Firebase delete user by uid android. EDIT: Thanks @FrankvanPuffelen.
Firebase delete user by uid android I am working on an android application that involves user firebase auth for user sign up. I believe the FirebaseAuth object only has the capability to get the currently signed-in user's details. How to delete a registered user by using firebase auth in android studio? 0. read": true When a user is successfully signed in with Firebase, then it receives a token that is valid for about an hour. String) . You just need to read the uids from a file (say csv). If your user data is just one doc feel free to for this all user's who have deleted the conversation save their uid separating with ` _ ` eg: firstUid_secondUid_thirdUid and check while retrieving message that it contains current user uid or not, same as single message deleting technique. Before remove the user please reAuthenticate Step 1: If you are new to Firebase then you can Refer to User authentication using Firebase in Android. String itemToDelete = "xzFD1RahhZYr05nZljIW9BRzvSq1"; FirebaseDatabase database = In this Android firebase tutorial, you will learn how to delete a user's account from Firebase programmatically. I According to your comment: I want to delete the value according to the Id that is given. This is my current login activity: //authenticate user firebaseAuth. Firebase has a delete function that deletes the user account fr From android device user sends "DeleteUserRequest" to server, and server takes care of delete the user. Skip to main content. – Black4Guy. user I have an android application which uses Firebase Authentication via Facebook. Deleting the user’s access and refresh tokens is a very important step in the process of deleting the user from the app. currentUser(); user. Then You create a new user in your Firebase project by calling thecreateUserWithEmailAndPasswordmethod or by signing in a user for the first time using a federated identityprovider, such as Google Sign-In orFacebook Login. getCurrentUser(). Now when I login a user I need to get the username, mobile, that are stored in the user node. import { getMessaging, deleteToken } from 'firebase/messaging'; const messaging = getMessaging(firebaseApp); deleteToken(messaging); As said, you can use FirebaseAuth. I am using Firebase Authentication in my Android app to sign up/in users using Google, Facebook and Email/Password. Deleting a user is easy but if doesn't verify in 1 hour then how could I do this? The problem is that firebase is server less. uid is still coming (with the help of this uid != null, I am assuming the user is logged in). https://blog. We'll guide you through the step-by-step process and Doc states that: There are some cases where getCurrentUser will return a non-null FirebaseUser but the underlying token is not valid. once("value", snap => { console. In second technique you can create separate node in group chat node for storing uid's of all the users who have deleted the If you want to use the Firebase Admin SDK to delete the user identified by the uid string, then you just need to call deleteUser(uid): await admin. My AdminPanel Adapter : With the Client SDKs you can only delete your own user account. As soon as he logins back again, he will be assigned this exact same UID. The Firebase Admin SDK allows deleting existing users by their uid: Firebase Admin SDK contains APIs for fetching and deleting individual user accounts. address. App can be used by multiple users. Using cloud functions, I can successfully delete any specific Firebase/Android - Load User by UID. Get Uid from firebase. getReference(). removeValue(); Android Firebase Realtime Database delete child node whose id is named by Firebase. deleteUser(uid); By the way, the Delete User Data extension doesn't have to delete the user, because it works by responding to the user deleting their own account using the client SDK. uid; return This is how you get the user's uid: let userID = Auth. How to use Bluestacks as emulator in Android studio/VS Code. In your case, you have two nested dynamic children, which means you: The option to delete a user or disable them by their UID does exist in the Admin SDKs, which are SDKs that are designed to run in trusted environments, such as your development machine, a server that you control, or Cloud Functions/Cloud Run. If this was possible in the Android SDK based on just the UID of the user, that would be a serious security risk (as UIDs are not an authentication mechanism). uid; NSMutableString * multiFactorString = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat: @"MultiFactor: "]; You can delete a user I have the firebase-admin sdk installed and I use a web app. Till now its good. uid as shown in this example from the documentation on getting the user's profile: Android : Firebase current user If the document id in your firestore is equal to the userid in the Firebase authentication console, then you need to retrieve the uid first and pass it as an argument to the method document(): getData() async{ String userId = (await FirebaseAuth. user = auth. Improve this answer. Here is the problem for which I want solution I have two table "users" and "groups". But now, I want to implement something that checks if the user already exists in Firebase. log('Successfully deleted user'); }) . I then have a priomise all and go about deleting user from all records, i then review the deleted user collection and goto analytics and finally delete all data, plus i also manually verify. Traditionally you would have have a /users node in firebase where user data would be stored. Android Firebase get other user's uid from realtime database. getUid(); This API seems to have been removed in Firebase 12. batch() db. Maybe you could create a User object in your schema and have the UID from the Firebase Users as the key: users ---UID -----first_name -----last_name -----etc And then with that, you get a user's ID with a simple Firebase Query like: What currently happens: when user logs out as an anonymous user using onBackPressed and case R. in the key, the email address must be encoded like this: To delete the user account - in addition to the user data you have stored - you also need to call the deleteUser method (as you are running this on Node using firebase-admin): There is no admin sdk for python that allows me to delete users in firebase that aren't in the real time database. 