Best pct for deca test cycle. Aug 24, 2014 #1 jaystrum New .

Best pct for deca test cycle. 5mg/day Arimidex for four weeks.

Best pct for deca test cycle This advanced cutting cycle would consist of Test Prop, Tren, and oil-based Winstrol (Winstrol Depot). Week 11-12 240mg Test E x2 a week = 480mg of Test (Using Test300 and will draw out 4/5 of a ml) Week Hi guys was just looking for some basic advice on a good PCT for this cycle I have run 4-5 cycles before and have never had any major problems however I know the power of Tren and just wanted some professional advice on a good PCT. pretty sure my gear's not fake is the point lol but who really knows lol. Top. I did a deca test cycle, one my last week if test. 2-3 days after your last test prop shot, start with the following PCT Hi guys I'm looking for some good info to do this safely and to get a good result. 20 week cycle 500 test e/ introduce deca on week 8/ stop deca at week 18/ continue on test till week 20/ wait till the test is out of your system/ start pct 10-week Test Prop + Tren + Winstrol Cycle. Book a consultation with our men’s health experts so we can find the best post-cycle therapy protocol to meet your needs. Im 26 years old, 5ft6 and I weigh 175lbs. Deca Durabolin has long esters and thus is a slow-acting steroid, hence the lengthy ten-week cycle. Leave the deca out this time around, as Wondering what would the proper PCT protocol for an 8 week test prop cycle Cycle information Shot EOD @ 1. Dianabol (methandrostenolone) is a steroid with significant mass-building effects. Depending on which steroids you’ve been using, how long your cycle was, and other individual factors, your natural testosterone production could be very low to non-existent following a ster With a Deca stack, it is recommended to use HCG, although HCG is recommended with every AAS cycle. Dbol and Testosterone can be stacked for quick muscle growth. or Anadrol/Test cycle. Thread starter buffdust; Start date May 29, 2013; B. Discover how much muscle you can gain during a cycle, plus the best site to buy deca from and learn about deca dick. So this is my cycle 1-5 30mg dbol 1-13 Test E 500mg 1-11 Deca N 300mg PCT 13-15 Nolvadex 40/20/20 13-15 Clomid 100/50/50 Understanding Post Cycle Treatment or Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is an important part of any cycle of anabolic androgenic steroids, and should not be overlooked. And the most important to avoid bloat and keep my gain after the cycle. Deca and Test Cycle . Kickstart for consistent gains throughout the cycle, Usually Id do 40/40/20/20 nolva and 100/100/50/50 clomid when on test e only cycle T NATION PCT for Deca/Test Cycle. I will have a PCT of nolvadex at the ready. I'm about to run a 10 week Deca 300mg / 12 week Test E 500mg cycle, along with HCG 500iu per week. Cycle is 300 Sustanon 200 Deca a week (pin every 4 days) 50 MG Proviron ED 8 caps Nutrissa Cycle Support Have arimidex on hand for E sides I am planning on being on the Sustanon and Deca for 12 weeks This is my first cycle, I was 150 for 10 years of my life, I gained 60 pounds in 1 year, I I will be doing 12 weeks altogether, test enanthate(300mg) with deca(250mg) stopping at week ten and dbol(30mg) weeks 1-4. 2 injections a week, deca is 200mg, cyp is 250mg. This is going to be my next years cycle and how I'm planning to run it might go something like this, but I may change dosages once I'm fully decided. A cycle will cost you a few hundred and will differ based on sources. Best to Dont confuse with the other cycles. Since the PCT from my last cycle a few months ago, I've managed to maintain a similar weight through keeping a good diet and training program. anyways, im 6 foot 3 and weigh exactly 200lbs HUGE ECTOMORPH BTW. The Test E and Deca cycle is best suited for intermediate to advanced users who have some experience with anabolic steroids. Basically, idk. Over this time I used Tren, NPP, Deca, EQ, test, dbol, anavar, winny, and a few different sarms. Deca also is excellent for strength gains, so having strong joints to match your strength is a good thing. I've done a bit of YouTube research that guys claim that you shouldn't run Nolva for a pct for Deca. In fact, my favorite cycle ever was one where I ran deca 2x of my test dose. I'm currently finishing 14 weeks of a high deca low test cycle, 1200mg deca/ 300mg test per Advice on Deca/Test PCT. The above cycle contains relatively high dosages. Whisky Well-known member. 1 x Kessar every night before bed. I’m a 35 year old, been lifting for about 10 years now and am keen to begin my first steroid cycle with test and Dianabol. im 25, 200 lbs, 6"0, training for several months. How long after I take my last dose of test should I wait to start a clomid PCT? As a side note: I was going to do 100mg for first 2 weeks every day, then 50 last 2 weeks A friend of mine increases as he goes for a longer period of time. These drugs increase the supply of testosterone in your body A tren test deca cycle is one of the best for lean muscle preservation, Arimidex is often included as part of PCT. What are peoples opinions on taking HCG during a cycle, after a cycle, or not at all, especially with a stack like this. Any suggestions on dosing and PCT. What you pick should depend on your goals. 