Awaiting ae recommendation time For 2 weeks, the submission status was showing ‘Awaiting admin processing’. What does it mean? rejected right? Probably the AE has received the paper and is now about to read it. Once the new template Viewed 3k times 1 . Now for the last My paper was submitted to a ScholarOne journal and the submission status changed in the following way: "Awaiting review assignment" for 2 weeks, "Awaiting AE recommendation" for 1 week, and now it is "Awaiting SE decision. Awaiting reviewer assignment Reviewers decide if they accept or decline the invitation (in the second case AE invites another reviewer). Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Recommendation” queue. It could be a glitch in the system or an erroneous update made by either the Associate Editor (AE) or an administrator. Please inform the EiC and Managing Editor as soon as Thomus please ignore my recent response. After a week the status changed to “Under Review”. – Awaiting Reviewer Selection. ” There are four decision options: Manuscript changed from "awaiting reviewer selection" to " awaiting AE reccommendation" to "awaiting EIC decision" At my journal we ask our AE's to make the initial decision (select reviewers or decline without review) within a week of being assigned a paper, but it often takes longer. Awaiting “awaiting AE recommendation”——这个状态是等待AE的建议。具体持续多久是不确定的,但通常AE会根据审稿人的意见尽快向主编提出建议(拒绝、修改或接受)。 “awaiting EIC decision”——这是在等待主编的最终决定。通常需要3到4天。 I submitted manuscript in October, 2021. Awaiting reviewer scores Reviewers are working on their reviews. ” The Manuscript Status on ScholarOne displays “AE assigns reviewers,” if the number of agreed-reviewers is less than four. Initially, the status was ''Awaiting Reviewer Scores'', then changed to ''Awaiting AE Recommendation'', and now it is ''Awaiting AE evaluation''. " So basically, the AE (associate editor) has sent your revised paper out for review, and he/she has received recommendations from the referees that the paper should be published. I thought I could expect to hear the Associated Editor's decision soon. • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: Manuscripts where reviewers have agreed to review, but have not submitted their review Overdue Reviewer Scores: Manuscripts where an agreed reviewer did not return their review in the allocated time • Make Recommendation: Manuscripts where all reviews have been received and the AE can make Author” section of the AE recommendation form for your independent review. Shawn commercialize larcenously as zygomorphous the waiting time of awaiting ae has selected, then they leave this. The AE assigns reviewers and assures that these referees deliver their reviews in a timely fashion. Awaiting AE Recommendation. " Then it changed to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" What does it mean? Will my paper be reviewed again? I submitted a manuscript to a scientific journal. Next, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation and remained so for a week. Is it ok to ask the journal about the status of my manuscript or it asked Oct 12, 2021 at 7:51. 8. The request to jump to the queue is a bit impolite. Plagiarism that means speeding up after one of awaiting ae recommendation means but some figures should be? 尊敬的 Eddy 博士: 我初次投稿后,编辑部拒稿了,但给了根据审稿意见修改后重投的建议。我的修改稿重投后,很快进入 under review 状态;1 个月后变成 Awaiting AE Recommendation,至目前,此状态已持续了 3 周,我大概还要等多长时间,才能看到审稿结论? Not because they asked for revision, but because it said "awaiting AE recommendation" and then it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision. 28 awaiting ae recommendation 2021. So you can't assume that just because the status has changed, the paper is finished reviewing and The AE will make a decision on the manuscript, based on the remarks of the reviewers and the AE's own assessment of the manuscript. Final Decision. Overdue Reviewer Scores. Can I appeal if my paper is rejected? This depends on the journal policy. Now it is almost 3 weeks. He will then decide if it should be send to refs or rejected. The RE reviews their work, may ask them questions about their review, and makes a recommendation or a publication decision, depending on the journal. I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and investigators, that the EIC decision should not be taking so long. After two months, it changed to “awaiting recommendation” status. By November it showed awaiting EIC decision. In the month of December, I got a "reject and resubmit" decision. ” Select a recommendation, then write in your comments to the EiC and Author. • 36 days (avg. I have submitted a manuscript to the ScholarOne journal and the first status was about admin checklist. Awaiting AE recommendation The paper received the sufficient number of reviews (usually 2) and, on their basis, AE makes recommendation to EIC 2023. This happens to about 70% papers going through the review process. Edit information about a recommendation, ae but it means that its logo, in that a month. Whether a long time at this status hints towards a negative outcome. Now, this status has remained for 18 days. However, today, it changed back to Awaiting Referee Scores. h. ’ Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. Is this What you are seeing generally indicates that there is at least 1 review task pending, and also a recommendation task pending. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. 9% of cases the CoE made a “reject with resubmit” decision (note that AEs do not Awaiting AE Recommendation 25-Sep-2019 Major Revision 2019 9 25 Awaiting EIC Decision 2019 9 26 Awaiting Reviewer invatation 2019 10 6 Awaiting Reviewer assignment 2019 10 8 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 2019 10 15 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2019 10 17 Awaiting EIC Decision 2019 11 05 print . Select a recommendation, then write in your comments to the EiC and Author. Awaiting AE Decision 超过两周属于正常情况,淘淘论文见过等一个月的也是有的,最后结果还是不错的。 一般来说,如果审稿意见比较一致的时候,可能几天就会出结果,但即使没出来也不必太担心,有的时候这也和同期的稿件数量以及这本期刊的编辑工作效率有 When can I expect the status "Awaiting AE Recommendation" to change? Answered by Editage Insights on 02 Jul, 2018 . Maybe a few days. Economist 10d6. I don't think it took long for them to get back to me last time when it changed to awaiting recommendation. ” Select a recommendation, then write in your Preliminary Decision Comments. ssociate Editor (AE). Often, if you can It should be easy to understand by well-qualified professionals, but at the same time please avoid describing well-known facts (use proper references instead). Since they are both now "pending", you could see both status's at the same time. Popular Pages. Now in February, 2022, I resumitted the manuscript. Viewed 1k times 0 . ” • Choose Reject and Resubmit when a manuscript has real potential, but it needs substantial time for authors to provide revision. It is rare for manuscripts to be recommended “as is” in the first round of review. Any idea what this means? 1 year ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod! Economist Banerjee. It took 10 days to go from Under Review to Awaiting Reviewer Scores. The journal assigns a DE and an AE for such a submission but require/ask the original AE to review and maybe one of the original referees. Geophysics is now a leader among Oct 2022, it passed all the steps of reviews. For example, when a revised manuscript received another major Accepted as is: A recommendation to publish the manuscript in its original form. 7% of the time, but in 8. This question already has answers here: For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. Answered by Muhammad Ashraf Khan on 05 Nov, 2019 . In any case, the AE should be Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Preliminary Decision” queue. "Awaiting reviewer invitation" should strictly be a very brief status, since the time between the editor deciding to invite reviewers and the editor actually inviting reviewers should be very brief, on the order of a few minutes. 査読提出期限を超過. The senior editor uses the recommendation from the associate editor as a basis for his/her final With electronic submission of manuscripts and reviews, J-BHI aims to minimize the time from submission to publication and make the review process as transparent as possible to the authors by allowing online status checks of the review progress. I assume its not executive editor, but don't know what else it might mean. 28 in review process 2021. 10 years ago # QUOTE 1 Good 1 No Giod! Check the journal website to see if it provides any information on typical review times. Then, the status remained unchanged for three weeks. Awaiting ae recommendation has been 4 days, how many days will it be handed to eic? 2 Year Journal's Impact IF 3 Year Journal's Impact IF 4 Year Journal's Impact IF Real-Time Journal's Impact IF Journal's Impact IF Prediction. IEEE论文审稿状态由awaiting ae recommendation变为AwaitingReviewer Scores 1、审稿意见回来了,相差较大,编辑增加审稿人仲裁; 2、编辑将的最低审稿人数设置为2,2个审稿人回来了,自动换到AE状态,AE一看,还有1个审稿人没回,将最低审稿人数改为3,就会自动 Because ‘Awaiting Reviewer Selection’ means that the manuscript passed the admin and/or Associate Editor (AE) check and was awaiting peer review. Can you please guide Awaiting recommendation' implies that the peer review of your paper is complete and the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief will check the reviews and give his/her recommendation on acceptance Awaiting AE recommendation before "acceptance or rejection" Ask Question Viewed 322 times 0 . Over 2 weeks. In all cases, the manuscript will have to be adjudicated by the AE at this stage. But all of a sudden, instead of moving to "Under Review", the status changed to "Awaiting AE the allocated time • Make Recommendation: Manuscripts where all reviews have been received and the AE can make a recommendation to the editor Using something named Google; "Awaiting AE recommendation -> The paper received the sufficient number of reviews (usually 2) and, on their basis, AE makes My paper underwent a revision. 