2. And you can list user each by max 1000. 0. public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<Void> task) { You can delete a user account with the delete method. In this case, you may get a valid user getCurrentUser but subsequent calls to authenticated resources will fail. Flutter doctor Now, I want to delete the account when the user signs out. Ok. read and . In the Firebase web console, locate that Google Sign-In user; In the app, tap "Delete previous user" In the Firebase web console, observe that the Google Sign-In user has been deleted; I would expect that since delete() was called on _previousUser its associated user and UID (the anonymous user) should have been deleted instead. You can also trigger this function when a Firebase user is created on Firebase Cloud Function. Deleting users in bulk in Firebase. delete() . Sayouf. e. Then, they move to a new fragment - AddUsername fragment. However, that must use server auth. ref('users/' + uid). How to Delete a Firebase User from Android App? We have seen in many of the apps that if have the choice to delete the user or can say your account permanently. child("User2"). My problem is anyone is able to access the users JSON file since it's public. What I want to accomplish: When a user uploads a picture to a storage bucket, I want to use cloud functions to get the file path/link to the image location in the storage bucket and store this string as a new document under a new collection called The Firebase Admin SDKs have the ability to disable user accounts. Question. How do I detect if a user is already logged in Firebase? 433. getUid(); with the appropriate null check, or use Firebase 12. firebaser here. then(() => { this. delete() I am working on an android project that requires user email and pwd authentication. EDIT: Thanks @FrankvanPuffelen. 8. I found this article so I tried the same code, but it didn't work. String deleteImage holds the full url of where the image is located in the Firebase storage. child("your_node_name"); then try setting a ValueEventListener to your Database reference. This should be all that is needed for that: currentUser. The Scenario. Streamlined Account Management: Learn how to implement the 'Delete Account' feature using Firebase Authentication in Android Studio with Kotlin. addOnSuccessListener(new Can I delete not authenticated user's account? The docs offers such a way: FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth. getCurrentUser(), I am wondering is there a way to access other Authenticated users public data by their id A Firebase Database query inspects the child nodes directly under the location that you execute it on. signOut() }) with a specif uid To write single data you can use the setValue() method on your DatabaseReference with your child Id's:. Firebase get user profile picture with uid. I have thought of String[] uidList = DatabaseReference. In that case, when I disable or Currently I update Firebase user profile after sign in. firestore Button( onClick = { val batch = db. instance. Then you can get he user's UID with user. setValue(your_download_url); Remember that the download URL of the photo is obtained from your storage ref task. getKey(); The Messages are not created yet. How to retrieve data from one single userID Firebase Android. delete();}} 2. That's why, I want to use. You can do one thing make login with your credential and after successful login use below code to get details of user. 1 where i now seems to have @Hide annotation The rule allow write: if request. I am new with Firebase. currentUser, credential ) // Pass result. There's no deleteUser(String userId) method in FirebaseAuth. Similarly the deleteUsers() API accepts up to a thousand Firebase uids, and deletes those user In the Firebase web console, locate that Google Sign-In user; In the app, tap "Delete previous user" In the Firebase web console, observe that the Google Sign-In user has been deleted; I would expect that since delete() was called on _previousUser its associated user and UID (the anonymous user) should have been deleted instead. With my current login activity, I can log in just fine, however I need to get Uid throughout my project. getUid() but a better idea is to use as an identifier the email address. setValue(null); isn't the correct way of deleting your Firebase Object. email, password ) const result = await reauthenticateWithCredential( auth. You can also just suspend it. Yeah, you don't necessarily need batch but it's helpful in case you have nested collections inside your user data document (profile in my case) as deleting a document doesn't delete sub collections. This is an old question but I believe the accepted answer provides a correct answer to a different question; and although the answer from Dipanjan Panja seems to answer the original question, the original poster clarified later in a reply with a different question:. then() but my android