12 test, deca, anavar 50 mg Plz let me know the pct and the in-between When introducing compounds other than test, you want to stop taking said compound long enough for it to be out of your system while still being on your test base. I love deca, if its your first time with deca I would recommend you use NPP first as The bulking cycle he talks about in the video is: Weeks 1 - 16 Testosterone 500mg/week EQ or Deca 300-500mg/week Aromasin 10mg every other day Cabergoline 0. While some PEDs can offer benefits such as muscle growth, they PCT should begin immediately after ending your cycle. 5 mg daily is enough to control estrogen and bring 1. I am half way through my beginner cycle of: wk1-12 primo testen (test e) 500mgs per week wk1-4 dbol 40mgs per day I have my PCT planned as follows: 2 weeks after last test injection PCT commences with: Nolva: 40/40/20/20 Clomid: 100/100/50/50 I know I should have this ready before starting, I had somebody assisting me but we had some issues so the guy stopped helping me , I'm on my third week of 500 mg of test and 300 mg per week Deca,my cycle is for 8 weeks, I'm doing good on my own I just need an advice on putting together my pct, thank you guys. Get The T Nation Newsletters Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) for Masteron and Test: Safeguarding Gains. I Curious about PCT for a 20week test/deca cycle. So basically, they are best when supplemented alongside eachother. com/collections/all30% off storewide using promo code NYPRO30FREE FIBERLYZE (Fruit Punch) w/purchase of $60 or I would suggest moving to a shorter ester steroid such as test prop injected 100mg EOD when you finish both the deca and test cyp for 2-3 weeks. and with deca you must eat a lot of carbs to get best results. Pct will be very hard from a deca only cycle too it takes ages to get the deca and the metabolites out of your system. Add a Comment. you will put on 20 pounds on this cycle if you EAT and you will keep your gains if you run a good PCT and keep lifting after. I am thinking of a 10 week cycle for my first cycle. 30 day PCT 2 Proviron a day 1 x Clomid every day for 10 days then 1 EOD. Deca Durabolin and Testosterone Cycle. Was going to run 400mgs of test an 200mgs of Deca every 3rd day for the first 6weeks an then change doses around to keep the body guessing . If you do have experience, have a solid base and have used gear before then I'd just recommend going for a Test, Deca and Dbol cycle. Your test might be tanked for a couple weeks, but I feel like it's worth it just to make PCT more effective. I always run my test at least 1/3 higher then my deca and NEVER had a problem with any of the deca sides people talk about . cycobushmaster June 15, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Is this is true, what other compound drug should I take for pct with Clomid. of lean muscle. - As for deca,,, if u bothered to read 3rd line, deca is at 400 while test is at 600 after frontloading - Did anadrol before at 50/60 worked good but developed tolerance on subsequent cycle. Anavar (Oral) for Cutting. You can stack Deca with; Test Cypionate, Winstrol and Turinabol when running a cutting cycle. It aims Deca Durabolin Cycle: Getting to Know the Basics. After 3 months test e 500mg week followed by 5 weeks tren A 350mg/wk and test e 250mg/wk, followed by 4 months of test 250mg/wk cruise, I came off without pct. I personally liked Enclomiphene on cycle more, but a PCT with Enclomiphene is still a strongly valid option. Also primobolan at 600-800mg/wk for 14-16 weeks. Hey guys! Just wanted to post this on here for any feedback that I might could get. Hi after reading alot i mean alot i cant figure out what is the best PCT for my gear, everyone speaks different stuff. Tried researching it, but conflicting responses have led me to make my own thread for help. *300mg Deca (weeks 1-14) *30mg Dbol (weeks 1-4). Health is key , without your health there is no point in diet an exercise IMO . Ex. Best. Use your head man. Also, it gave you enough reasons and evidence to select the ones that fit your level. (simplified) Alright, ready for another cycle, looking to add some muscle, currently on TRT so PCT not required but I will stop the Deca a few weeks before the higher T dosage, than return to TRT dosage. I would also bump up your cycle length to 12 weeks. I feel like when you have a compound stronger than this cycle is a mass cycle first off (i dont care what people say). Therefore if I wanted to do the “minimum amount” of 400mg Deca ew, I’d need at least I’ve been running 500/400/500 Test/Deca/Mast for 6 weeks and its been great. Old. and results you will get!! i totally changed my body look after 2 cycles of deca/test/dbol! Deca Durabolin and Dianabol Cycle. 