Aim assist mw2 reddit. Took me awhile to figure this out.
Aim assist mw2 reddit They found a completely hidden player because they felt the rotational pull. Also, the response time of RAA is 0ms, whereas the avg response time of a human being is 200 to I take a single shot with this Battle Rifle and spend 2 full seconds trying to maneuver the aiming stick back to the enemies hitbox lmao. I would say that this goes to the taste of each person, I myself have already used the game pack and I thought it did not help me that much, after I started using the script I felt a very big improvement in my gameplay and the aim assist of the script I found stronger than that of The Reddit home for PlayStation 5 - your hub PS5 news and discussion. I set up a personal config and I crazy aim assist with the help of ds4. I am using the new Zen and the warzone pro pack. The only thing that you can do on console is turn off cross-play, which might make gameplay seem “fair” but in reality this game plays terribly for console/controller players - high ttk + faster movement require tracking, tracking requires NORMAL aim assist. I have the SAME settings as MW2, so, Linear, Aim Assist set to Assist and Black Ops. make it not help players who have a higher than 1. It makes me absolutely livid watching these streamers clocking up 20 The aim assist in mw2 is the strongest I’ve ever seen in a cod game (that I can remember). Their aim would still be good even without aim assist. And they are all downvoted to hell by controller players trying to keep their massive advantage. Meaning I suck and always die first I have to say it does seem weird still. Or check it out in the app stores MW2 Settings . Yes aim assist is too strong. Mw2 and warzone 2 aa is much stronger for sure. But you cant mention aim assist on this sub. Members Online. What you've experienced is what's called a better player. Amazed how OP in game aim assist feels. Go look at any fps reddit that has aim assist and look at the No guns in the og MW2 had recoil. There’s no difference on console, aim assist is non-existent. I've seen a few posts during beta and wondering if anyone has it figured out? It's such an annoying change. Yet the scope I'm using seems to disable aim assist, idk. I also shot you a friend request on discord I want to obtain some info before I purchase. I get some aim assist when the other player is moving but not much. Those you still had to use the right stick. So then I turned it back on and played another match and instantly the aim assist kicked into overdrive. It's a first step to make things workable again. Nothing changed for me. . With different response curves and aim assist types, it can Seeing lots of clips with extremely exaggerated sun assist much stronger than anything I’ve ever experienced, even when only using my left stick to move to activate rotational assist. r/ModernWarfareII is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. If anything, aim assist is even more broken in MW2 because of the changes to visual recoil + muzzle smoke that it Mw2 has such strong aim assist it's crazy. r/MSILaptops. Just got into the game I also do this and I have on every other cod since mw2 lmaooo Then the videos of the "OP aim assist" that involve actual gameplay are either close up clips in close quarters where an opponent crosses a players screen. Or check it out in the app stores How does the aim assist scripts work in mw2? I have been using the pro pack but have tried STH & french connection and the aim assist doesn't seem to do much. Then to add aim assist, which is the deciding Its a fact that they said the same thing about MW2 and it was complete bullshit, and a fact they have repeatedly cried wolf on an aim assist nerf. PC aim assist doesn't need to be increased, console aim assist needs to be decreased as well as console recoil being increased so that aim assist strength and recoil amount is the same for everyone. Thanks. Not just that, but the increased Aim Assist bubble relative to 80 FOV means you can react faster. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. There are two different types of aim assist in the game. In that case, why even bother MnK is better. Aim assist does not snap. You shouldn’t need aim assist when you get to use ya whole arm, elbow, fingers, and penis to aim. Look at TF2, zero aim assists and only recently could controllers come close to competing against MnK using gyro aiming. One side claims something is horribly wrong with the game, bashing the other side for being "blind to the truth". Or check it out in the app stores I’m trying to get the mw2 beam script to work. Tailored for those who want to keep up to date on the pro scene, tournaments, competitive plays and figure out new tips/tricks on how to play the current meta. Or check it out in the app stores Aim assist is an issue don't get me wrong, but splitgate isn't that bad with it at all. I only play controller on console, never tried kbm in my life. But didn't MW2 nerf aim assist thru stuns already? You could be looking for the best MW2 aim assist settings whether you’re new to the Call of Duty franchise, or just prefer the lightning-fast feel of sights snapping right to your opponents. which compared to some people on the mw2 thread isn’t bad, heard of people getting 150ms +, which in my humble opinion is unplayable. I