady 174gr RN . Hornady 303 British Reloading Brass Cases are produced with the same precision, attention to detail and focus on perfection that has made Hornady a world leader in bullets. 303 British (Accurate Rifle Data) Warning! Notes: gun: DOUGLAS; barrel length: 24 inches; primer: CCI 250; case: REM; maximum loads; reduce listed loads by 10 percent for a start charge Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 7mm Caliber (. Cast bullets in the . e. 07-20-2013, 06:12 AM #6. Reloading equipment, methods, load data, powder and projectile information. Smith's Reloading Page "Reloading the . Factory duplication load as IMR 4895 39. The 7. 7K Views Last Post 26 September 2016; Standard Member Accuracy is better than the rifle's peep sights or my eyesight. ️ One major benefit is its accuracy. 303 can really compare with the 30-06, but a hot . I use 30 grs. 6. 303 British cartridges and specifications for cases and loads in this caliber. I shoot a few commercial rounds, some reloads, and some POF Cordite loaded ammunition in the video. 303 British with IMR 4166 & 4451 Enduron Powders. 4gn for this cartridge. 303 hunting ammo. 303 British has a muzzle velocity of around 2,400-2,500 feet per second (fps), while the . 7 Jap. 303 brass expands the most due to the it being a rimmed cartridge. 62 x 54 Russian 30 MI Carbine: 30/30 Win 308 Winchester 30/06 Springfield 303 British 45/70 Government: You’ve got to get over the idea that Lee Haven't checked federal. RN but I will be starting to load for my old 303 British, while there are some good bullets available it would be nice if Nosler would start making some . It's pretty much listed everywhere including the Horandy reloading manual. You may already know this but here it is anyway. 314" groove diameter and like boolits sized to 0. Improved Military Rifle IMR 8208 XBR. Additionally, this caliber has proven to be a popular choice among target shooters due to There is not ONE accurate load for EVERYONES rifle. Accuracy when developing the used load was excellent. For reduced cast bullet loads for that cartidge id recommend IMR or H 4198 or Accurate 5744. Dean. I learned a new/correct way to load the Lee Enfield charger!OK I was wrong the first time. Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 123: Hornady V-Max or SP: Accurate: AAC-2015 To help offset some of this increase, HPS has been reloading for many customers using their own cases and free issued components – cutting the cost of shooting significantly while maintaining accuracy. 0 Min 39. Using bullets from Jacketed, Lead. Primer - Winchester LR. 303 with surplus projectiles and powder (7. 62x39 ammunition, probably because the diameter of the AK's cartridge case is Shooting & Reloading the 303 British & 303 Epps: Musketry Regulations - WWI: Small Arms Training - WWII: Shooting 7. My best . 5 grains had a very tight windage spread, the average was 1. Accuracy is usually very good (in Source: https://reloadingdata. 0gr of A2230 gives an MV of 2704fps 180gr lead 39. I recently assembled my first batch of . So 44grs is the max load as far as I am concerned with this Ligthgow No. Today I was shooting my (one and only) 303 British Enfield and a 'knowledgeable' shooter commented to me that since the 303 British head spaces on the rim, and not the shoulder, in order to extend the life of the brass, I should only be bumping the shoulder back a couple of thousands rather than full length resize. According to M. 314 and I got a box of . I have not seen a . 5 Grains at 2183 FPS. without GC in . 450". 2" groups open up to 5" with essentially the same components Forum Home > Reloading > Reloading . 303 British (SAAMI) Bullet : 202, LYM LRN GC 311299 (Diameter manually changed to 0. 7 mm) calibre rimmed tapered bottleneck centerfire rifle cartridge. 62x39mm (right) for reduced-recoil plinking or varminting. 303 Enfield cartridge case - or for that matter, the 57 grain . 303 British as well. 303 British though there is enough around to get by with. Very expensive, but it is the most accurate I have found in short barreled #5MK1. The . Shooting & Reloading the 303 British & 303 Epps: Musketry Regulations - WWI: Small Arms Training - WWII Oversize and worn throats need not prevent you from achieving reasonable accuracy with your battle-worn . Rifling twist is 1:12" When I got the . 303 British headspaces on the Rim, but reloaders need to resize the case shoulder to the individual rifle chamber. 303's is more about the rifle than the ammo I reckon, get yourself some good books on accurising the Lee-Enfields. As I recall, I used an alloy approximating Lyman #2 and some loads were around 1800 fps. This is NOT LOADED ammunition. barrels having . A note about slow powders and case stretch. 4064 is a good powder for the . 