0. Critique my cycle: *500mg Test E (weeks 1-16). Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Post Cycle Therapy or “PCT” is an essential process that people go 1 - 10 Test E 500mg 1 - 10 Deca 350mg 10 - 12 Test p I have heaps of HCG,nolva,caber,arimidex on hand. Week 7. Dianabol - Dbol is the perfect addition to this cycle. They call the Dbol,DECA,test cycle a "basic bulk" or "classic bulk" cycle, but there's nothing basic about it. Im just confused with my PCT. For maximizing gains on deca, consider pairing it with dbol or test. 5 year old thread! Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) Due to the suppression of natural testosterone production during a Test Cyp and Deca cycle, a Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) is essential. Prolactin control, keeping your estro levels in check. Lasting 12 weeks, you can expect it to run as follows: Weeks 1- 6 taking For those who have never used steroids, the best steroids to get started are oral dianabol (dbol), test, and deca. This therapy aims to I’m 24 and I have been in testosterone for about 11 weeks now at 500mg a week test E. 💪💉 Anabolics; 💊 SARMs. Simply put, your Your plan also needs work - you haven't got any on cycle protection - N2Guard is the popular choice on here and you'll also need to run something like aromasin. This is indicative of its use by a seasoned steroid user, with Anadrol being a toxic steroid. Aug 24, 2014 #1 jaystrum New PCT does not apply since I am on hrt. What is the best pct with dosages and amounts. For instance, your TRT is 125 mg a week. buffdust I had done equal deca/test cycles in the past and I have to say this one was by far the best. THE BEGINNER CYCLE (TEST/DECA) Testoterone-Enanthate: 500mg Week 1-12 Deca Durabolan: 200mg Week 1-12 This is my recommended stack for any first time user. I had low t all my life without knowing it just got tested so now I'm taking trt at 100ml weekly and I have gotten some hi tech pharm products 1- test is the one I have on hand now and did also buy the 1-ad and the deca but it's on the way . If you’re just running a cycle than NPP is probably the way to go. Get The T Nation Newsletters Don't Miss Out! First test and deca cycle Hello everyone. Here's what I For best results, ensure you follow proper dosage guidelines and cycle recommendations when incorporating Deca 250mg and 10ml into your regimen. Jun 22, 2011 #12 You bumped a 3. Have your PCT in order Good luck! Dgs59 and Juced_porkchop like this. For pct run nolvadex 40mg per day for 5-6 weeks, clomid for 2 weeks at 50mg ED and HCG 4 weeks at 1500IU 2X a week ( total 3000IU a week 24 years old, planning to run first cycle. The long esters of test and deca Yeah. 5 Arimidex EOD throughout as well to Test E is probably the best option for a Test only cycle, and in the meantime — it can act as a base. You’ll need 3x10ml (100mg/ml) bottles of Test Propionate, 3x10ml (100mg/ml) Have tried test, tren, deca, masteron, dbol. This cycle is not cheap but effective; you’ll keep much from it. But I’ll stop the Deca at Many SERMs are excellent for both on-cycle and PCT use. I always get that in order before I order any test . i am getting overwhelmed with different advice/instructions on how to run a PCT after a Deca/Dbol cycle. Pin once a week, twice if you can, doesnt matter what day or time just keep it steady. The 5 best steroids to keep gains after a cycle and PCT are Winstrol, Anavar, Trenbolone, Synthetic Testosterone, and Clenbuterol. . I am new to prohormones. The reason for this is that we already have a kick-starting oral Obviously, you start your PCT (Post Cycle Treatment) as soon as you can to make sure you hold on to all that juicy gains, and that you don’t accidentally develop some We guided you through the best and the worst combinations of Deca Durabolin. Test E 500/week, Anavar 20mg 2x/day, clomid and HCG for pct. Slight Gyno/Puffiness) I plan on doing a Test-E cycle stacked with Deca. Test and Deca for adding mass, Mast for keeping gains dry and minimizing water retention. I started out with low dosages of deca and test, but after about 4-5 weeks I increased my dosages to 500 mg test and 300 mg deca a week. I know the Test will help the HPTA recovery, especially taking it a couple weeks after finishing the Deca. The second cycle is usually a beginner steroid stack and I mostly Test and Deca, a great mix. You don't want to lactate like I did on test/deca Pct for test + deca Question What would a good pct look for a cycle of test cyp 250mg and deca 200mg for 10 weeks? Locked post. Dianabol complements Deca Durabolin during a Looking to run a 12 cycle on test e an Deca . I’m about to start run a test cycle 500mg for 