personally use 2,5-2,8 sensitivity. I play on series X and they fixed the bug where keybinds don't save. I know how Aim Assist works you dingbat. mods will delete any post saying its too strong and any video clearly demonstrating why its too strong gets called fake. There is no snap. It's just controller isn't just controller, it's controller + aim assist. Yeah the aim assist in mw2 is pretty much just shy of a pure aim bot. If you are using the mw2 in-game settings, set the Dualsense edge curve response to default. Warzone 1 wasn't as bad. Got in to a match and did not like it at all, because. It's something this sub has a hard time dealing with. If you get less frames than you used to, the aim will feel way different. Jgod explained why they constantly do this, although he didnt mention what I think is the main motivator. You still have to aim for yourself. But it's not only about aim assist. Smoke is just a visual shader anyway. Or check it out in the app stores and when I zoom in, I abuse aim assist. Directional aim assist however only works if They said this before the release of mw2/warzone, in which aim assist was made stronger than the previous games. Aim assist help . Anyone that thinks controller shouldn't receive ANY aim assist is a little too salty, but likewise, anyone that's okay with 1ms reaction times from a computer in a PvP game is also a little crazy. My aim assist seemed to be snapping to people out of my range of view (like snapping way to the left or right of where I was aiming) and through walls even. Tried Battle. ur just learning how to manipulate a broken A. I was leveling up a few weapons on 24/7 shipment and there was plenty of aim assist. Joined a custom bot lobby, hovered my crosshairs over bots to see if the aim assist drags or toggles and Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now got a new keyboard. If you guys are using the settings in the Dualsense edge, set the Mw2 in-game settings (aim response curve type and aim assist type) to default. That's what has MnK players, atleast the ones with brains, heated. It's to make controllers comfortable to use. Didnt change any settings from mw2 but the aim just feels very very different. Aim Assist is an artificial increase to the skill floor on pad, such that worse players can beat better MnKB Hello guys just got the chromas today and was wondering if anyone could by any chance hook me up with a good aim assist and recoil script for warzone 2. Does anyone else think the aim assist in this game is really noticeable? It clearly happens when you are not aiming down the sight, but sometimes I get the impression that even when you are aimed down the sight, your sight will track your target to a certain extent, aimbot-style, if you manage to get it precisely on them. :) I think it makes a difference, definitely goes smoother now. I was gunning a guy down and he moved behind a wall and the aim assist tracked him through the wall as he ran. Precision and Focusing have no rotational aim assist at all, and only offer the slowdown aim assist mentioned above. Downloaded DS4 and a overclocking software for my ps4 controller. I got it running on the Deck but, the problem is controls. Having an issue with getting headaches while playing, which I’ve never had in my gaming career 15+ years. Crazy part is rhat guns still have little to no recoil as well View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. Reply reply More replies. What Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. These settings are considered to be the most broadly useful for console players, allowing for precise, accurate aiming. The newer cod games do support my controller immediately. I play PC + controller, was noticing a few nights ago I was getting no aim assist whatsoever in firing range, MP, and DMZ, crossplay and solo. Hello to everyone, I have a question to make for the community of Reddit. Average KD of 2. On KBM, this tracking requires a lot of practice. Here are our tips to get you the best MW2 aim assist settings. But you never see the magical aim assist in common everyday situations where guys will take their fingers off the sticks the way they do in the controlled environment clips. TyeTye, I dm'd you via reddit dms and I hope you get back to me soon. The AA in this game feels super weak compared to MW2. ) but most the time if people shoot from cover and you only see their head and shoulders the stupid aim assist will drag your aim to the center of the player. The advantages you can reasonably expect to have over aim assisted sticks are fine control over where exactly you are aiming, quicker flicks, and sometimes improved spray control The aim assist is just really strong in recent call of duty games and all input methods without it are at a disadvantage in most situations and at most skill levels Without some sort of "aim assist", there wouldn't be a single pro to be a controller player. When you want to make slow, micro adjustments (such as when sniping, at range When your opponent is near I've always had aim assist on and never bothered to try it off. I've tried new wires, different routers and different controllers. Currently imputing mouse as Xbox controller to use aim assist. I had so many moments, where I was lining up a shot on one guy, only for another guy to run through Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a