studio The easiest way you can delete users in bulk is discussed here. angular. If that user signs in on a different device, they have the same UID value. I want to delete a user from the database so i need too logout and delete him from the auth. (everything = delete from auth tab, delete from We are working on the firebase series, Firebase gives various functions to use in our application. deleteUser' is undefined)] – H. Sample code here: StorageReference mStorageRef; String Revoke Access Token. But after make the method, its hell!!! I needed to borrow dad's monitor to code it because soo deep nested calls! Thankfully, Firebase already provides functionality to delete a user account, and I was able to implement it swiftly. currentUser() to listen continuously. If the user deletes their account, you must delete the You can use delete() method to remove the desired user from the Firebase. mDatabase. delete(); Tags: Firebase Firebase Authentication flutter. How to delete firebase I'll suggest you use email ID instead of UID because if the user account is deleted from your Firebase Auth (either you delete it using Admin SDK, or perform a manual deletion on console), the next time user signs in with the same email ID will now give you a different UID and therefore all of your data in your database which rely on your UID I'm make an app with a Firebase Auth, but when I delete or when I disable an account I need make a signOut() manually (I control this with a user reload), if I don't, the user can keep uploading data. The details are stored in the firebase database. Commented Apr 10, 2020 at 13:38 | Show 7 more comments. But it doesn't work, this is my code: You have to create another database table say "user". If you want to delete any other user, you can do so with the Admin SDKs, which are designed to be used in a trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions. 1. I'm saying this because in the case in which the user is is deleting the account and than returns, the uid will be for sure different. document(uid). You will be modifying the profile page to inc Firebase firebase=new Firebase(". delete_user(user. I also tried addAuthStateListener(mAuthListener), but I am still getting UID of the previously deleted user. Basically, I need to generate token from UID by Firebase. afAuth. Except, when a user swipe closes the app the onDestroy() method is called but their Firebase Auth and Firebase Database Uid still remains in the Database. One could be tempted to delete the user node Delete a user. But you can prevent this whole chicken-and-egg problem by simply deleting the user without signing out. "); firebase. TokenAsync() instead. 1251. resource. The first way is to save the UIDs of the users in the database, and render your list using that UID. The User can read anything but has very limited write permissions (provide reviews). deleteUser(item. 0. currentUser()). getInstance(context). The problem occurs whenever I try logging in again with the email Add Firebase - Android Add Firebase - Web Add Firebase - Flutter print (user?. Failed to However, when the Firebase uid of the user changes, for instance when the user has deleted the app and downloaded it again, the user is no longer subscribed to the chat, and other subscriptions that he/she might have. To expose such functionality to your Realtime Datbase and Firebase Auth are different products with different APIs, and you will have to use their APIs separately to get this job done. FirebaseUser user = await FirebaseAuth. I use Angular fire auth but i don't know how too do this : this. String currentuser = FirebaseAuth. I made a button that is supposed to let users delete all their data based on their userid, the button has the same purpose like a "delete your account" button, but it is not working. You can configure this extension to delete user data from any or all of the following: Cloud Firestore, Realtime Database, or Cloud Storage. To remove it, you use: dataSnapshot. Commented Apr 10, 2020 at 13:36. The getUser() method stays in red and android studio shows a note : Cannot resolve method getUser(java. I'm very new to Android dev and Firebase. auth(). updateUser(uid, { disabled: true }); Guide link: Firebase Admin - Update a user. You will have to either You can get another user data by uid or email or phone number. Another way is to retrieve UID using a username, display name or any attribute. The database can then be secured against access from unauthorized users with the help of Firebase Database Security Rules. child("images"). removeValue(); The code below works great on android to confirm if the Firebase Auth user still exists (has not been deleted or disabled) and has valid credentials. You have to use Firebase Admin SDK for this. at the moment i need to delete data already saved in the Firestore through my App. deleteUser is not a function. Deleting the Auth user from the firebase console does not revoke auth tokens on devices the user is currently logged in as the token is cached locally. getUid(). setValue(classObj); //here classObj is a class object which has a getter and setter for an integer id Now that I have pushed multiple objects I want to delete only one based on the id in the classObj. database(). 0 Use this instead FirebaseAuth. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. The code below works great on android to confirm if the Firebase Auth user still exists (has not been deleted or disabled) and has valid credentials. In that way, you know what the UID is when a user clicks on it. When you link an anonymous account with a Provider, for example with Google, the UID of the user remains the same, meaning that: FirebaseAuth. uid == userId; allow create: if request. id. . If you want the user to be able to delete their data along with their account, you should write code to first delete the data from the database, then delete the account. uid != null; } How do I get the currently logged in user's ID in Kotlin using Firebase Auth? I would like to take the ID to retrieve said user's complete information to display in an Activity. I have a similar issue where the user can delete I'm developing an Android Q&A application. and that this way the client side makes a single call - the single call to the Cloud Function - and then the cloud function can handle everything. I suggest referring to the Firebase Admin documentation on deleting a user. read I am trying to delete a file from Firebase Storage using the files URL. uid)', '_firebase. createCustomToken(UID) to sign in user The reauthenticateWithCredential() returns UserCredential but deleteUser() takes User as parameter. I registered a user by using createUserWithEmailAndPassword() and login using signInWithEmailAndPassword() methods. So when you need to retrieve each users photo, just access to their reference and add a value event listener to get The extension will only delete data that it is explicitly configured to delete based on the mechanisms provided. This can happen, for example, if the user was deleted on another device and the local token has not refreshed. If a different user signs in to that app, the app will keep the same Instance ID token. credential( auth. setUserId("user id"). updateUser(uid, { disabled: true }) For examples in the other supported languages, see the documentation on updating a user. Due to security reasons, Firebase doesn’t allow user deletion on client side I think you already have installed firebase package, call the function below will trigger delete token on firebase. I am storing user's display name in Firebase Auth. I know once I can get the user I can do the following fireBaseUser. val()) }) } As you can see, you can easily obtain user data by passing the currently logged-in user’s uid on the database reference path. Certainly, this would expose the emails of all users to all users. Without using database track of banned or deleted user ids is it possible to remove that user instantly. auth. getRef(). write as true. Thanks for any help! Android Firebase get other user's uid from realtime database. I've looked i Under The Hood. TypeError: _firebase. But If I login with different user then user id doesn't get change and all logs events goes under previous one. The verification email can be sent only to the user that signs in, cannot be sent to a single user. No, the user can still have access for about an hour. What you can do instead is delete the user from a backend you control using the Firebase Admin SDK, which has the ability to manage users. signInWithCredential, It creates a new UID or change to UID that links to this credential, and the anonymous ID is never deleted. Future deleteuser() {return userCollection. // Do NOT use this value to authenticate with your backend server, if you // have one; use User. You're not allowed to save a null value to your database. Android Firebase Database : Delete. FirebaseUser user = FirebaseAuth. child(userId). Delete a specific user from Firebase. To delete user authentication credentials, you can access the Firebase Console and remove desired user. getCurrentUser(); user. You will call node js server path from your client side code i. delete(). If you disable a user in the Firebase console, it doesn't mean that the access is restricted too. You can also create new password-authenticated users from the Authenticationsection of the Firebase console, on the U So, there are two ways of deleting a user from Firebase, this depends on your use case and takes in count that the two methods do different things. It's a standard Firebase practice to use this UID to create a dedicated JSON branch for that user (on the database), just like you described. Is quitting an application frowned upon? A Firebase Authentication UID uniquely identifies a user. Retrieve User Data Firebase on Android. How to reset User Id on each In my Android app with Firebase as backend, I am planning to have three roles based on Security. I use I want to delete selected user on Firebase Auth. private void writeNewData(String userId, String name, String email) { User user = new User(name, email); mDatabase. Here we are going to see how we can implement that in our app and can delete our account permanently from the firebase authentication. If you intend for your end users to invoke some function on your backend that deletes another user, you should verify in your backend code that the user The benefit of doing it via the admin SDK inside a Cloud Function is that you avoid the issue of the client side limitation To delete a user, the user must have signed in recently. delete(); But, in the Firebase documentation, it is mentioned that if a user is signed in for a long time, then we must reauthenticate the user before deleting, otherwise it may throw an 2- There are some users do not update my app. collection("posts") . As per the Firebase documentation can user delete() method to remove user from the Firebase. If so how can I do it with python. I found this awesome tutorial which explain it very good, but I am stuck. Till now I am successful in signing the user in, however the issue is that the user remains signed in, and I can't find a way to sign him out. function getUserData(uid) { firebase. To add the new user I was able to do without problems in that I create the new user and do re-authentication