16 weeks I’m curious to know how much I’ll actually keep. For anyone who has been using anabolic androgenic steroids, PCT is the only way to ensure that your body returns to its natural state An equipoise and test cycle is a proven strategy for building bigger, or how much to run because we don’t know which cycle you are running. The Post cycle therapy, or PCT, is a protocol you follow after (or “post”) completing a cycle of anabolic steroids, a type of performance-enhancing drug (PED). As far as the plan goes it's along the lines of- Weeks 1-4: Hop on the test E train at 600 mg/wk Weeks 5-10: Add in deca and blast it at 300 mg/wk Weeks 11-12: Get off deca and run test for 2 more weeks to slowly get everything back to normal and not fuck up my dick. Week 1-12: 200mg/once per week Deca and Nolvadex. Typically, a Turinabol cycle will last between 6 and 8 weeks. HCG is best utilized on cycle to make pct a little easier. Training during Post Cycle Therapy It is generally recommended to continue training during post cycle therapy, as Hi! This is my first cycle. Been lifting for years though dedicated. I plan on running Test E as my first cycle. About 0. I hear so many conflicting opinions on PCT for Deca,should i run caber throughout the cycle, and if so at what dosage! Any opinions welcome Check out the best Bulking Stacks with Deca Durabolin. I originally bought PCT but sold it because I was gonna b&c. I am planning my first cycle with the aim of maximising strength (wilks points) and have access to dbol, test E and deca. I know I’ll lose 10-15 lbs water weight I eat very clean and am already pretty jacked I ran a shitty uneducated cycle that essentially consisted of my friend injecting me w test for 2 months and I never ran pct or anything this was 6 years ago when I This steroid cycle is a more standard protocol among intermediate steroid users. Deca Durabolin and testosterone work slowly due to their long half-lives. Best Post The reason blasting and cruising works isn't because 250mg of test a week can sustain a 240-lb lean physique. I’m about to run my second cycle. What is necessary for pct? I'll have Aromasin on hand. My goal is to gain some solid muscle lbs, and burn fat at the same time. Juced_porkchop. PCT, which includes Clomid and Nolvadex, helps with recovery and reduces side effects. Basic PCT would work but remember this is all trial and eror. My weight is 168 pounds, 5'11 in height and running test prop at 100mg and tren at 75 EOD. Test Cycle. Another good option is to switch to NPP/Test P and inject more frequently from week Not a problem at all. The cycle lasts for 12 weeks in the following progression: Weeks 1 to 6, you should take 500mg of Testosterone enanthate and 400mg of Deca (both per week). They won't even reach peak blood hormone levels until you are 4 weeks into your cycle. The timing depends on the compounds used in the Taking deca for just a cycle is absolutely the dumbest thing you can do since it’ll suppress you for months even after you do PCT, however if you’re blasting and cruising than deca is fine. However, the cycle is just 6 weeks to minimize damage to the body. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Next Last. I’m probably gonna go to my doctor after my RAD cycle but also only dosing 5mg a day for 8 weeks so idk if even something like rebirth pct would be enough to cover as a pct in that 4 week period. No pct equals no cycle PERIOD . Using Hi fellers. Hi All, Please let me know if my cycle below: Week 1-10 480mg of Test E per week = 240mg Test E x2 a week = Using Test300 and will draw out 4/5 of a ml) 300mg of Deca x1 a week = I am going to order a 10ml bottle of Deca 300 - so 10weeks finishes perfectly. Also I plan to throw in some caber for the possible prolactin issues. PCT will not necessarily restore testosterone I’m thinking of maybe vetoing the tren for now and thinking of maybe doing a test/deca/mast cycle: 150mg test 400-500mg deca 500mg mast Best cycles I’ve ever had too. Clomid: 50 mg daily for 4 weeks. Hi mr. Enclomiphene throughout cycle (pros): Offsets suppression which in turn eradicates the need for a PCT. As well as Also I think you would have to run a higher dose of deca or add hcg or estrogen or a dbol Atleast have those on hand Incase you need to increase your estrogen if you run a deca only Cycle. New. The higher the dosage, however, the shorter the cycle should last. This may become expensive. It isn't needed if using EQ) The cutting cycle he talks about in the video is: Weeks 1 - 10 Testosterone 200mg/week Trenbolone 200mg/week Masteron 200mg Np— just to elaborate, test really only starts to kick into full gear around weeks 6-8 (week 7 for me) You’ll definitely get some incremental strength increase in the preceding weeks, but when it really gets going is when you start packing on Test, Deca, Masteron cycle. Open comment sort options. What’s your PCT plan? Deca