first-person shooter video game released in 2019, developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. like some of you really don't Aim assist doesn't auto-aim like I assumed at first. I doing the aiming for you, its proven heavily with mw2, videos of ppl testing it and its rediculous, as long as a console player is strafing, minimal aiming input is required and the aa just pulls the camera along with the Aim assist of course has to do with it. MW2 is BY far the most aim assisted of any fps I’ve ever seen or played Seen plenty of aimbots both blatant and subtle in those decades of playing and so much of this game looks exactly like soft aimbots. Now before any controller players get mad at me for being a “whiney crying MnK player”, at the very least listen to my proposal on how I would personally fix aim assist, and I’d love to hear everyone’s thoughts as well. Been playing with a controller for 20 years and the older games especially the older CODs like OG MW2 actually had STRONGER aim assist than this does. I was all over the place using my ps5 controller, can't seem to find anything on how to get aim assist back. Or check it out in the app stores I been playing PC COD since COD4 and nearing MW2, the lobbies started to dry up (stillplayable just longer time to get in) 8-10 CoD has always been catering to the lowest-skilled players. Which takes away the arguments of FPS games. And your point about rotational aim assist aiming for you is technically incorrect. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now We have completely manual input and there's so much going on which distracts your aim. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS I played MW2 on ps3 and got used to playing with the controller. Console's aim assist is more than twice as much as PC's aim assist. Honestly my only real gripe is with rotational aa so this argument will be mainly towards it with a few shots at the added recoil control AA gives you. What about recoil control and proper crosshair placements? Many just spray and pray that their weapon attachments and aim assist will do the rest for them. 3. In MW2, Default and Black Ops seem to be roughly equal for rotational aim assist. They know exactly what they are doing and yeah, they just don't care. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing; Animals & Pets with controllers and much prefer M&k for shooters but when I tuned the settings in the game I realised how broken the aim assist is on mw2. But bro same here im a god in mw2 and my aim feels very accurate even without aim assist it feeels amazing but then i hop in mw3 with same sens and everything and my aim feels very unnacurate like it feels like sinse they added aim response Slope scale it feels like im not using dynamic Crazy how all the "good" console players blew up reddit From videos I’ve seen mnk players use aim trainers to get better. It's not even Target Acquisition Aim Assist (Left Trigger near enemy snaps to the enemy), it's Rotational Aim Assist that's the problem (Left stick is moved, Aim I've been playing with the 2009 MW2, On my PC, it's Keyboard Mouse but, on the Deck, there is no control support. Yeah this is the main argument against rotational aim assist. The ceiling MnK has to aim and flick is ridiculous. And on top of that if you go over a 2 sensitivity the game tries to pull your aim back to center so you're fighting that too. Or check it out in the app stores My K/D is over 1 but i dont nearly get the aim assist shown in videos as ”OP”. 4 but holy hell dynamic just feels inconsistent and choppy but linear is so much better my tracking is 10x times better. Used to go 70-15 in games. net and steam. I just read this comment and gave it a whirl. Mw2 aim assist . I’m not complaining but I just want to see if anyone else has had these issues. I just Of course you could "technically" get better with mnk cuz it allows for freer movement, but you gotta remember that for as many hours as you've put into practice aiming with a mouse, the other guy has done the same practicing with a joystick. Plenty of PC players use aim assist, in the lobbies im in if there’s a PC player 90% of the time they have a controller plugged in. I am an enjoyer of COD games in the past, and finally had to uninstall MW2 to to constantly having my account put under review do to "multiple reports of 'hacking' ". I mean 90% of people who ran the tactical layout did it to dropshot without moving their thumbs off the joystick. I think what people blame in aim assist is actually the crazy SBMM. Or check it out in the app stores Kinda ironic that ranked play right now is basically MW2 without SBMM (cuz everyone starts 0), while quick play has SBMM. Without aim acceleration the speed at which you turn relative to where the RS is held is always the same value, meaning you will be much more consistent when tracking fast-moving targets up close. Oh and honestly, aim assist gets me killed more often than I’d like to admit, if I’m shooting someone and another enemy strafes or runs across them, aim assist View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. As someone who dropped MnK to learn controller for MW2 I feel like the AA barely exists in this game. You also have to be moving back and forth to get it to kick in. The world’s best aim trainer, trusted by top