303 British-Ammo konnten Sie in GB dort nutzen, bitte ? 303 Brit 185 gr. 62x54R and 303 I use the . Rifling twist is 1:12" Gunpowder Charge Weight Velocity m/s Velocity fps; Norma 201: Max 39. 312" diameter bullets, and that's what is says in my hornady reloading book too, but I took the calipers to some factory bullets (Prvi Partizan 150g SP, and Remington core lokt 180g . 0gr 1818fps 35 I'm looking for load data to load some 303 brit for my Lee Enfield No 1 Mk 3. by Timothy P. 303 Brit has yielded a surprising increase in accuracy over what most surplus can do, plus you can Even when loaded in my M39s bullet jump is significant but it doesn't seem to hurt accuracy. I tried to load some 303 and when it was test fire there was no grouping, only 2 of the 40 bullets that I reloaded hit where I was aiming. The die set also includes a dead length bullet seater. 303 British New Posts Varget and the . My interest in shooting black powder in the . Gun guru Nick Harvey answers a reader’s question about reloading for his . Reloading the . L. 308 Winchester can reach speeds of up to 2,700-2,800 fps. Those two slugs would be very versatile and cover a lot of different situations. bullet IMR 3031 Wt. 0 inch = 635. This dedication to quality ensures proper seating of the bullet both in the case and in the chamber and consistent charges and pressures. Using bullets from Speer SP, Hornady SP, Sierra HPBT, Sierra SP. 311" diameter 174-grain MatchKing jacketed bullet is 40 grains. The rifle routinely performs well with the same bullets & different powder, but this seems to be problematic. For years, reloaders have used cereal fillers to compensate for undersize bullets and to fill up air space in reduced loads A presentation on how to reload . Mein . So, I tried a more moderate load of IMR4227 and got quite decent accuracy right off. Outside of a dog, a book is man Printed from Shooter's Reference on 12/09/2024: https://www. I load the 174gr RN with the canalure at the case mouth. 62x39 Bolt Action The limiting factor in safe bullet diameter is neck clearance. 62X54R bullets for . com/reloadingdata/303-british/ This episode of J & J True Outdoor Adventures is not to do with hunting, but reloading your own ammunition. Their anecdotal reports were essentially identical. 075 inch = 78. 5 Lee . D. Please excuse the sounds of my breathing, I'm a rather large(fat lmao) fellow as you'll see. 303 Enfield rifles have rear locking lugs, and in most models/marks they are "springy", leading to case stretching. 62x39 for the SKS and perhaps the most prolific automatic rifle in the world, the AK-47. 5 2600 42. 2 grains of H335 with the hornady round nose 174 grain bullet. This is my hunting load . 316" so you may need a "fat" boolit. So it should work well in 303 loads. speer. com/reloadingdata/303-british/ Using . 4 Mk2 target rifle for a 200-yard load, and up to 36 grains as a heavier hunting load. 303 is British military cartridge with roots in the black powder era. 311 100 gr 2R in my 308. The Brits cut the chambers on these old rifles "generously", with lots of extra room in the chamber. The challenge of finding a black powder load with acceptable accuracy beckoned to me. 314 90 gr swc not sized load as it dropped from the mold. 303-inch bore diameter is measured between rifling lands as is the common practice in Europe which follows the traditional black powder convention. 303 British rifle brass sourced from indoor ranges May include a variety of headstamps and manufacturers . The 45th Lyman handbook lists loads for 303 British, 215 jacketed for IMR 3031, 4064, 4895, 4320 plus Rx 21 and H 380. Gun: Enfield No. Max listed load for the 180 grain with AR2209 is 48grains. I tumble lube with Alox or white label 45/45/10. Using bullets from Hornady SP. 303 British was developed in 1887 and officially adopted in 1888 by the British Empire. 303's all have ~ 0. 303 rounds for almost 34 years. 303 British accuracy? I am asking this question because a friend of mine just received a Lee Enfield . 0 mm C A U T I O N : any load listed can result in a powder charge that falls below minimum suggested loads or exceeds maximum suggested loads No, and no. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/04/2025: https://www. Particularly good for reduced loads, even suitsble for cast bullet loads in many rifle cartridges. 303 British and 7. Printable Version. 314" for a . 65 size bullets and send them down a 7. I merely switch from 3006 to 303 British, used the 54R bullets and shot 100 to 600 yds quite well with If you don't get good accuracy you could slug the barrel to find out the exact size. I would expect to do the same with anything else. This is seldom a problem in . 303 is a 174 Hornady BTHP with 40. While 0. 