will remain in your system, suppressing your natural test production for 70+ days. deca - 350mg/wk for 12 weeks. T NATION PCT for Deca/Test Cycle. If you are looking to bulk, run Dbol/Test cycle. I am 4 weeks into my deca/test cylce and i am looking for advice on an appropriate PC. Beginners might find it overwhelming due to the complexity of managing side effects, supporting compounds, and PCT. This is the common result of the first deca steroid cycle. This cycle is a stack of Test and Deca – with Arimidex used for PCT. PCT (Post-Cycle Therapy) 1-12: 500 mg per week split into 1x 250 mg shot Monday and 1x 250 mg shot Thursday: 12-14 (Waited for ester to clear before starting PCT) (Waited The next best thing people suggest is “Time on, Time off” – meaning if you had an 8-week cycle and a 4-week PCT, that means 12 weeks off before jumping on again. Obviously not all together. A moderate dose of 30-40mg is enough to help kick start your cycle. We What what be best pct for this cycle. In this particular cycle (test/deca/dbol), it is most logical to use a long estered testosterone such as cypionate, enanthate, or the sustanon 250 blend (which is mostly made up of long esters). Run both for 12 weeks. I got my gear from a good friend, i've known him for about 2 years, we've hung out a good amount of times. beedo New member. Side Effects. Make sure you have an AI, as well as Letro/Nolvadex, HCG and What do you guys is the best PCT to take and how do you get it. Im about to start running: Test E, Eq and Mast E all 400mg/ week. This is if you were to start PCT after the deca and cyp, you would not be able to start for 2-3 weeks after your last injection. Both of these are some of the best bulking steroids you can use to get This cycle is a stack of Deca and Test in combination with other Arimidex as PCT. Arimidex 0. You can also add HCG to the PCT or ovidrol shot but you cycle is not that intense. If users tolerate this cycle well, Well, some things might change with other compounds. I planned on PCT for 6 weeks with a lower As you may already know, there are several versions of testosterone with different esters attached to them. 04-27-2020, 03:02 AM #3. 300mg twice a week, Monday & thursday. However, I feel I am now nearer 13%bf so must have lost some muscle and gained fat (which I was knew was coming!). 5:1 ratio of test to Deca. Thanks Deca + Test E Cyc Advice Optionally, you can stop using Deca at week ten if you want to begin PCT two weeks after the cycle ends – Deca is long-lasting. Test:350mg/week for 12 weeks Deca:200mg/week for 12 weeks Tbol: 50mg per day (training days only) for 4-6 weeks depending on feel/bloods. Let's say you add Deca to a cycle at something like 1000mg test and 500 mg Deca. Running test E 2 weeks longer than the deca to allow the long esters to clear. So for my third cycle I was thinking running test 350mg/wk for 14-16wks. So I am looking for your experiences with PCT on a Deca/Test cycle what has worked best for you and your thoughts on Bromocriptine. - If u know anything about pharmacology, you would know that the therapeutic range is dependent on the therapeutic index of any particular drug. Nolvadex also has some important features for the steroid using athlete. I've been looking into adding in Deca into a cycle with Test and DBol (since I've done just the two of these together with good results, 700mg Test/week and 40mg Dbol ED) but from the research I've done I can see that prolactin sides are a typical concern with Deca. PCT helps restore natural hormone levels and prevents the suppression of testosterone production, which can occur after a cycle. How was your pct. I also have Best Dbol and Test/Sustanon Cycles. 1 of 2 Go to page. PCT helps restore natural testosterone levels and minimize side effects like gynecomastia and libido loss. My last cycle was 9 months ago. the cycle you choose is full bulking cycle and test-dianabol is always a dangerous combination to control estrogen and water retention. These are fairly conservative doses; therefore, this cycle may be utilized after cycling Anadrol a couple of times by itself. All SARMs Guides; Buy SARMs; Thanks man honestly I think if you wanna run tbol just run it with test and no deca for a second cycle. This is my first cycle im on 2cc of deca and 2cc of cyp a week. FLASH SALE at https://speciesnutrition. I’m a complete newbie as far as cycles. That’s at separate times spread across the years. This means take 40mg of nolva and 100mg of clomid per day for 2 weeks, then 20mg of nolva and 50mg of clomid per day for 2 weeks. Will this PCT be sufficient? And should I start PCT on the 14th week or 15th? Also, since I plan on using HCG Post-cycle therapy is essential, and you need to do it because your body’s normal production of testosterone has been interrupted. Any advice I could get I would really appreciate it. 5’10" 210 body fat: way too high maybe around 15-18% if i had to guess First cycle: test sus 500 eq 600 masteron 400 pct: clomid/nolva/hcg Second Cycle (About to start) Test E 500 1-12 Deca 400 1-12 Dbol 30mg Take my advice and double those doses. But running a PCT after a cycle just because other people tell you that you'll need it is very ignorant, they are not you, they Think this is me man I did 300mg deca + 25mg dbol for 12 weeks with no PCT, What’s the best Primobolan stack for lean muscle mass and strength? I’d go with Primo/Deca/Test E/Anavar cycle. AI as needed. Pharma / TRT. I’m about to run my first cycle. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is a crucial aspect of any steroid cycle, including the combination of Masteron and Test. Advanced users can try different stacks. Pros: It's recommended to Put on 20 lbs on my 1st cycle of Test E 500 mg for 9 weeks and kept 10 lbs after PCT My goal for this 2nd cycle is to reach 200 lbs through the weight room but increase my speed, Test and Deca create water weight but with Aromasin on hand I'm planning for it to reduce the bloat just like it did for my Test E cycle. Which is good. brandon eeds. When planning your PCT cycle, Clomid is one of the most common drug names you’ll see mentioned by experienced bodybuilders. Also, you will cruise after this, right? Deca will suppress you for a very long time (over a year). It's because 250mg test a week SLOWS the muscle loss long enough to bridge the gap until the next cycle is run. You can use either Aromasyn, Arimadex, or Arimistane on its own for recovery from an Ostarine run. Run hcg during cycle at 250iu 2x a week to prevent ball shrinkage. Enhance is a monster of a test booster with several ingredients that'll not only help increase test production but it can also help optimize performance. During weeks 1 – 14. But then you hear a lot of people just taking larger amounts the first 2-3 weeks PCT. I’ve been told by a friend that when running Test and Deca, it is best to run 3:1 or even 3. the ratios don't make sense IMO. I also will have an AI at the ready but may not use it. im starting my first cycle using dbol, test prop, and nandrolone cyp. My wife decided she wanted another little one so I dropped everything around the three year mark and did a PCT so that I could attempt getting her pregnant. Prolactin Control. In my eyes, that's the best bulking cycle. I wouldn't go shorter than 12 weeks minimum. I know I’m running test e but I’m also thinking of running deca as well. Start your PCT i know about dropping the deca 2 weeks before the test,im using lixus test 300 (enanthate) and was also running test e during my last cycle, i started pct 2 weeks after last shot after my last cycle, 4-5 weeks seems to be to much of a wait or does it? just tought i might need to run a different type pct because of the deca this time around. N2 Guard, multivitamins, and fish oil for on-cycle support. Beginner Deca Durabolin Cycle Example (14 weeks total cycle time) Weeks 1 – 14: – Testosterone Enanthate at 300 – 500mg/week – Deca-Durabolin at 400mg/week. Just wondering what would you recommend for a PCT. Have ran Test dbol cylce before without any sides. AIs are considered best for on-cycle estrogen control only and are rarely used for PCT. So with a moderate cycle like that, how important is PCT? When you run test as your highest compound your helping your body out alot. etc. Beginner Deca-Durabolin Cycle. Also, run arimidex or aromasin during this cycle FROM THE START and through PCT. However, when it was time to buy more test, something went wrong with my order. IF there's medical literature out there though Dope. Hi. John M 38 with HEIGHT 6 feet Weight 99kg i want to lose weight and gain muscle as well as at the same time n i hv used several juice in my past life to gain weight but i hv not gain muscle plz some1 guide me what I am starting a cycle on Hi-Tech Pharmacy Anavar which is supposedly a pro-hormone, and after researching it a little it said that I will need a PCT after the cycle is complete and I don't know much about pcts or which ones are best to use for this sorta thing with minimal side effects. I've heard that Nolvadex and deca do not go together well and I'm fully aware that deca stays in the system for 18 months after using. The best advice here is to look Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is an essential phase for individuals who have recently completed a cycle of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). It's been 7 weeks since my last injection of 500mg test. Deca Durabolin is typically injected once per week. If your looking for joint support, Animal makes an amazing product you should consider. Dostinex: 0. This is a typical What duration? Deca is long, but the ester for boldenone you get is even longer. you are 6 ft and 205. Deca increases procollagen synthesis, so your joints will benefit from this cycle. Do you need PCT after a test cycle? Yes, you need Post Cycle Therapy Steroid expert explains to beginners how to cycle Deca Durabolin: benefits, only or with Test, weekly dosage, post cycle therapy (PCT), results. 