pros, streamers, and players like you. Sens is 8-8. So I was just told that even if you turn aim assist off it's built into guns forcing you to use it even snipers I laughed at that and have never heard that before because pretty sure it's not true but anyone else have thoughts on it? comments Your aim can reach PC levels with the accuracy. I haven’t had this crazy aim assist like in the videos but yesterday I noticed more pull than I’m used to and it actually made me think “wall hacks lol” I was aiming at a corner and I think it had like an ally/window or something but like less than a second before the enemy actually came into my view my aim pulled from the corner first saw the red diamond. Multiply that by 5 and you have what it'll be like to try using it on PC. Every gunfight you win is now down to aim assist and nothing else other than aim assist. Although it's a huge learning curve, even now I'm still inconsistent with my aim sometimes. Question Controller players, what are y’all FOV - Aim assist type (standard or black ops) Aim assist dynamic, standard or linear? Keyboard and Mouse players: What are y’all’s FOV Crouch button Prone button Increasing Aim Assist, nerfing MnK's ability to be effective at the Mid to Long to Super Long Range, and their ability to snipe. All the pros are using controllers But since ads speed and jump shot have been nerfed in mw2 so I just keep getting killed when I am still halfway aimed down sights. Aim assist isn't crazy, the high skilled lobbies you get thrown into are. Many players on forums like Reddit suggest trying all aim assist types (Default, Precision, Focusing, Black Ops) to find the one that feels most natural. support with a mod in the game, similarly, games like Black Ops 1 and 2 do have controller support, but do not have aim assist, which makes aiming with a controller kind Use a sensitivity what feels good. Rotational aim assist tracks player precisely, as compared to the traditional aim slowdown. I'm a very good PC FPS player and typically dominate at most FPS games I play. what feels like mw2 , what feels like mw1 /r/Statistics is going dark from June 12-14th as an act of protest against Reddit's treatment of 3rd party and you still hit every bullet, amazing. I've come to the conclusion that mw2 gyro is not implemented quite well enough to be competitive in warzone 2, especially with how strong aim assist is. Guaranteed pretty much there k/d ratios for these guys plummets without it. the most frustrating part of it is that IW themselves admitted in an interview that the aim assist they implemented was far too strong that it statistically puts KBM players at a disadvantage yet they seemed to have done absolutely nothing in the sequel to rebalance it. Scavenger Stopping Power/ Hardline(I play around with hardline, depending on my killstreaks) Does the 360 version have the auto aim assist on multiplayer as well? If so, that may explain his effectiveness, because really all snipers are almost equals. If the cause of the existance of aim assist is due to help new gamers so why not put the feature only in spec-ops and campaign or in a tutorial mode? This was CoD 4 MW, MW2, BO2, MW3 era, i didnt play much Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. thats called bullet magnetism. Aim assist is a huge problem in the gaming world right now. Whats weird is I have aim assist in mw2. Second would be that once you are on standard, the thing that makes aim assist broken is rotational aim assist which is the part that tracks for you and kinda sticks to the person. Or check it out in the app stores Idk what it is but aim assist definitely feels better with standard on. There are flicks i could NEVER pull off controller, and there are ranged shots mnk cant pull of tracking wise because of aim assist. The developer supported, community-run subreddit dedicated to the Fortnite: Battle Royale game mode by Epic Games. I think itll stay more active on PC based on that alone. 0 K/D ratio. Target Aim Assist is a system in Modern Warfare 2 that helps players more precisely fire at targets by slowing down their crosshairs as it nears an enemy. I just turned it off for the testing because on the WZ2 training range aim assist slowed down the rotations sometimes. Most games nowadays will switch between a keyboard and mouse mode as soon as one or the other is used. (1821) How to Get Aim Assist On Mouse & keyboard Kinda, Call of Duty Modern Warfare II - Mouse Aim Assist - YouTube DUDE I just switched to linear and my aim is significantly more stable. DPI 1750 G9X MW2 The higher the health, and slower the TTK, the more advantage controller aim assist tracking has over a human with no aim assist using a mouse When 1-2 bullets kill, aim tracking is less relevant and initial accuracy and speed are what matter. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Now that I have a good computer, I bought the game for PC and it turns out that aim assist is literally non existent. I feel like they changed something with aim assist, aiming feels a bit different to me on console. Same with any actually competitive shooter, the moment you remove the aim assist controller becomes complete arse. Following fast moving targets up close is really difficult though. My lobbies are 50% controller, but 100% sweats. Aim assist in MW2 is broken. It’s not hard to understand why. Controller v controller fights are basically a coin flip since everyone has aimbot. I jump back on today with the same settings and overclock and the aim assist is almost non-existent. The solution is nerfing aim assist, but actiblizz would never do that Just to be clear, I play with aim assist on on both games. 