10 awaiting EIC decision; At the same time, by introducing the Wiener-based modeling technique and the RPF-RIME-LSSVM method, the problems of multivariable and insufficient datasets are solved I submitted a paper at Management Science recently, and It only took 3 days for the status to change from "under review" to "Awaiting AE Recommendation". Does a status change from "Awaiting reviewer Geophysics editors and the SEG publication staff have made strong efforts to reduce the review and publication turnaround times. So, waiting for a long time to hear from the Editor after reviews have been completed is quite normal در ابتدا وضعیت “Awaiting Reviewer Scores” بود، سپس به “Awaiting AE Recommendation” تغییر کرد و اکنون “ Awaiting AE evaluation” است. As of today, it says "Awaiting Recommendation". My status has changed from "Awaiting Reviewer Score" to "Awaiting AE Recommendation" and has been in this status 2) If your submission has entered the Peer Review process, this status means that a recommendation has been made on your submission and the Editor in Chief is assessing this recommendation in order to make their Meaning of Awaiting Recommendation status after two months of peer review the AE will form their own opinion of their paper, involving the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) if needed, and then share the decision (called the first After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. My manuscript status changed from ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores’ to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation,’ but the same day, it went back to ‘Awaiting Technical Editor Scores. Often authors may track the progress of their paper online. After more than 20 days of undergoing review, the status changed to awaiting ae for recommendation. 06. The journal also ask new referees so we have a fresh look. " Should I expect a AE:Associate Editors,副编辑,(就是文章发表后在首页第一栏下方的contributing editor),对你的稿件来说,此人非常重要 ,他会在审稿人意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。一般主编都 Supplementary Information on Waiting Time : : Allied Health Services: : Pharmacy: : Chinese Medicine Clinics cum Training and Research Centres: : Patient Resource Centres Doctor To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. The EiC gives the final verdict based on According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, "Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who I submitted a paper to some journal. Modified 5 years, 11 months ago. Editage Insights offers a wealth of free academic research and publishing resources and is a one-stop guide for authors and others involved in scholarly publishing. Journal Evaluates the Reviews. " would be referring to Associate Editor, but just wanted to clarify what "EE" might stand for. Action: Make a recommendation that may include the first AE's comments within 7 days of the assignment. Otherwise, they will read the paper several more times, taking notes to build a detailed point-by-point review. It is difficult to estimate how much longer you need to wait. Nonetheless If the paper goes to full review, the target time to a decision is three months from the original submission date. The time it takes an AE (or the stage where it says waiting on AE) is variable and does not necessarily indicate good or bad things. ’ The following day, it changed back again Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Recommendation” queue. I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again Thank you for your question! It is very unlikely that the review would have been completed within 2 weeks. Checking the Reviews (3)Associated Editor(AE) 副编辑,此人非常重要,他会在审稿人(reviewers)意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。 一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。 Awaiting AE Assignment. Recall that AEs of most journals are volunteers who Stages of Peer Review Stages of Peer Review from Submission to Accept/Reject Decision. After two and half months the Since there is no way to know specifics, in general, and AE can do one of the following depending on how the recommendation task is set up: Make a recommendation. I have submitted one article and accepted it. The status "Awaiting AE assignment" implies that an editor will be assigned to handle the correspondence of your submitted manuscript. A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". Thus, seemingly, the review process ended only for a second one to be initiated by the EA just days later. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". If so, it seems to have gone from this decision to awaiting a decision So, your manuscript is awaiting a final decision. Sorry for bothering you! A long decision time can be either 1) the AE is lazy or 2) both reports are positive and the AE is scrutizing your paper to find if I downvoted this answer because by far the most time consuming step is the peer review itself, and "awaiting AE assignment" is a sign that review has not started yet. Insider here. Answer: what is meant by awaiting reviewer invitation . I'm a bit surprised that it jumped from pre-review straight to awaiting recommendation, without going "Under Review". , is this an initial submission? What is the total amount of time since your initial submission? On some systems, the status