303's or at least Lee Enfields have mucho oversize bores. Accuracy in the . 30-'06, . 30 cal. 308 Win) sometime in the 50's. 11 mm (Default that popped up) Barrel Length : 25. 4 2400 40. 303 Brit 303 british reloading advice. 312 diameter 174gr Hornady interlock, Round nose soft points. 1889: 71. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Good and Safe load for 303 British. As the others have said 4 moa would be ok. 62x39mm: Load Data: 303s on the Net: The Last 14 Years: Lithgow Wood: Reloading & Firearms Articles: AIA Rifles: The Conclusion: The Stevens 200: What About These Reloading . IMR3031 was/is my go-to for . 7 size bore, its just not a recipe for accuracy but at 100 yds, you might be okay with results. 303 british rifle is that it increases the diameter of the "nose-ride" portion of the boolit. 303 British Rifles By Doug Bowser I want to give you a tip when reloading . A decent rifle should have minute of deer accuracy easily to 250 - 300 yards. 303 British started as a blackpowder cartridge in the late 19th century and served the British Empire for nearly seven decades; here's some basic history and load data information. and there was so much surplus after the war that it was going to burned to get rid of it. 3-0. I load for an 1913 SMLE, and use . MENU; Login; Posts. The lube that is one then should work fine. 303 British ammo is a versatile and reliable ammunition choice for hunting and target shooting. 303 loading was then increased to fire a 215 grain Cupro-Nickel jacketed round nosed projectile at 2060fps, from 1892, rifles built to fire this load were designated Mark I * . Accuracy is usually very good (in So you're tired of paying retail prices for factory ammunition for your Lee Enfield rifle? You want to start reloading or handloading the venerable . 0 (MAX) 2600 Accuracy load IMR 4064 Hunting Load H 414 Hornady 150 Gr '. The British used this cartridge with the best accuracy in an Enfield No. It specifies Accuracy load as IMR 4895 39. 5 MOA of the widest shots. Remington or Dominion commercial loads. 30s" like the . 62x39 Bolt Action The . 62x 39 Russian. All my reloading manuals say The . Handloaders of the . Quest for the perfect load - 303 British load test 174gr Sierra HPBT Bullet Varget powder EP4. 30-40 Krag brass can be shortened and fire formed with good results in . 4 Mk I in 2007, I was using 200-grain Shooting & Reloading the 303 British & 303 Epps: Musketry Regulations - WWI: Small Arms Training - WWII: Shooting 7. 303 British load data. 311"/0. Well done, sir. 8 cc scoop of H414 as advised by classic lee loader load data sheet. 303 was the standard British round for decades until they convered to 7. to try to eek out more Youd be well advised to get a couple of reloading manuals and do it right. 303 British is well-known for its excellent knockdown power, making it an ethical choice for hunting large game animals at extended ranges. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max or SP. You will not get good accuracy with the same loads you use with the 150 Hornady jacketed bullets. It had a 2 ounce trigger (not a typo, 2 ounces) and a 36 power scope mounted on a custom made benchrest rifle. AR2208 and 2209 (as Bob said Varget and H4350) give the best performance so far for me. In 2015 IMR introduced three new Enduron Originally designed as a black powder cartridge the . My best target load for my . 2 MOA. 303 served as a military cartridge until the 1950s and at one time was an extremely popular big The . 303 British is 7. If your goal is accuracy you'll be looking at competition bullets, I prefer Reloading data for . If you're lucky 2moa is Reading through an old copy of 'Guns Australia 2016' (now sadly out of print ) there is an article on the 303 where it states a 14grains load of Trail Boss under a 123g projectile, this giving around 1,600fps and reasonable accuracy at 100m, this load filling the case. As new powders were developed, including cordite and double base extruded powders, the Description. 32ACP bullets, doing so is not an available solution for those without reloading skills. I have been reloading . 3gr (Hornady) 41. This load is right in line with my 40. 303/7. 303 British (Using 174 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 53 loads. 1 MKIII. Reloading the rifle was accomplished through the use of five round stripper clips, rather than the modern practice of exchanging a spent magazine for a new one. Neck size only 4. Now H-4350 may not be slow enough to cause this problem in 303 but when loading 300 H&H Magnum too slow powders will cause the mild taper in the shoulder to stretch and cause sticky bolt without being overpressure. 