99 price tag. But no games are doing anything to combat it. It is meant to compensate for your natural responses to stress. Even on PS3, sometimes when aim assist kicks in, your aim goes just above the head or just to the side of your enemy, and that's no good. but my norm is 55. Good Post. Reddit's home for anything and everything Mario Kart. Can someone explain to me why after every new season I have full aim assist and the 3-4 days into the season it’s basically almost no aim assist? This literally happens after every season and mid season update. aim assist isn't magic like most of reddit thinks. It gently adjusts sensitivity. I recommend using it for Ads only, you can keep on aim assist for hip fire if Exclusive ace did a video on aim assist in older cods and newer cods and it worked pretty much same in all cods. This is exactly how I felt ever since MW3 launched. In my opinion aim acceleration can be hugely detrimental to your aim muscle memory. Beyond 5m, aim assist is still there but you can replicate the same or even better with a kbm. Went from a 3+ KD in mw2 to struggling breaking 1. Everyone who actually understands the game agrees. What is the difference between regional and worldwide in MK8D? MW2 GW is my fun time away from MW3 1:55. Or check it out in the app stores I've been playing cod since MW2 OG/WAW if you wanna count playing campaign on the Wii for WAW "playing cod". Users report Precision Best aim assist settings in MW2. The bo2 meta weapons (an94 mainly) had basically no recoil. Non whatsoever. This isn't entirely true, you get aim assist all the time as long as targets aren't over a certain distance. 00, aim assist type at focus, aim assist curve at dynamic. Welcome to the reddit community for Vampire Survivors. This isn't a compliant but an observation. It would only have cons. That’s the problem, if they’re going for balance AA should get a tweak. It feels smooth and almost like you don't notice it even if you know it's there's. As someone who grew up on cod (black ops 2 etc. I have After playing WZ2 there's only one situation where controller has a major advantage. On the other hand, controller players learn how to abuse the aim assist to get better. It affects controllers, too, but controllers get the Console and PC aim assist felt the same to me, besides MW19 which had a setting that didn’t scale the aim assist bubble size with higher FOV. And then just practice. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor I can tell you they turned down the aim assist very hard in comparison to mw2. Been having a lot of fun on mw2 playing KBM, but with the strong aim assist, should I stick to controller? KBM is usually better for multiple reasons. Back when I was still playing on PlayStation, I would always turn off aim assist, when I wanted to play with a sniper rifle in Battlefield. Check your controller layout to make sure you didn't accidentally map one of the gamepad buttons as a keyboard/mouse shortcut. Devs and pro players both say its too strong. Default does have rotation and slow down but slow down kicks in a lot closer to the enemy. Then when I’m on the game im not noticing any difference. Note that aim assist is disabled while the gyro is on, but comes back on while the gyro is not in use such as while not using sights with the Not saying the aim assist is balanced right now because it's not but that has nothing to do with it. Being a sniper with controller (and no aim assist) is like sticking needles in your eyes. Against bots or in normal matches. I have it saved on to my zen. Controller players are at a huge disadvantage, even with Aim Assist. Here are all the right settings to start! Skip to content. The beta feels a little funny to me when it comes to aiming. The 12 possibilities included in the poll: Default + Standard Standard or black ops aim assist. Chronus does not help with aim assist it can just run scripts like anti-recoil scripts etc. Aim assist has no place on mouse, as aim assist was created to compensate for the lack of precision controller thumb sticks provide. Rotational aim assist makes those micro-adjustments for them to the point where any opponent movement is negated, while an MnK player has to manually maintain their aim on their enemy the whole time. Playing MW2 feels like every game is packed with aim bot hacking trash. On my PC or Ps5 same issue. Jitter aiming is so strong because it somewhat "Resets" your aim assist to lead you towards the target quicker than the target can aim on you because they are scoped out focused on movement. If you go play the older cods like mw2 and cod4 the aim assist is not nearly as strong. Assuming it’s because the looking sensitivity is different. Playing zombies then multiplayer you can really feel the difference in aim assist (its turned up for zombies to the point of being a hindrance so I turn it off) MP feels pretty So far on the ally, I have sensitivities between 7-9, ads multiplier at 1. Feel free to ask any questions, start I assure you playing an FPS with no aim assist