25 mon/weds/Fri. When you stop, and simply resume 125 mg testosterone, that Deca is going to hang around for another 6-8 weeks. Bulking with a Deca Durabolin cycle: Moderate. It is commonly included in post-cycle therapy for Achieve optimal hormone balance and muscle retention with top products such as K1ngs Blood, K1ngs PCT, Post Cycle 3X, Rebirth PCT, and Arime Stage PCT 50. Looking for opinions on Nolva and HCG Clomid seems like bad news, and something I dont really want to touch. 44 years old,I did my first cycle at 17 years old,i have a 7 year old son,I have done cycles for a year non stop,injecting every other day,non stop,the best cycle I ever Hey people, I'm about to jump on a test/deca cycle, maybe throw in some dbol who knows. Post-cycle therapy is absolutely crucial after literally ANY cycle. There is no need to stop the deca 2 weeks earlier then the test. Q&A. 💪 The 5 best steroids were chosen based on Pct is the most important step . 5–1 mg per week; Impotence Weeks 1-15: 300mg per week Deca, 500mg per week Test E; Once you finish your 15-week cycle, continue post-cycle with 0. 25 EOD, or as needed In the mean time I'm trying to plan my next cycle. As someone who has made this mistake, you will be better off not doing this cycle if you intend to PCT. I've had plenty of success running deca or tren at doses equal to or higher than my test dose. Go. Test Cyp 750mg/wk 1-15 Tren E 400mg/wk 1-15 Test Prop 200mg EOD 1-3 (kickstart the test) Tren Ace 75mg EOD 1-3 (kickstart the tren) Dex throughout cycle (stopped before PCT) at . Have adex in hand. A Deca cycle refers to the period during which one administers this anabolic steroid. Testosterone Enanthate at 300mg – 500mg a week; Deca-Durabolin at 400mg a week; This would be More aggressive post-cycle therapy may be required to restore sexual function and testosterone levels. Knowledgeable Member Join Date Jul 2012 Enjoy your inagural cycle, and definitely do more research. 5mg/day Arimidex for four weeks. Controversial. Testosterone is the base of most cycles as it will convert to Estrogen at a good rate (which is needed for health) and it will still result in some very nice gains. Especially running deca with all those compounds without PCT is a Test will basically only reduce the Deca side, know in layman's terms as "deca-dick" It is still an overall vicious compound. HCG and AI during cycle. I'm in week 10 now, going off deca after week 12, and going off test in week 14 or 15. Stats: 29yo, training for a few years, 190lbs 18-20% bf, big 3 lifts are about national standard. Half an mg of this supplement should be used even during the waiting period prior to PCT and during PCT. I rather just add one compound for this second cycle don't wanna rush things too much. Mm I'm planning out a spring cutting cycle to keep my strength up while losing some bodyfat, and want to make sure I have everything accounted for. Share Sort by: Best. I had some good results after running a Dbol only cycle. It was mt first cycle, then you should combat that side effect. Most steroid/SARM cycle protocols recommend continuing into PCT for around 4 weeks after your last dose. I already have nolvadex but i was also looking into the testosterone recovery stack from primordial performance. Hello my Swole brothers. Lasting 12 weeks, you can expect it to run as follows: Weeks 1- 6 taking PCT helps restore hormonal balance, preserving muscle gains and promoting a smoother recovery. 25mg every other day (If using deca. Primo Test Cycle for Judging by your lack of education you shouldn’t be going anywhere near 600mg of deca. Arimidex On-Cycle. Experts recommend that you stack Tbol with Testosterone, either Test-Propionate or The best length for a Deca Test Cycle is usually 8 to 12 weeks. Is 4 weeks enough or should i do 5/6 just test at the end of the cycle? **I was initially planning on going clomid and nolva. Testosterone Cypionate can be described as the safest steroid to use, being an unaltered form of testosterone. I know I need to take aromasin for estrogen and dostinex for prolactin while running this stack but I’m not sure how much I should start with until I get my mid labs done. (PCT) is crucial after completing a Deca Test Cyp cycle. 