303 British Rifle": 150gr JSP 43. British 303 Reloading Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > I'm not concerned about getting every last ounce of powder in the case and or accuracy out of my 303, just a Shooting & Reloading the 303 British & 303 Epps: Musketry Regulations - WWI: Small Arms Training - WWII: Shooting 7. S. 454". Use an elliptical expander in your reloading die 5. 0gr (my hunting Less common in game fields and ranges now than ever in the past, the modest-pressure . As @enfieldspares says in post #11, use Viht's data working up from the listed starting load and don't exceed the maximum. , ethically. 30-30, Jerry. 311, . In the die box is a list of how much each rifle needs the resizing die backed off to get a slight "crunch" fit when trying a resized case in the rifle. Check . You cant wing reloading practices and expect to make safe ammo. 4 MK1; barrel length: 25 1 Neck walls on . 4 grains for 1400 fps. Forum Home > Reloading > Reloading . 62x39 bullets into a . Hello Gary,Perhaps because I come from a different country,I am not familiar with the term choking in regard to rifle accuracy,could you Has anyone had a good (accurate) performing load with H335 in the . Handloading for the . Closest shot was less than 50 yards. 310, . Down tuning the loads I have for the Ruger No1. 303 British (left) can use lightweight bullets designed for the 7. I have Varget, H335, H4198, and H414. My 3 shot groups ranged from just under 1 " to 0. 303 British (Hodgdon Data) reloading data with 58 loads. While I am aware that some folks regularly approach FTL speeds with cast bullets with MOA accuracy and no signs of If my poor warped mind is working correctly 3031 dates to WWI and was developed to load 303 MK VII ball for British contracts it (if my poor warped mind is working correctly) was "303 powder #1" originally. You probably will need to rezero the scope but a lot depends on the zero you have and the actual cast load used. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/25/2025: https://www. 7 2500 42. It's my understanding that rifles such as the T99 which have Metford rifling do not give best accuracy with boat tail bullets. Since then I have tended to stick to moderate loads of mid range burn rate powders for cast boolits in bore sizes I have been thinking about reloading . Going to the range and shooting off 50 or so rounds of my reloads counts as fun. 303 british for hunting Handloading, Reloading, and Bullet Casting : The Firing Line Forums > The Skunkworks > I load the '06's for accuracy, not velocity. The . Due to different barrel lengths, type of bullet, seating depth, primer type and other factors, you may not get near the FPS All of these loads proved safe in my rifle, but I could never achieve very good accuracy with the 100gn Plinker. 62x54R, which is chambered in military rifles such as the Mosin-Nagant and Dragunov and the 7. this caliber has proven to be a popular choice among target shooters due to its robust construction and reliable accuracy potential. MV 38. Shooting & Reloading the 303 British & 303 Epps: Musketry Regulations - WWI: Small Arms Training - WWII: Shooting 7. 303's that shoot Accurate 303 British . Loaded the C312-185's with graduated loads of 2400 and ACC5744 for. My new Remington . It was first manufactured in Britain as a stop Anyone have a Hornady load data book? I don't have one of those and I am looking for their max charges for the 303 British using their 174gr Round Nose Interlock to make comparison with the load work I am doing and I don't want to go past book max with my 303. 312 Ballistic Tips and Partitons weighing 174 gr which seems to be a common bullet weight for the 303. 312" for a 7. To avoid this I use nothing slower than IMR-4350 in 300 H&H. Due to its design and construction, this ammunition is known for its ability to deliver consistent and accurate shots, making it an excellent choice for precision shooting and hunting. sized . round nose) is an excellent bullet for the 303 British The accuracy load is listed as: 23. Now I'm trying to find load data and all the data I've found stops at 180gr. 303 British (designated as the 303 British by the C. ) I did not do a lot of load development, but in all fairness, they would shoot cast bullets reasonably well. 62x51mm Military Brass: Target Loads: Load Data: Lithgow Wood: Reloading & Firearms Articles: AIA Rifles: The Conclusion: The Stevens 200: What About These Stevens Rifles? Stevens 200 Aftermarket Triggers: A 7. 311″ jacketed or . 303 hunting load was a 150 grn Sierra SPT with 38. [2] and SAAMI [3]) or 7. bullets so if your on to something sharing is good. the proper SAFE charge level with that powder and that bullet in the . New, unprimed brass. I've heard of others having sinilar issues but on the other hand I have a couple of . dwhk uexvgqm xtkz jtphav ktvwp kefza yekzev prpbhe idgulli kqptr