is nearly impossible, unless all you do is shoot one enemy at a time. The aim assist is better than 95% of mouse users in close range gunfights. I don't really want aimbot I just want a strong aim assist or soft aim but I haven't Aim assist has turned the SPR into one of the most broken guns in the game. I was playing MW2 last night on resurgence trios after the update and my aim assist seemed way stronger than usual. r/ModernWarfare is a developer-recognized community focused on the title. Aim assist should go back to the way it was, just enough to help you stay on target if you're actually attempting to aim not aimlock like a cheap aimbot the moment an enemy runs into your peripheral vision. A Reddit community for users of the Noom Coach and Noom Health Applications! We are a community interested in all things health, fitness, wellness, nutrition, and diet related! Modern Aim Assist is ruining competitive fps games for mouse and keyboard players (unpopular opinion) So. COD aim assist is well implemented. but my aim is insane. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS *Please dont use this to debate the existence of aim assist, frankly i dont care about being compettitive i just find that cod was built for controller and plays so much better with one and aim assist MW2 GW is my fun Not sure how people get clips beaming other players from across the map. What it does is to dynamically accelerate your mouse sensitivity. Took me awhile to figure this out. Why there's Aim Assist in Multiplayer in COD and other FPS. The reddit community for the games PAYDAY: The Wow a reddit comment admitting both have advantages and disadvantages thats been upvoted?? I swear i only ever see “ controller is broken!” Posts online and its so ridiculous. No Aim Assist MW2 comments. If you abuse movement like almost every good player does, this means aiming becoming a walk in the park as stronger Aim Assist + abusing movement which increases Aim Assist strength + 24Hz tic rate servers = not missing. I used gyro during the free trial and I prefer it over sticks but MW2 aim assist is really strong which makes MnK and Gyro have a disadvantage at closer range. Rotational aim assist is only active when you are moving so what you want to learn to do is to strafe to the side in order to make minor adjustments in aim. sniping is night and day easier on mouse and keyboard. When you are not stressed, you have fine motor control. No matter what new "AAA game" I get into - whenever I join the sub-reddit for it, there's ALWAYS this two-sided discussion. If you don't believe me (or some people you know) then download Destiny 2 and play for free, they have some "repair robots" that fly around, they are destructible but their model doesn't activate aim assist. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. ) on console and did fairly well, top fragging alot, I Even pulling the trigger throws my aim off just slightly. I don’t think that there would be an advantage to controller on PC as opposed to Console. One that only has a small impact and shortly follows the movement. I installed OW for console and now I understand. Like I feel aim assist pulling it's weight when I use iron sights. 3-2. Sort by controversial on this subreddit and all the top posts every day are about aim assist. If you have a controller you're going to stop 98% of PC Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a 2022 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. The issue is that Aim Assist is tuned strongly. You mnk players kill me always complaining about aim assist. Players that use a keyboard and mouse will out-aim you 9 times out of 10 just because it's more accurate to use a mouse than a controller. especially while sniping Been playing since 2007 and due to the trick shotting phase cod went through in MW2 i got used to Insane sensitivity so play on maxed out Controllers didn’t used to have rotational aim assist. Aim assist is a hot topic, and has been since MW2019 and the conception of crossplay for Call of Duty. All Having aim assist to the point that all controller users instantly above average m&k users is unfair to m&k users. Regarding MW2, aim assist felt almost non existant :)) it s weird coz it fel a little buffed at their presentation, but now on bet, it s almost not therei usually play with precision AIM ASSIST and lliterally it does nothing on PS5, changed to focus just to play with it a little, and it s the same, almost no aim assist at all :)) i don't Aim assist in MW2 does not work with the built in joy sticks but works fine with an external controller. I've had people who play and come over and try on my pc and ps5 and they agree with me. At the end of the day KBM still has advantage over controller, particularly with precision and aiming. Aim Assist should not be a thing that good players can The best Aim assist settings for MW2 will definitely help you improve your gaming experience. From the aim-assist to the "just play long enough to upgrade their gun into a laser" instead of actually improving their skills. If anyone has any tips or a config please let me know. Lmao I played MW2 and turned on aim assist and laughed. What are Aim assist sounds a bit like cheating, but it is an integral part of any console shooter and MW2 has more options to customise aim assist than most games. no aim assist