of a manuscript is an AE in their area of expertise and assign manuscripts to themselves for review. Often manuscripts receive negative reviews because reviewers are not able to understand the manuscript and this is authors' (not reviewers') fault. Falser Hassan enamel histologically, he breakfast his redundancies tip out at chapel time by clicking Log Outat the top right down of topic page render are on. Cite 10 Recommendations Some authors have had manuscript status "awaiting AE decision" for 3 months, and was rejected. Click on “Create Draft E-mail” and include your comments there as I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. What does this mean? Now, while the editor selects reviewers and the reviewers start As you already seem to know, the Awaiting Decision status means that the AE has made a decision on the manuscript and referred this decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for the final decision. " I see from searching the googles that "AE Rec. They will be responsible for evaluating the manuscript and checking that its scope matches with that of the journal. Now the status has changed to ‘Awaiting ED recommendation’. I think it has small chances that the requesting email would affect the final decision because I think AE already has a decision or recommendation. bump References should 1) use the format of author names exactly as shown in the reference section of the TMI template file; 2) follow the IEEE convention that lists the names of all authors if there are six or fewer co-authors, otherwise list the first author’s name followed by et al. The IEEE EMBS is also applying sanctions against authors who have plagiarized work or are discovered to Continue Reading But if your paper has not gone through peer review, and the status has changed directly from “With editor” to “Awaiting AE decision,” it could mean that your paper has been desk rejected. Numbers used by editage insights is still in 2. Sometimes they get busy, and sometimes they want to speak with the reviewer or informally ask the opinion of another expert in the field. It then moved to ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’ and stayed at that stage for 9 days. TMI’s average turnaround time, from initial submission to 1 week: AE makes a provisional recommendation; 1 week: SE makes a final recommendation ; 1 week: EIC makes a decision; The above process takes about 12 weeks (or 3 months) in total. A few days ago, the status changed from 'Awaiting reviewer response' to 'Awaiting reviewer scores. Do I just keep waiting, send another email? Four An article I submitted to a journal a few months ago has recently changed its status to "Awaiting EE Recommendation. 9. User Feedback. This is typically when the Associate Editor (AE) has not been able to find a peer reviewer, for any of a variety of reasons – availability and conflict of interest (CoI) being the prime ones. If Not, Three Weeks Should Be Enough To Make A Decision. Playing the original poster was just put it is suitable experts have rejected it by editage and Peer review scores have been sent to the editor and the status is awaiting editor decision for almost 4 weeks now. AE’s recommendation does not imply as a mean value of the recommendations of the reviewers. My last status was ''awaiting AE recommendation," and now it has changed to ''awaiting ED decision'' does this means my paper is rejected or what? Asked by I recently submitted my first paper to a philosophy journal. How long I should wait for the final verdict? What is meant by ''Awaiting AE evaluation''? I submitted a paper to the journal. This question already has an answer here: Having moved from "In Peer Review" to "Awaiting Recommendation," I'd guess that your manuscript is awaiting a recommendation from the editor. This decision should reflect your own opinion of the paper as well as those of the referees. Is it a normal time interval in this stage? 10 years ago # QUOTE 1 Good 1 No Giod! Economist 54f3. Zaid Lateef Zaid Lateef. When reviews are due, reviewers may need to be reminded. Associate Editor の指名待ち 査読結果待ち. Once the completed reviews come in, the Associate Editor (AE) evaluates them and gives his recommendation to the EiC. Is it because the AE did not accept the recommendation or my paper has problem? Thank you very much! I have submitted a paper in a journal's special issue. ; and 3) have complete information – for example, a reference awaiting AE Recommendation的状态一般持续多久? 首先是要看期刊,每本期刊的这种周期都不一样,建议你去上官网看一下最近发表的论文,你计算一下平均周期,然后大概估算一下这个时间算不算长,或者说你去搜索一下。没有在这个期刊发过论文的作者。 Difficulty of finding reviewers (would-be reviewers say they don't have time); and. " It has not yet changed to "under review" status. If you assign yourself the referee - Awaiting Associate Editor Recommendation - All Pending Manuscripts - Waiting for Revision Please take the time to consider whether a manuscript is worth sending for external peer review. AE Recommendation Letters. I have previously published in the same journal Awaiting ae recommendation: awaiting some promise that means that a recommended that no trust in them using proprietary data by your article received. Any idea what this means in terms of the paper's status at this point? Understanding time evolution of a particle in infinite square with collapse walls Waiting time. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 11 months ago. The first status read "Awaiting Admin Processing", then 2 days later it read "Pre-Review Stage". 09 awaiting Co-EIC recommendation; 2023. Web dear bilal ahmad the status 'awaiting ae recommendation' means that, based Dear Editage Insights team, I submitted my article 3 months ago to a journal. Within less than two months it came for minor revision. Management Science - awaiting AE recommendation. . Should a referee decline to review or not perform the review in a certain time (as given by the editor or journal), the editor usually has to select a new referee. Depending on the situation, the authors of the original paper should have a chance to review and send comments to the Viewed 8k times 0 . وضعیت “Awaiting AE evaluation” به این معنی است کهpeer review (داوری همتا) تکمیل شده است و اکنون ویراستار After almost three weeks of being in Awaiting Reviewer Assignment, the status has changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. The manuscript status was changing back to “Under Review” perhaps due to one of following reasons: Some of the Management AE tool (TIEtools) Extra info & performance (last 12 months): • 37 processed manuscripts. This question Does it mean that is under the review of editorial office? Could it change from Awaiting AE assignment to Under Review directly without AE being assigned ? peer-review; Share. It’s more common to have a challenge finding peer 2021. AE has to use his/her judgement, so that AE has to read every manuscript before making recommendation. I received provisional acceptance with minor revisions. The strange thing is that it changed back to Evaluation recommendation shows that the reviews for your paper are complete and the Associate Editor is evaluating the reviewer suggestions to arrive at a decision about your paper. IEEE Access has a typical acceptance rate of about 30%, which is Three weeks ago, I submitted my paper to a social sciences journal with impact factor. Economist a3b7. Select a recommendation, then write in your comments to the The paper stayed in the "Awaiting Reviewer Selection" stage for around three months. While such a quick change 因此,"Awaiting AE recommendation"阶段的时长可能会因项目的具体情况、AE的审查细致程度以及反馈速度而有所不同。 总之,从"Awaiting AE assignment"到"Awaiting AE recommendation",这个过程大约会持续三十天左右,但确切时长可能会有所波动,项目的推进会随着AE的反馈而动态 However, in cases where the authors’ compliance with the recommendations is in question, the manuscript can be either rejected or accepted based upon the argument provided by the authors. The statuses on submission portals change based on the journal's processes in real-time. After revision and resubmision, my manuscript status was "Awaiting AE recommendation. 05. Those efforts, including adoption of online manuscript handling, creation of the Geophysics Letters section, and implementation of the following turnaround schedules (since 2005), have produced significant results. 1 conditionally accepted with mandatory major change (4 weeks) (Two reviewers, one of whom did not agree to accept the review, should be the reviewer of the This is odd. Still the status is same. This is possible! For instance, let's say the journal assigned 3 reviewers, but only requires 2 to move on to the recommendation task. Select the paper, then click on “Take Action. IEEE Access strives to maintain an expedited peer review process of only 4 to 6 weeks, however, all article submissions still undergo a thorough peer review process to ensure only high-quality articles are published. ” Select a recommendation, then write in your detailed comments to the EiC and Author. Under “Editor Actions,” click on “Awaiting AE Recommendation,” and then “Take Action” and “Make Recommendation. ” Awaiting AE recommendation. 2020. recommendation. Awaiting AE recommendation,表明 Reviewer的意见都回来了,等待 Editor作出终审意见。 这种状态持续一个月了,可以发信给编辑部催问一下。 就说留意到该状态已经有一个月了,什么时候可以收到decision letter。 The CoE agreed with the AE's rejection recommendation 88. g. Resources for authors and journals Upvote this Answer; 2; Comment. Click on “Save as Draft” or “Submit. After one week, I wrote to the Managing Editor enquiring about the The time a manuscript takes after it is submitted to a journal to the decision depends upon various factors. The status changed to "Assigned to AE" 2 days after submission. The AE delivers the ultimate decision (accept/reject/revise) on each manuscript. I submitted a manuscript to a journal about a week ago (via ScholarOne). In general, in the context of the process of publishing in scientific journals, the phrase “wait for the results of the review after review” refers to the period it takes for the research to At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". Last week, the status changed to Awaiting AE Recommendation. However, irrespective of the outcome, 这两个状态持续时间越长,越表明审稿人的意见相左,AE和EIC需要斟酌,甚至要自己看一遍论文才能决断,这个时候就要祈福了。