of the user who added it. push(). in the document i store the users email. string uid = user. like database, authentication, hosting, etc. These users causes data usage problem because in version 14 the code was problematic and caused high data usage problem. Fetching from Firebase Auth is simple when the same user is logged in. How can I rest I want to handle the online and offline status in my webapp. A Firebase Authentication Instance ID token identifies a single app on a single device. uid; checks if user authentication is the same as the field uid that the document contains. – Deku. delete_user(uid) Here's The Firebase Android SDK for analytics provides a method named setUserId(String id), now i enabled firebase logging and every time i called the method setUserId(1234) i see this in the logs Setting user property (FE): _id, I finally got my authentication to work in terms of creating users and logging in and out. For example if an user is loged in and he wants to get the UID of another user then how can he get the UID of that user. child("user_photo"). getReference(); mDatabase. use orderByChild()), that property must exist at a fixed path under each child nodes. If you want to get the uid of your authenticated user, you need to use the following line of code: Add Firebase - Android Add Firebase - Web Add Firebase - Flutter Add Firebase - C++ NSString * uid = user. I need to disable or delete user accounts from the Firebase console sometimes to ban some users of my app. I think there are two ways. uid Update user profile on Firebase Android. The Editor can read anything and has more write permissions than the user (create I'm not sure whether I understood your problem correctly. My question is how to delete the users that appear in only the authentication part of firebase using the libraries in python so I can manage users on the server side. lang. For example, you could call, from your app (web, Flutter, iOS or Android), a Callable Cloud Function that would delete the given user. addOnCompleteListener(new The user. Then after all the further logs goes under given user ID. currentUser to get the user once the user is signed in, or FirebaseAuth. whereEqualTo However, even 24 hours later, 100% of the Firebase events are still present in the events table. Check this site it contains very useful information about firebase rules. If you want to order on a child property of those nodes (i. I have found this post that shows how to delete the User, but I can't seem to find a way to retrieve a FirebaseUser by their id. 7/24/2021 07:43:00 I delete the user record then i add the user id to a collection of deleted users. We just released the Firebase Admin SDK, which supports administrative use-cases, such as deleting a user account without requiring that user to sign in first. Stack Overflow. uid == request. Definitely use user. Getting user name, lastname and ID in Firebase Can you help delete an image from Firebase Storage. I'd like users to delete all of their posts when they delete their accounts. exportData: saves a copy of a user's data from Learn how to create a login and register android app using email with the firebase library. Flutter doctor Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog You can easily test this in the Firebase console by creating a new user, checking the ID, changing the email and checking that the ID does not change, then deleting the user and creating a new user with the same email and checking that a new ID has been assigned. { "users":{ "user1":{ "username" Changing the email address for a user that is currently not logged into Firebase Authentication can only be done through the Firebase Admin SDK. then(() => { console. Privileged backend code can delete any user by UID. These APIs enable developers to fetch Firebase Auth user accounts by their uid, email or phone number, It is highly recommended that you provide users that signed in with Google the ability to disconnect their Google account from your app. currentUser. For example, I want to delete the whole MOjF8qthpvBGrbZMtBS i'm new to firebase Authentication. Check that the UID of the signed-in user is what you expect and there is data for that UID in your database. My issue is that the getReferenceFromUrl() can not be resolved. In part 12, We will finally learn to delete the user that is regi To delete the user in angular, You have to create a any server (preferable NodeJS) and user firebase-admin in your server. So we will move towards the implementation of Assume that images is the directory of your firebase database which you want to clear. I want to implement ondelete cascade in Firebase. I am making a simple authentication app in Android using Firebase authentication. Try refactoring as shown below: const deleteSignedUser = async (password) => { const credential = EmailAuthProvider. No discernable state change has taken place on the Firebase server as a result of the upserts. The below code works for deleting the user account when the user signup with google, but not sure how to handle if the user is signup with phone number. As Peter explained in the previously mentioned video In order to let Android users register and login through my app I have set the . But as said in the comments of your question your collection name doesn't match the rule that you are using. child("users"). On successful signin, signup for first time you have to create a new row in user table. This type of SDK cannot be used in your Flutter (or other client-side) app. As a result, there are some users that uses my app below 15 version. Sorry about that, edited my answer to include database variable. uid) Share. catch((error) => { console. So