at all. but when the aim assist just glues to Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The Having slower more accurate stick movements will not be as important with the ability to use gyro. Like said before if it was that OP everyone controller player would be a GOD at the game. Rotational aim assist drags and slowdown aim assist slows down. Mainly frames and bad servers. Im seeing a lot of people saying PC players have no right to complain because of this and that and how aim assist makes it fair, it doesn't. It creates a zone over the player where the sensitivity decreases when your crosshair enters. I like Scar-H with FMJ. It felt like aim assist wasn't working for me, and even in the firing range I wouldn't get the slowdown over dummies (even rotational aim assist wouldn't kick in)then I watched a video on YouTube where this one guy had had his ADS multiplier set to 0. Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Somebody beams them Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Not to mention hardware cheats that let people use a mouse, but emulate a controller so they get Since Reddit allows for only 6 polling options while there are actually 12 possibilities, I've made an external poll for those on console who are interested (linked above). The game is an action roguelike game that is well worth the small $4. It would be harder to create an algorithm for aim assist that would somehow take this into account than to just leave it as it is. Frame drops in fight, even micro, drops can throw off your aim assist completely. When a player gets into your sight/aim within 5meters, the aim assist kicks in real hard. I understand AA has to exist, but buffing it with MWII AND removing movement AND removing MnK's strong suits to close the range gap it was clear from View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I was wondering if anyone playing other games with aim assist were seeing the same issue? Home of Street Fighter on reddit, a place to collect Street Fighter content from everywhere on the internet Some discord links too: Capcom discord Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. OW can't really be played without Aim Assist. To note, Aim assist IS turned on it Just got MW2 (2009) and BO1 on steam, installed it, set it up for multiplayer. MW2 ruined MNK aiming, and MW3 builds up on that with its reticle shift titles is the weird weapon sway and drift we get even in hipfire. But the aim assist is so strong on Its same here was hoping for solutions but can’t find any, everyone is saying its so great and so good meanwhile it’s literally doesn’t work no matter what i do its just don’t work for me its either the worst aim assist in the latest 4 installments or there’s something wrong with my copy ! Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a 2022 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. Yes pc has stronger aim assist when using a controller and it is more reliable on pc why do you think most of the top 250 players in warzone use pc with controller plus pc Agreed with all of your points, I saw a clip the other day of somebody getting aim assist while randomly tracking their camera past a big body of water. In MW2? Nope. My idea is for aim assist to turn off once you reach a certain level/KD. OW has also an aim assist and a pretty strong one but it kicks in and out less smoothly. The firing range did have aim assist, haven't check if it still does recently. Recently Ive been watching alot of youtubers and streamers saying that the focusing aim assist setting in MW is broken that its OP and almost like having aim bot on consoleAfter trying it in customs then in a couple different matches and game modes, I can honestly say its being overrated. I can drop MGBs in MW2, but in MW3, I With the main issue being rotational aim assist I don't care what Youtube video you saw rotational aim assist in cod is 5xs as much than when we were playing the original MW2. It even feels like there is none, at least in beta atm. Or check it out in the app stores To add to this, because aim assist isn’t changed, but players move significantly faster in this game than mw2, this is effectively a nerf to aim Reason being is that standard/black ops aim assist have a huge slow down bubble (bigger than I have ever seen on console in previous CoD games) and that makes flicking between 2 targets on screen very hard, plus aim assist can resist your aim when there is 2 targets in screen. The only difference was that in mw19 the range for aim assist was increased and thats probably because of warzone since there is longer distances. I'm a little late, but there are many things that contribute to the aim assist. (and arguably requires WAY less aim-assist to help you out) The assist through walls is in my opinion more an disadvantage then an advantage, ye sometimes it lets you if someone comes around the wall (Bullshit that it goes through walls. While a pc user can jitter aim doing the same thing they are still at a non leveled playing field because we have to have precision you just have to jitter. In fact you can now just point your analog towards your phone and aim assist will write down any comments for you on Reddit too /s And definitely don’t try other cods thinking it’ll help you with mw2 aiming and such. I grew up playing cod on my xbox through my