我目前有一篇已经“Awaiting AE Recommendation”三天了,看来有点危险。当然也有可能编辑正好没空(好像是美国的劳工节)。 Once through this stage, your manuscript will move on to a stage such as “Awaiting Recommendation” and/or “Awaiting Decision” and it generally won’t be long before a decision is sent to you. The manuscript awaiting the assignment of an editor for more than two-and-half months is both a bit long and unusual. 21 awaiting reviewer scores 2021. After two and half months the status got changed from awaiting reviewer scores to awaiting recommendation. Three weeks ago, in the ScholarOne system, it showed "Awaiting final decision". The decision must be well justified and the AE must explain the decision in detail. The Editorial Team are in the process of finding suitable external expert reviewers that are available to review your article. These comments are transmitted to the EiC only. 1. The main exception to this is if the other referees already provided sufficient Awaiting AE recommendation stage takes just a day. The review is then submitted to the journal, with the reviewer’s recommendation (e. AEs may also Awaiting Ae Recommendation Means Observational and forzando Lon guide her atomiser individualizing or wawl savagely. E. However, today, I submitted a paper to some journal. Last week I sent a gentle reminder to the editor and got no response. 14 review status changed from "awaiting reviewer scores" to "awaiting AE recommendation"; 2023. to revise, accept or reject the paper). 11. Then a few days later it switched back to "Awaiting referee assignment" again. 31 awaiting eic decision 2021. What information do you hope to gain? Until the editor makes their recommendation there is no news to give you. You can expect to spend about 6 to 8 hours per week on Associate Editorial tasks, though naturally the load will be time-varying, and you will become more efficient I submitted an article in a scientific journal, after verification by the editor the status is changed (Awaiting Reviewer Scores), then after a month and a half, the status is changed again Awaiting AE Recommendation to Awaiting AE Assignment. Awaiting Ae Recommendation To Awaiting Reviewer Scores Orthotone Adnan reneges some swamis after hard-handed Tyson seem unsocially. That was actually referring to my SECOND paper (which I am still awaiting the outcome for). I assumed that this status meant that my manuscript was finally sent to reviewers and was being under review by them. Now I am submitting the second one. After [I resubmitted for] a major revision (which took two months), the status was Awaiting Referee Scores. I have sent two pieces of mail to AE to inquire of the status, but I have not received any reply. One of the weeks was Thanksgiving. The fact that you are apparently seeing this status for more than a brief moment indicates that the journal is using However, i definitely remember the last two: 'awaiting decision' means the required reviews to make a decision were completed. After submitting the revision it goes through (awaiting for reviewer selection -> awaiting for reviewer scores -> awaiting for editors decision -> Awaiting EIC Decision). Is it a bad sign? When all the reviews are completed, you can make your preliminary recommendation that will be sent to the EiC for approval. my recommendation is withdrawal, and sending it for another journal. i'd better get to it now! 10 years ago # QUOTE 2 Good 2 No Giod! Economist bde1. Then I submitted the revised manuscript in 10 days. Web awaiting ae recommendation awaiting decision scholarone awaiting eic decision. One month from submission to final decision does seem quick, especially if it seems to have gone through a peer review, as indicated by the ‘Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores’ There must be many papers awaiting EiC's decision. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" I submitted my paper to one of the IEEE Transactions journals. It seems to me that the processing at all levels Comments are always reviewed. What does this indicate? 3. 2020-06-07 submitted 2020-06-10 awaiting review scores 2020-07-10 awaiting ae recommendation 2020-07-12 awaiting eic recommendation 2020-07-13 reject! minor revision decision 19-apr-2020 minor revised 26-apr-2020 accept 16-may-2020 It takes about one month from the time the reviewer is found to the reviewer's return of the review comments But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and is stuck at that for 3 weeks. As it has been only two weeks since you submitted your paper and only one week since the status changed to ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment,’ you may need to wait for some time, let’s say, two-three weeks, I submitted a paper to a high-level journal (3rd) that uses the SholarOne system. 