that users can see who is online and who not. Because Firebase does not allow the dot symbol . I have tried Future<void> removeDocument(String id, String userI Yes you can remove it. To help you help your users control their data, the Firebase team created a library that simplifies two common user data processes: clearData: deletes a user's data from specific Firebase services (currently Realtime Database, Firestore, and Storage) when they delete their account through Firebase Authentication. currentUser!. How to read / query data from one userID Firebase Android. Firebase - Retrieve custom data by PhotoUrl; // The user's Id, unique to the Firebase project. How to get FirebaseUser from a uid? 0. trying now fingers crossed. . Retrieving Data from Firebase with certain ID. get FirebaseAuth. Firebase do not provide user info on the basis of email. If you want to delete user by passing uids you need to use one of the Admin SDKs, either from a server you control or through a Cloud Function. If there are less than 20 users, the best way is to delete via the Firebase Web can I know on how to delete data under UserID push key? Currently, I'm using firebase and I need to delete specific booking data under UserID. You can't delete the current user after they've signed out, because at that point there is no current user anymore. log('Error deleting user:', error); }); Refer this for the Run; Run your app with confidence and deliver the best experience for your users The Delete User Data extension (delete-user-data) lets you delete a user's data when the user is deleted from your Firebase project. I use this function to subscribe a user to a chat when the chat is firstly created If you want to write a java program to delete users in Firebase Auth, you must use the Firebase Admin SDK. See docs if interested. Home Firebase Delete user account in the flutter firebase. I want to create them with friend_user_id which I can't retrieve at this moment. It really helped me when I started using firebase I checked the documentation, those are the rules you are looking for: match /users/{userId} { allow read, update, delete: if request. You'll get that from 'firebase-admin'. About; Products OverflowAI; You can't delete a user by their UID from the client-side SDK, as that would allow any user of your app to delete any other user's account by simply knowing their UID (which I am trying to delete auth user from firebase with email or uid. In firebase you can access the current user's data by using FirebaseAuth. On the click of any list item, how to fetch its document ID , and hence perform Update and delete operations, thereby updating the same in The user identifier could be a Firebase uid, email address, phone number or an IdP-assigned uid. Each trigger of the extension to delete data is keyed to the user's UserId. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it in Flutter: Here’s a step-by The client-side Firebase SDKs have no concept of an admin user, and only allow deleting the currently signed in user. uid); The currentUser property of the FirebaseAuth instance: if you are sure the user is currently signed-in, you can access the User from the Here, i have a recycler view showing list of Documents fetched from ONE particular Collection. I searched on google but I did not find any solution. A user can delete their account in the application using the following function: override fun deleteUserAcc() { val (their account with uid had been deleted and somehow they are not assigned a new one uid). it is magical and allows me to remove a user just by using this code: FirebaseAuth. addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<Void>() { @Override Background: I'm using Firebase Cloud Functions, the new Firestore Database, and storage bucket with an Android client. 3. admin. (In '_firebase. Step 2: Follow all the steps and “Login In” to your android app. Ensure your I use Firebase Auth and Firebase Database and I have a user hierarchy where a user can register new users. Commented Dec 19, 2021 at 8:14. I have the user Id that I want to delete stored in a String but can't get the user record from the firebase auth database using the Id. This UID will remain the same even if the user deletes your app. Follow How to delete a registered user by using firebase auth in android I want to delete user from firebase authentication and also want to delete data from real-time database if the user doesn't verify email address with in 1 hours. public void onDataChange(DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) { User There's no method to disable a user account from the Android client SDK. Protect User Data You can't query other user accounts in Firebase Authentication from client code. If you want to delete current user you are signed in, the correct implementation is . 165. this is a workaround to enable one client "admin" permissions to delete other users without admin SDK. original answer. But I couldn't do that when using Adapter. This can be done by adding a clause to your database security First initialize your database like this . Inside the onDataChange method you can retrieve your data like this. I highly recommend keeping the documentation I linked handy when coding, as I find it by far the fastest way to How to get user id ( UID) from firebase realtime database without login. Present , i can delete the data of the currently selected user through the database . 