entire life. Aim assist in MW2 doesn't require anyone to be good, it requires you to press the shoot button It uses treyarch aim assist that’s rotational and slows down. Even with the aim-assist cranked to 50, the aim assist is very weak. Now it’s better to only use the left stick and let rotational aim assist take over Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores Aim assist is given to controller in an attempt to balance the two inputs. Seriously guys, it's bad. Everyone is as good or better than me regardless of input. Halo and fortnite have a shit ton of aim assist too, but cod used to not have aa that's as strong. It's not that the aim assist gives you a huge advantage at any of the higher levels of play, it's that they raised the skill floor for controller players by such a large amount that the absolute In MW2 beta the AA is stronger on console on the same FOV. It I really don't understand how people can say that MW2 aim assist isn't too strong, I've seen some people say that its weaker or even nonexistent which is wrong. aside from the railgun, where you have about twice the hitbox to hit on a controller with it. 40 - so I tested this out and in the firing range, I finally noticed aim assist kick in. i've used both inputs and honestly find kbm better Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS it's fucking wild that they didn't fix aim assist being broken during the whole life cycle of mw2. 0 Lmao I played promod on cod4 and gamebattles on the 360 during MW2/BO1/BO2 and there absolutely was dropshotting. Ps. It's aiming and moving in general: WAY more responsive in Cod. It goes both ways Hello redditors, don't forget that we have a sub-reddit for MW2. 3 on mw2 but man the aim assist feels different on this game. Idk if it's just me but when playing MW2 I honestly don't feel an aim assist. Does anyone else feel the aim assist is much weaker than mw2? Not that I’m complaining I like there being that skill gap. They must be using controller on Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Upgrade your FPS skills with over 25,000 player-created scenarios, infinite customization, cloned game physics, coaching playlists, and guided training and analysis. 0 on Xbox pretty please Reply reply Straight-Space5274 Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Aim assist isn't bad, its the rotational part of aim assist that is causing the outrage among KBM players. Initially you might find it unbearable but you will eventually get use to it. actually watch developer videos on youtube and you can see the designer working on aim assist code, a visual debugger literally shows how it functions, and goes on to explain how when combined with hitscan, it makes it so that even if you're slightly off target, hit markers register. I don't know much about this aim assist I'm new to it so sorry if I don't understand anything here. It has nothing to do with psychology. Read on to learn how Aim Assist works on controllers, and the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 allows players to fully customize their aim assist settings while playing on a controller. But that not the case. I play on pc but with controller. Menu. And I'm trying to get it dialed in and learn how to use it correctly and be good with it. Controller fps was never intended to be taken I play Mw2 on pc with an overclocked controller. Or check it out in the app stores This is probably the best COD game since the original MW/MW2. I used to play wz1 on dynamic and I was always pretty damn good Kd of like 2. Is this a bug? Now I go negative most games and a sometimes i empty a whole mag without a kill, especially left stick strafe feels nerfed. This post is for those who want a consistent experience accross both games. Aim Assist. Сommunity created, dev supported Reddit for Hero Wars Alliance ⚡ I would be very surprised if there was any effect on the aim assist. I've played Call of Duty for about 20 years so I am used to the normal aim assist feel that COD has always had but the MW3 beta feels like it doesn't have it on and it's throwing me off. I don't know where you're getting these values from, but they're wrong. You can't tell well from the firing range because the targets barely move, but it Here are all the different types of Aim Assists available in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Default: Traditional aim slowdown near target used in Modern Warfare games. Precision and Focusing have vastly worse "Rotational Aim Assist" which is the strongest part of Aim Assist. dynamic, AND aim assist is simultaneously stronger than it's ever been. Aim-assist is a must for controllers in FPS games. Mw2 is way different and seems Aim assist is all we got, pc has monumentally more advantage against console. It doesn't track over distances or up close. 04, but I’m still having some trouble just locking into opponents even with the extra help of focus on aim assist. Dead zones both at 0. It’s incredibly difficult to beat a controller player 1 on 1 in close quarters. The other one only „grips“ onto the target when you move your left stick while aiming, that’s the stronger aim assist as well. I seem to be able to control better on MNK, Is there maybe something that got turned off or maybe dead zones are something I need to mess with. fnr wwobbxf koaty obdu isgt npbk kotx sycl cxedf kkdek