125 ML of test or about a little over 100 MG however I see no mention of HCG on cycle so the Nolva Clomid is probably the Usually Id do 40/40/20/20 nolva and 100/100/50/50 clomid when on test e only cycle with that being said, you need to look into running a dopamine agonists with deca, and run that into PCT. What is Post Cycle Therapy? Many bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts take steroids, SARMs, and prohormones. I have bought some Deca, Test E and Dbol. For the best results, we recommend combining the testosterone-boosting supplements in the Brutal Force PCT stack, or Test-600x, with the estrogen-decreasing supplement It is time for a bulking cycle. Mildly cardiotoxic; Impotence; Highly suppressive Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) helps restore natural testosterone levels after a SARMs cycle, preventing side effects like decreased libido and mood swings, and preserving Okay, here is what I believe I have decided for PCT with ~300mg/week Test E: 10mg ED Nolva throughout cycle (10 weeks) 300mg Clomid day 1 PCT 100mg Clomid day 2-11 PCT 50mg Clomid day 12-21 PCT No Nolva during actual PCT (just throughout cycle) - Also, I mentioned I may hold off on the Nolva and only start taking it if I get itchy/sore nipples. This cycle is appropriately dosed for an experienced steroid user. I am going to be joining the army in about 7 months and want to finish up my cycle and get my natural test levels back as quick as possible. the guy who told me this was a nice first cycle, says: week 1 & 2 20mg dianabol ed , 300mg of I'm in my last few weeks of a TEST/DECA cycle, that's pretty much how I'm running mine, but there are things to consider. July 22, 2018 at 9:02 pm should i still take joyful joints daily if i am on a nandrolone cycle. Anything PCT you do within 2 months of stopping deca will be useless as the drug is still in your body shutting down your test. This steroid’s administration A standard pct for a cycle like yours would be nolva 40/40/20/20 and clomid 100/100/50/50. Stacking deca with any of these two is likely to gain you 30 lbs. Thread starter jaystrum; Start date Aug 24, 2014; 1; 2; Next. I have proper diet and workout all set. Primo is amazing and very simaliar to test. I battle with mine a little bit, but have gotten it down now. Hey guys, just had some questions about a Test and Deca cycle. Hey Guys, Seeking some guidance here. Deca Durabolin and Anadrol. I have read numerous threads and it seems to me that everone has a different opinion. So he does 25mg clomid first 4 weeks, then 50 last 4 weeks. Jan 15, 2021 #17 Zvch said: Some people definitely get sides from Tren worse than others. New comments cannot be posted. The range of benefits and effects you experience with BEST PCT FOR OSTARINE CYCLE. 5mg/day Bulking with a Deca Durabolin cycle: Moderate. Here is a list of pros and cons (Enclomiphene PCT vs Enclomiphene throughout cycle). Utilising TUDCA for liver support, fish oil, and Clomid for PCT. It seems like you are gonna run a test cycle, or maybe a kickstarted cycle. This cycle is ideal for: Bulking phases: Users looking to gain significant muscle mass and strength. I'll be taking a moderate dose of test e (250 to 300 per week) for 10 to 14 weeks. Both test e and deca are very long estered steroids so it makes the most sense to run them 12 weeks. Best PCT for a 300mg Test E cycle? First cycle ever. I'll start off at 200mg deca/300mg test e and up it to 300/400 maybe 400/500 depending. t forget to wait for a week before the last testosterone molecule will leave your body so you can safely start the PCT. Should also have ai and serms. Much Appreciated . But, everyone should use a post cycle therapy (PCT) after the cycle. hi guys this is my first post so im gonna try to make it simple. Reply. With having the primo and test be over double the deca your good bro. Tip: The best first cycle for beginners is still testosterone to experience steroids. I've been reading to take the HCG during the cycle, starting the 2nd or I plan on running an 8 week deca/ 10 week test e cycle. This means you don't need shots too often. I already have some What’s the fast-acting cycle to use with Deca? I’d do a Dbol/Test/Deca cycle: Week 1-6: 30mg/day Dbol; Week 1-12: 300mg/week Deca, 500mg/week Testosterone Cypionate; For recovery (PCT), use 0. When i looked into second cycles it was mostly between test and deca, test and eq, and test with tbol mostly. 600mg test and 400 deca for 12 weeks. High test and libido throughout cycle However, testosterone will be more suppressed post-cycle, so a powerful PCT should be used. (I read the sticky, but is was not specific on amounts) I plan on running an 8 week deca/ 10 week test e cycle. How long should I drop the deca and run just test before I PCT?I believe it should be dropped atleast a few weeks before PCT since its such a long ester. I went on a test deca cycle (was gonna use for trt) 200 mg test cyp 100 Keep the natural Test up throughout the cycle, Proviron right through along with Kessar. An 11-week cycle is often most Test dosed at 400mg/week with Anadrol at 100mg or less is a surefire path to and this crash is a reason why many will want to use an intermediary steroid to help transition Post-Cycle Therapy, or PCT for short, is essentially the process of levelling your body’s hormone levels after a SARMs, steroid or prohormone cycle.