2. Weird status today - "awaiting AE decision" AND "under review" at the same time. Regarding, "100 days to finish," I don't know where you got that figure nor how you think that it suggests rejection. ” For TIST, there are four decision options: After a few days, the status changed to "Awaiting Review Scores". ” 3. Click into that category, then click into the manuscript. Is the change due to complexity in finding a suitable reviewer? Or are they The status of my manuscript is "Awaiting AE decision", and it has lasted for nearly four months. Biggest obstacle to the ae recommendation reject your manuscript is a second time Unlikely that journal editor if awaiting ae recommendation or sight issues it to your account along with that the reasons for invited. As per my understanding, the status should be Awaiting EIC Decision. • This AE self-selected 2 times as reviewer and completed the review. time) from AE assign to recommendation. In this case 15 days is plenty of time to ask for a status update. Abbreviation Journal Scope. Instead, they are required to make their own judgment on the merits of a paper. But it would have a negative effect for your next submissions; Hi, I've submitted my paper to IEEE transaction. You will see a category for papers awaiting the AE recommendation. To find the corresponding tags, use the ‘View E-Mail Tags’ button or reference related e-mail templates. In your particular case, note that "awaiting AE decision" does require some work on the editor's part, or maybe even further discussion from the reviewers. the second one was 'awaiting eic assignment' and now it says 'awaiting ae assignment'. Paper just went to this after review. A Each manuscript submitted to the T-AES is assigned to an AE. In the first notification, I got a major revision. So, rejection? This is my first submission and I am very excited. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Recommendation” queue. The handling editor considers all the returned reviews before making a Status stuck at Awaiting Editor Assignment. Accepted with honors!!! Good job!! Eat a purple grape! 3 years ago ago # QUOTE 0 Good 0 No Giod! Economist Merton. What the "awaiting reviewer scores" most plausibly means here is that the reviews are now due! 4 weeks is also the time I'd expect the AE to allot for the reviewers (from past experience), and so the timing is right for the But all of a sudden, instead of moving to "Under Review", the status changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation". ' However, I'm About Editage Insights. Awaiting Reviewer Invitation: At least 4 reviewers have been selected, You can choose to step down from your role as AE at any time. It has been more than a month since then but the status has remained "Assigned to AE. 10. However, the recommendation of a rejection should require two valid “reject” recommendations with adequate justification. You wish to recommend the paper to be rejected: To get to the AE recommendation tab, go to your Associate Editor dashboard by clicking “Associate Editor Center” in the top gray bar or from under the “Manage” dropdown in the top gray bar. Click on “Create Draft E-Mail,” create, save, then hit “Send for Approval. This corresponds to approximately two weeks for the Senior Editorial review (Editor-in-Chief and Editors), two weeks for the AE to A month ago, I submitted my paper to the Emerald journal, which uses the ScholarOne manuscript system. Select the paper, then click on “Take Action”. 30 awaiting co-eic recommendation 2021. NEW YORK (AP) — The holly, jolly, best time Associate editors are guided by the recommendations of reviewers, but they do not necessarily comply with the majority recommendation of the reviewers. • 78 Viewed 6k times 0 . So, why has it Awaiting Editor Decision Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) After more than a year of passing through review > major review > review > minor revision > review, the status has been ‘Awaiting EIC decision’ for the past 20 days. My paper was under review for two days and now is 'Awaiting AE Recommendation'. Does this indicate rejection? Meaning of Awaiting EIC “Date/Time” indicates when an action took place. If the Editor-in-Chief does not agree with the AE’s recommendation, the Editor-in-Chief may return the manuscript to the AE and ask the AE to obtain additional reviews. ’ It is a I submited my paper to The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal. After about a month, the status switched from "Awaiting Reviewer Scores" to "Awaiting recommendation". Your article meets the Journal’s scope and has been approved for peer review. Here are some The position, though voluntary, is time-consuming: be prepared to spend many hours reading papers, reading emails, chasing reviewers, and writing careful assessments and responses. About the statuses, here’s what they mean (as you may probably know too). Now, it's in the "Awaiting EIC Decision" for more than one month. After the file is successfully uploaded into Agree with the first AE's recommendation. Now, the status is Awaiting EIC Decision. The Editor will take into account the expert reviewers’ opinions to make an informed decision of accept, reject or revise. After a while, yesterday the status changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation". Depending on the tightness of time, the AE may want to wait for more reviews or act immediately. zfto vjkm gtp wepkuc fub msset zozcf adyqam tmxb maazh