176. auth() . child(deleteImage); deleteFile. setValue(user); } The issue is, I have tried 2 different ways to delete a user using the Firebase SDK/React and I get . Vue 3 Firebase Auth get *any* user data by id? Related. If many users relogin this app, many unuse anonymous ID and data will be garbage in firebase. For example, on Node. getInstance(). uid UPDATE: Since this answer is getting upvotes, make sure you prevent your app from crashing by using guard s: I want to delete a FirebaseUser by their uid value in Flutter. from firebase_admin import auth auth. How can I block these users in firebase with rules? for now it is like this: { "rules": { ". mDatabase= FirebaseDatabase. logoutMenuOption, their Firebase Auth and Firebase Database Uid gets removed correctly. child("Users"). UserId;} Get a user's provider-specific profile information Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company We have an app with ~50K users and we would like to delete (from firebase auth) everyone who hasn't signed in since January 1st, 2023. The sign up works but I want to add username to database by implementing it in . But, I need to make it possible for the user to delete other users who have registered. If you do want this, you will need to save the email of each user to the database, by their uid, at the time of account creation. You can't use the Android client SDK - it won't work at all outside of an Android app, and it doesn't even expose a method to delete a user by UID. child(uid). (navController: NavController, uid: String) { val db = Firebase. If it's a new user, you add their uid to the users node as the key and the children would be the key: value pairs of the data you was to store; name: "bob" location: "florida" etc. setValue(null); } Now when you delete/disable a user's account in your Firebase console, you also need to add the corresponding UID to the list of banned users in the database. private static DatabaseReference mDatabase; public static void clearData(){ mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase. On successful login, calling FirebaseAnalytics. My code is as follows, but it does not delete the image: StorageReference deleteFile = storageReference. User, Editor, Administrator. I need help with the below: After a user authenticates with Firebase Password Authentication (fragment is called SignUp), this is saved as users->UID->person's email in the Realtime Database. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company so am new using firestore to store data. I could do this before using the adapter. Now if you want to remove a specific user from the database you have to use this code: ref. Modified 7 years, 6 months ago. So far, almost everything works fine except for a single scenario. how do i delete the user from auth using the email? To delete an entire collection or subcollection from a Cloud Firestore database, you need to retrieve all the documents within the collection or subcollection and delete them. That i'm trying to delete a user from firebase auth using a cloud function which is triggered when i delete the document of the user. log(snap. I could get the UId for each user, by using this how it possible to get the mentioned information in android? Can you help me? I've only been learning Flutter for a few months and I want to get user data from Firebase and display the user profile. deleteUser(uid) . From the User object that you get in both cases, you can get the UID from its uid property. There is currently no API in Firebase Authentication to delete a user without requiring that user to sign in. so, i'm creating a basic app with a profile, i've made an activity to edit basic informations of the user such as DisplayName and Email , i wan't to add the capability of changing passwords, but first , i wan't to check current user's password and compare it to a String from an InputEditText that the user must know his current password I believe it is not a Firebase feature to get the email address of just any user by uid. To solve this, you need to loop through the groupMembers node to get the dataSnapshot. getUid(); Because this code works when any firebase user is loged in. , In this article, we will see how to delete a user account from the firebase authentication. Is there any way to delete user from firebase only using the email of the user. Below is how I want My Firebase Database structure to look like this : Learn how to securely delete a user from Firebase Authentication in an iOS app with this tutorial video. public static void writeNewUser(DatabaseReference databaseReference, The problem is when I call FirebaseAuth. Update 2016-11-08 original answer below. Anyone signing-up using Facebook is granted the User role by default. But, when another user is logged in, how do I fetch an account's display name when I have their unique UID (User ID). NOTE: This extension may be useful in helping you respect user privacy and fulfill compliance requirements you may be subject to. How to get userID by user Email Firebase android? 2. data. But I also want to delete the user from the Auth section. As per my understanding, you want show the delete option for a post if that post is created by the user interacting. delete() using this method. js, you'd do this with: admin. admin . So, what am I doing wrong? how do I successfully delete user data from Google Analytics for Firebase? EDIT After having the user log in and getting their uid, how would I save their uid onto SharedPreferences so I can access it throughout my project? This is my code to get their uid: FirebaseAuth auth = It's not a bad idea to use getCurrentUser(). val currentUser = FirebaseAuth. To use this extension, you need to manage your users with Firebase Authentication. Please use this code: @Override. get_user_by_email(email) auth. getzv bllhy ooathhj feke tufdu wnkden rlevxi giapv xyhhm xymqh